The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, November 07, 1765, Image 1

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.if.SJt Uti ! i*". ;i lT*> |f Itlßuh'f .l!i i!nt >i*tt.f.lV'” r\ 1 NtfMßttft'igo. \W&qmAk INTELLIGENCE. K.g London* JtJf 22. rrepon.oce to the people of Irelffa*2, Jt U, to make every lord lieutenant tefide fix yean in hit government, ia confe .gjteiiee of which the fitlary will j* ftifod jp a year, and a ftiU fanher.eo ."rT* nine Indians and Blacks Wolypclaiil’ . # oa f C to embark lor re ; thaCoad ofCWigy MV /; - i.y e^at * 4euan is gn foot to cfe£t • pew .* tjiftenww gn?T%CTOtia Bay in Newfound land, wh<;reptown ‘Ssafrbtb be Uuift,‘which, in honour of her Majedy % will prOpcftortfici|iogs. * ..k 4- iX ,I< ??lV?.reisP®? °f ‘Hffpfi- Henry tjreavijlf.rttrd *r l W c ?s ,in *v“>!a&jsj .4* by difcrttt wthont u gome p*b* attempt- MJW “PP f ofaheftna .. I‘,:W* n,l sr9 ,te<l t y t a< yß J ’**“ *to**•* iteff *♦,*?'**'?•*, °* w^*** I **! 4|B3tfe^MlSSCSgS ““htf Letters From Paris mention, that an cfueris reptfto Bfdd to provide fuffitieot tranfperts to embark. tooo f land force* ‘lbr rntifch tuands in the Weft Indies. w > 0 V? Juty26. We are credibly informed, that, inconfouence of a vtsrfftvtftfraTOe account tranfmifted here from Governor MtrtlV of Qoebeck, the board of trade havq now undeV fiwariblHthe effecting a hew fcttlement oh the coad of Labrador .in the GulphofSt. LawrCntd, iteari y 6jtodjift*'the -iftaltf df Abticoffi, where is an txcefcdihg fln£ : hfirbbudLe -dtfll to that of Halifax in’ Nova-Scot, l c6tuitt*f'rich pi *furs, and a filKety inexhaustible; *. \ 1 4%rtytQ. * A bhirdonongitude thh Tr*tth Mt the -admiralty, when the marine table for fthtfint tnfc lon gitude. at foa, u t?y the Umar m C thdd ,2 ih Vented .byiUV’.'W 1 • Vtftf lf'Wlw taken iWtd confide rat ton’ arid £ tfttroy ,4 n 16 boi advanced to enable thb thv'td VaM it In to execntioh. A ; By this Wder, ‘it fctmld fojfcm ttlV sHcW miffionert tflmik the lontjifode fhffirieiatihlfilcovfrcd hr Mr. HdNUtori'*U keeper. • r ’- A ’< “ , ’ We Right Hod. Ae fcbfds Cfafkit fioher* 6k ffl) TtAWry plfcfiftd *o appoint Richard black, Efo. of hn MajeJtys (surtom* it flrt rbyal id r * . Letters fropi Berlin pf the bring advich, that What has lM^iKlrieaHdhbd,‘ r artd fefteh'HJi'eaffed in r the publick pa- of being Riff due frotk tfbe court of Lon don b the Kfhgvf Rruflia, is without the least fbUbdatfoo* fhefe been long ago discharged. • \ jf letterfrin* ’ A I ** SrR, ! tenltabfolutely decline the challenge you font Jne yesterday, by Robin, and frankly acknowlfige I not fight yba. ■*! am very sensible the world in gdneraj will call this cowardice, and the odious appellation of fcooftdrel wfll be giv-en me in every coflee house/ But, I hope, you #Sll not judge with the multitude, because you Kaye been xxx eye- vvltnrfs t 6 my behaviour in no left than foven engage ftients with the Common enemy. I then had the reputation •fa brave man. and sun conscious 1 am so Still, even when I ... rn.;.. . * T H tt D :A Y, ■‘ ■’ - • •■•’ *f \> ■ ~ • .• ~f,T — wmMMkwMMttli tell yo> tJmt wM| : Ike rttfauef *, To fcSS^r"- S ‘tu*T ! ’t’ l ' v,lti ’ ■ fco |fc S“‘very -S-A'ilY !? btl * < ’ Slr ; ■*fixJrxtiernduthecooUpt of mea tkan the anger of my Maker t a temporal evil’ ntkrr than an eternal one. Inont of the wileftlatttof the world, i .**’ BO *w atfajnft parricide, hccaaft they dwaght it aenme theworft of tuUaiae would ha incapable V. Wr ?.*£!?“ nOC °i' T regard todoeUin,, Whatcaa benmmenorUmai than for men, not to fay ChnUaat, tndftkml,, to third , for the blood o/ejrt kt y tnoro-eo aimthr blow, ‘^ U V M once both, tt thebMyaai Mi, Ji o“*ewM*.JoO‘Wid login yoa up to the tv. ratay of gpoar .paffoni, lam w remain naltr af my w “-. ,j,, ‘v >, L.tlVoar’s, *e> “ , W o # l , llon mention the taecipt of aa. , thriUKk laulHgence,,.that the Imperial Divan, at Coaftaa. imoplc wai taking meaiiueexo assist the Emperor of Moroe. re- dm A 7$ tvooptg nnd money, hut xlfo by Powerful diyerfion in another quarter, U ofoof bring it vaded By the conjunct power* of France and Sputa* nftfted v by ehf.ofhcrChndUn iiatet bordering on the Mediterranean. . 5* * Ike dfy fixed fai Mr. Hfr- ; f Mnake a full difcoverj of the pvineiple* and eo fUuCD% pf hi* watch or uaplutper, to the fix geatknm appointed by ,ih tofuniffooff* of longitude to attend for .te 1 ‘I hen in aU probability he will motive tbead <* 7sm .iTM remateia*.lo.oool. wiU be kept in refttve fome tune longer. The nze of the timC ■fom* ** Vs a old fafldaaed J#ff‘UWW MOW kaa employed himfeif 40 JiWfiWßtlKj ->ioaytahaaad. j- ■ 1 ■> Jug. 10. A few days ago orders were font to a confide-* table tCJtomaker jn r W&mroflc* to got roudy with the ut- ,, , TheJJricoJe man pf u arrived at Bayonne foam Mon- K-iCnnßi, have federal of £f*, principal malcoontcne* nftho JranckfoyttlementxdSt. tPomingo on board, in iron*. JOiv Wedneffyy hi* Grf£f the Duke of Richmond kUfod W* Wajy|y’* hand,, on being appointed Ambafiador Rktra .in thefbeginmpfcM jMe, foveral warm refbladow* .WWW * e Si m * 4#* Amttiw# *■ whidi they,declared, That# Igfeeable tn their foveral charters, taxes are to be impbfod of |hem without the confont of their wiihrefolving, ‘• That J. any Pw>h w bo fowl, by fpeakmg or wriung, mainfiirb Jf, perfon or peyfons* fiber than the General A firm colony, bar* any fight r power to impo e H . any; taxation whatever op |ho people there, (ball be deem ycd enemies td that fus^Msuefiy's colony,” * it iifaid the Right fionTCord Cardrofs will be appoint* pd a lord of trade, : y/ * . ‘ - J\ letter frown AnnapolUia Maryland, dated Jane 6, fays, “ We learn from the Northward, that the damp-ad is f* lake place in America, on All-Saints day, the id of No* vcmbef next.** After which follows this strange remark: w tn* the yhar 1755, on *ht id Os November, happened that dreadful and memorable earthquake which destroyed the ci ty dfmbofi.;,’ . • . , Jug. ij. Lad Sunday died at York, Sir Henry F.rlkine, Bart, mepiber of parliament for the bnrghs of Anftrether-Ea- Rer, Andrudier-Wefter, Ac. in North-Britain, Col. of the fird or the Royal regiment of foot, Secrerary to the order of fte Thiflle, and Major-General of his Majeity l 's forces. • The Lords of the Treafurv fat on Thursday, Friday and Saturday lad week, and had before them, it is laid, a scheme of a vefy extensive nature for the utility of Great Britain and the dominions theieunto belonging. They will lit all® this day, dn the fame occafiow.