The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, November 08, 1764, Image 2

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Britiih vcfl*els found dtnding Into, Or coming out from t He illcs of St. Pierre and Miquelon, or hovering, Sec. on the <oa!ls, or .vita goods on board from t ience, be forfeitei goods, apd the mader, Sec. A all forfeit al so treble Value .*’ . *“ ; Concealed goods found on board, after report made by the rndftcr, and not coinprifed in his report, (hall be forfeited,and the matter, being privy to the fraud, (hall forfeit treble the vdflue.’ ~ If cudomed goods be either laden on board, or landed, be fore the duties are paid, or prohibited goods be imported in to, or exported out of, any of the British colonies in Ameri ca, the persons concerned therein (hall forfeit treble the value together with the boats, carriages, and cattle employed. An omccr receiving any bribe, See/ conniving at a falfe entry, making a cclluliye leisure, or being guilty of other fraud in his oiF.ce, dull forfeit 5001. and be disabled fromferving the King in any office* And persons giving, or. promising, any bribe, &c. to such ofEcer, in order to betray his trust, Ihali forfeit 501. Penalties and forfeitures in America, may be recovered in the courts of record there, or court of vice-admiralty; and the nett prodocp (hall be paid, one third to the King, one third to the •.overuor, and one third to the prosecutor. But feizurcs made at sea by the King’s (hips are to go, one moiety to the King, and the other to fne prosecutor; fubjeti never ♦ thplefs to such didributio.i, as his Majedy, by order of council, or proclamation, (hali make. Where the seizure (hall not answer the expence of condem nation and sale, ora verdidYfce given for tne claimant, the charges, with approbation of the commilfioners, maybe defrayed out of the customs in America. No claim (hall be admitted till security to answer cods be * given, to the amount of 601. and in default, (hip and goods (hall be condemned. Where iTiip or goods are seized for any caufeof forfeiture, the owner (hall prove the matter in di'pute. In tiiaU upon information, in America, where a probable cause of seizure appears, the judge thall certify the fame on the record ; and the defendant lhali have no cods nor action; and in suits, where no information diall be commenced and brought to trial, and the court thall certify there was a pro bable caufeof seizure, the plaintiff (hall have but 2d. dama ges, and no cods, and the defendant be fined not more than is. Bell ft OPE A-N INTELLIGENCE. 1 Pttirjbourg, Junt 1 2. treaty concluded here, between the Em- P r *k 04 Kuflia an(4 the King of Prulfia, on <2 r £ the 11 th of April, is in as fol- O w lows: w By articles I. and 2. a treaty of defen- li ye alliance, and a mutual guaranty are agree and to, after relerving the liberty of concluding other treaties not Contrary to the present. 3 —9. In case of a foreign attack, 10,000 infantry, and 7000 cavalry are promised, three months after the firll re qtiifition, to be continued till a ceflation of hostilities. If rbefe arc not fufficient, means to be concerted to employ ad ditional forces. ‘1 he troops to be paid and furnilhed with ammunition by the party finding: Provisions and quarters to be furnifHed by the p*rty abided. Ihe troops to receive orders from their own general, and to have their own reli gion and laws. * 10. No peace, Sec. to be concluded without mutual con* lent. 11. In case of war on the part of the affiding party, it (hall be exempted from furnilning its quota, or (hall be at liberty to withdraw its forces after two months notice, , - 12. A free commerce between the two Hate's. 1 13, 1-4. The treaty to be in force eight years, and renew able before the expiration, according to circumstances. Ra tifications to be exchanged in Jix weeks. * By a secret article it is engaged to maintain Poland in its right of a free eledion, and to prevent all hereditary fuc- * t London, Augufl 6. < It has been computed, that exclusive of the vail quantities of French silks lately ijnported into this kingdom, our Georgia and Carolina men carry over yearly fjvm Hamburgh, the Mediterranean, &c.little Ihort of 50001. worth of that manufailure every voyage on private com* millions, which are afterwards (hipped off for the Well-Indies in country velfeis, /fy u ji iG As the wearing the raanufadurcs of France is deubtlefs an injury to every individual in this kingdom, ft mud give every loyal fubjeii pleasure to hear that their fo've reign has very lately fignilicd in the tqK lowing terms : Do these people think that they mak: then court $ me, by jh: wing me that then do what they can to jhirve my Juhjcctf by enriching tboje of France f 1 fa net car* to fa a /hocking thine to any My, or elfi 1 would forbid them the court. *’ Jugu/t 18. They write from Genoa, that they continue to receive nothing.but ill n ws from Cornea, where the inhabi tants of the places dill in the hands of the are (a danger of perilhing by famine, it is (aid the nobleman lately sent by tlje court of Vienna to that of Liibon, to notify form the election and coronation of the King of the Rom in> has indrudions likewise to demand in marriage the Infanta Maria FrancilcaßenediT., who has juil enter’d into the iqu year of her age, for that monarch. On the id ind. an extraordinary chapter of the Brrear, Bennifon was held at the Britifn cott'eehould by his Excellency Gen. Crajifurd, Governor oi Minorca, and sovereign of the order south of the Tweed; ;.t which meeting several new knights were created, and his Excellency Governor Melville of the Grenades received a charter, condituting him love reign betwixt the wellern tropicks. Augujl 23. By fome letters from Peterlburgh, we have been informed that several tumults and commotions have been occasioned in that city by the rumour cf a marriage being intended between Major Orloff of the life-guards, and a person of the highed rank in the empire. This rumour was grounded on fome odd appearances; but has now given place to another,which only changes the person, and supposes that a firm union between two northern crowns, of which one is yet vacant, will be fcon formed by the tender bonds of wedlock. The progress of a splendid court through certain northern provinces, is said to be performed with a view to this important event. The court thinks it expedient, no doubt, to drerigthenitfelf on all fiaes, and thus to prepare it-. felf,as well as pcfiibje, againd theindability of human things. A letter from Berlin, dated Aug. 5, fays, ** J am juil in formed that four regiments ot infantry, and tv. o of cavalry, are ordered by Our (overcign to join the corps which is forth with to ad'emble on the banks of the Oder, in Silelia, to* which part of his dominions it is every day cxpec'eii to de-* part, as the garrisons are ail to be di.iwn out and reviewed to fee that the men are coinpleat, and none of the office; ab-: sent. It is moreover said, that the period fixed for ihis re view, is the time in which the Poles arc to ehet a king; this occasions forne ('peculations; but why ihouiu it be thought furprizing, that our patriot king, who is ever atten tive to the good of his (übjects, ihould atfo important a crids be watchful over the peace of his dominions: in fad, the troops afieinbled on the Oder are, they fay, to form an arrtiy of obiervation, and will by no mear.s enter the territories of Poland, unless an Aultrian army lhculd fird attempt tr dis turb the peace of the republick ; and of this at present there is very little probability.” A M E R I C A. Boston Sept. 27. people of this town in general are into 0 T # the pradice of wearing no mournings at funerals except a crape by feme of the neared relatives, and gloves of their own manufadory; and many reputable tradesmen are refolvcd to have no other working habits but leather of their own making. New-Tort, Oftober 1. An extrad of a letter from England dated July 17, fays, ** There have been several things before* our house of commons, very pernicious to America; Toms have been dropt, fome purfueJ, and feme depending. The report of your gaiety and luxury, has reached your n.o ther country; and they infer from thence your opulcncy, which is further confirmed by the extravagant experevs of youth sent here for education, and therefore you are well a ole to bear part of the expences your defence has cod the nation; and can you b’rme them for such aconclufion ? is it not natural ft> infer it from the premilTes V* / Bojion , Oa. b. A furprizing concatenation of events to one man in one week :—Published on Sunday—married on Mon day—had a child on Tuesday—dole a horse on Weducfday —banilhed on Thurfday—di*d on Friday—buried on Satur day—all in one week. It is now confidently affirmed by fome, which however may not be true in fad, that the severity of the ne*v A—t of P 1 is to be imputed to letters, reprefentaiionif narratives, &c. tranl'mitted to jhc M 7 about two*