Newspaper Page Text
notice i* Intbp *•**>
T . !1 pofcn. hiving flit, during i*• Cooi f r Sp4” r J ■“ W
Province, • . ■ *>
THAT the Aid coo* wi# fit rfbear anddeterm amt* on thejM
Tucfday in this preftnt month of Aprikand **£#*
tSffh in such ftrrts must set dowp the* cau.eafc* ks *?"S £
so that fubpaenas may illue to hear judgment, which fubpwnas mail be
lerved fix days before the return, if the defendant lives in Savannah, or
•ft April, 1767. C * PRYCE * “S’- Vt
A VALUABLE PLANTATION on the island of Skidaway, in the
A parish of Chrifl-Church, containing fix hundred acres, that upon
dtl! recommend kfelf in refped to the improvement* and quality of
the land for provisions, indteo, and lice, and hath various convenient re
tftrve* t>f watfer for making indicb: Also, TEN FIELD NEGROES there
#nd MARE* a few SHEEP, and PROVISIONS fufficient for the pre
lent fcafon. Sixty acres i* under good feucc, and Dlanted, and may be
entered upon immediately by tgieement for the whole. About half of
the porchafe money will be wanted in twelve months after the delivery of
*he plantation; long credit will Tie given f r the remainder, with interest
from the sale and approved security -Any to purenafe
miy treat with * • HENRY YONGE.
’ ytft March, 1767. ,
TH% fubferiber take* this method of fincere thank* to
hit friend* and euftomer*, and hopei to merit the favour of their
continuanct, as he hhs Brought up with Hm /tom Charleftown fomecom
pleat workiUe* htely froin Lordon, enable him. to carry on
the CLOCK and WATCH MAKING BUSINESS In all its branches;
MAD# r MENDED; and any kind of MATHF.MA 11CKAL IN
STRUMENTS REPAIRED: The whole to be d.-i.etm rtbch more rea
fooabl%c*ma thrtanyia tKts province or the next to it,” and will be war
ranted for a twelvemonth. Calh will be given for old gold, filvei, brafa,
and copper. “M- “• ’-ADRIAN LOYER.
N. B. Some very good Brnmt 10 be fold by the keg.
S AV A N N AH, Avan i.
/*\N TJiurfd*) the ztjih vs J-nuary last, between wne and two o'clock
*vy in tjtcjno/tung, aivarthqu?k c was Klein many parts of the iflaad
of Jamaica} b.ut we dou’i hear of any damage being done by it. . •
The Righj. Hon. has uken for -England from
cSarfeftown m the (hip Little Carpenter, Caj.t. Maitland, .. 1 r i
Hi* Majcfty’s packet boat the Anua-Thctcfa, Cant. Valentine Dyer,
arrmd at Charleftown from Faofaoila the 23d pit. Tbo-Gyaetbam, Capt.
Bull, was from Kindfton in Jamaica tor Panfecola, &c< the seth of
teVuaryl'aft. . , . * .... ; „
Thor (day last hi* Excellency the Governor wa*,p Uaf<|4 t** proregee the
‘General Aficmbly of this province to the daynof Jane next, having
aßented jo the
An Ad to regulate the making of, Oak* and Bine Lamber
Stave* and Shingles, and to ascertain the Quality thereof.
An Ad to empower the Genera! Court oTpiau* to grant Wriu of Par
tition of Lands and Tenement.} held in Copauen&ry,-joint Tenancy, and
Tenancy in common, in this Province, and appointing the Method of
‘proceeding therein. . \ , . ... f ; ; •
, .An Ad to empower the Commifibncra therein named to pmchafe from
Jbsak Tatnell, Efquirc, hi* Executors or Ad ituafcA razors, ope hundred
A n< * f° ur Acre* of Land, lor the pur pod* of,erecting a Lazaretto upon Ty
hec Tfland.
. An AC to oblige the Inhabitant* of the Town of Sunbnry to clear and
keep clean the icveral Squares, ‘Streets, Lanes, and Common, within
,the feme, and to exempt the laid Inhabitants from working upon the
Jtoad* within the Parilh of Saint John.
An Ordinance for appointing Packers and Infpcdors for the Ports of
Savannah and Sunbuty.and also Callers and Infpcdors of Lumber for the
laid Ports.
An Ad to empower the Commissioners therein named to ered a Laza
retto, and a Honfc for ti c Keeper thereof, upon the frUnd of Tybce, and
to receive from the Treafuier or Powder Receiver of this Province a Sum
not exceeding hundred. Pounds to defray the Kx fence thereof, and
so empower the Taid TreaiTurer to repay tlur fame. „ .
An Ad fjt the limitation AQions, ami for avoiding of Saits in
BVje‘tjw ad,4jT*nted to op thurfilay last. the colie a or* are required,
?*l M* ore .. “ ra ®f }ly next, or within ten days after, to give
* n 9 * t ” 10 A-treidiiter, a just pad true account of all monies re
vived by them, or doe to hi* Majesty on account of the lax by the laid ad
irepofed, or on account of any former tax, within their refpedive di
and on failure thereof, the treasurer is enjoined, by warrant un
de* aod *o/ommit foch the common goal in
Shvannan, there to i.emun, without bail qr mainprize, until they (hall
have rendered, upM> tolft us the a foil md fatisfadory account
•fond -ftfcli>avr paid all foch litmt fiaos 4fateimdby them and
,Wt given no account of all motors due to his Msjcfly m their several
if .*!• . >Cw l.t • - .* \ r
diftrt&a, by virtue of thia or any former tax.Vft, Hd paid there*,
foaable charges for fuch^coßftoitment.
YeAerday the two of Raopers, which have been in the fervid 0 f
thii pfotince icVOralyears,*were disbanded here, in
den mAeght hither last week from >U Bxcollqnd>H|fn\j(dQ| an X
ficef,of ihe.lUgfblaAieericaos. , v , T
A Hoop from Jamaica, Pitt, mailer, and a fcljooner from St. EuWtim
Gorham, outer, ore arrived in this river. *
• • •• *■ ‘ 1
Ertirid Ihwa*ds at the Custom-House. From
Mas. xc, Brigt. Laleah and Safiatrfiah; Jifßt^'^WdTdcn,. “Graiada
*6, Sloop Lewis and Alexander, Zechariah Burch more, Ditto
. : Schooner Lydia,. Johs Wanton, Rhode-1 fland and St Croix
aB, Sloop Hunter, Thomas Watkins, P^nfacols
30, Sloop Mercury, Joha.Leilie, .-Jamdc*
* * Sloop Indoftry, Nathahitl Porter, ‘ v * 80110 l
. < Entirf.d - p of
Ship Georgia Packet. George Anderson, Cowes Market*
Sloop Speedwell, John Buntin, * * Granida
Ship Chriftiin, Henry Sriel, * £)^ to
Snow Am ty, Peter Cochran, Bt. lUtti
Brigt. Dolphin, Joseph HibbCrt, ‘ BarhsJoi
. Brigt. Mary, Matthew Rees, Jmifffa
Sloop Charming Nancy, William M'Lellany. St. CH&
Brigt. Wolf, William Charles, St. KM*
Brigt Greyhound, David Mafurey, MartiiHßb
. •• Snow Nancy, Adam M'Cleilh, ’ Gfinada
Brigt. Nelly, Douglas Campbell,
Cleared. ■ lx gFor
Mar. 18, Brigt. Diana, Isaac Obeeferanaj • * .GofpJft
z 6, Brigt. rNaifau, Cbriftopher Prince, . - St.Kfttt
zB, Snow Chatty, William Tbomfon, Poole
30, Schooner Lydia, John Wanton, 0 DotrmQa
April l, Schooner Georgia Packet, James Fitzfimon*, South-Carolina
• • ■ - .. • -a. 4
. ‘ * r. T ’ > ’1: • -h.-o avK
HALIFAX, FBiivaar 19, . v,g
IT is reported, that the Hoq. Lord Colville is to rctura toHolfr
fax and command his Majesty’s sq jadron in North America/ . 9
Boston , March 2. We hear that John Gardiner, Esq. (elded son of Syl
veitcr Gardiner, Efcu, of tfris townj an emiaenf Lawyer in.KngU*d, : .|
appointed Chief J uttice of the of New-York, f: : a i-ui.
Extraa us * Uttar them m Gentlmam at Land**, dmttd Efeamktt
, .‘/s ‘L' her ** * fpirij. /ibng in ,F-rh-r?n-nt t very difTerntiffo4inhat
which prevailed during the late firffioo.-rnlt was then 01 ado the Shibbo
leth of party to support alj the American claima.and*Mr. P—V* extreme
aniraofi ty again and hi* brother, led him to condanbn every thing he had done,
merely becauf* it wp* hi* doing.—He now feem* to bo Jim
ft f, and one of the srft after* L—d Cr- —m ytsde in hi* negdtiauonigje
pjher day with the D. oifr— to maintain theKiog’Mnthmity
in all. Ip* dominions .-—Ycfterday bespoke. a language of
(he Hr.ufe of Lorda.—The rioting* again# thccuftom •fibers id you prfr
vincc wcre menuonedin tne House of Commons early it) ihofofitPfeswhap
the Ch- rof the E r declared in tbe dronged term*, that so-long 1b
he was in office he would not fuller the authority of the
trampled’ upon, and that he thought it the highest injury to thp natiooM
fuffer the afls of the be broken with impunity.—Aud-tM’
whole fjoufe seemed to be animated with the fame that4f>*ir
AfT— fuffer themfclve* to be jed-by tkat;V*rytahfurd, ignwe*i
firebrand, he may bring them into a worth,.forape then they catniEMft
gine.”- ‘ * ..<>.•: (O
Tn a debate in a very refoe&ahle aflembly,, last Friday, anextrafl of an
anonymnus letter, faiJ to be written in England, was’ read, which con
cluded wjth jhe following words,* ** So that if yoar.Afifembiy<*il4’6#r er
11 themfelve* to be led by that very absurd,. ignorant fire brand, M mes
*’ bring them .into a worfa ficrape than they cap imagine. ,r .Upon wimp
it was resolved, That the words were an blgh.iefujt, and irv breach-es
privilege, and the person who wrote <* an epenayfo thfr fUtfvipeA
Martb 9. We hear that Mr. William Forbither
ler, has made a procef* with pot-alh in making the very haft offyr j/osp,
which has not hitherto been pradifedin England. Sample* “ e
porpofes to fend home, and if approved of, as is highly ppobable,
prevent the importation of banlla afti Spain, wbiqn they bafose
made use of, and will take off* from the colonies near tq apnM>r p®*w>
to one that the foft foap-maker* use. Said Forbifhcr has gj reboot the*
he cap reduce pot-ash to a certain ftandardj iffo,
deration of the guardians of this people. . *. *
ExtraQ •/ a Utttr from tendon, Dec. 16, 1766. . r J *.}
*• The Parliament hw adjourned for the holiday*. As loon asTt meet*
agajn, it is expected, that the repeal of the ad, reftrainingj’theiqplpnie*
from ilTuing bill* of credit as lawful Under, will beinkfU
nrtion.” ... .• • >*'>
. -- : be* ~n.
,m ni w>Wdli.aiiiir.l(lMll ■
~ . •# *! * 51V JCW- .If* -11
JOHN BARRELL, Baker,-from
Zatet tW Wbott to acniuiyt;^
THAT he peoattfc* following’the fajd }i\S^vajyu^.
ladies and gWtlcmen who w ill
their custom may be aftured of beitm
exadnef*; If defited, he wifi fuppif *d* * *