The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, October 04, 1764, Image 1

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GEORGIA GAZETTE. Number 79. A MEDITATION. me, tlm r, ts bet agr, cam e dtwnt^ Whether Pm ettJHn'd in tby great uejign! Truly Ifellrw cm; fer jknuli my •Will Rf/ijf , Pm mtujf fhllmv JliUf BHOEVeR attentively furvevs the narrow circle of human life, will soon view with an eye of indifference the mifefics and en joyments that surround it. -How short and momentaiy the former, how vain and flattering the latter, when compared w ith the boundless ages of eternity! Hap piness is the pursuit of every individual on this fide the silent and peaceful grave.—There all our cam and enjoyments cease, and there the wretched and the fortunate promifcuouily mingle in their parent earth. The ills of life fit heavy on us all; we fed difquictude a thousand ways; wc are born with feeds of sickness and of sorrow, and all infirmities spring up with manhood. Our only consola tion is to bear with patience, and try to (mooch thole rubs we cannot poffiblv remove. He who enjoys an uninterrupted series of happiness (if human nature is capable of enjoying such a ftatc) refiefts w ith horror and regret on his final diflo lution, while the miferablc and unfortunate wilh for it, as the only hopes of their happiness. Is thy happiness placed in the act|di£tion of w ealth, -beyond what is really ncceffary for the enjoyment of life ?—1 he obtaining it (hall make the* completely miferablc! Dost thou seek for happiness in the gratification of thy youthful passions? Disease and infirmities (hall overtake you e’er you reach the meridian of life! Not only the falfc plcalures of the £ay and youthful, hut even the more (olid and rcafonable enjoyments of dotndlick .happi ness frequently fall a prey to the malice of invidious for tune. Is thy happiness placed in thy. (air partner for life ? Fool as thou urt! ficknets or death thall deprive thee of that bleCng; or perhaps (which is worl'c) a frenzy (hall seize upon her brain, which (hall snatch her from thy arms for ever: Loll to all rcafon, and to every enjoyment of life (it may be in the bloom of her youth) the shall hate and despise thee: To add to thy mifcrv, thou shalt fee her become the mock and ridiculeoif evecy nxdiih and uffthinking brute in vcftrd with the (hape of an human creature. Thyrfis and Amarante, the kindest couple, of (hepherd and shepherdess, that ever met, were at lad unhappily parted by a moil de plorable fate: As the miftiefs was asleep on the grass, a fer rnt bit her by the hreaft, and (he died of the wound. As m as the (hepherd had difeharged all ihc funeral rites and dories, he raised the green fed to the honour of her memory, and paid her daily viuts, strewing roses and other flowers irccnd it, writh a particular caution that no fort of unclean thing (hould be (offered near it. As he was one day, either killing worms with his feet, or cutting them to pieces with h* (beep hook, there was a voice fpakc to him to this pur nofe ; •* Be not so cruel, gentle (hepherd, to thy once be loved ; for the worms that thou haft now deflroy d, with a friendly intention, are no other than a part of that creature; or, if 1 may not be credited, look under the foil that covers them, and believe thine own eves.” He had no (boner raised the sod, than whole (hoais of maggots came creeping out from under it, and these wards along with them; ** Think no more what I once was, but treasure op this in thy mind, that what Araarante is at prefeat, Thyrfis rauft one day be.’* v or mm; ~ ANEGROE WENCH, named Juliana, with her MU LATTO CHILD, well known in Savannah, for merly belonging to Mr. Coi. Any person wanting to pur chafe* her, or with her daughter Hannah, i young wench, Buy apply to John Smith by letter. THURSDAY, October 4, 1764. European intelligence. w Linden, June 17. HE last articles from Wilda, of the 29th u!t. \R * 3 . v tke Ruffian troops were all quiet T r* ?? and lhat the ufa S c of thc Proteflants is !•/ VR Ilkc t 0 cause great troubles; they are in V( Breal8 real numbers, both noblemen, gentlemen and others J a treated like the lews! * ? nd vc “eluded from all places in the cul ftoins, and the department of the finances. Before these ,1 “ f ®. l r ut ‘ ons were taken, the Protestants of Great Po land, Kanich and Siradia, prefenteda moil pathctick repre sentation totheGrods, signed by I24hands, but they have not been any wife regarded. 7 We hear from Rati (bon of the 14th inst. that Count Bra mcky had hindered the passage of 500 Turkifti horse into the territories of a neighbouring power; and that the comman dant of a frontier fortrefs had sent out a party of huflars w ho, after a (harp (kirmilh, had seized their horses and brought them off* and that this behaviour had greatly dif gulled the court. 1 June 28. Francis Garden, Esq. ofJohnfton, advocate, and one ol his Majesty’s Solicitor Generals for Scotland, is appointed a Lord of ifeftion in that kingdom, in place of hit uncle, the late Lord Preftongrangc, deceafcd The Right Hon. the Earl of Hardwickc we are told liea dangerously ill. June 29. By the lafl letters from Lisbon we are credibly informed, that his Portuguese Majcfty, on account of the late dreadful event, has ordered an additional number of hands to the new custom-house which is building, on which therp was upwards of 800 men employed. It is supposed that feme of the Jcfuits agents have set fire to the custom-house at Lisbon. Advices from Lisbon mention, that 4000 tons of naval and military (lores have been lately (hipped for the Portu fuefc settlements in the Brazils ; orders are also lent over to uild at St. Salvador five men of war of the line, and to put even* place of strength on the frontiers ip a proper state of defence. We hear that fome frefh in ft ructions are shortly to be sent to the Earl of Rochford, ambassador at the court of Spain. It is reported that two noble Earls will ihortly resign with pettfions of 1000 L per ann. each. I he King of Prufua granted, on the 29th ult. a patent to cur Iccge!, Privy-Coonfellor of Commerce, to re elublifh an Fall-India Company at Embden. . Wedncfday the Court ot Common Pleas was moved to increase iftbes on the return of the diilringas, issued at the suit of Mr. Beardmorc*s clerk agaiuft the Earl of Halifax, when the court was pleased to order cool, issues on the alias diftringas, it appearing, by affidavit, that this a&ion has been commenced for near 12 months, and no appearance yet entered for the defendant. J**e 30. A letter from the confines of Poland, dated the 1 jth inst. fays, “ The Count dc Branicky, with fome of hss friends, is on the frontiers of Hungary, but the troops have not followed him.** i he Marshal of the confederacy of Lithuania has con demned Col. Woladkowitz to lose his estate and life, for having killed a Ruffian huflar; but the Colonel has had the precaution to retire in time to a place of (afoty. I here is a report current, that a memorial was received from France on Tucfday or Wedncftlay, but on what ac count we cannot pretend to fay. On Thursday morning it was reported, that a certain personage had, at a late august meeting, ft rang !y urged the expediency of fending out a British fquadroa on a visit to Spaniih main.