The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, December 06, 1764, Image 2

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tVROPEAN INTtlllCUlCt ’ T iWc, s*•$ *• ot bis “\loft *ChriKan Major’s Plef poce*|Ury, with regard 10 li * <Jcbts t 0 thc Canadians, viz. X) pfM “ The King of Great-Britain having dc .. iired that the payment of the letters of exchange, and bill#, which had been de- livercd fi> the Canadian* for the necfcfla ries furnished to the French troops, ihould be secured; his Mo* ChrifHan Majesty, entirely disposed to render to every one that jutlicc which is legally due to them, has declared, M id does declare, that thefaid bills, and letters of exchange ihall be pun Anally paid, agreeable to'a liquidation modern m convenient came, according to the diitance of the placet, and to what'fiiali be possible; taking care however that the bills, and letters of exchange, which the French fubjeAs may have at the time of this declaration, be not confounded with the bills, and letters of exchange, which are in pofleffion of the neW*fubje&3 of the King of Great-Britain. . ‘ * i V In witness Whereof, we the underwritten minifkfs of Ms MottChriftiap Majtfty duly authorised for this purpose, have fignsd the present declaration, and caused the Sm ofi onr arms to be put thereto. • > ‘ l • Done af Paris the 10th of Feb. 1763. . s.t. i 1 (L.S.) CHOISBUL, Due db PRASLIN.^ • MgujS 23. It m fald that in the memorial lately triiAf milted to the BsitafH Ambaifcdor at Paris, among other thufes our Government havjt infixed, that, as the famous CoUnt ‘fTEftaing has exhibited lb many infiancesof his perfidy and Ul-wiU to his MajeftyVfqbjefts, bemay be render’d incapa ble of committing farther mifthief in the by removing him from his Governor Generalmip oi Martinico, Guadeloupe, Cayenne, and Cape Francois. 4 *.,'fh. WV hear the sum of io,oooi. fterjmg wiii be granted next (effion so each of the provinces of Carolina, Georgia, and the t wo Florida*, to be applied for the better encouragement of tjhr growth and cult art’ of raw fills ill. America; the govern ipeut being detf mined to main win, if possible, the bhlaacg ofithis valuable uunafa&ure in our hqocta :*/ *s* ¥W* that the FrenOlately madeo - for ceding,New-Orlcans,, with their entire lands to |L* weiiwaru the crp//n ofOre^-Britain; but all oar islands, and other pofieffiops in America, ere lb critically fitnated* that hardly any of them can hd given in exchange ; wither is their any likelihood that thus aqceffioa can be made otherwise than by downright purchase. Sept. i. it has bteyi fait by feme of our political Wits, that the Mingni-pv have loft their Heap tad one Leg : If tkis*ke are indeed in/i pitiful condition; for, as to a Hs art, never had one atypng them* , r ; jg •• . Ay feme late American furrs, great quantities have Keen bought up by rcene.ft agents at so high a price as 11. 17;. perlb/tns bed beaver: So greatly W they car ry on this valuable mai|afaftory,;fii|ce the esffion of Panada Great-Brittfp* ... .. Sift.. 4. It is laid’ a very confiderarlc duty will be laid Oext fefiions on the exportation of furrs and beaver to France, nrtjrderttrpnrvcijtoxjr bring rivxHed-by-any other nation in &is manukaure. \/vf Sd>h $. ASpanith man of War, called the Orient, is re turned into tie lay of Cadiz, after viewing the fortreft of Magador, on the.coad of Barbaryvandh three ships qj t|e lipe, htt&dd by two fr|gatand ketches will fpeedJiy tail on aq expedition, order to fuia that new aeftorny rates, befote it is thou roughly fettled. •We are credibly informed, tharone of the principal fe vouvire fishemes of the M is to bring in a bill next ££ sons hr the better fcettring the OOnftitation, by preventing the officers ©ttaeirfafld fbrc<? a*€wl! at any time be Allow ed feats in the hojftfcj from being deprived of their commif fious, otherwii'e than by jodgmeat of a court-martial, to be held for Inch purpofe/or by an.addrefi of either house of karliameat. >- 1 > -v.jc A - Certlki adiricea have been received, that three men of waj luled from the Havana the 20th of Jane lad, to the well. #axdt aad irdip different accmiats received from Jamaica k appears that tho Spaniards are fbrtifyHie Balis, RioHoado, ’ Jucatan, the new River, and BacaW , and every place of any conieqacace in the bay of Headaras, with firong platforms of canooa. Vhe above men of war are (aid to lie appoint* ad asguard-fhijj* on tkeSpaitifh main.. ■ v r i Sift. 11. Thursday left the Tilbery, a fine new feventy dbnr gun Hup, launched atbimgcwall, ifU down to W 00k a ; ■ y ,■ „■,* , #■ f ** y > f r: wicYw take in her mads, In order to be fitted out for with the utmost expedition. ‘ ** v Eight IklkeCoriairsvinfeßtnf, haveti ken an Knglifh feip from (.ondon and another from America, on pretence that their passports were not authcntick. * Various are the reports about the considerable naval ar maments now fitting out in the principal ports of this king dom ; according to fome, the Mediterranean is to b> vifitcl by a poaferful Beat; others will have it, that Jamaica is to be the general rendezvous; From whence, after having examin ed into the affairs of Turks Iliand, and ihewn tlTe french we are prepared for them in that quarter, the whole fquadroj will bear away in fight of. the Havana for the Spanim mak, where possibly the appearance of twenty Bfitilh fail of the liht may have a better effect in reducing the Spaniards to y*kr&pfit* t than twenty tedious expostulations with the pet ty governors of Campeachy, Honduras or Jucatan. They advise from Briflol, that fifteen cuftonrtmd excise officers were lad week pricked off to do duty in the Ille of Man, and. the fame day embarked on board three cutters ’ to be llationed at Douglas-Bay, to prevent smuggling. Stfh* 4* The day of Algiers complains of our lending our flag and passports to foreigners; and we* are given to under stand; thibt we mult think seriously of fodreSing this abofe if we would avoid.the reientraent of the dey, ’who has dis. patched < hither an EngUlhman express to deliver this mes sage on his part. ‘ * A large number of spare gun carriages are now getting ready at the Tower to be flvipped in the next transports for North-America. conjectures with regard to the. nten of war now Etting out, certain it is their place ofdeffi* nation is kept a profound secret. It is however said, a con fidetablo Iqundron will fail by the latter end of September, but whither boond, perhaps even the Admiral himfelf may not be pljrihitied to tnovsi till his arrival in a certain lati tude. ‘ . V The coqrisof France and Spain not having agreed about the exchange of Louisiana Spanith part of the iffand of St. Domingo, we are allured that the-Jrffof thofc two dontti has lately made overtures to that Os England for the ceffionofNew- Orleans, and of all Louisiana, to the well of the Miffifippi, but as France demands ih exchange fome of the-Ettgfim Ifltnds'inthe Weft-Indies, and as the court of Great*Britain does not seem disposed to part with any one of those islands, it is not likely that Loninana will pass under the dominion of England, except by way of acquisition. LefdtnGatu'tti. • ft is fiiid a ceetain noWe.Duke will ffiortly set out, in a very high character, to a neighbouring kingdom, onanim - portant aifair. * 1 . Tke demand of woollens for the Spanifti trade has, for feme weeks-pa ft, been confidcrably incrcafed. By a gentleman who arrived a few days since from Dun kirk, wekavean account that the fortifications of that place towards the fee were entirely demo!ifiled, the fatisfadti on of the Englilh commiflaries, who were lent there to fee it performed'. i AMERI C A. f - —•— P*rt~ Royal. Jamaica* 03. 11. . . SR RIVED hi* Majesty’s (loop Ferret, Capt. Bre it.’ CUne in the King-WiJ, flodDfc* ’longing to Rhode-Ifland, (he Waia taken oy h , „ French guarde de cofta, *d‘fo*t hither h y Count d’Eftarng, to be delivered to our governed—'A French officer, tlic Qhevalier d’Arcy, came in her for that purpose. 03 if. failed hit Majesty’s (hip Alptdi/Tor jßonaccd harbour on the Mufquito ihore, with mailt and Eorci fox the Swift deep. / “ O&.zfy, Monday last arrived hit,M a jelly ‘a (bp Vemrt. And thi* morning came in the Alarm jyith the Swift oop under jury mad*.—The Swift was met Venus at ft a, and towed by her and the At*rm to this place. It is * al d Swift’s creware loft* .. Roflon.Qcl.-yt,. The ffth ult. arrived at Halifax, thh brio..Folly, Capt. Thomas, from London, in which esme Doaor Spry, j ndge of the Court of Adaoiral f for the hiorth* American diffrid, with his family. , # * . the (economy in regard to thedrefs. at funerals 11 ’ nued, and like to prevail.-.—-Several inftanccs occur and fineb our last, where all the relatives were djreflcd agreeable to tip plan . * ‘'a*’