The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, November 15, 1764, Image 3

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and }i barrel# ofrict, overfet in the night of September Bth }n lai. *8- 44. NT. end long. 6s. 30. The people were twelve hours on the bottom of the reflet before the boat came fcb, on board of whith they all gbh On thfc third day the car penter died.whofe body they eat after taking out the intraiis. On the ranth day they cast lots in the boat which of them fliould be killed, for the fuftehance of the reft* and as they were just going to lay hold of the Wretched vi&im, in order to pot him to death, they obferred aveffel becalmed, which they made for* and found to be a schooner from South Key in North-Carolina, which carried them into Sit Chriito pher's September 19th, The commissioners from North Carolina who joined Col* Cawley and Ms. WyUy front this government in order to xnn the temporary line of juriidiclion between the two pro vinces, were Colt James Moore* and Capt* John Payne, who had to afiift them Mr. Arthbr Mackay surveyor. The commissioners were Upwards of 11 weeks in running the line; they began atthe boundary house On and went a bout north-well 90 miles, where they (truck the 33th degree of North-Latitude* And going thence weft6t miles, eametb the gnat Salisbury-road, five miles from the Wateree-river, and about 1 yc* iniles from Charleftown. The royal inftru&i on did not aothorife running the line farther than the Cata baw lands j so that the fettlirs on Broad-river, and all others well ofthofe lands, are dill uncertain to what province they belong. The boundary line does not pass Peace-river near so often as has been said. O 1 ’ SAVANNAH, Noviitata ic v . v i ’|“*H£ Kcv. Mr. George Whttefield fetout from Philadel phia by land for this province the tad of Oftober left. The R4V. Mr. William Teal, we ari ihformed, has been invited by the ptoHihotocrs to the parish church of St. Paul in |he town of Angufta. .The follpwihg gentlemen are elefttd representatives to ftfrve in the enfdittg General Aflhnbly of this province, via. . For Darien and parish of St. Andrew, Robert Baillit and Orerge M'htojh, Efqrs. For Augu'fta ana parish of St. Paul, Edward Barnard, John Franch ‘Williams, and Henry Cn**ikghbM, Efqrs. * For Halifax and parish of St. George, Thomas Burringo* ftnd John Thomas , Efqrs. 4 Tnurfday last failed the sloop Rachel, Bolitho, and the Abooner AugufHni Packet, Goffe, for St. Augulline. r • ■ Aaatvio. From Gft. 12, Sloop Industry, Philip Hughes, Philadelphia Schooner Peggy, Charles Boyd, Charleftown 13, Ship Friend mi p, Samuel Bail jun. Ditto i Sloop Elizabeth, Joseph Frifth, Turks-ffland * * . OUTWAXD-IOUND. for Brigt. Margaret, Andrew Elton Wells, St. Kitts a SAVANNAH PRICES CURRENT. By tbi Cwt, Rice, none. By tbi Bmtrtl.’ Turpentine, 150- Common Tar, 9 s * Pitch, **6ne. Beef, 11. iw- Pork, *!• y By tbi Tumi* Iltdico flora, Do. beltcoppcr [ No and blue, > • Do. ad fori, If Do. 3d, J Peer (kins, **• Raw ditto, u. > 6d. Tanned Leather, 6d. Butter, Bd. Tallow, ‘ 6d. By tbi Tbiu/iaul. Shingles, Red Oak Hog(h.Stavet, *1.51. White Oak ditto, ll l|s. Pipe Staves, # jl Pine Lumber, front inch hoards to ranging timber, from 31. ss, to jlTpcr 1000 • stet. , By tbi BvJhtU JUdian Corn-, it. lod< Peafe, is, Bd. By tbi HogJbtaJ. Jamaica Rum, 4s. the gallon. Barbados ditto, 3s. the gal lon. Antigua ditto, 3s. the gal lon. St. Kitts ditto, 31. the gal lon. New-York ditto, as. ad. Philadelphia ditto, as. ad. New* England ditto, as. ad. . By tbi Piu, Madeira Wine, from 2 61. to 3S 1 - Vidonia ditto 191. By tbt (hut, Mafcovado Sugar, from al. to al. 10s. Flour, 14s. Ship Biscuit, 15s. Bar Ifon, il. 10s. Coffipt; it. the lb. . By tbt Double Beer, ‘4l. 15s. Single ditto, none. , Doable Cyder, none. ■ Single ditto, none. • By tbi Bq/bih Cotrfc Salt, 41* KELBALL, DARLING; and MUftltO, HAV* JUST IMPORTED, lit the Friendihip, Ball, froth Londbo, and the Hopewell* Pitt, from BriftoY, . ... • A complete Affortmcnt of EUROPEAN and EAST-INDIA GOODS, fit for the season, Amongst which are, BROAD cloths,—ready made great coats,—pea jacket# and breeches,—white, blue, and green plains^—pop lins,—dnrants,—linfiet,—tamics,—ftuuooni/—mens, boy*, womens and girlsihoes,—Gloucefter and Cheihire split peafe,—white wine vinegar,—nails of all forts,—Ac. Ac.—which, with St. Kitts rum and mnfeovado sugar, thtr will fell at their store in Savannah. They have aifo to fell a likely new negroe fellow.. ■’ ■ m 1 1 —————— . JoshuaPearson&Williamßoutho, Clock and Watch-makirs from Philadilfhia, CLEAN and repair all kinds of clocks and watches in the neatest and best manner, at Mrs. Pagty's in Savannak N. B. They have a few good watches for faie* _ On ‘thnrti.j next, the ltd of ffrvmh%r, will ho fold by psMitk , out crypto the bightfi and htfi bidder, as the houj'c late of Stephen Landry deceased, in Savannah, A LL the PERSONAL ESTATE of the (aid,deevafed, j/jl confining of a parcel of new quarter calks and small kegs, Haves, heading, Ac. and Sundry cooper’s tools, house furniture, and wearing apparel, Ac. for ready money only; All .persons indebted to the said estate are oelired to ferae and pay their accompts immediately tp prevent trouble; an i if any persons have demands again ft the fame, they are do ttrel to bring in acdompts thereof, duly attufted, for pup# went, to JEREMIAH VALOTON, Admf/ A CARGO O F S A LT, Juft,arrived in the sloop Elixabeth, Joseph FriAh matter; from Turk*-1 Hand, To be fold on very reasonable terms. > ■—■■■■—■ 1 ■ ■ ‘ Mutt fltoan from tfe Cnbfmber, : A STOUT YOUNG NEGROE FELLOW nmti Atutin, well known in and aboutSarundh.-Who ever takes him up shall be rewarded by JEMIMA LOVE. RUN AWAY from my plantation on Indian-LapiL the 15th of Oftobcr inst. a MULATTO FBLLOW cal led Virginia John, purchased from Col. Mnlryne (bflne time ago. This is to desire all persons whatsoever to appre hend or take the said mulatto fellow, and they shall havefWi Pounds Currency Reward, besides all reafonabte charges. If taken in this province, and brought to the fubferibef; or to the warden of the work-houfoin Charleftown. His dress was when he went away, an old gold laced hat, a blue negroe cloth doable-breasted fliortcoat with white metal bottom, a fnuff-colourcd cloth jacket, alfoan under jacket or robbin of white negroe cloth, and breeches of the fame, a cheque fluff trimmed at the Adfom, white (lockings, and bine boots, fboes with buckles. He is a very artful fellow, and may endeavour to pass himfelf for a free mulatto, and aflame# different names as it suits him, as, John Dennis or Fohn Pop peay, but more commonly known in Prince William’s pa ri lb by the name of Virginia John. He is a remarkable well made short fellow, about five feet four inches high* has n fear on his forehead as if he had been branded with the lei* ter R. N. B. Mailers of vessels are deftred to take notice of thla advertisement, as he may attempt to impofc on them by hiu artfulnefi, in order to get off from this province, of whick they are hereby cautioned against, as they (hall infwcr it at their peril. JOHN GO VAN, Indian-Land, South-CaroliUa, Oft, at, 1764. j A Lad that nndcrftands arithmetick, and writes a tole rable hand, is wanted to attend io the Surveyor-Gene ml’s Office, either on hire or as an apprentice; if the latter, - be will be properly inftrufted so as to qualify him for the employment of a surveyor; a taste for drawing will greatly itcoMtM bi4#l, and Setter answer the purposes to himfelf* andSsepiUysr. HENRY YONGE, Snrr. Gen.