The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, May 21, 1766, Image 1

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y*****'**e!'*** T H /^..sTr'•/ ‘ */■• •’ L* * * * •Jfhft t*mjLA A* bJ+ — fifof ‘'v ; ~ 4’ iEORGIA GAZETTE *Bf >39- V I ’ / . SAVANNAH, May *i. ff Capt. Anderson, who arrived .here the isth infl. in seven weeks fromthe Downs, we learn, that the bill for repealing the American !$> Aft had been read twice in the House of Lords, and by a majority ordered to be committed. ithCant. Anderson camepaflengers Capt. Thomas Wills, Mr. Inglis, Anderson, ire. • b f§ hear a Lieutenant-Governor is appointed for this jfrovince, who IB embark in a vessel lor Charleilown with the Governor of.South-Ca st soon after Capt. Anderson failed. When this veiTel arrives we hope avethepleafure of congratulating the publick on the moil important fs of thr bill for repealing .the Stamp Ad having received the royal af ■ffapt. Srachan was also soon to fail for Charleilown. Wiliiatf Grover, Esq. formerly Chief-Juftice of this province, we are 4, is amointed Chief-JulliceofEail Florida, in the room of the Hon. j ia®Cß Mmltrie, Efy dectafed. His Mnefty's Poilmafter-Gencral has established two additional packet 4ts, on 70 tons burthen, to be navigated with 20 men each, for the nveyaiie of mails, ejfpreftes, and jpaflengers, to Barbados, Granada, ntguaJSt- Chrtftophers, Jamaica, Panfacola, Charleilown, and back to Falmdth ; also three others of the fame tonnage, and the like number men, In Head of thole before employed. A mail was to be difpatchcd from theDeneral Poll Office, London, on Thursday the 13th of March last, andfor the future the giails are to be dispatched from thence the fe *ond THrfday in every month. The Commons House of AiTcmbly of South-Carolina have direded a com mi tie of the Houfeto wait on Thomas Lynch, Chriilophcr Gadfdtn, and }om Rutledge, Efqrs. to desire they will fct for their pidures at the .publichexpence, which when finiihed are to be put up in their affembly room, a memorial of the great services those gentlemen performed for their cfbntry at the New-York congrcfs in Oftober latt. They have al r o jttnanintoufly resolved to make provifton for procuring fiom England a mtrblvflatue of Mr. PITT, to beereded in that province. Th# brigt. Speedwell, Capt. Redman, sent express by the Carolina merchants in London, with an account of the repeal of the Stamp Ad by tie Hsufe of Commons, was call away near Charleilown bar, in a drone %ilerlr wind and thick weather, on Sunday the nth. The people took their boat, and were saved. A fubfeription wc hear is set on foot for captain, Sec. - * Thursday last the chimney of the house of Mr. Andrew Darling mer \ pant in Sunbury was (truck with lightning, which entirely threw down v fame, and tore the chimney-piece considerably, fome of the splinters M which hurt one gentleman a good deal, and fome others who were in Company with h'm (lightly. Mr. Alexander Fyffe, late of this place merchant, died in Charleilown last Sunday fe'nnight. Friday last arrived here from St. Kitts, the brigt. Charlotte, Preferred Alger mailer; and yesterday arrived from the fame place the (hip Samuel anaßetfey, Samuel Peiifon mailer. On Sunday failed from Tybce, Dolphin, John Marihal, and the brigt. Happy Recovery, for Gofport, and the iloopHope, Nicholas Nelson, f->r the Weft-Indies. Tie freihes at present in the rivers Savannah and Ogechee are lo great that several neeroe-houfes, See. are walhed away, and great quantities of land overflown. T MSaOBOsOBQBOBOeOeOBCSeOcOOOOC*OcOeOOO9CX3eOaOBOaOsOeOSOBC K I teas from the East-Indies, f a Letter/rem Baneres, . February 10. ionth Major Munro left the army; and the com on Sir Robert Fletcher, Major in the company’s have the command but for a Ihort time, Major ‘the governor and council to proceed to the army .resolved to make the bed ufeof his time, and has 1. About a month before Major Munro’s depar wo severe repulses in our artacks again ft a fort ft. igb hill, ano on the river: We hacfmade breach ntng party was ordered to mount it, but from the and the torrent of stones that were ro!!ed from it, it p it. The next night another trial was made but had many men killed, and many officers wound. sd, and ft mo ft all the Idets, who went upon the service. Major Munro upon tbit withdrew a Vhe forces sent upon this expedition, in order to Irengthet the army he was then putting in order to withstand Suit Dowlahb, who on heaig our repulles, had flattered himfelf that h hoold Band a good chans 0 f beating os. We encamped under the walls of Baneses, waiting his abroach. His infantry and artillery did apt come arithin fifteen utiles of ns feat his horse Were continually (kirmiihing with -Our advanced polls. It W thought improper to move oar fitaation; we fieensnd Baneres from the of his horie, who would certainly on our forewent have la this fitaatioa were our affairs when Sir obei came to the comouM, He referred to attack them. He left a arty la Baneres to defend ihgaiail whatever might come against it, and * thefourtccnth, at twclvd^j o ck at sight, marched off with the dray WEDNESDAY, May ai, 1766. towards the enemy, who lay about f.xteen miles from him. The third day he came up with them. They three times drew up to fight him: but would not Hand at last. When he had routed them, he lent a large de tac mient against the fatal fort. The governor of which, after there were three practical breaches made in the walls, delivered up the keys of the fort, with tears in his eyes, and with thele affefting words, in the fight of all hu troops. 6 *’ * h *Y endeavoured to aft like a soldier; but deserted by my prince, and left with a mutinous garrison, what could I do f God and you (laying hu hand on the kor<U) and pointing to his soldiers) are witnefles, that to the faith of the Engliib I now trull my life and fortune.*’—What ano. ble behaviour I Becoming the bravest and moil poliihed European. His troops had been without pay for about fix months. Sir Robert was not less iuccefsful against Eliabad; so that little now is wanted to compleat the ruin of Suja Dowlah. We daily expeft Lord Clive, and hope the next campaign will condu& us, under his auspices, toDelly, toeftablilh il.c emperor, who is again ill our pofllffion, on the throne of his ancestors.” v /N G L I S and HA L L % Juts imported In the Georgia Packet, Capt. Anderson, from London, A NEAT ASSORTMENT of India and Engiifh chintzes, printed calicoes and linens; a great vari t) of dark ground cottons, perfians, and taffetas; held and cotton counterpanes; flowered, spotted, and clear lawns; Silefias, long lawns, and cambricki; ladies neweft-fafhionedfa* tin and mode hats and cardinals; fafhionable plain and figured ribbons; fans, maiks, necklaces, a&d car-rings; blond and trolly lace; silk and cotton laces tapes, pins, and needles; plain and Ho We red fa tin and mode for capuchins; thread and silk pavilion gauze; an aflortment of flays, quilted coats, scarlet clraks and cardinals; mens, womens, boys, anft girls leather gloves and initts; variety of mens white, black, mafquerad<', and plain silk hose; womens black and coloured silk mitts; feta of mezzi. tinto and copper plate prints; Ruilia drabs, garlix, dowlas, white and brown hollands; clouting and napkining diaper; diaper and damaik tablecloths; mens and boss felt aid fainionable beaver hats; fine anft coarse ricefieves; Crawley’s bed broad copper tea-kettles and cof fee-pots ; plain and fluted candle moulds; neat japanned waiters and bread balkets; plain and cut giais caftors; brass ana mahogany candleilicks; coffin furniture; neat pinchbeck and mourning buckles; painted and ma hogany framed looking-glalfes; mahogany tea chests, waiters, and bottle Hands; neils of gilt trunks; (hallow and deep pewter plates and diihcs; fpicery and pickles of all kinds; Scotch and rappee fnttff; cue and pigtail tobacco; a small aliortinent ot medicines; ftstionary-wares of all kinds; neat Morocco pocket-books with instruments and ftlrer locks; Kirby fiih-hooks r silk and hemp iiihing-lioes; Scotch and furniture cheques; cheque hand erchiefs, cotton gowns, bed bunting, mattresses, and bed blankets; Mancheib r and Genoa velvets; Angle and double alo pines, poplins, damaiks figured drefdens; fergedeniime, jeans, thick* lets, fullians, and jocoleys; scarlet and green whitney; Bath and bear (kin coating for furtouts; ginghams, Turkey burdets, nankeens, banda noes, and cotton romals; London plated, gold and silver bafleet and death head buttons; marking canvass and crewels; large and small oil-cloth umbrellas; and a variety of other articles. Which, with a FURTHER ASSORTMENT daily ex pected from London and Bristol, they will sill at a L-W advance, at their store near the Market-place. For the Benefit of Mr. JOHN STEVENS junior . On WednefJay the 4th June next, being his Majesty’s Birth-Day, WILL BE PERFORMED, At Mr. Lyon’s Long Room in Savxnnan, a concert of musick. After the Concert MUSICK will be provided for a BALL. TEA, COFFEE, CARDS, St c. Sic, Tickets to be had of Mr. Lyon, and of Mr. Stevens, at ss. each* THE fubferiber HAVI-NG OPENED SCHOOL oppofltt to kfr, George Bail!ie’i backftore, purpoies teaching the English, -Ca* tin, and GaitK Languages, Writing aud Cyphering. H*Ws Intends keeping a Private Evening School, for the inilruftkm of sue* gentlemen as cannot conveniently attend in the morning; and fit Hen . himfelf that his method and attention toim buftnVf* will merit enc**ragf * JOHN HOLMES.