The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, November 29, 1764, Image 1

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J J GEORGIA GAZETTE Number 87. AMERICA. S AV A N N AH, November 29. 1 ON Wednesday the 21st inllant his Excellency the Go vernor was plcafed to deliver the following SPEECH to* ixoth .Houses of Aflembly. Honourable Gentlemen , Air, Speaker anJ Gentlemen of the Commons House of Assembly , BUR moll gracious fovereigrt having been plcafed to honourine with his royal com miflion, under the great seal of Great- Britain, extending my authority and ju rifdidlion in and over tlie territory an nexed to this province by his Majclly’s royal proclamation of the 7th of Ocio *•1 r * ber 1763, (which is more particularly defhribed in the laid commilfton) and invelting me with all the powers in and over the laid territory, that arc contained an my general commillion ; I mull therefore recommend to your con federation the framing of a bill to extend and enforce all our general laws to and throughout the said annexed ter* in remove and avoid any doubt or difiiculty concerning the fame. And as those two capital laws, the Militia Law and Negroe Law', will expire with this leflion, i’careful reviftd of them will be very neceflary, before they arjp re-enabled. that they may more elfeilually answer die gpod ends prppofcd. ‘ . 1 n* */\ Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the fjfcjnhly. His Majefty’ Poll-maller-Gcncral being eppeerting; mea-’ Hires for*fettling a regular and conflant pod throughout fhc it the King’s pleasure that I rtioufd recoipipeivd it to yop to provide for the crtablilhpient of ferries, and e fe&lng proper buildings on the water-fide, whenever th£ lame may Be found uecelTary within this province, that the jppfls may meet with no delays or interruptions in palling. ’ And his Majesty, out of his princely care for our'protec tion and lafety, having, ordefcd. a part of the fir Cl battalion @l’ the Rqyai American regiment this province, Uill continuing the tvvo troops of Rangers here, I cannot omit requeuing jqu to take, into,yQur.c.qivfideration the, ruinous Sate of bo ft Aug u ha, ami of yard-houfe ip Sa'yaimah; and but you’ll judge it*altogctKer*heceflary to provinon fynjEoic ferviccs. I shall order amaccount year’s tax to h+kridW yore you, and an estimate for the fertice of yfcar, And mull in the ftfongeft mabnej l recommend to vo* f to Vive dispatch, that so the oh the pubjick bufincft ■ftiy not be injurious to any ‘6f members.' 1 Gentlemen of the Council,, Mr? and Gentlemen of the Af v Yu ■ l , > . Jcrnoty, . 1 . J have the latisfaflion to acquaint you that our Indian af fairf hatre fahappily not one his been cqntrarteand intruded on that occasion. I persuade myfelf, Gentlemen,’ that the bufiooA'of tjiis 4e(?ion will be condutte*!with that hitherto welLdxperfcitccd rgrfaf temper, unanimity, dnd Confidence, *fo conducive to •Che general Happibefe bf the plxMtiCe; and allure you of my readiness mod heartily to concur with you in that, and every •measure for his Majefly’s fervicc, and the prosperity of 1 his •province. i JAMES WklUliT. •j Savannah in Georgia, Council* * v Chamber, the 2ill of Nov. 1764. ; . ’ *To hit Excellency JAMES WRIGHT, Tf quirt y Capt (tin-Gene * ral and Governor in Chief of his Piaj (fly's province of Georgia. The humble AddrCfs of the Upper House of Assembly. Afav it ph aft your Excellency t WE his Majcfty’s moil dutiful and loyal fubiefts, the Council of Georgia, in General Alfeinbly met, beg f leave to return /our Excellency our thanks for your Tpecch to both houks. * m A • —fc THURSDAY, November 29, 1764. We mod sincerely congratulate your Excellency upon the additional authority veiled in vot by his Mujelty's royal com million; the annexing such a confiderablc territory to* this province cannot but bctlic means of inviting many va luable fetders to improve it. We intirely agree with your Excellency in the ncccflity, on this occalion, of properly-’ extending and enforcing our general laws, also of reviling/ the Militia and Negroe Laws before tiiey arc rc-enafted j in all which we shall moil readily and chearfuily concur, a* well as in every other measure proposed by your Excellcncv./ It is with great latisfactaon wc find thepublick has beeni no ways burthened by the vote of credit pa:Ted in die lalfc General AfTembly; <md wc have the ftronged hopes that the 4 present peaceable disposition of the Indians (which wc jullly attribute to the very judicious meafurcs purl bed by your ExA cellency in the management of affairs rdatiug to them) may so continue as to render any’ future provision of that natur# unnecedary. Influenced by vour Excellency’s candid example, an| animated by an unfeigned zeal for the publigk we fliall ipvariably per lid in our endeavours to conduft bufleets of this felfion , with the well-grounded caytions re- by you; And, from the tendency of every part of your Excpllen'ty's pal! conduct, we caq have no ‘room to doubt of yOur concurrence in apy f measure that may promote the welfare and prosperity of Georgia. By the House. 3 e Upper House, Nov. -JAMES HABERSHAM, Piefidetitl 1 1 22, 1764. ’ l ut < I. ’i * 1 , *i . > ; * ( -Honpurable Gentlemen, , u , v ♦ XT’ O Uk <vtry kindaildrtji l mnfl tardily and I for the zeal you exp refs to promote the honour , suttreA , and tranvisllrty of ibis provinirVafo fW the )fai}fb BbJe an pft fifed to entertain ejTmf cOaduli, which 7hope'll f/t eodt thkr} 0 be fitch as may merit the approbation of gentian Tib kitsch c/term. * • Nov. 22, 1764. - JAMES UAms toet'/lcnty J AMRS WRIGHT, Jyjk V, Cdptaiu-OtuL - ral and of * the fatvritce of Oeergiu, add * Vice+AJmirul efihr lernit. * *’ • 1 • - T •The humble Address us tße Commons’ AfTembly^ Mif ispteaft va* E*ecUt*rt } w * * - his Yrdm dutiful and loyal fstht Gdnrral Aflehvbly h*et, i retdin moil’ titf cerc l .tod an ft- Ign ed fKank'£>r your to*hotfl houtds of aficmbly. ? 1 *>,*/. 1,1, u >1 /-d. < . i ‘ *1 ic fcpmitus, Sir, to Acknowledge fhev*y grateful and fitf •ocrufenfe we have of t Me huppinefs We enjoy under y our 0* xnd mild ad ruin llfratioh. ? u •* q ‘. Vour Excellency’s-t<?KHeV care and hifmaSie endeavours tf> •prevetic die fpieadhvg oCtKat dreadful difteinper the fmalf lpox,at fitidn a* it urthappify broke Out aino#gft us, demand# <ob mart graceful ackifoWtCdgmenrs. ‘ ,f! ‘ 3 is’ Wclherttld be vd/mtich wanting in dotyto oor mod prn ciou* yfoveteign, if J we btt|ittid to teftify, on this occofton, •the lively sense we Majedy’s royal favour tnthls province, in annexingfifXWhftderablea territory thereunitd, heartily congratulate your Rac'd laity <SO the extnvfion-df -your and join with yoainopinioh that it is efl - tremoly expedient we htoUld frame a bill for the enforeemiMit of All our to 1 and throughout the fame; and, 4- greeable to vour Excellency’s recommendation, shall ended voqr to revise and correal the Militia and Negroe Laws, .that 1 Ley nus wax* an good cads p)f pojpyjs -i. l. • . i We highly approve of tbc plan now concerting by his Majclly’s foil-mailer*General for the ellablilhmeut <f a ae putar poll throughout tne colonies; to promote which no ting 10 our power, confident with the abilities of our cou- Uituents, Ihaji be wanting.