The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, December 15, 1763, Image 4

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THE subscriber being abont to letve this province in a very little time, gives no ice to all pertons indebted to Francis Arthur and company, that there is an absolute nee flity so: immediate payment of their refpeftive debts. He will dispose of fix valuable TRACTS of LAND upon very moderate terms, containing 4750 acres, viz. One tracl situate on North Newport river, about four miles from Snnbury, containing 900 acres, 400 of which arc £ccd swamp, with a fine reserve of water, a good dwelling houfe thereon, and 80 acres of the high land cleared. Another trad of 350 acres, on a navigable creek, within one mile of Sunbury, good for indico and rice, about 90 acres of the high land cleared, and a dwelling-house there on, pleafandy situated. 800 acres on Bull Town swamp, four miles from a landing. 900 acres on Newport swamp, fix miles from a landing. 500 acres on said swamp, seven miles from a landing. 1300 acres in St. Andrew’s parilh, two miles from a landing. These four lad trads are principally rice land, and esteem ed itifei ior to none in this province, having great conveni enev for badk wat<*r. Enquire cf Messrs. James Read and company in Savan nah, or in Sunbury or FRANCIS ARTHUR. Who has feveni town lots in Sunbury, fome with im pmovements, likewise to dispose of. “ALEXANDER FYFFE and COMPANY, Have imported in the Polly, Capt. Quince, from London, A Large and compleat alTortment of INDIA and EU ROPEAN GOODS, proper for the fcafon, among which are millenary and Indian trading goods, Glouceiter and Chefiiire cheese, bed London porter, &c. &c. “AN UR. E W J O IT"N STON Has imported, in the Polly, Capt. Quince, from London, Afresh assortment of medicines.—He has alio to fell, hyiTon tea in lb. and qr. lb. canisters, prunes, currants, raisins, preserved citron, ginger, fwcet meats, white and brown sugar candy, Anderson’s pills, fr..all deel crudes, surgeons pocket indrument3, middle fired and fmail brass and marble mortars, lawn sieves, See. Sec, Jjjl imported, 7* the Sea Nymph, Capt. Grant, from London, A Large and compleat assortment of Indian trading goods, loaf sugar, bohea tea, Cheshire cheese, and London porter; also a quantity of English flour; to be fold ° n vcr y reasonable terms by JOHN RAE. ALL ptrfons indebted totKiTeftate of Richard Warren, late of Little Ogechee, deceafcd, are desired to pay their refpe&ive debts, and those having any claims againrt said eflute, to give in their accompts properly atteded, by the id~ f January next, to JOHN BARNES. lAII. tubferiber intending to leave this tune in April next, desires all persons who have any demands on him to bring in their accompts, and those who are indebted to him to make payment. JOHN FRENTZ. To be JoU at vendue, at ibt Watcb-bouft in Savannah, on Thurs day the 26 tb rs January next , for ftx month credit , paying ten per cent, dcpofit at the ‘vendue in part of the purchase money. R 1 RAC 1S of LAND, containing 1000 acres all 1 contiguous to each other, lying upon the river Savan nan, in St. Matthew’s and St. George’s parilhes, viz. 300 acres or upwards, of river swamp, with plentr of typrels and oak ; 300 acres or upwardi, of high land, with plenty of oak and hickory; the red favannah ; all rich lands Aifo a 1 OWN LOT in Savannah, containing 60 bv ISO feet, known by the letter QAn Heathcoat ward, not con tiguous to any other lot, and lies between two squares near to the intended new church. houfe° 4 WIJARFF LOT °PP ofit to Mr. Jones’s new Any person inclining to purchase the above lands or lots at private sale, before the above day, may apply to WILLIAM HANDLEY. To h fold at the Printing-Office. A MAP of SOUTH-CAROLIN A part of GEOR JTX GIA, containing the whole sea coast, all the islands mlots rivers, creeks, parilhes, townlhips, boroughs roads’ and budges; also ferer.l planmionsf U boundary line, their name., and the names of their pfo pC C °^P of ' ands surveys taken by the Hon. William Ball, F.fty Lieutenant-Governor, Capt. Gafcoign. Hueh Bryan, Elq; and the author William D’Brahm * S I MUNRO Has imported in Quince, and the Fanny, Stark AN ASSORTMENT AN and EAST IN DIA GOODS, to be folW(h, or a (W creak at a low advance, at the store of Messrs. John and Jam,-! Graham and company at Yamacraw. J A'M E S CU T Rf — Has imported in the Polly, Capt. Quince Afresh assortment of medicines; lancets, surgeons inilruments, Sec. &c. which ha will fell reasonably. He will fit up boxes of medicines f 0 plantation use, with dire&ions. TOBLER’s alman'ac Y V FOR THE YEAR , 7 6 4 , ‘’ ’ To be fold at Savannah, by DAVJD ZL t RI v ‘Juft imported , in the Jloop Rachel, Capt . John Boi.J. -‘“"TT Philadelphia, and to be fold on ‘very reafcnatl'• t'i"r 1 Christopher Pechin, at bis fore on Mr. wharf’, the following goods, •v.z.. ‘ FLOUR, ship, middling, milk and butter bread [\Ta , deira wine in ha?f PT and quarter caiks, hmaici Ipints, common rum by the hoglhead, barrel, half barrel and ten gallon kegs, cheese, butter, gammons, double beer’ loaf sugar, almonds, candles, soap, chocolate, white wine vinegar, onions, bar iron, and earthen ware. TO BE SOLD, —* A PLANTATION, situate on Savannah river con taining 9 jo acres of land, cf Which 850 acres is rivei swamp, watered by fpnng tides, and about 50 acres of it cleared ; the other 100 acres is exceeding good high land, is chiefly cleared, and has a good dwelling-house therein I he swamp abounds with a large quantity of verv valuable cypress, fit either for sawing cr making of fhinMes, very convenient to a market, being about 14 miles dill nr from Savannah by land cr water.—For further particulais en quire of either of the fubferibers a: Savannah. JAMES HABERSHAM, LEWIS JOHNSON, JOHN GRAHAM. ALL persons who are any ways indebted n the -;T:e of Capt. John MTntoih, late of Darien, dialed, are requested to difeharge Jie fame as soon as pcflible, and all those who have any demands on the said eflate, are de sired to fend in their accompts, properly attefled, to, y GEORGE MHNTCSH, Adminiflrator. STRAYED or STOLEN Ironi the fubferibers, TV. O HORSES, viz. from Halifax the 22d of Oftoner lad, a deep bay, about 13 hands and a half high, well made, paces flow when rode, has a fwah tail and thick hanging mane, branded on two quarters with a hcrie lhoe, it’s be lieved on the off fide : From Augusta the 7111 day cf No vember last, a smutty black, about 14 hands high, clofa made, and creafe-fallen, has a star in his forehead, branded on one quarter I R, and a fleur-dc-luce a-top, and on ano ther quarter P. Twenty (hillings reward will be given by the fubferibers for each of the above horses; and if itolen, a reward of five pounds will likewise be given on convi&ion of the offenders. JAMES ANDERSON, ZECHARIAH STRAYED or STOLEN from Mrs. Kennan’s plantati on, a strong grey HORSE, 14 hands high, branded on the near shoulder WV with a fleur-de-luce a-top, and on the off shoulder I P.—Whoever takes up said horse, and delivers him to Lieut. Grant in Savannah, shall be handsomely re* warded. TOBE§ 0 L D, ~ A PLANTATION, containing 1237 acres of good rice, com, and indico land, pleasantly situated about seven miles well from Savannah, joins on lands of Messrs, Gib bons and Benjamin Farley, on which there is a good dwel ling-house, a barn with two floors, and a rice machine, a great quantity of mulberry, peach, and apple trees, &c. 160 acres are already cleared, and under proper fences. For further particulars enquire of BARTH. ZOUBERBUHLER^ A “JOURNEYMAN PRINTER may meet with good encouragement by applying to the ptiblifher of tbi* paper. An APPRENTICE ii also wanted.