The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, October 18, 1764, Image 3

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fc: mcd-fcaclHing ‘fiobM’ \M US? fiult Wtfll not be 1011. ‘ \ ■ V ! A ... Ifo w*>2 r #ri r . Sept w* to* dThe tfhite people mentioned m •*nrlait* that .were defcvfcsed up to at Niagara, arrived here UnMbifdfty, from Albany 4 , And"are now in a rooiu'ia the Barracks of’ this city. '**- * “ J Srpt. 17. Wednesday I all! Captain Banks arrived here from Providence* ifti£ dfcys: With him came paflunger, Capt. law of a Hoop belonging to this, port; ivho, on June last, Was taken hv u Efetvkh guard a .colta, 4 leagues from the Iho e otf Cape Tiberoon, he hav ing.occasion to lend his. boat alhore for water on his voyage from the Helenas, being loaded with fait. Capt* Cummings was carriedto Porta Prince, aid After confining him and his peopl 5 5 days in coal, they - condemned his veil'd andtrargo .and then difmifled iiim. - I ‘• ‘ : P\iiLidf{pbia 9 Sfpt. 27. We arc credibly informed, that the meetings of fufferings of the people called Quakers; now fitting at Philadelphia, have in a letter to friends in.Knglnnd jfignitied their difapprobatifltt of the measures taken by tlic anembly of this,province to procure a change of Govern ment. • This letter, ’tis said, is ligned by fevrnty or eighty members of the meeting. -Sock are the jcntmtntt of themA* Jer and mere codftfceate of that fixity. JOHNSON and WYLLY .HAVE IMPORTED, In thq last vefltls from London and Bristol, WHITE plains'bf the'beft Quality; Loirdbn duffils; blue half thicks ; iWutta;’ garlix and cheque ihirts; feamtms frocks and trowiers; lhag, hnocyomib, and ‘ever!alHng“bVWdhesrug apd fearnought great coats; fear nought and fqtjce jacket's; TaiMu& froth N 9. Itp ravenfduck; anchors; faildii H:its bound 1 linseed oil; roll brimflone; whire lead aVaSphnilh brown ground in oil; lamp-black and vermillibp.; thrumbs; ozfiabuVg‘4; a lirge :WTortmene of yiflths and y.Vrd wide Trilh linens; White dnd brown sheeting ditto; ‘J-qths and, 7-3ths lined,and cotton cheque?; cKKftie linen'handkerchiefs; palte-wo'rk and lilk ditto; flfippvtf jin fie sand white Hrmnei fbohe.l, fhrtcchdng, and hyfon tea ;• a neat Italian chair, aud a. genteel light chaise; which,* WithTnany other articles u/ually imported here, they will fell, at their (tore on the Bay, under the usual advances and at avery low advance to any p>r’fo:i that will purchaie cither thtf vvhbkty'or to any conliderablc a ■mount. *ip *•• . i . j / i As they intend to givekiver the importing of dry goods, and would wi& speedily to close ;dl fheir condoms in that way, they therefor a-earnestly intfcaic r.ll thtWe Who are in* debted to themv either by btmd, note, or bonk’*e coil nr, to pav their refpe&ivc debw, or dlfe to*fettle them to their f;t risfailion, By die firilaif jahtjaby ne:it. * r -qi .** ; * J They have also to fell,'on rCafongbk terirtV WdMrrd?a and northward ruin; Vidoniawirte;* bell PhiladetpMa flour f ihip bread; 1 water, butte r,m*i milk bil3air*V* vlrOdohittf; fperinaCcti, wax, and tafloukchndlcs. “ r * r n . —: —t-! —.... -i- ■■ t + WTJERIvAS Mefl'rs, Moadie und BulliogaiJ Aave aflign .. ed hooks and securities lor. money unto .the Honourable Rawjjn-s Low ndes, Lfq. and son of Lomlosy merchant, in tjruli far Mr. jcdin: Wat forte, and thefr other creditors; and Thomas Moodic has alibaf fjgned hid parxicular b<>f>ks and fccuiities for oioocy dnto thd gbo\'c-nicndoped genllemeniim triilt for the fame tife: Thcfc are dclirc all ptrfods indebted tidier .to the co parmtrfnip of Moodie and Ballingall, or to Thomas. Moodie jp his own right, by fun pie cotutrad, nottr~bond, br other specialty, immediately to call ujxm Mr. fettle with him, who is fully authorifed tib receive and give proper discharges for the fame, and to’ taige notice, tl|at nopcrlon, except one of the above-mentioned assignees, catn this date, give a legal acquittance for any of the aforefaid de niands, it’is expected that all debts due as above will bo tlifeharged before the Aril day of December next at farthell, ptherwife they will be put in iuit without Clnrleflown, 19th Sept. 1764. N. B. Mr. Creighton may be found at his lodgings at Mrs. Perkins’s in Old Church-llreet, AN OVERSEER is wanted by the fubferiber.—Any pcrfrtn properly qualified for taking charge of a few pair of lawyers, and who can be well recommended for his diligence, fobricty, and honclty, may meet with good en couragement from LEWIS JOHNSON. - M :,r r 11 0M A s ‘At o; R G A M ‘! •:A ■•. HAS tAT£LV JMHO|BT£U, fj ii. j ,Jn the latt velftll from Lon&qn and Bristol, u | European .md east-india goods, fuithbie^r the prcfent anTappronching leafon, which he will felt, at his flore in Ellis’a-tquare, upon reafonabk terms r for call! ctHunt,credit. , ) , ;fr f * —” i *■■>( f ' > r~, Cos be foib on rrafouabfe rtnito, A TRACE of FIVE HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, fltuated on a navigable circle, called Collins’s creek on the south flde of Great Ogechee, adjoining the pf.UV?a ti°n of Mr. James Butler, containing about 200 acres of good swamp, 250 of oak and hickory land, and coaerts ot pine barren. Also, A TRACT of SIX HUNDRED ACRES, very f.tntly fltuated on the south bank of Midway river', four miles above the town of SUnbury, At either for* fic<^ corn, or indico.———Tor further particulars inquire of thb printer. T. “” ■ ‘ ‘u& T? AWAY from the fubfvßbcr, a piKr * RUE MAN named Fr n k jc, 1 whd tap. gun and shot pouch with him. H 43 * s a *, T ‘ vell fellow, fpealls feS- ken Englilh, with the Spanith accent*, having been fcveral years at the Havana.—Whoever Avil! deliver him to Mr. George Baillieih Sa vannah, or to me in Augufla, fliail receive 2qs. rev^ard l , bc r fuies all charges. JAMES ■■■ ■ r”-<y T O B E *SO L B BY ’ JAMES. JOHNSTO N, AT THE PRINTING-OFFICE, “ ’ A COLLECTION OF DO O - '^. AMONGST WHICH ARE, , . { Apventurcs of Sir Launceloi Greaves, 2 vols. tales, ; vols. Arabian nights entertainments i hiflory of Mils Betfv Thoughtless, 4,v01j. fortunate cUinM’Jf imaj, 2 vols. Sophronia, or letters to the ladies ; Cftwpf befl’s naval hillory, 4 vols. reverie, ox a flight to 4>*t r tdife of fools, 2 vols. hillory of Lucy Wellers, 2 vyls.nbi'l flories of lady Frances S , and lady Caroline 3 vols. letters that palfcd between Tivodofm*. fl tfttia, after flic had tuken the veil; tr.inflatioi; of Qii JRlad froiix tl\e French by the author of Roderick Raudoniy 41 Vais, female Qyixqle, 2 vols. liillorv of the devil; proifq of hull, i'.voL. hudibr.u with cuts; nilforjl of the 2 female founding; I'ookc’spjiuthcon; woyl.4jlVUVo mature, 2 vols. world, ynwxalkcd, 2 uds. pirates, 2 vols. Amelia, 4 vols. Tom Joqcs, 4 rifla lUrlowe, 6 vols. the cloifler, pp arnou4A t oi a and huni Englifli hermit;.H icrL’s lifenf fwoid eirl of iialilodry, a hidorical romance,’ 9/ a t41c,,2,v015. life and iulveipturw fafavti ed vols. T.rriilrus ants Sophia, or anew fyltein us uanllatud from tlic Ercncli of Mri Roulfca’J, } the death of Abel; letters to the Putfrtf At. qf. Lefdi£#ives4 giviag ad account of a voyage to Canady, ti#V that vail country, and Louiliana, to the Gujf of hfaxicqijby Father Charlevoixthe poetical tel Ludo, qr.mufei iq nnjrcy jlory ; love feulL, or the diiferent lnqtkiHls of cquUikij* in country throughout tlic known'vvqrld; and satirical hillory of the years 1737,* and 1760, In a ferit-s of 104 humourous prints, containing all the moil unvjrkahl* characters, and caricatures, of thole memorable which is annexed an explanatory key to every print, ren deiiug tlie whoi*doit-and ftgaiflcanrola, ArqcfVjn iohofon’s tionary; Gla lie’s cqokery j Hxfclden’s lea man’s afli ilaht; Weft-India pilot l Ward’s^yithernAjlkk^j soil’s navigation j Mrs. Rowe’s work*, 2 crciles; meditations and contemplations, by a lady court on death ; new week’s preparatiop i^fa }yonhy % (gctfVgt ing of the Lord’s fugper; Neulctcn oil virtue and happt nefs; 4m biblcs; fniall pocket ditto neatly bound and gilt; large livo prayer books, big print; ftnaJJ pocket dittn qratly bound and gilt; small bouks for children; a few new^am phlets, plays, and farce; .- Also, lotteries or small priut* Ibr childxcn, blank books, pen engines, St c. &e.