The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, November 15, 1764, Image 4

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AltiSzOV. an & W TXXIfU . ‘ . ‘ . , HATI IMPORTED* v/ *'ta Hre fait vtffels from'Lowoo and Btitrot, ‘ J nt everUfting breecheo mg and fearnought great coatst fear md fcttae jackets > foildock foftm Wo. I to No*#; -Sftyqn&usk J t anchorss sailors hats bound 5 linked, oiljunftl white Awl and fipanifii brohm ground to oil | iA^*4dftki^KbderateHkm } thrombs 1 Oznaburg#t a btfge df*7Tßthkad yard wide IridrdiaoiM; wfcileand ifltm; ? - 4 tlis aad-Mdulinen aad cheques; cheque linen handkerchiefs yp*fte-*rork ditto; flrrpp4ATiifiet and. whiter San aelj bohea, feonchdng, and hy fan w-oeat Italian chair, -and a genteel light MfMtr*? m t iiSi they mteftd tdf'grve ovsr the importing of dry go6ds, 2* “T”? ftftrftwedHy toxlofe att-Ttennwncerai-m That esimeftly atl ihofe whW fo* kithdfrby bond,, hbte. or bool #sddto pay their rcfpe&ive debts, or To fettle them & tlWfr Ya Vidotiia wine; -fpermatmti, vr.nuM hn > t oicnci?T fdtiNft ntbrjAai a tn lui L,rd til -1 1! A iqUM!*E fcIVBRYLACB’for fftiilrinen an* ladfri vSj|*RMfJilN •* *T Hiking rirrifi* 4e Heft fcto'fcK Smm ortrtfedihoati** 4ayga, A Bright B Sj Hoi*; S?**S *!¥?.* ,? higlr, branded tm the olf turtbelyy^. WhorfSr dilivtrscjaid'firiy to the above Frederick Holzen- Wward. A ,V* v O£L as>7*y*£4 77*‘ “ 1 -* 111 > “'i-i-t-!. -ii.,. .4. .ii ■<. pHE fofefcfibaesbciag about toJeave this ph)vince in a wX . irfftqUilfU time, gives notice umUI portent indebted Jf>P*ne t .tht-dim jMjg.bfoli.te sssssasstß, n '** orl ” ™ cw P° rl river, about four CliaJpa* Sunhury, cp.nyigjng oooam. ut pHfe"PP*l*W 4n of water, a gowj dwelling. * cres <*m Wgh lend cleared.. /T 35P* c rei. on a navigable creek, -witti* °f d? 9?r ur y S°°d for indico and rice, about 00 tW J iS f 1 c!e^rt<i a#id a dwellingshoufo thcre a ¥° *** own swamp, four mi Us from a lacdin*. t 999 %**?* swamp, foe miles from a landing f°o, oa fold hvamp, fovea mile? from a lending. a ‘•Andjpw’spari/h, two miles from a km dinn. principally rice land,andefteeaL Ptts.province, haying great conveni* u *:'r* i ‘* ~*.• James Eead and company in m Sunbury of t& t MANCIS ARTHUR, r. J|Tl W d^i!^i U^r Amt>^ * fomc im * STRAYED fmm Mr. Jonathan WanV m one, others MB in onp tt and alljo grown cattle fCV both trai'i *rbp#>, and what is -com monly trailed an un keel. ItV probable thtymay bcabnut ♦•anng to go back to Carolina;~WboeVer win hunt un thefeeWedfySreaf'Sead of cattle, with their iucreafo, (if they have *ny) and dnve them into Mr. George CuthberVs pa W A £JJ£IZ! i^ h y the month > * STOUT YcklMO NEGEOB FELLOW. Inquire of the printers 1 * A ; by*J< Johhstoh, at tile Printing-Office in Brtwigbm ’ ‘ “ f tedli S*.; . <M ftronrtrtart!j*, v ‘ • c A °V* RSBE R . RICE 1 PtANTATION r A * ma rther thin one with Any D ! Bb weM recommended may freet with oood enco.ra et ment br PriAterofthu pa^r. . ®A*be (Mb i reafouable tertttb, A TRACT of FIVE rtUNDRED ACRES ofXAND /V M naigbl creek, called Collins’i creek; •• thefcwthhdeof Great Odechae, adioi.inn the nb„^ me * ■*bo zoo ire s of feU'Aiia dbotc the town'of Son bare, fit either for ricre M*. or indieo.—For fdrthei ptrticalare Uqaire of tS pnotee>* i. ** 1 w ; r ASH2SSSSf Fw4Ta#eep, end who well recommended for hk §SSfe°sa! ONE TRACT on Savannah rirtf,‘ <ohtainlhfrßb<iii’ reA . J? g mile above the (fluff of Pur, Msaf**’ 1 “ d ’ ONE TRACT; being an idaalin lfrWfe tlw£fe^i re " 8 - .*jßf *hove land* linamiri; ®ms?aftssis£ Tools, &c. —Rice cafod*e ill March next. #fqiw.|o be giveh H required, €rt y kefltered until Ue. nra compimdwyh. ; > , , T Mark carr. | O.j hiir S <j> L !>.♦ . r fHME'TOyjrjN LOTS at VamacraWk on one of which . X w * good dwelling-house, kitchen, well, and other tmpnwknrenti—Anyperfow iadming toparchafe the wht.l, will have fix months credit.——A|fo, A STOUT YOIINC LXKpLT wdf, and is fit for any plantation, business. ■Likcwifej THREE HUNDRED ACRES*bf LAND on Briar-cVcelti; l’ U* fol? ocaSecp lerto aDttan, . i 1/ Xceeding Good Ffoarn made at Augufla,-—Englifli aod H 4 Kcw-rYprk Ship Rjread,t-*M ufeovado Sugar,—Coarfo Salt, —Jamaica Rum,-*Madeira Wine ‘in rty quabtity not less than threo Shoes,-rSplit.Peafe, kC ty . . ALEXANDER FVFFE and CO* ‘4 QTRAYEfi fW>mJSoulaJi, 6&. 50th, TWO HORbRsT O the one a ROAN, aU>ut g years old, < # and *$ and a Wlf hands high# branded‘on tins off fhould&tO; the other* SMALL DARK BAY,-about 12'handj high.—- As also from Savannah, Nov: s d, a LARGE BJ¥Y HORSE, about 14 and a half hands high, 8 years old, with a* Thrift his fore head, poor and hump-back'd.—Whofoever fccures fa id hor fes, and fubfbriber in Savannah, (hall be;rewarded by - ftjDBERT M*CLAIX:HIE. 4pr:f$ K 1764. OneNegrpC Man named l/a&c, whofavi he beldhgs to Mr. Alexander Sjoapners of Flench Santee, in South •Qar'oflna. He is 4 flmrt black well ict fellow, and speaks proper Ehglifli. * . “ \