The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, December 01, 1763, Image 3

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JOHNSON and WYLL Y Hare imported in the last veflela from London and BriftSt, i LARGE ASSORTMENT of GOODS fit for the place and season, which they will fell on very reafohalilfc term! at their (lore on the Bay. T>OX locks, padlocks, fpHnter ditto, chert ditto, tfup. board ditto, desk ditto, chamber door locks with brass handles, brass ditto, a large assortment of plate and ‘ftock lock, faring latches with brass knobs, brass knackers for doors, hooks and hinges, HL ditto, table ditto, gimblct* and augurs, socket gouges, broad and paring cHizzels, ri veting, daw hammers and hatchets, rttel punches, whip laws, cross-tut ditto, hand ditto, and compass ditto, saw fats, a compleat aflbrtment of carpenters and joiners planes, l compleat set of turners tools, cherts of carpenters ditto*, japaned gun hooks, brass pi&ure hooks, box marking irons* bricklayers and plaifterera trowels, coopers vices, shaves, doweling flocks with springs, ditto bitts, crow irons and Rocks, drawing knives, fiocs, adzes, axes, compares, and jointer planes and irons, caulking irons, hand-saw files, <rofs-cut and whip-saw ditto, chamber dogs, shovels, and tongs, with brass heads, ditto with steel heads, house bells tmh springs, Turkey oil stones, rub and rag ditto, anchors mid grapnels of different fizts, iron chimney backs, rteel tfotfec mills, hand vices, fail and fain twine, Ihoe thread, spindle filhing lines, chalk ditto, log ditto, Marline’s Ham‘ ro* ditto, bass and deepfea ditto, bed cords, pewter tabie, tea, and foop spoons, chert inkrtands, tea-pots, dishes, and plates, candle moulds plain and fluted, mta fures and funnels, bedpans, ciofe stool ditto, and chamber pots, mens neat ihoes, turned pumps, double and single channeled ditto, womens leather ftroes and pumps, bOysi girls, and childrens (hoes, womens, maids, and girls cali mancoe (hoes, neat huflar boots and fpatterdafHes, tapes, worsted and silk firming and gartering, Dutch pretties, best belladine sewing silk, lhirt and jacket buttons, womens and girls thread and silk mitts and gloves, mens worsted mitts, black lace, childrens, girls, maids, and womens Rays, ditto neat jumps laced, ditto tabby stomachers with straps and buckles, womens falhionable silk hats and hives, chi Wrens fllk hats and bonnets, womens mode cloaks with lace, ditto scarlet frize and cloth cloaks, ditto fcarlct car dinals, ditto trimmed with ermine, girls, maids, and wo mens black durant and calimancoe petticoats, womens best ruff£t ditto, neat London jproved fowling pieces, ditto with bayonets, neat holster pistols, gun ana pirtol locks, gun hammers and worms, Davidson’s and Hoadlcy’s quadrants, jnariners compass rectified, ditto kalendars, a large aflbrt ment of broad cloths, with fmtable trimmings, gold, ftlver, and silk knee garters, gold and silver coat and button hole binding, ditto narrow lace, gold and silver chain and cord, writing paper of different kinds, gilt ditto, Bazil paper cases, pocket books, memorandum ditto, wax, waffers, ink powder, playing cards, Scots and Irilh oznaburgs, garlix, dowlafs, white and brown pomeranias, Irish linens and sheeting, linen and cotton cheques, furniture ditto, flripped Hollands, ditto gown patterns, flowered and cord ed dimity, cambricks, mullin, dear, spotted, figured and plain lawns, fine India jennet, white and dyed jeans and pillows, chintz, calicoes, printed linens and cottons, clout ing diaper, diaper and dam aft table cloths, Ruflia linen, glazed linen, blue Knen, silk, cotton, and linen handker chiefs, 3~4ths and 7-Bths bed ticks, Flanders ditto, tabling and napkening huckaback, rich black satin, plain ana flripped nwntua silks, flripped and tobined luteftrings, corded paduafoys, rich fergedufoys, perfians, alamode, mode, and farcenet, silk and cotton velvets, hair ffiags, alopecns and bombazines, a large aflbrtment of the moil fafhionable ribbands, tammies, durants, worsted damasks, calimancoes, camblen and cambletees, plain and flripped Irilh poplins, ftialoons, em bo fled forge, white and dripped flannel, spotted fwanfkin, druggets, German serge, duroys, boys, youths, and mens feh and caflor hats, “boys fijver laced ditto, mens beaver ditto, ditto gold and (Uver laced, sailors hats bound, a large assortment of tin ware, flock and hair mattrelTes, 7-4ths, 8-4ths, p-4ths, and tooths Eng lilh blankets, duffil ditto, rocaioes, huflar cloaks, and great coats, ready made suits of mens cloaths, dtrffil and feamonght great coats, everlasting, shag, and honeycomb breeches, Jailors fence and fearnought breeches, mens, womens, and childrens cetton and thread hose, mens fii|r ditto, mens, womens, and childrens worsted hole, cotton and worsted cam, milled ditto, silk and worlS breeches patterns* fail-duck No. i, 2,3, and 4, Raffia duck, cm and metal buttons, mother-of-pearl jacket ditto, nea l fhavreen cases of ivory handledltnivcs and forks, fhara and real buck handled taole knives and forks, ivory handled bone, and black horn handled ditto, bert London ivory handled carving knives and forks, penknives of various kinds, cutteau knives, cork fcrcws, steel pencil cases, ft ce l tobacco boxes, neat paper fnuff boxes, ditto japaned ditto white metal and steel spurs plated with silver, neat fhagreen razor caf.s, ditto calcs of pocket mathematical instru ments, cartouch boxes, powder flaks covered with leather spring (hot pouches, brass compaflcs with steel points, iron ditto, twilled crab and hickory walking sticks with darts neat walking canes, fpe&ades, temple ditto with fifh skin cases, a mat aflbrtment of shoe and knee buckles, pinchbeck; ditto of the moft fafhionab c kinds, ftiecrs andfeiflars, watch keys and neat steel chains, brass and steel chimney hooks key swivels and rings, Wilson’s best pocket microfcopc* brass fenders, night and lock beer cocks, brass feales and weights, neat cut-chryftal caftors with high silver tops, brass curtain rings, silver and brass mounted hangers, sword belts, razor strops and (having boxes, ivory and tortoifeihell pocket books, neat japaned waiters of different jjzes, iron and steel fnuffers, very neat ditto with Hands, Scots fnuff in bottles, cut tobacco, pigtail ditto, Stralburg rappee, pipes in boxes* linfecd oil, white lead, Spaniih brown ground in oil, dry white lead, Spaniih brown,, and red lead, lamp black, wormed and enameled wine gla.Tes, quart and pint decanter# with cut and griound Hoppers, two quart ditto, engraved punch tumblers in sizes, wormed wine and water glades, neat glass candlcfticks, water cuds with ptires, quart and pint mugs, ditto with covers, dreiling glaffcs with ;ftid with out drawers, white Hone plates and diflies, coffee cups, Arc. ditto bowls and mugs, brown Hone ditto, blue Hone jugs, blue and white arid enameled china plates and dirties, ditto bowls from three quarts to half pints, ditto tea cups and saucers, ditto coffee cups, ditto tta pots and milk pots, neat set of enameled china, red china coffee pots, tea ditto, milk ditto, sugar dirties, flop bafons, best Durham mustard, Florence oil, vinegar, walnuts, olives, capers, and an chovies, best London porter, port wine in hampers, loaf sugar, bohea, Congo, green, and hyffon teas, Chelhire and Gloucester cheese, pickled salmon in half kits, raisins cf the fun in jars and calks, qurrants in caflcs and jars, cinna mon, cloves, nutmegs, mace, split pcafe, sand glafles from two hours to a quarter of a minute, hand pumps, tar mops, paint brushes, oakum, a large assortment of tarred and white rope, Chip blocks of all sizes, brown and grizle cut wigs, ditto bag ditto, pins and needles, draw hats, Scots ouneed threads, bleached ditto, coloured and oznaburg ditto, men and womens gloves, boys and girls ditto, neat falhionable fans, common ditto, bullets and small lhot, F and FF gun powder, gun flints, bar lead, copper tea kettles, coffee pots, chocolate ditto, Hew pans, brass and iron wire, rice ficves, rite mill gouges, 40. jd. 6d. Bd. tod. aod. Z4d. 3od. and /pike nails, sheathing and feupper ditto, pump and fiddlers tacks, decks nails from 6 to 8 inches, socket headed spades, frying pans, fpliting wedges, fad irons, canoe and ox chains, a small fire engine, window glass, corn mills, iron pots of all sizes, Crowley's best broad and nar row hoes, broad axes, felling ditto, grind stones, brass candlesticks, ditto mortars and pestles, ditto cloak pins, faddies, bridles, furcinelcs, cruppers, llirup leathers, hol ster caps, neat fringed Saddle hourings, horle whips, mens falhionable silver buckles, womens (tone ditto, mens ditto stock buckles, ditto lhirt ditto, stone sleeve buttons in silver and pinchbeck, silver compass seals, silver mounted fmclling bottles in cases, silver punch laddies, hair brooms, ferub bing brushes, hearth ditto, Arc. a largo aflbrtment of goods for the Indian trade. TO BE SOLD, on very rcafonable terms, by ALEXANDER FYFFE and COMPANY A Parcel of likely new Negroes, a quantity of exceed ing good white plains, (tripped duffil blankets, (hip bread, flour, fait, an assortment of nails, cordage, old Ja maica rum,, bottled beer and cyder, chocolate, coffee, rai sins, pickles in cases, Florence oil, annifeed and dove cor- Arc. AtC. fI:C.