The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, August 05, 1767, Image 1

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- AH$ A CO, LA, m WtiT'FiniiiA,, jvvi 9. On IntftAaf the fob Any of lent, his Honour Mootfbit Browne, Bid. Vcuttopt Governor ts W**-Flotsdi f was p leafed to dissolve die Afcm i*y witn faf>folwei9g Speech. i . Mr. wiMidifavi Aflmtty, WHBN I call’d yon together for the dffpaich of pwtrtiflc be Bncib, I met yon with a heart truly disposed to join you in promoting the welfare and happiness of this infant ca lony j but, on reading your journals, I find much of your attention taken op in unworthy attempts to throwxdiec* ffonvnponmy caad*A,end th* opinion of his Msjefty’s cnuncil, upon the mod safe lent pod fliamefnl resolutions that any Airembly ever presented to * and, I foppofe, your journals followed from my palling o fm-yoor flaring refol vet. unnoticed. ~ )ut be aflured, my moderation proceeded only from my wishing to have yon carry through the buhnefs with alacrity aasUeputation to this colony, and not inJaaJlowiaa np, in the moft furptiting manner* the vary means wtoch (hodld hr applied to its fopport, What mat other colonies think of you* when they know you tan the fntyeA merely for your owh benefit and advantage! I fiueerely hoped your journab would hare prodifccd In the world 9 tailing monument of difin teredadnefc, by giving np, for the improvement of the colony, the great you have taken to yoorfelvet. * Sach grievances cajl aloud for redrtfs, ands will redmfs and make rfefc gublicUyJtpown, that the people mly have an opportunity of contribute ing to their wn happinefe, by a more proper choice of their funvdhnta* . * til* . fl do therefore, injfos Majesty’s name, .and by and with the advice of a Mgjdly's Council,, diflblve ihnprefent Aflembly, and yon arc hereby accordingly. (Signed) MONT FORT BROWNE poa reading the foregoing fpcech, would not fofatfejhat the AflemWy had lad felon bean called by proclamation, dor the difptteh of hndneftf Bat so for from that, their meeting was altogether accidental, anther fora’hi* Honour’s being unacquainted with the form of a pro* legation t acioeamftanc* which had ooendontd the Afomblyt flMctfng iwtoe before daring hit sdminiftratiou. • - • •T- ■ Tv—A About tko beCiaaing of May his Honour privately wen* from Fsnfe celaia an open boat j and tho Aflembly, according to prorogation, har* ing mm the lath* his Honour was not to be found. 1 On this ocCifTog they demanded conference with the Council, and propofod the pnblieb bo hiafo which to them appeared necessary, to which the Cotthdl having a ■teed, the Adhmbly proceeded an go through withebe feme with si! pofl- Wdifontch. r ■ 1 dr? .* • “• ! * < , • f *• His Honour being returned, war pleafod on the tfltb to call both bbc* fed and moke m fpesch, at if at the opening of the fefinn, in which he re, rytndeftly foyt, u /hew calUiy teptbtr fit th* difiticb iffnbU t btJS *od tiTamid fomewtiririneecoannendiag the very bofihefs which lit knew the Afmmhly had fu that time in great forwardneft. Upon which the Aflcmbiy came ten fefolutioe, that feme part 6t thiir attention ft veld hr taken up is preparing an bumble addreft, in return to Hit Honour’s fooeehl 4o’, it mpd he Owned, they flri nennainted hts Honour with fcmnmtpaffabl* informalities in aim mid fpeeefc, which his Honour, in a mod enndefocndifig manner, Was pleated to alter.—A committee of the Afibnskly on tho-atd wailing on his Honour, to know when their address might be prefenlea, his Honour was pleated td deliver them the follow* ing letter, yin. eddu foeinfer miQmukmm ts tie Afftmbly, f happy tu had that you proceed so chearfaTfy with the pohlick bufinefa or Che colony. I will not, therefore, tabu up any yonr time in receiving addresses and answering them. %$A My, 1767. (Signed) MONTFORT B*OWNE. This condnft ofhh Honours appearing to the Aflembly unprecedent ed, ‘they rvfolved themfotves into a committee to examine whether their behaviour could have given any just occasion thereto: and In the exami srmieUr taken before (he foid committees, feme things appearing * little inexplicable, that they might proceed with all proper deliberation she Adhmbly appointed a ieieft committee to wait upon his Hononr, who, camißnnitrating to him their proceedings relative to that affair, bethel a farther explanation. Tothii filed committee his Honour was p leafed to complain of their re* fofietlUns of the )d of April, and fig n I tied, (hat the Council hid, nem. sssr. declared that the feme were folfe, groundless, and pulicioai: fie forthel feid, that he did not think their propofod addrtfc wai/ocoirtplar dsnthehad rightto n>e<ft, considering hk hairing put up yrigfo their foid into miens 1 and pern fted in refufing the houfe*s aadrefs. Up? the report Us the feid committee, the Aflembly thought proper douoma to the following ttfolntrons. . ‘ <■ ” Rtfihti, ntmttu contradictntt, That this houfeafe to pswWfrj aflbrtkm made in their refolationsof the 3d of April fall, and mut soap tin kfiiuudy to make the feme ihoonteffably, when called Augujt 5,; ST I "■OWHo.o.rrtl, A. <Wil ~f vc . any resolution or detenninotion. _ <bi P f hi, heft of .k, „ JSSt liciods, the Council have therein acted contrarv m UX^a'Siii o i , hh der Britirtl it*tm£huth£ never J’T f,ft * pp.r, ihM Hi. Affeakl, wm, ’ tW^. P hr^ dlnßi f,O S‘ i". "<>•. ,™ordT.ary coodm. 1 heie tlpnga haring engaged their attention for one whole day. they fan* y Preceded to the material bufmefe of thn feffism; feavmw thU w l >e^le { moc h of theartiiM was unworthilyempkVß upon the confideratton of his Honour’s conduit - Jht ™ CriMi bUh w,re *r the Aflembly, t£eht of which met with the concurrence of the other branches of thn la* Ass lU io ’ r Wbe L “ °*, tbe 61,1 J un hit Honour was plnafod tu diflblvu the Affemblyt for the refireft of ceriain grievances. stars:izz S Ho,>o ” fo “°? cot **°ro fisbftaataal recommendation. d * U " r * d t 0 the Council upon the inflan? JMjjWjUOU imped lately followed, and this bill was difigryrrjitdfr other three which feared thn feme fete, were, Ussr*'"* and only kept op by tlie authority of Governor and t 2 iCk - adahiSMNnl j. An m for railing a fund to compcnlate luch perfows ns mnv has* lUw. ncuMd M tbi, pr*nac.-.Sui IhU ra noi r. m.wris/Jku WkVotVB^ I'* 1 '*“** P * i ““*** fr * a,i *“ Wo ““ nmalmdatktr'bjr t .Il u tikvinic rcin.rb.blt, that on tkt laid rtb of Jtoo. , mttdt'tl WTOI* 1 *! ,k * P™ fe *of eb.court., 4,!*; .nd lt i poiibic theraquiry ought hnv, bcencter. ntd farther tbtn would hate been agreeable to hi. Honour or hi. Aintdi * 9fcSf!<ll3deed forndrW., nod hich hi. Hoi %o JS ffopoftd “ake poblrckly known, they mat be of try entrw. ordinuy when the p,blitk re,oi,d fwk i.fot-w7oo bit Htwour, to inform them that they did extlL Cwry ‘*"/<* es tba Atmbly. which aa/ampbmicall r be Ailed hi, Honour n die only ton orotofcd so be raifcd w.t, ipo. lumber i.Titid W New-Orkatu. ami tie soma wa.applied towideopeain,.SldiJ ~ “ hi '. Hono * r **• “ wal backwirdi and examiae Hie merit. f formrr ttoito. It will be very rereble to Come, and to rbefe w, him, while we t ..e the publkk a candid account of that attic]. whiS rT/n?’ ‘;r d, 7 “'v h 4° f - of Mr occulta, to tbofc who only mro-m. soma degree of meric to tLmfci— by depreciating the best intended admas of others. • “uwsve^ The long continuance of the |rft fctfon of the Aflembly having keen found very btfrtheafome and exnenfive to fueh members as were to leave their ufoxl place, of abode, and private coneeme, in order to trim Shtir attendance, provifioa was therefore made for defraying eke perfowi ex pence 1 of the members, which appeared to be a neecflaiy me&n,s prevent the pabUck buAntfe from being at nay futare dm* oegleM,*? Their allowance therefore, forovery day of their aftnsl forviceTwavibClfeM at eight pence flcxiilv above aka wage* of a common carpenter at Fanfek cola. This is the mighty a€p! -At.-t c- Npnr tbe felaries of aU foe the Aflkwhfy ddtingdfo fop feiuon does not amount to tool, and had his Htnosk keen a mtitr mtfts petienl of kb jocMDCto, k. mlfkc im torn tket. dfpm,d„ t fobftU'CceJkope.y OtojfaeUfam, mmi peCbly fomeckm* mere, ** hart beta applied la providing a more propwplace forttocaaiaemete rs aha tnkADOv ontmcri ml fatiacola. Who. sLr pJ, cou|4 ¥ utglne jtha it is a oertsin foA) chat tie