The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, July 13, 1768, Image 2

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Hmftrtf MM-Ifat, Hoy At At general tle&ea Wd i* Au 1 *>#*, oa Wedndday last, the Ho a. Josias Lyndan, Rfq. was cbofen Go *nwr, tad At Hoo. Nicholas Cooke, XA|. J)pty-Oownor of Ait colony. CMjhmm, J bju6. Letter, from Barbados* fey, Aal John Greg, E<q. • appointed Coilc&or of his Majesty’s Cufinas for Ait port to At Hen of Daniel Moore, Esq. Jmm >7* The last vessels from tbe Weft-Indie*, bring accoaatt of so great a.droaght in Ae i Hands, Aat many confidence cane plantations, particularly to Barbados, are entirely destroyed by it and At Ants. The Royal Hospital of Greeawkk ia Jamaica, fuddealv took fire on Ae leth of left month, fnppofed by lightning, and |na few boors was reduc ed to an heap of rains, baffling Ae atm oft efforts of his MajoftyV fearnen, encouraped by the presence of the Admiral to fare it. The Navy and ’ Vianalliag Stores were at the fame time in great danger of being defrayed. # m Tb TK AWAY from Ac fubferiber,about twfflfcmths ago, W - IV A STOUT ABLE NEGROE PE f£%r PRO, about jj years of age, of Ae Angola conn try, but rtSc* speaks Ae Paplamento or Carafoa and Eagliih language very well; he* has the upper part of hit right ear cut oft, „ ! % and a ear-hob nr bead in his left | had on when be want away a white neg roc doth jacket tad breeches, bat has bcea fiace feta at tbe plfintatigu us the Hon. Jonathan Bryaa, Esq. wearing a blaa jacket and oxnabrig trawlers, which, with several other doa As, be has tola since bis runningsway. A REWARD of TWENTY SHILLINGS* and all rea fotrable charges, will be paid to may perfbn delivering bim to the Wardea •f Ae Work- House in Savannah. CHARLES PRYCB jaa. ijth Jrtf. U 6 ** . WHEREAS a negro* fellow called CATO, a cooper by trade, sad well known in Savacnab, and hit wife-JUDY* a walker-woman, had a written licenle from the fobieriber to come to town, and there ta work for a month from the 13th day of Jane last, bat have not been lean or heard of since, this is therefore to offer a reward of tea Bullings ftcr liug, beside all other necessary and common,chargee, to any person that will take them np, and bring them to Ae febteriber at Mulberry-Grove, or deliver Acm into the Woik House ia Savannah. JAMES BULLOCH. 2 A LL persons indebted to the ESTATE of JAMBS LOYE, deceased, are defined to make immediate payment, and all persons haring a- Oy demands aaainft laid estate are deft red to briag'tbem ia, properly, at tested, to ELIZABETH LOVE. Executrix. PETER BLYTH, Executor. ■ I*l.ll 11. Hill III! ..1... ... ifall —. ■..-■■ 1.1 * fubferibert, lately from. Charlcftbwit, take this method of in- I forming the puh'ick That they carry on the TAYLOR’S BUSI NESS, ia all iu branches, at Ae house of Mr. Adams ia Savannah, where all gentlemen mav depe and on being served ia the neatest and new oft fefeiont, and with the utmost dispatch, by ROCHE and EDEN* Taylors. They likewise make ladles habits. XTTEST-INDIA RUM. LOAP AND MUSCOVADO SUGAR, W MADEIRA WINK, CLARET. SHIP-BREAD. CHOCO LATE, BUTTER, MACK.LRBL, HERRINGS, AND SALMON, so be fold cheap for calh by JOHN SOMERVILLE. fobferiber intending to leave Ae province for fomo time, gives j| this pahlick notice, that he is ready to fettle all hit affairs, add five hail to any fait or artnn that may be brought against bim, agiyea 1c to Ae attachment law af this province. BERNARD ROMANS. RUN AWAY an Monday moruiag the 11A inst. A LIKELY YOUNG NEGROE WENCH, named CHLOE, has 4 her country marks on both cheeks, foeaks very Tittfc Englilh, had on a bine negroe cloth wrapper and an oak*burg coat—Whoever taker her up, and delivers her to me, (hall be rewarded.* JAMES JOHNSTON. RUN AWAY on Friday the 8A inst. A TALL YOUNG NEGROE FELLOW,, named BEN, has been for fome time sickly, aboetlve feet fix inches high, and twenty years of age, had on nnozaabnrg frock and a pair of aaakeen breeches. Whoever takes np said negroe, and de livers him to me ia Savannah, (hall have ten flrilliags reward. , JAMES HERIOT. VERY FINE PASTURAGE, At the Old Syllabub House, not exceeding a mile and a quarter from the Exchange, viz. FOR one horse, eight ftiillings per. month ; For two ditto, from one person, fourteen (hillings ditto) For three ditto, ditto, eighteen (hillings ditto) For four ditto, ditto, twenty (hillings ditto; All above fonr, from one person, at four (billings and fix pence per month. * Harfes Applied with corn if required, on the owners fending at the rate of two quarts per day, or paying tea (hillings extraordinary per month for each horse. PHILEMON KEMP. N. 1. The cab to be paid at taking away the h'irfea. TO BE SOLD , at tbe Exchange in Savannah , on Friday ‘tbe 29 tb instant , A SMALL PITTIAGUA that will carry j y barrels of rice. Any person inclining to purchase may before the foie treat -eriA Mrs. O’Neal. TO BE SOLD At JPUBUCK SALE , rtf the 1 5th day of A* nuft, af tb* dwdbug-hoMfe of Frauds Parks, on Buckbead , A LL THB PERSONAL ESTATE of £ETKR GRANT, deceased, l\ consisting of about 70 Head of Tame Cattle, fome Horfea and Hoafobold Fu# hare. Tbe (ale will begin at tea o'clock ia the forenoon. - JANE GRANT, Adxniniftratrix. AH persons having any demands aaainft said estate are desired to bring them ta, properly attested, 00 or before that day; and all thofo anywise indebted to fold estate are desired tt make immediate payment. to it SOLD, m Saturday tb* Ctb daj f July influx, mt Eltmmr, frrrtm* Os maun, * • FORTY HEAD OF CATTLE, tke property of James Bulloch, jn. and feiaed on exeemtion by MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Mar. Savannah* 13A July, i;W. TO BE SOLD FOR READY A YOUNG LIKELY NEGROE WENCH, who is a good cook aad walker* and can bt recommended for her aonefty. Enquire of Ae printer. ‘ * STRAYED into Ae fobferiber’s pnftare, A BRIGHT BAY HORSE, about 11 hands high, branded on Ae oif (boulder *. The Owner is desired to take kRn away. WILLIAM GIBBONS. ~ E V A N “~sj TAYLOR, HABIT and CLOAK-MAKER, from Loudon, BEGS leave to acquaint the Gentlemen, Ladies, and others, that he makes every article in the above branches after the aeweft fa(hion, aad tt Ae mod reasonable rates. Wanted, Several Men and Women who can few neatly. aaWmmammwmmwwavwaawHnamaaWawwMHMwamminßaamwmamsaaaaMHaaanaMMmaMnwMnawnaHWkWMMMMni RUN AWAY from the fobferiber*! Carolina plantation, last Thursday “night, a MULATTO FELLOW namfd JOHN. He lately be longed to Ae Rev. Mr* Frink. He was seen on Sabbath evening in'Sa vannah.—Whoever takes him op, and delivers him to the fubferiber, (hall be rewarded by JOSEPH GIBBONS. P. 8. The said John ia very artful, and will ufo every ftraugem to e- . feape when taken. 4th July, 176!. TO ME SOLD, at tbe Exchange in Savannah , on Friday tb * _ 10 tb dat of Auruft next. ■ ANBG ROEIfcAN and A FEW IL\RRELS SMALL RICE, be. longing to Ae Estate of Adam Croddy, deceased. The conditions to be mode known at tbe fnle. AU persons indebted to (aid estate are requested to fettle, aad. Aofe having demands against it are deftred to fend ia their accounts, properly attested, to BARBARA CRODDY, Executrix. JOHN STREET, Executor. npO all Gentlemen who are inclined TO BE TAUGHT THB JL NOBLE SCIENCE OF DEFENCE, in the mo'ft comprehensive and eafteft method which is taaght in all Academies in Europe at this pre font time, Ae fubferiber flatters himfelf to .give a general fatisfoAion. He opened fchool on Monday the 4th July inst. at the house formerly oc cupied by Mr. Hopetoa deceased, near Mr. Crighton's tavern, where due attendance will be given oa Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, from fix to niuc o'clock an the morning, and from five to (even in the evening. ‘ JQHbf REVEAR. ’ .• fralr bp foubfciiber, Three Valuable Trads of Land upon the River Alatamaha. nf v HE one a traft of 500 acres, fitaated about three miles above Ae JL town of Darien, about 400 acres of which is fine river swamp, upon which there is a fall command of the tide, and a Schooner of any burthen may lie at Ae leading. The high laad is both good aad conve nient, and fit (or two settlements. * Obe oAcr trad of 600 acres. It for corn, rice, tadico, or hump, well timbered with white oak mad cvprcfs, about 30 acres cleared and under fence, a great part of whi A has been plowed, with a dwelling-house and a bare. • t Also, a small iflaad es frefli marsh, containing 130 acres, fitaated op pofita to Mr. Laurens’s Settlement upon Broughton I (land. Any person inclined to purchase tne above may treat with Mr. George Bail lie ia Savannah, or with me at Sapelo. ROBERT BAILLIE. WILLIAM BELCHER intending to take a uip to Bofton,ia about thrum wtelcs, reqaefts all persons having accounts open wiA him to bring them ia in order for adjuftmeat. He has jail imported, in Ae Charming Sally, Capt. Rainier, from London, and will fell cheap for calh, Single and Doable refined Sugar, Chelhirennd G!ieefter Checfe, Porter in cafics and bottles, Cyder and Ale, Mallard* Oil, Raisins, Prunes, Almonds, Anchovies, Capers, Olives, Saltpetre, Writing Paper, Cheques, irilh Linens, Womens best Calimancoe Sheet, Ire. Ire. Jane 29, 1768. BLaak bonds, bills of sale, mortgages, powers of attorney, bonds af arbitration, indentures, bills oHading, articles of agreeaenebe tweea maftera of veflels and seamen, fammonfes, warrants, and attack meats, for the court of conference, fammonfes before jaftices of Ae peace, executions for the nfeof magiftrates* iadico certificates. Ire. ta be fold at At Printing-Office. t ’