The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, July 19, 1764, Image 3

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Charfefonvn, The (mall pox continues among the Creek Indians, and has carried off a great many in the towns near the Albama fort. All accounts represent the Creeks as well inclined and peaceable. Letters from Panfacola and Mobille inform us, that they are now convinced none of the Chadaws were concerned in the attack made on Major Loftus j those Indians are likewise *ery peaceable: fome months ago, when a breach between us and the Creek Indians seemed not far distant, the Cuffa* daw or Stinking Lingo Indians, who lived under protecti on of the Creeks, unwilling to be brought into a war, left their habitations and went towards the Chadaw countryj they are now fettled on the branch of Mobille river where the Tombigbee fort is situated, on the route from Mobille to that garrison, and have behaved in the molt friendly manner to such Engliih as have had occasion to pass that way, and it is thought will be of great service in awing such of the French ified Chadaws as may be inclined to do mifehief, On Sa turday the firft party of French protefUnts, who lately ar rived here, confiding of 21 men well armed, under the com mand of an Ensign, with a few of their women, will set out of town with two waggons loaden with their baggage and am munition ; and provilions for the march, in order to begin their settlement, and prepare for the reception of the remain der, who arc to follow in about 3 weeks. We hear that Capt. Calhoun,’ with a detachment of rangers, has orders to meet them an J give them every kind of auTilance on their firft arri val at the place where their town is to be built, The zeal, diligence and abilities of Charles Oarth, Esq. our Provincial Agent in Qreat-Britain, has given upiverfal fatisfadion to thelegiilatureofthis province, and hisafiiduity has obtained very great advantages to its commerce and na vigation. The Honourable the Commons Houfeof Aflembly “ha c voted the said gentleman, the thanks of that Houle •** for his diligent attendance on, and application to the bu fi.iefs recommended to his care and management in Creat- Britai 1, in behalf of th inhabitants of this province,** which the Honourable Mr Speaker, has transmitted to him by or der of the House. SAVANNAH, July 19. SUNDAY lad she snow Granville, Capt. James Purches, the nrft packet dispatched from Falmouth for the Wed Indies and the southern provinces, arrived off this bar, and dent their boat alhore with three men to get a pilot; the pilot-boat went out next morning, but could fee nothing of the vessel; it is thought (he has put into CharlcdowQ. Sailed. For July 12, Schooner Ogechee, David Drummond, Mobille i9> School Georgia Packet, W. Lyford, Char)edown Outward-bound. For Schooner Isabella, Isaac Martin, St. Kitts SAVANNAH PRICES CURRENT. By the Ciyt, Rice, pone. By the Barrel, Turpentine, 16s. 6d. Common Tar, Bs. • Pitch, none. Beef, 11. 1 os. Pork, none. By the Pound, Indico flora, none. Do. best copper A blue, none. Do. 2d fort, none. D. 3d, none. Deer (kins, 2s. Raw ditto, is. 6d. Tanned Leather, tjd. ‘Butter, 9 d. •Tallow, 6d. By the Thousand. Shingles, l 2s . Red Oak Hogfh.Staves, 21.55. •White Oak ditto, 2b 15s. Pipe Staves, 31. Pine Lumber, -from inch boards to ranging timber, from 31. ss. to 51. per iooo feet. By the Bnjhel, • Indian Corn, 2s. “ eafc * fume. By the Hog/bieut, Jamaica Rum, 4s. the gallon. Barbados ditto, 3s. 6d. the gallon. Antigua ditto, 3s. 6d. the gallon, St. Kitts ditto, 3s. 6d. the gallon, New-York ditto, 2s. 4d. Philadelphia ditto, none. New-England'ditto, 2s. 2d. By the Pipe. Madeira Wine, from 201, to Jib Vidonia ditto 1 81. * By the Cmf. Mufcovado Sugar, from il. 15s. to 21. ss, Clayed ditto, none, Flour, >63. Ship Biscuit, 16s, Bar Iron, jl. jos, Coffee, is. 3d. the lb. fry the Barrel, Double Bper, none. Single ditto, none. Doyblp Cyder, il. 15s. Single ditto, 15 s. By th Bttfhel, Coarse Sait, 3s. Entered for Exportation 0 the Cnflom •house, Savannah, /bam fl* 8 5 4*7 •/ April In/ te thfVh day of July infant. ICE, 1748 barrel# Turpentine, 11 barrels . 106 half barrels Bees and myrtle wax, 5 bar. r flrins, | hog (heads Orange juice, 3 barrels 80 bundles Peafc, $0 bulheis Beaver frins, a bundles Corn, 290 bulheis Racoon (kins, j 6 bundles Rough rice, 250 bulheis Tanned leather 9 880 sides Bee£ 78 barrels Cow hides, . , 7 Pork, i 9 barrels Old iron, 500 lb. Hogs and (hotes, 97 Pink lumber, 189,558 feet Fowls, 8 dozen Shingles, 450,000 Gecfe, 1 dozen Staves and heading, \ 06,08 5 Horfcs, 3 5 Tar, 70 barrels Oxen, 2 Imports. RUM, 41 hog (heads 62 kegs 26 puncheons Cheefe 9 7 talks 5 P*P* 3 Hams, 1 tieice 2 barrels Fi(h, 2 hogfhtads 12 qr, calks 11 barrels 10 barrels Coffee, 7171 b. Cyder, 3 1 barrels Cocoa, 3881 b. Vinegar, 6 barrels Candles, 36 boxes Sugar, % hog (heads Soap, 8 boxes 7 tierces Trainoil, 12 barrels jo barrels Pails, ,6 Flour, 192 barrels Defies, a Biscuit, 69 tierces Negroes, — Entered for Exportation at the Cufom-houfe, Sunbury, from tha RVbdaj of January Uft to the 5/6 dap of July inf ant, ICE, |Bo* barrels Spars, 13 j Tanned leathery 1300 Pumps, , 2 hde* Tir, 137 barrels Pine Lumber, 158,52 6 feet Corn, 650 bulheis Shingles, 138,970 Horses, , Staves, 38,800 Cattle, ,0 I m p o a t s. RUM, 6hog(heads Biscuit, aoi barrels Beer, 16 barrels Bread, * 64 barrels Cyder, 20 barrels Chcele, 4 hampers Cordials, 5 barrels potatoes, . soobulheU Apples, 60 barrels Chocolate, * ,00 lb. Loaffugar, r 3 hog(heads Starch, 8 kegs Mufcovadofugar, ahhds.. Horse collars, 36 Flour, 247 barrels Sal|, 200 bulheis r. tbt r r 1 n t.e r. SIR, IT is to no purpolb to dispute with those who rc relblved they will not be convinced; and our Lover of Truth's lad performance, confiding of nothing but groundless afler tions, cant, bombast, and empty found, surely is not de fending of any particular reply; I therefore, on my part, end the debate, tearing the excerpt from my letter our au thor has been pleafcd to exhibit, together with the rest of that letter, either as to matter or form, to his betters in judging, and the unprejudiced of the publick. I am, Ac. • * > Who da ye think f. To he fold for ready money, on Monday the t}d infant, at th house of Wtiham Greenwood on Ski dampy If and, ABOUT Twenty Head of Cattle, Oijf Ilorfc, and fomo Household Furniture, the property of the laid Wil liam Greenwood, and feised by Saturday, July MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Mar. A fubferiber intending to leave this province for i X fa* onths, gives notice, pursuant to an aft of the general aflembly qf this province, called the Attachment Ad, that he is ready to answer to apy suit, and give bail to pny yrit or summons that (hall ia the mean time be ifliied agflafthjm.—He has appointed Mr. Robert M'CUtchie his attorney in his absence 1 and has provided a careful and good workman for carrying on, his business; He has also provided all getyflarje? fyr lodgers from the country. . RQBRRT BOLTON. Cos be friti t>p ffr fubfrribpr <tt plantation, TWO NEW NEGROE WOMEN and TWO GIEL, wauftated to have had the smallpox. GEORGE CL T THBERT,