The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, October 18, 1764, Image 4

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* SAVANNAH# OcToiia if. SkN Tkurfcby !ai the Hon. William Clifton, Em. (for- F mmlymmrtiofid it this paper to be appointed Chkff icaof WAFiOfabO fare aa elegant eatottifttoent at i Miais’s wsdfen a thTMembers of his Ma}etjr’ Ho nottftfcle Council, the Chief Juftkc, Attorney-General, j|pieAip&Sttn of the Crows j at which were preien? Wfi fc fiir*Tilm, Esq. and the principal merchants and .gantiiMMrf &* The day waa Ipeat with that mirth and gfinil sh tny ply fubifts in this place. here on Sunday from Philadcl nhU. fei FrittMfeofc* with a feift oft the coast, from Bofeoc, Mht ‘Cwp&fHu in North-Candma, which had loft her ’ Ca|i. Cdchrab** commanding officer of the three compa nies ofitoyal Americans in Sonth-Caroltna and this pro vince, arrived in town last Tuesday evening from Charlef fowh. The Rev. Mr. George Whitefield is soon expected here from Philadelphia. A fehooner from St. Croix, bound for Beaufort, pat into Tybee on Sunday. The Hoop Patience, Evans, is arrived at Philadelphia from this port. Arrived. From Oft. 14, Schooner Augmftiae Packet, F.Goffe, Philadelphia 15, Sloop Cecilia, Andrew Wilson, New-Providence .V OoTwnno-BorvKD. For Brigt. Laicah and Susannah, Nathan Crofley, St. Kitts Sloop Ann, Thomas Toulming, Ditto Sloop Polly, William Philips, Montfcrrat Sloop Throe Brothers, John D unwell, Jamaica Schooner Elifebeth, Abraham Vauchicr, South-Carolina /’ v To tie PRINTER. S I R, AJM Hfi late duty which the ltgiflature of Pennsylvania has * Jgf’ laid upon rice imported into that province, and which is eoual to a prohibition, U a flop that will doubtless be imi- MBR€ by the Other northern provinces, and that opon the feme principles. The balance of trade to those provinces has always been greatly against us, and now mull of eourfe become much more so; it will therefore be a duty incumbent VgKMt us, to encourage as much as poftble the railing of fhlfc aitfcfcs among ourselves as are abfolately neceffavy; antbl could wife ft were practicable equally to difeourage riH koportaticri of the many fuperfluoiss ones daily brooght so by the northward vessels. I lhali inftanceonly two, and tfeofe are potatoes and onions; the quantities brought in, Bid thd raft* we pay for them, are really furprHLng, and I believe no one can doubt but they may both be raftedwithin ourselves to great perfection. With regard to that very ne cedfary article dour, I dare fay we mighr in a very little time be fappHcd with it from oar back settlements, as well as both boner; for which two articles, and bTead, we have, •pon an average, for three years pad, paid 40001. per ann. #od for other commodities from the northern provinces as much more: bow the remittances made from hence for them #iay have hurt the other necessary trade of the province let the merchants teg. : “ I moil however, Mr. Johnston, fay, that I think it would be bod policy ia us to lay a doty upon any article that we can n®e rio without, until we can be supplied within ourselves, as fee wtwle burthen of such duty would, with a conftder able addition to k, fell upon the consumer; but I would re* Commend a proper encouragement to persons becoming in habitants of ©or back settlements, as w ell as to those already fettled there, to go Upon those articles, which in time would enable us to follow the example of the Pennsylvanians, and |ay a prohibitory duty on their staple as they have upon ••r’r—l an, Sir, your humble fervent, E. L. t , 4 TO BE SOLD , on Monday tbt tth bf November, at three o\lcck ** tl * afternoon prenffy, at the bouft of the late Dr. Metier, MEDICAL BOOKS, and CHYRURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, of the said defemed. The conditions of the sale to be ready money. Tft medicines may be viewed before the sale. BARBARA MAYER Executrix. ’ 1. 2UBLY Executor. V. Those that have any demands on the estate of Djr. Mayer may feud them to Mr. ZabJy, and the favour is requested of those indebted to fee feme to make (peedy payment. SAVA MU Ait f RICES CURRENT. By tk§ Cout. Rice, Bs. MjtUßmrd* Turpentine, 15*. Common Tar# 9s. Pitch, none. Beef, il. kos. Pork, al. By tbt Pound* ladico Bora, • nose. Do. bet copper A blot, none. Do. ad fort, none. Do. sd, none. Deer feins, as. Raw ditto, is. 6d. Tanned Leather, 6d. Butter, od. Tallow, 6d. By tbt Thou fond, Shingles, 12s. Red Oak Hogffi.Staves, 21.55. White Oak ditto, ah 15s. Pipe Staves, jl. Pine Lumber, from inch boards to ranging timber, from 31. ss. to 51. per 1000 feet. * By tbt Bujbtl. . Indian Corn, is. iod. Peafe, none. TO B E SOLD A VALUABLE TRACT of LAND in Newington vil lage, in the parife of Chrift-Cburch, about seven miles from the town of Savannah, containing 550 acres, butting and bounding northwardly by vacant land, wellward ly by land of Jofcph Gibbons and Anthony Lebon, and call wardly by land of John Morel and William Gibbons.—Any person inclinable to purchase the feme may apply to ’ . WILLIAM YOUNG. Cutlom-houle, London, jjth Nov. 1763. THE Honourable Cotomiffioners of his Majcfty’s Co* Boms, having been informed that compositions have been frequently entered fato for the duties imposed by the aft of 6 Geo. 11. payable to his Majesty at the ports of Ame rica, give this publick notice, That whoever will make difeovery of any person or persons, who Hull have been guiltv of entering into, or conniving at such compositions, to John Temple, Esq. or Peter Randolph, Esq. Sorvcyors- Gcneral of his Majefty*# Cuftoras in North-America, or 0- ther principal officer of bis Majefty’3 Customs, tbeColleftor, or Comptroller, of any port, except the port where such fraud was entered into, so that the parties offending may be conviftcd thereof, mid the duties recovered to the crown, lhall receive one third .part of thedaties so recovered. OnTuejday tbt ytfbinji, nvtll be fold at vendue, at Mr. Ojgocd't Mecting-bonfe, tbt following TRACTS of LAND belonging to tbt tjiau of tbt lute Edmund Tannatt , Esq. dtceafed , viz. FIVE hundred acres between the rivers Midway and Newport, on a southern branch of tho river Midway, bounded on the south-east by the said river, and south weft by William Baillou and Richard Hazard.— soo acres in the diftrift of Newport,” bounded easter y by Thomas and William Carr, north-weft by joiiab Osgood and Joseph Winn, south-west by William Peacock, and south-east by James Read.—Credit will be given to the lft day of Ja* nuary next, giving security if required. WILLIAM EWEN, Vendue- mailer. To be fold by the Printer of this taper , Price 1 2s. tJ. A FOUR SHEET MAP of SOUTH-CAROLINA and PART of GEORGIA, containing the whole sea coast, all the islands, inlets, rivers, creeks, parishes, town ihips, boroughs, roads, and bridges; also several plantations, with their proper boundary lines, their names, and the name* of thetr proprietors; compofcd from surveys taken by the Hon. William Bull, Esq. Lieutenant-Governor, Capt. Ga*- ccftgn, Hugh Bryan, F.fq. and the author William D*Brahn- • IBrour'it to Oattaipia!) !*!• . April 8, 1764. OneNegroe Man named J/eme 9 who hiyß he belongs to Mr. Alexander Sommers of French Santee* in South Carolina. He is a ftiort black well set fellow, aw* speaks proper Engliffi.j ’ \ . . By the Hog/buut. ditto, 35. the pi. Antiffu ditto, 3,. the W l. St. Kitts ditto, 3s. the gal -1 lon, 6 New-*York ditto, 2 , .j ditw, £$ New Kmgknd ditto, 2s. 2 d. By the Pipe, Madeira Wine, Ifom 201, to .33*- Vidonia ditto , By the C*wt, Mnfcovtdo Sugar, from 21. to 2L tos. Floury • .>. . ... Ship Bifeuit, . >1 o’ Coste ’ o. e.O f bt Barrel. Double Beer, il D Ug M *C A Double Cyder, il., Single ditto, , ’ By tbt Bujbtl. Coarse Salt, 4 ,. 6d.