The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, July 06, 1768, Image 1

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LONDON, March 22. ACCORDING to private letters from Senegal, there is advice, that the French had offered a powerful Prince or the African coal* a very large sum of money to exclude the Englifli from trading in any part of his dominions. ..v; spwH Marti 26 VVe hear the fortifications of Jersey, Guern sey, and Scilly iflandi, are ordered to be surveyed this summer, and to be thoroughly repaired. j. Letters from Corsica mention, that General Paoll has efiablilhed a na 'vafMnaglhine and dock yard at Porto Ferragio, where three flips of fixty feven guns on the Englifli model are now building. Marti Letters from Amsterdam of the 19th instant inform, that ,jh*re will fail thii year for the whale fifhery in the Greenland Teas izj .Dutch (hips, 24 from Hambourgh, two from Altona, one from the £oa(t of the Baltick sea, and five from Bremen ; in all 155. On Friday lalt. died in Bailcy’s-Alley, near Bull-inn-court, in the Strand, Mrs. Thornton. During the long period of her life, she appear ed in a (law of poverty ; but on examining her trunk there was found to the amount of near 50001. in cafli and bank notes. Marti 29. Th writ of eleAion for the county of Linlithgow, which comprehends likewise the burghs of Linlithgow and Queensfcrry, in Scotland, is said to be miffing, and not delivered to the bheriff-depute. Friday a person was convicted at Kingston for buying a hunter for fif teen (hillings which cost the owner seventy guineas; on the ownor hearing of it, the purchaser immediately killed it and fed dogs with it. A letter from Waltham Abbey fays, “ The following entertainment was provided at the Cock Inn here on Saturday last/ for Mr. Harvey. Mr. Houblon, and their friends, via. ao hams, io dozen of turkeys, to dozen of gecle, 30 dozen of ducks, 40 dozen of fowls, ao buttocks of beef, 30 fillets of veil, and as many calves heads, all covered, 50 veni son pafiies, witk a variety of tarts and pies, 4 hog (heads of wine, a do gen of brandy and rum made to punch, and ten hogsheads of old beer.— All the broken victuals was served to the populace on a table ereAed for that purpose, with 10 hogiheads of beer.* . Marti 30. The King ofPrufia has wro|j|a complimentary letter to the Empress concerning a plan fora ucw code of laws, which has been drawn*up by her Imperial Majesty, and lately remitted to the Pruf. fian Monarch. In the dispatches to his Miniiler at Peterlburgh, which accompanied this letter*, his Prussian Majesty writes thus: ** I have read with admiration the work of the Empress. I have not been willing to fay all that I thought, because (he might fufpeA me of flattery : but to you £ guy fay, without offence to modefly, that it is a mafeuline, ner vous, performance, and worthy of a great man. Hiflory tells us, that Sc mi ram is commanded aimies ; that Queen Elizabeth palled for a good po litician; that the.Emprefs Queen (hewed great firmnefs in the commence ment of her reign ; but we have never yet heard of any female being a lawgiver. This glory was reserved for the Empress of Russia.” Last night, about eight o’clock, a mob of apprentice-boys, with cat calls, Icc. came along tire publick (Ireets, and made all the inhabitants illuminate their houies. Many of the persons concerned were Glaziers gnd Tallow-chandlers apprentices, but whether by their mailers orders or got, we will not at pretend to fay. _ April 1. We hear that in the course oflaft year, a great number of North-American built ve ‘els were fold in different parts of the Mediter ranean, where New England (hips are in great domaad. We hear the following qutftion will be (oon debated in the Robin Hood Society.—Would not the toleration of Popery be less detrimental to the inhabiunts of this than the toleration of narrow-wheel carria ges ? * * April 5. Mr.* VPRltes’s Committee having been ccnfured by a great perfnnage in the. city, in aferibing to them tho mnft daring insult that (Could he offered to civil Aagiftracy, for their patrolling the city of Lon don and liberties of Weflininfter. The “gentlemen in quellion differ (o much in their sense of this matter, that they arc ready, when called upon, to avow the fail, difeover the names, and exult in their honoft and fuccefsful endeavours, (although not Magiflrates) in preventing riot and disorder in the Bret ts, by tht ir addreficS recommending utodaMjpn and difperfiop. to the aflembled populace, who heard with tcmdjjv rad cor dially a(Tente,d, And tl.e gerstiemerv apprehend that ihcyWlave thereby •flea the pirt both ofloyal fuhjeAsand good citizens, in using their en deavours'to preserve peace aid good order, foellential for support of law and government. Upon the whole, it mav be presumed, if not asserted, that had Mr.. Wilkes’s enemies been as fo’.icitous for, and taken the fame methods his friends have done, upon everyoccafion, to preserve peace, the damage and (hameful dilgtace to this city would have been effeAually prevented. It is certain Mr. Patcrfon’s friends had printeJ hand-bills, and cd porters to deliver the fame, to intrrrat the votes and intrrrft of the free holders of the county oi Middlefcx ; and as they had been dilappointed in his not being returned for theritv of London, they did wiihwhat the ci ty refufed might be accepted in the county ; but when it came tu the know ledge of Mr. Paterfou, he absolutely refufed to (land a candidate for the county ; and left his friends (hou’d not be convinced of his refolulion, he Wrote to the flieriff to iafbiin him that he would not Hand if he was put up. We are informed that n gentleman of eminence and diflinAion in the literary world is now preparing the heads of a bill to fecurc the rights and property of authors,in their own works. Yesterday morning a mm and bis wife quarrelling at their lodgings in Cray'i-inn-lauc, the huiland declared that if his wife did not jump out IV EDNES DA Y\ July 6, 1768. of the window he would murder her; upon which the poor woman, to avoid a sudden death, jumped out of a two pair of Hairs window, and broke both her legs, and put out her hip. ExtraS of a letttr from Port/mouth, Marti 30. ** Here is a very extraordinary account of a butcher in this town, who has been either dead, or asleep, for thewe three weeks, there is no body knows which, for he dill keeps his colour frefli at when alive, and is ra ther warm than otherwise. The Doftors have ordered him not to be bu riid yet, for he is not offenfive to the smell in the lead ; fomc fay he has been in a all this time.” By an arret of the parliament of Paris lately publifced, it is now enaA ed, that no males fhalj be admitted to take the vows of a monaftick life till they are twenty years of age ; and no females till they are turned of eighteen. w It is reported, that when the new Parliament meets, a plan will bo proposed for new-modelling the militia it) England and Wales. ExtraA of a letter from Oxford, dated March 3). “ Some persons having had the difingenuity to misrepresent the affair, which lately happened in the University hfere; the following is a true aud impartial account of it. “ Not long ago a knot of Methodists came to the University, and en tered tnbmfelvcs of • Hall; forae of them being near 30 years of age, hopfd, by the credit of an education in this place, to (leal into or ders, for which one of them had already applied. They were summoned by the Vice-Chancellor to appear before him, accompanied by four ufkiiors, were examined, and found very illiterate, without any knowledge in the Greek and Latin languages, in the last of which the laws are written, which they had sworn to obfervo. They confeffed that they had all fre quented a conventicle in a private house within the city, where the ferip tures were expounded, and extempore prayers offered up by a low mtclia nick. Some of these perfims owned, tbii they thcuifelves had preached and prayed in the fa n€ manner to congregations in the country : one of them acknowledged tha’ he had ojjfcatcd in a parish church, tho’ not in orders. They having refufed tothe inrtruAions of their tutor, and to conform to the fluutes of<Tbe tjpi lenity, fix 6f them were justly expelled by the Vice Chancellor and bis assessors.” Dnilin, Mard 19. The following am mg other Bills havo pa/Tcd an augnll Assembly : To ainead an AA made for the ereAing and eflablifliing publick Infir maries or Hofpitab in this Kingdom. For rqdWating the EleAion of Members of Parliament. For thqpundni-ment of the J^aw. For theTcliefof Debtors, with refpeA to the imprifonraent of their per foas. • , For the further improvomentof his Majesty’s Revenue. To empower the chief Governor, or Governors and Council, of this Kingdom, to prevent the exportation and the diftiiling of Corn, for a limited time. - Leave is given to bring in heads of a Bill for the relief of infolrent Debtors. A few days ago died, at Ballyouarragh near Loughrea, aged 105, Mr. Edmund White, Farmer. ROSEAU, in DOMINICA, Fisrvarv 20. A GENTLEMAN who arrived yerterday from Martinico, informs us, that the French make not the lead scruple now of admitting English veffeis to enter into the ports of that illand, notwithstanding the late ediA to the contrary. St. ‘John , in Antigua, April 13. By Capt. Cornilh who arrived at Do minica the 4th inst. in 32 days from London, we hear that the memorial in favour of a separate government for the island had met with the appro bation of the Lords of Trade, but before their report was laid before the council, another memorial appeared at the board of trade with the rea fcns against the measure, and the argument* were enforced with foch weight that Lord Hilllhorough declared there would be ne separate go vernment there for fomc time. May 2. The late Speaker of the House of Reprofentatives has received a very genteel letter from the Speaker of the House of feurgefl'es in Virginia, in answer to the circular letter of the House written in the Jaft fcfSon of our General Aflcmbly, which got to Williaoilburgh in good time, as their Aflembly was to fit in a few days. Their principle* of liberty, it is laid, are so well eßablifhed, and the tendency of the late ads of parliament impofmg duties and taxes on the colonics are so raaoi feft, as to leave no doubt but they will approve of the mealines taken, and readily concur in the plan proposed for the support of their conili tutional rights. Their noble, timely and spirited refoLitions in the year 176;, fofatisfadlory to the people of America, afford abundant reason for us ever to refped that province, and to speak of then* in the lame terms in which the honourable gentleman is pleafid politely to mention this, •* as’vi ry vigilant and (ledfart guardians of American right*.*’ From the BOSTON GAZE T T E. Amu. 18. To the PRINTERS: Gentlemen, You are desired to publish the inclofed. Yours, A FARMER, Gentlemen, I 's is impofliblc for me to express the reverential gratitude with which I receive the very great honour you have been plcafcd to confer upoa nie by your late letter. The rank of the town of Button, the wifdoa of her counsels, and the