The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, December 29, 1763, Image 3

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SIMON MUNRO Hal imported id the Polly, Quince, and the Fanny, Stark, from London, A N ASSORTMENT of EUROPEAN and EAST-IN ./V DIA GOODS, to be fold for Ca(h, or a short credit, at a low advance, at the (tore of Mcflrs. John and James Graham and company at Yamacraw. N. B. A neat violin and case, and an ivory and a box wood German flutes, likewise to be fold. U UN AWAY from the fubferiber, ©nTucf- XV day the 20th December ind. a NEGROE FELLOW named Pompev. Whoever takes idgffaf 9 him up, and delivers him to the keeper of the jail in Savannah* or to David Cuningham, lhall have IOS * rcwar d, and other rcafonable charges. And whoever gives information of his being harboured by any white person lhall have 20s. and if by a negroe ten (hillings. DAVID CUNINGHAM. ON Saturday night the 24th of December intlant, part of of the forefail, fore-halliards, and fore-lheet, a Imall block, a tomahawk with a mahogany helve, and sundry other things, were llolcn from the ooat Sturgeon, lying at David Cuningham’s wharlf. Whoever can give information of the offenders, shall have a reward of 5 1. Sterling, by ap plying, to said DAVID CUNINGHAM. WAN i E 1), A Yoke or two of strong STEERS broke to the draught; or two young S TEERS fit to break.—Enquire of the Printer herepf. To be fold at the Printing-Office, AM AP of SOUTH-C AROLINA and part of GEOR GIA, containing the whole sea coail, all the islands, inlets, rivers, creeks, parishes, townships, boroughs, roads, and bridges; also fcveral plantations, with their proper boundary lines, their names, and the names of their pro prietors ; composed from surveys taken by the Hon. William Bull, Esq; Lieutenant-Governor, Capt. Gafcoign, Hugh Bryan, Esq; and the author William D’Brahm; a draught of South-Carolina and Georgia, from Sewec to St. Effaca, by Andrew Hughes.—Also, a few copies of the a£ls pafled by the General Assembly of this province from the 4th of March 1762 to the 7th of April 1763. NO Win Savannah jail, anew NEGROE MAN, taken up at the mouth of St. Andrew’s Sound, at the South fide of Turtle river, in June 1762, by Peter Grant. He is a dim tall black fellow, can’t fpcak English; he continued in prison a considerable time, and was duly advertiftd, but being very sick and low, was indulged and at a private houtc to be taken care of; from thence he made his escape, and was lately taken up by Joseph Maisey, conflabie for St. John’s parish, who also advertiled him. Savannah, 23d Dec. 1763. M m rnmmmmmumrnmmmmmmmm* —■■——■■■ —————— l “""""iw— Savannah, the May, *7^3* Wilmas, by an inquest taken the iyb day of Mire b Lift, on •view of the body of one Alexander rd, found dead at the plantation of J*hn MiUedgt , Kjquire, on Little Ogeihte,the •verdi Aof the jury was, “ That the Jaid Crawford a vat J/abhed and murdered by a ntgroe fllonv, named Seipto, thepreferty cf “ the Jaid John Mi Hedge-,” which Jaid negroe, immediately after Perpetrating the Jaid fait, made hit e/cujc; •f fa’ peunde Sterlng was offered by the f adjoin An Hedge ft apprehending the Jaid negioe, he hath not yet ** a *f Zhcrea, it is of public futility that the J aid negroe Jhuuld be brought U, therefore netiq is hi re by given, That, enter and above the reward oft red by tbefaid John Mt Hedge, rewar / Ten Pounds Strrltng will be paid by his A * T" a ) ‘f / this province, to any person or perforn who shall apprehend the fat negroe, and deliver him to the Provofi-Marjhalat Savannah , Jd if it Jhoidd happen that the Jaid negroe is killed in taking him, infuch case, on a proper certificate and Proof thereof, tbe perj on perforn shall be intit,ea to a reward of Five Pounds Sterling. J Bv order of his Excellency the Governor. y NOBLE JONES Treasurer. HE fubferiber intending to leave thi. province feme time in April next, defiro allperfoni *!'•’ demands on him to bring in their .ccomj,ts .dthoftho *re indebted W him to make payment. JOHN FREN i L. WHEREAS, notwithstanding the paitnerihip of F,1.- l IO TT and GORDON has been near tour years expired, many persons indebted to them have not taken no tice of their frequent applications for payment, they there fore give this lail warning that all bonds, notes, and ac compts, (all which are in the hands of James Box, Esq.) that are not difeharged by the firllof January next, will po (itively, and without diilin£lion, be put in luit. The following TRACTS of LAND, belonging to Elliott and Gordon, will be fold at publick vendue in Savannah, the 12th day of January next, for ail which a year’s cre dit will be given, paying intereil, and gi\ing lecuriiy, if required. 550 acres on South Newport, adjoining lands late of Sa muel Hastings, moll part of it swamp, and great numbers of white oak trees on it, close to a landing, laid out to James Heart. *oo acres at the head of Midway river, originally laid out to Maurice Dullea, mollly swamp. 300 acres adjoining the fame, laid o it to Grey Elliott. 200 acres adjoining the above, laid out to John Jones. The three trails above to be fold, if desired, altogether, which will make it a valuable trait, and is about three miles at molt from a landing. 150 acres of land on Midway, adjoining lands of Richaid Baker, Thomas Chrillie, and Baruch Norman, lad out to Strong Ailimore. 200 acres on South Nr* port, adjoining lands of George M‘Donald, laid out to Angus M‘Kay. 200 acres,on Newport, near landsof Mr. Josiah Bacon, laid out to John Cain. 100 acres adjoining the above, laid out to Grey Elliott. 350 acres adjoining the fame, laid out to John Humph reys. The three trails to be fold together, if requir’ and ; there is a small settlement on the lalt; the whole abounds with w hite oak, and about 200 acres of swamp, not above two miles from a landing. 100 acres in St. Andrew’s pari (h, adjoining lands of Da vid Douglas, laid out to Alexander Cameron. 500 acres at Midway, adjoining landsof the Hon. Jame* M*Kay, Esq; Mr. William Elliott, and Francis Lee, laid out to Grey Elliot. An island of marsh in Savannah river, opposite Augufline creek, containing about 400 acres, laid out to Mr. J unes Whitefield. 150 acres of land on South Newport, adjoining lands of Hugh Ross, Robert Stuart, and Donald M'Donald, laid out to Donald Kcnncdv. 250 acres adjoining the above, laid out to Hugh Ross. 200 acres adjoining the above, laid out to Robert Stuart. Thefc three trafls will make a very valuable settlement and rice plantation, being near a landing. 100 acres of land on Buff'd > swamp, joining lands of An gus M‘Kay and AnneM'lntofh, laid out to Donald Kenn dy. 150 acres of land on Newport river, ad oining binds join ing lands late William Low’s, James Pritchard, and the said river, laid out to John Baker. 200 acres of land on Little Ogcchec, adjoin l ng lands of— Fox and Wilson, granted James Rutherford. 250 acres on Great Ogechee, adjoining lands of Mr. James Whitefield, and granted him. 50 acres of land on Skcdaway island, late Richard Dow dee’s. .... 350 acres of land or N< rth Newport, adjoining lauds of Francis Arthur and James Andrews, laid out to Samuel Richardson. . . , , r _ ~ ica acres of land on Sapclo, adjoining land, of Donald M'lntolh and George M‘lnto<h, Did out to Janies Stuart. coo acres of land on Great Ogeche, adjoining lands of John Reynolds, Esq; laid out to William Little. f Any person wanting to purchase the above at private iu.e, before the xbove day, .qr apply TOBLER’s ALMANACKS, FOR TIIE YEAR 1764, To be fold at Savannah, by DAVID ZUBLY. Journeyman printer may meet with good encouragement bv applying to the publtlhcr of this papff. An APPRENTICE al <*° wanted.