The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, November 01, 1764, Image 1

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GEORGIA GAZETTE. Number 83. EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE. Newcajlle, Auguji 4. BE arc allured that Mr. William Bell of Car lifie has compleated a* moveable time keeper, for the discovery of the longi tude, which has been proved to a certain ty both at sea and land, and which will go with a fun dial for the space of twelve months without varying one moment. • In consequence of whicn he intends to apply for the premium offered for finding out the longitude. London , Auguji 6. The late report of the French having ceded New-Orleans to the Spaniards, is now said to be with out foundation. Avail number of quarter guineas are now fending abroad to the American settlements, which it is thought will oc casion a farther coinage of these pieces, so necefi'ary for change. We are informed a bill is preparing, to be laid before the ensuing parliament, to prevent foreigners in the Well-Indi es from being supplied with negroes from any of the Britilh settlements on the coall of Africa: A ilep the more necefi'ary as the demand for Haves Hill continues very high in our own coonies. Auguji 8. The Lords of the admiralty have appointed the Hon. Spencer Percival to be principal register of the vice admiralty court for all America. We are informed, that the long continued troubles of North-Amcrica, through the untradable dispositions of the Indians, have induced the government to grant a farther aug mentation to the military eftablilhment of thole provinces which are moll exposed to their incursions; but whether this is to he effected by troops from England, or by reviving the fevcral independent companies on the New-York efta blilhment, broke since the peace, is not yet fettled. Among the different improvements intended to take place in Weit-Florida, we are informed Pensacola Bay, from its natural situation, deferibing three fourths of a circle, will be rendered one of the molt compleat and fafe receptacles for lhippingof any part of the continent. A range of wharfs, in imitation of those on Charlellown Bay, is to be built of hewn Hone, with proper offices, which has advanced the price of masons to three Spanilh dollars per diem. Orders have been lately issued out for railing 4000 ma rines, and on Sunday 90 new inlifted recruits marched thro’ Peptford on their rout to Chatham. % A person of great confequcncc was this week heard tode ci . t e, that the many late reports circulated both at home and abioad, of Great-Britain’s having any designs on the island of Corsica, any otherwife.than as a wellwifher to its natural independency, were without the leall foundation. Monday UH died at his house near Hillindon, Middlefcx, John Befwicke, Esq. an eminent merchant in the Carolina trade, in which he acquired a handfomfc fortune with an un blemilhed reputation; his death may be justly elleemed a publick loss, as- he was remarkably poflefl'ed of very eminent abilities as a merchant, and great goodness of heart as a man. Auguji 10. We are informed a fchemehas, for fome time pafl, been under consideration, which only wants the sanc tion of parliament to bring it to maturity, which it is thought will llrike a mortal blow to the root of lmuggling; and that is, by the government entering in an agreement with the Lord Proprietor of Man, that, without relinquifliing his ju rifdirtion and sovereignty over that and cutters may be admitted to harbour and reside on Ihore, as well a? have liberty to make prizes in his Majelly’s name of all illegal goods landed from France and Holland. It is said the Proprietor will be inverted with a grant of lome crown lands, and such other immunities, at will lufficiently indem- THURSDAY, November i, 1764. nify him for such a part of his revenue in Min, as may have hitherto accrued from the permilfion of iinuggang. 1 he following is an exart copy of the proclamation made at the great door of St. Margaret’s church, Weftminlter, on Sunday last, by the under-fheriff of Middlesex: John Wilkes, late oj the panjh of St . Margaret, within the //• her ty of Wejlminjlcr in the county oj MiddLjex , Esq. appear be/ort our Lord the King , at WeJbninjler , on l uejday next, after tint morrow of All Souh, to JatisJy the Lord the King for your redemp tion, on account oj certain trejpafjes, contempts and mjdcmtanours , whereof you are impeached, and thereupon, by a certain jury of the country, taken between the King andyou the said John Wilkes, yen are con vuied. Auguji 1 1 According to private letters from Warsaw, Prince Radzivil and hi forces being surrounded in the Fens of Ploflc his highness had intimated a desire to treat, u, on which a ceflhtion of hollilities had enlued. One of the Princes of the house of Lubo.nirlki returned to Warlaw, signed she con federacy, and has reconciled him.elf to the house of Czar torinlki. The Bilhop of Cracow, who has been already on both sides, and who lately publilhed a Manifeilo, by which he declared himfclf on neither fide, has withdrawn from his residence, as it is reported, and it is not as yet known what is become of him. Auguji 14. There is now a scheme to circulate a large number of Bank Notes of an inferior value among the re fpertive commercial provinces of North-America; the notei to bear a final! premium for the greater encouragement of trade. Auguji 15. We are told, that there neither is, nor ever was, any scheme proposed for appointing an archbilhop, or more than four bilhops, in our American plantations, or for placing themeliewhere than in the cpifcopal colonies, or for giving them any authority in civil matters, or over any dif lenters from the church of England, or which may be grie vous to any members of that church, or for levying any ux: in any place in order to their support. There is now a talk that an old 60 gun ftiip is to be Ha tioned for three years in the gulf of Honduras, to ride com*- modore, and art as guardlhip to the Britilh logwood cutters on the Spanilh main. The Lords of the Admiralty have appointed Charles How* ltd, Gent, to be marihal of the vice-admiralty court for all America. It is said a flop will be put next felfion to the farther ex portation of corn spirits to North-America. Auguji 16. By letters from. Gibraltar, we hear that the Spaniards have withdrawn their regular troops from the neighbourhood of that town, and supplied their places with militia. A great number of Stone-Masons are embarking at Liver* pool for the two Floridas, where it is laid several important places of Hrength are to be ererted on the frontiers. They write from Amllerdam, that the affairs of the de Neufvillcs are entirely fettled; that their creditors have re ceived eight percent, and they now carry on their bulinefs as formerly. Auguji 17. We hear that there is a scheme on foot in Georgia, to introduce a manufartory of China porcelain, after the manner of that carried on jt Dresden. We are credibly informed that no less than 12 names were last week added to the Minority lift. Auguji i%. Thursday both houses of pariament met at Wellminfter, puifuant to their last prorogation; and were by his Majefty'i command, further prorogued, by the Lord chancellor, to the3oth of Ortobcr next. Thomas Tyrwhitt, Esq. chief clerk to the house of commons, supplied the place of Sir John Cull, Bart, the fpeaker, who is absent at the German Spa.