The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, November 21, 1765, Image 2

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preme power over the fubje&s cf Britain cnimfolly, flioukl yet conceive of a defporick power within thcmfclves, would’ be moft difrefpeafuii Andwe femfctoywor BMfclleney’f , confid wadon^jw hither to fuWfoan in any gotaernmnt, to t*g the/dbjfG* without dUlAonfec, does natincli*c the ideaof Boh a power* ■ - - ~ J£ff pUafeyeur Excelling, ;m- Ot* 6vty \oMm King, r 'w4to hohhftbe'rightrofaH his fubje&s sacred as his own prerogative, and our Jove to our constituents, w thmr&areftintcre tS, corfftrain iu to be explicit upon this very important occasion. We the 1 this province at having the itrongefl affefiion fop his Mate ft y, under Whoft'happy govern meritljhey ’Have feft afl the bles sings of liberty. * 1 hey havetoharm sense of the honour, freedom and independence of tSf fubjefts of aWtriot King: They have a<jnit value for thole inlehimable .rights which are derived to all men from nature, and are hap'prly inter woven in ahd ßriuih cbnftitutioii ? They esteem ft facriledge for them ever to gieO them fcpri’and rather tKMh fofe them, they would willing!? part with efoty WeHeepl? rcgretit/that'theiparHameni hasfeenflttopafsfirch an aa athe'Ocdinp M ?: W* flatter ohrfcWts that Sfardfliips.of it;will Bior*reappear to ihem ifiyfoefc I point induce them in ueir wisdom tdmfeal it: In the mein time lee atuft. bM your ftdm ! ;4ofig any thing eo aftiftiu the executfort of iti Wert we hibrder toa wottwftchmow to reioive what we feittrito fityWflii's head into jhlre wrfeo'ukf with all humiHry aft, Whe ther kwimld bepoffiblefbr us tOadd ariy Weight to an a & of that inoftlugoft body the parliament? Whether it Would hoi joe ooaftruett a*’arrogance andprefumptioo in us W attempt it JL Whether younßxtseilency can house of repreienutives fliould be adive in britthiov a griii llJctfS burthen, hpon their co fifth ue’nts F -Such aCotiduA m us .Would baitb o(>pofc the ftntimeuw Os the people Wheini wi .Tiey. wnphKh*(hat mtft effimrial rights df •Magna HSttartai lto which'af ‘BrttHh fu&Jetts :j tKey haveTa i<: • That it wßplti cirticifi vik*>!ttg3rwdjrioq upon Whick oW iiicelWrj fcttfcd tbit iMftatrjuandjariarred hirSlajefty*e doxdtnfoh, 1 Widf tfinch i*4i taKbfoodvaad at foeir foie exfftfrce: Thtflfc fs'fbtd®’ foot* if fob ordiat£c*vi> goverrf. which ampty’fcturefforhe hfcgiafwe, to t&r nado* our coimeaioh, ir hnd to ftHfteixoktlli ifldfcfibftble 5 rights ofßtmnn: Thai ft tends *pp dfAqtyfd&tmiptirai tbnhdeace-aud affeatqdratweU which ought ever td fchSfl’ambng a*Phß‘MsU ito hir wide aridex tended empire ftphiftit ina* Starf&'* precedent theft pAateaithcy ihhdahmk proper* awd the wfedteS&he* nlrttfoi .Thai tfeiftKcfle arfmgte judge of; thp mlmitajtyfwf/ rfewer , their Ofoptcty in cdritittfeHi* 'iffliii eboCenasi, aauiNM[% jury, coUtJOry to the very Magna Sfi*h* fefefof oath of goodattffowftrt mehofthd'fibrnagei ihat it even patU in him powdi'df auinfosmet Id carry *W jpuiW oSenderanohDUhan Mai V and **&£* **,wmtec£*l\ evils, if Mr Majefty*l WmeHtan fubi J*m troißOt tfi be. eds acbbrding lifted llbtawfthtdotidihidon, as tholh'iit Brttain ifft gfcatly minds may ihnii>e beCdtt di feifea- tannoreren Ui without OmwtmmA abhoititnceM-WeaW-tbdirforry rtat IpPUfSjltetttfißpthai aowsr OfyOd^iußh^VtO dWm hay lodgment •f'thi'u JutoWto yipcecdw^nih^vdta^frbftituttd^wbethUheiulandfatfcf'i M yithotlghrs irfVoptr to r rterfid i ntma ;dfcs ifmon of t he’ 4dubK noha Uvcfeen that the pfopWh fears With 1 - Wtttgoodfotfndataon, and the love and cOnckiW whidi v Vou gyrofoA them, a* wnll duty tohisMaieffy, •whose faiihiui,fabjefls theyidre, tnight have bodn the moft your Excellency to have exprefled your fwipwhfd Ofi Jt, early; enough’ to those whose influence hroaghtislntdjbmtig.-*- in. >t ttr. * • 1, 1 • e:,. W* .caiwfifcholp expreffiug Our great uneaflnefs r that af jer violences committed in the town of t &MtsK*\lency fhoiild aUcthis Houfe,'whether such | jMWteftdiM hreconiillent with the dutiful, humble and loy |A* Kprffoaotiow;xhich wepropole made: We are fore your Excellency will not exprefly charee us wi*k encouraging the late diJUrbances; and yet to our unfpcaU ble furpnse and aftonHhipent, we can't hut *c,. that fcy f si ; ImpUcanohit may be argoedfrom the manner'of expression, ‘lbnt wddlkn wa> intended to be throwo on the province We dr wmffeftors refift for civil li* berty, buthope never to fee the time when it fliall be ex* pedient to countenance any methods for its preservation but such as Are legal and regular. When our /acred right* are “infringed, wrfee?the grievance ; but* Ve^ undefftand the nhture of our happy conftituti@too well, and entetSm ton high atf Opinion or the viriue andjuflice of the fuprmne le ^rss^i!ttsius2: fidernaiunkind for vourExcellency to caafucb a reflexion rt) *■ province whose ttnlhaken loyalty apd ip'diffoluble at tachment to his Majesty V moft sacred person and aovern “? W*r*r Nw ftmaiinLqudUbig dnd we hope in GoJ never wilt Weibonld rather have thought your wouW haveOT#sijour fatitfaflion it prehj m *m ‘° people, who in that part aft* govern men< where the violences were committed, before there was time for thero to be fopported by thc arjn of civil power, and even while the supreme magiiirgto w*s,abfcnt, by their own motion raifjrd a (pirit and diffufod it trough all miles foctefsfully to interpose and ppc a dop to foch proceedings. ■ 1 : \ * ; Yob'* Excellency 19 pleased to reconjmend a com pen fati on to be made ro thefufferers by tffc late difluybancesiv4-We highly difcpptove of the ads of violence which have Wn tomfliitfedj yet till We are convinced that to comply wii recommends, wist nbt land to encou tage such outrages in time to come, anfl till reafon bah bfedffignea wjiy^loffes fhpfe gentlemen have foftain ? nSoccafion, m l l g^ J happen tofof, mre pdrluaded we /ball jiot fee our way cleat to order such a compenfajtion We are greatly at a loss to who has any right tq require this of us, if we ihould ? ffom your Ekceillency ‘in point of its being an aft of juftide Which concerns the'credit of -the government. Wc banldafconceive why it should becalted an aiVofiufticc ra-j thdPtbtWgewtyofl QC uSlfelSr your Excellency, supposes a crime committed by a ft>£ Individuals Chargeable upon a whole community. . . ; r: ”‘ ; y, v ,t . ; r 1 Wk lre very yoUr Excillpflcylbbuid think it heedfol to intimate that any endeavours have been and may be used toJefTenyohr credit with this)u?u'fe. Your Eircel liaWfonnot but be sensible that when the popular hign so privilegef,’ ir is no unusual ihipg for a clamour tq ehari|&Zituiiucncir’ Ve cati aflurd yod that oyrljudgment of men, dfpecially of.thofe ih high flations, is dlways rounded upon our experience and dbfofvatiori. While yo\lr Excellency is pirafed to ipake your tp theimercft of his pF this proyincei, -ihe rule of yQur administration, you may rely opon tHe readieftaffiftancethaj be Wto you. And you will Havt out KaleWii&ofo tp Itrike out foch *iP|>4fltWjf condqa; mr, While it fecurb so ypu yhe foulej ts f^atS^vw^'tß^lSSSS StoJwSwTOl©. s Hfe Went Ojfn a pett, he aouime to lhifthifdrds, Which reef it'fs will change in the ***-^ Li WTrbeVtT will appTchchd the said Peter, and bring him to ‘the fuqferiber itt NoYfigrwaft, (hall have a' Beaver ■Skin jt - . B;. l Tf he Will feforn to his duty,’ andCpromife reformat .tibn, he will be kincUy rfcceived, qth'erwi/V deemed a.dc iCl'lCa s y * ‘ - , ‘ , w . . % ’ Rhode IJlctod, Off. 14. Vfre hear that numbers bf young persons in country ire joining in wedlock, they inteadeid,‘ 4 fuppoflng that after the. iftofdex| tnonth 1 it would be difliCult to have the Ceremony petforiu cd without paying dearly for S/a/nftsrg:■ Np less than 22 cou ple were pubhflied on Sundky lail at Marblehead, intending marrJege on the fame accoulit: * ‘•