The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, December 01, 1763, Image 5

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ALEXANDER FYFFE and COMPANY, Have imported in the Polly* Capt. Quince, from London* A Large and compleat aflbrtment of INDIA and EU /\ ROPE AN GOODS* proper for the fedoo, among fcrhkh are ihillenanr and Indian trading goods, Gloucester and Chelbira checSe* heft London porter, Ac. Ac. m tbi Sea Nymph* Ctfe. Grant, fnm London* A Large and compleat aftortment of Indian trading /V goods, loaf sugar, bohea tea, Cheshire cheefc, and London porteri also a quantity of English flour j to be fold on very reasonable terms by JOHN RAE. ‘ TO BE SOU* on very reasonable terms* l>y “ ‘ JOHNSON and WYLLY, Vldbnia wine br the pipe, quarter calk, or any fmallef quantity, not left than three gallons; preferred fruit* in bottles i St. Kitts rum by the hog mead, quarter caflt, or any quantity abt less than three gallons $ molafles and treacle by trie hogihead j mufeorado Sugar by the hogShead, barrel* or hundred weight { Caftilc Soap in Small boxes; raisins in calks of about too lb. Alfo* Two neat Italian riding chairs, jnft imported. They have imported by the last veflcls from Bristol, white, blue* and green plaftis, of an extraordinary good quality. FJuft imurtti in tbi fop King George, /rim New York, LOUR and Ship bread in barrels, at 15s the hundred; batter bread in kegs at 9s. milk ditto at Bs. water dit to at cs. double beer in barrels at 355. cyder in ditto at sc*, fine Newtown pippin apples in barrels at 17s. onions at tod. the bunch ; loaf Sugar at tod. the lb. butter at Bd. bottled Bristol beet* at os. the dosen ; old Barbadoes rum at 3s. the gallon by the hogShead | Madeira wine at 71. io. by the quarter caflt J to be fold on bdard the said Sloop at Mr. I'ru* mere's wharflf, by JOHN FINGLASS. N. B. Rice will be taken in part payment. MR. John Baker informs me of a dark bay STALLION, fottr years old, neither docked nor branded, 13 hands and a half high* taken op by him about a month ago. Whoever Owns the fold Stallion mull prove their property before me. JOHN ELLIOTT, J. P. St. John's PariSh* Nov. 14, 1763. *— - - Ti A • ■■ - ■ - Y* bt M Mtnday tbt is tb dmy if Dttimber mxt 9 at tbi Wottb-bimfe in S&vntmob, for noth mmy, ONE TRACT of LAND in St. John’s parish, contain ing 100 acres, adjoining land of Mr. John Rivers.— Also 100 acres of land, adjoining Mr. William Graves's plantation in St. John's parish ; and also so actes of land, on which is a good dwelltng-houfe, on Newport landing ; the property of Mr. Andrew Way, and Seized on execution by MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Mar. Nov. 11, ty6|. for Bristol; The Brigantine Greenwich, ■ -JfflWfily Ca.tain JOHN MARSHALL, ttSiSIK TT 7 ILL be ready to take on board in BpiKuEdEsie VV ten days, and fait with all conve nient Speed: For freight of rice, indico, or deer Skins, •gwe with JOHN and JAMES GRAHAM and Cos. N. B. Captain Marfhali has a convenient cabbin for three or four palfengers. ALL persons indebted to the eftateof Richard Warren, late of Little Ogechee, dec ex fed, are desired to pa, their refpedive debts, and those having any claims agamy said eftace, to give in their accompts properly attested, by the ift of January next, to JOHN BARNES. Notice is hereby given by Yhc'Turveyor of the town of si vannah, and the common thereof, TO all persons that have not worked upon the town and common aforefaid, as by law required, that they do forthwith pay into the hands of David Montaigut, Esq; their tefpedivc Sines, otherwise executions will be iSTued agaiuft all defaulters. SAVANNAH: Printed by James Johnston, at the Printing-Office in Broughton- Street, where Advertifemcnt*. Letters of Intelligence, and Subfcnptions for this paper, arc taken in. THE fubScriber being about to leave this province in a very little time* gives notiee to all perloni indebted to Francis Arthur and company, that there is ah absolute ncceSlity for immediate payment of their refpcllive debts. He will dispose of fix valuable TRACTS of LAND very moderate terms, containing 4750 acres, viz. One trail Situate ort North Newport river, about four miles fromSunbury,ctintaining 900 acres, 400 of which are good swamp, with a fine reServe of w ater, a good dwelling* houfo thereon, and 80 acres of the high land cleared. Another trad of 350 acres* on a navigable creek, w ithin one mile of Sunbary* good for indico and rice, about 00 acres of the high land cleared, and a dwelling-houlc thejc on, pleasantly Situated. 800 acres On Bull Town swamp, four miles from a landing. 900 acres on Newport fwamp* Six miles irom a landing. SOO acres on said swamp, Seven miles tram a landing. 1 300 acres In St. Andrew’s parish, two miles from a landing. These four lad trads are principally rice land, and est corn ed inferior to none in this province, having great convcui ency for back water. Enquire of Mcflrs. James Read and company in Savan nah, or in Sunbury ol FRANCIS ARTHUR. Who has fevcral town lots in Sundry, fame with im provements, likewise to difpoS'c of. WHEREAS the fubScriber, in a few months, propofet to depart the province, therefore dclircs all persons who are anyways indebted to him to make speedy payment, otherwise must put all his outstanding debt* into the hands of an attorney. And all persons who nAc any demands on him are desired to bring in their accounts for p.i) inert. He hath to Sell THREE TOWN LOTS iu Savannah, and several valuable TRAC TS of I AND, viz. A trad, containing 1000 acres, known by the name of Vale Royal, of which 210 acres is exceeding good rive land; also 281 acres rice ldnd oppofttc to it on Hutcninlbu's iflan ’, a large new barn, rice pounding machine by water, a go. and overlcer's houfe* with Several other improvement*, a mile and a half from Savannah, as well Situated for picafurc and profit as any trad in Georgia. One trad, containing 800 acres, commonly known by the name of the Sabine Fields, formerly Mr. Thomas Bur rington’s, about two miles and a half from Savannah, ex* ceedingly well timbered with white and red oaks, buys and Junes* exceeding good land, at leail 200 acres of good rice and, anew barn 72 feet by 64, a good dwclling-houfc, and other improvements. One trad, containing 350 acres, two miles from Savan nah on the Ogechee road, chiefly high swamp, pleasantly Situated, hath on it a dwclling-houfc, barn, and cuher im provements. One trad, containing 500 acres, on Little Ogechee, very good, without improvements; it joins Mr. Haber (ham’s land. One trail, containing sooo acres, in Halifax, fronting on Savannah river opposite Matthews’s Bluff, the richelt kind of river swamp, well timbered with oaks and cyprefi. Thin trad takes in two or three acres of high land fora Settlement. One other trad in Halifax, containing 450 acres, upon the river, a noted place fora ferry, opposite to Mr. Blake’s barony; there is a house and improvements upon it. Od. 1763. LACHLAN MACGILLIVRAY. T b B E~T6T i\ ■ A PLANTATION, situate on Savannah river, con taining 950 acres of land, of which 850 acres is river swamp, watered by spring tides, and about 50 acres of it cleared; the other 100 acres is exceeding good high land, is chiefly cleared, and has a good dwclling-houfc thereon. The swamp abounds with a large quantity of very valuable cypress, fit either for sawing or making of Shingles, very convenient to a market, being about la miles distant from Savannah by land or water.—For further particulars tn ouire of either of the fubferibers at Savannah, quire or euner JAMES HABERSHAM, LEWIS JOHNSON, JOHN GRAHAM.