The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, December 01, 1763, Image 4

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AMERICA. November 7. SFRW days ago arrived here his Majesty’s (loops Hawke, Captain Brown in eight weeks from Plymouth; Weafle, Captain Richards, and the ship Monckton, from Halifax, the fliip is said to have troops on board, supposed of the High landers. It is said his Excellency Sir Jeffery Amhcrft, is in a few weeks going to England ip the Weafle. We hear from Boston of the 24th of October, that a French frigate having got on the (idling banks at New foundland, was ordered eff to her proper limits by an Eng lish one, and upon refufal an engagement enfned, when the English frigate obliged the other to fnbmit, and proceed home to England to have the affair decided. , v Charltjlrwn, Nov. 9. His Majesty’s ships Mercury, Suc cess and Bonetta now here, are ordered home. The Mer cury is h want of fome repairs. Philadelphia, Nov. 10- By a letter from Carlifle, of the 31st nit. we learn that all’ was then quiet on the frontiers, hut that they were apprehensive of another visit from the Indians before the winter sets in. • We have advices from Pitlborgh, of uu? 26th of OSo ber, when all was well there, and the convoy fafe arrived. CbdrleJhvjn, Nov. 16. An officer belonging to the three companies of “Royal Americans, which are to replace the three independant companies now in this province, is ar rived here from New-York. * .SAVANNAH, December t. BxtraSl of a letter from a gentleman at Mobille, dated 08. 1763. ▼ Take this opportunity to acquaint you of my fafe ar rival at.Penfacola the 4th September, where I found the Spaniards had all abandoned that place, fome gone to the Havana, others to La Vera Cruz, and left a moftmifer able place in possession of Col. Prevoft, with about 300 men; It has a very good bay for (hips'to ride in, and the whole dependence is from a Spamlh trade, which may be of great advantage to this place in time. From Penfacoia I came here to Mobille with Englilh troops, who took poffefiion of this place the 20th instant; the situation is well calculated lor the Indian trade, the town pfeafimtly situated on the river Mobille, which divides in two brandies, each extend ing near the middle of the Choftaw and Creek nations, and I am informed that boats drawing three feet may go all fea fons of the year; I believe in time we (hall have a very con siderable trade with the Indians by the change of dvH go vernment; the inhabitants do nflt fern to like an Englilh military government. The Wolf King, with about coos the Creek Indians, are here, and seem very frell pleased drith the Englilh; upwards of 2000 Cho&aws are to Dehere in 20 days, to recover their presents from the French Go vernor, which have been due them Upwards of three years. The Spaniards had not one plankton at Pen&cola, and the number of French at this place does not exceed 120 men, and mod ofthefc very poor, and not above 306 negroes in their whole settlements; they deal mostly m cattle, corn, Sec. whieh they ufcd to (end to Pensacola; there is very good land up this river, but all near the fra a barren (andy beach; it .is a plentiful country for venison, fifh, fowl, Sec. on which the inhabitants mostly live.” By a gentleman from Philadelphia we*are informed, that the brave Major Rogers, who wa* so serviceable again ft the French and Indians to the northward in the late war, has been killed in an engagement with a party of Indians.. Last week was entered for exportation at the Custom- Boufe, 9 chests, 4 bags, and 1 cafr of raw silk, the produce of this province this year. Due regard was paid yesterday to the anniveriary of St Andrew, the patron of Scotland. The Ceres, Stephcnfon, from Suubury, is arrived at ‘Cowes. CstrTOM-Housi, Entirio Inwards.’ From Nov. *fi, Schooner Elizabeth, John Brown,CCharlesto n Outwards; For Nov. 29, Sloop Molly, Timothy Dagger, Rhode- 1 fland 30, Schooner Elizabeth, John Brown, Sun bury Sailed. Fo r . Nov. 26, Sloop Rtchel, John Bolßho, Philadelphia Schooner Yphuiraw* GT Miller, St. Augustine ALL thofr who chdfe to become adventurers in the chances of money and plate formerly advertifrd in this paper, are defirod to take out tickets as toon as possible y the Hay of drawing being fixed for Wednesday next at Mr James Mac Henry's. By order of the Honourable Commons House of AiTembly NOTICE is hereby given, to all persons having 'dll mands on the pnbhck, that they bring in their ac compts, duly attested, to the clerk of the house, on or be! fore the 15 th day of December instant, after which day ns accompts will be received. THOMAS BORRINGTON, Clerk. STRAYED or STOLEN from the fubferibers, TWO HORSES, viz. from Halifax the 22d of Oftlober last, a deep bay, about 13 hands and a half high, well made* paces flow when rode, has a swab tail and thick hanging mane, branded on two quarters with a horse flioe, it’s be lieved on the off fide : From Augusta the 7th day of No vember last, a smutty black, about 14 hands high, close made, and creafe-fallen, has a star in his forehead, branded on one quarter I R, and a fleur-de-luce a-top, and on ano ther quarter P. Twenty (hitlings reward will be given by the fubferibers for each of the horses; and ifftolen, a reward of five pounds will likewise be given on conviction Os the.offenders. JAMES ANDERSON, ZECHARIAH FFNN. -™ * 1 ——- .iii.i .i, ‘ V,.. *>. ... To ho fold at the house of Mr. Jofrph H'right, by thejubferiber , FLOUR, (hip bread, rum, cordial, onions, bar iron, candles, soap, pipes, preserved tamarinds, gin ger, pine apples, loaf sugar, and ieveral forts of sweetmeats. r JACOB VALLOTTON. Ran away from the jhip Sea Nymph, Capt. Grant / the iy4 tdt. with his irons on, - ALEXANDER DEWALL, a convitft, about 36 years of age, five feet eight inches high, has grey eyes, face is pimpled, wore k cape, a blue fear-no thin', jacket, dripped waistcoat, and canvass breeches. Whoever appre hends the (aid convifr, and brings him to the ship, fhaii be handsomely rewarded by JOHN GRANT. T O B E SOLD, A PLANTATION, containing 1237 acres of good ric'% corn, and indico land, pleauintly situated about fevjn miles weft from Savannah, joins on lands of Messrs. Gib bons and Benjamin Farley, on which there is a good dwcl ling-houfr, a barn with two floors, and a rice machine, a great quantity of mulberry, peach, and apple trees, Sec. 160 acres are already cleared, and under proper fences. For further particulars enquire of t< BARTH. ZOUBERBUHLER. ALL perions having any demands again ft William Ath field, deceaied, are deiired to bring in their accompts, and those indebted to him to make immediate payment, to , LEVI SHLTTALL. F O R S A L E THE PLANTATION belonging to the fubferiber, situated upon the road leading to the Orphan-houfc, about five miles from Savannah, containing about 700 acres of very good land for rice, com, or indico, having a large quantity of cypress, very convenient for the Savannah town market, with convenient plantation buildings mostly new. •The land is well known, being what I planted this year.— Likewise, 500ACIT3 of pine barren adjoining it, convene i t for ftwing. ---Any person inclinable to purchase may ap ply to Jonathan Bryan, Esq; or to me at Charleftown. J 1 JOHN SMITH. Com, peafc,* potatoes, cattle, and ftiecp, to be hi.: r<.a fonably at the plantation by the purch after. ———— 111 1 ■lwi 1 ■ 111 1 ■ -- - - am 1 1-1111 “* r ’ To he fold at the Print ing-Ojfee, A Large colleftion of books, stationary of all kii is, blank bonds, bills of sale, mortgage , attorney, indentures, bills of lading, articles oft a', a. between mailers of veflels and seamen, fuir.rroric■; N the court of conicience, and before judices oft th*.* p • 1 x ’ ecutions far the ofc of magistrates, s#. &C.— taken iq for books from London. ,