Newspaper Page Text
rr fa,it* it tit jtPjlWff of sot litwt'fli unmjnmpe fn^utty
u&HowMrnblt H*fe es M the frji day
-1 B.V, convened by hi. M.j#*• o><y. *>7 ™J wm
lifted by hi* Excellency the Governor, under te greXfiaal ot.the pro- •
ViJud this House, thinking it their duty at all time, to'teflify their
loyalty to hit Majafty, at we|l at their regard to the right., bbertic*, and
privileges ©f them felvts ad their conftuuents, do pafa the following r
dblutiocsjo be entered®!* the record- of the House. \ .
’ ReZked, That this House do, and ever will bear the firmed allegiance
trkdOrif htfn! -Sovereign King George the third, and are ever ready with
their iiui and so tune, to defend hi. Majefiy*. person, family, crown,
Thai tbi. House do eoncar in and adhere to the refolutioo. of
the House of Repiefentatives in the year one thousand seven hundred and
fixtv five?*ard particularly in that effenilal principle, that no man can be
taxed or bound in coofcience to obey any law to which he haa not given
hit C 1 ifeat, in perfoo or by hU representative.
* J (e/oJved As the opinion t f this House, That it t. the indubitable right
the fubiea in geperal. and consequently of the coloniea jointly or fe
udally, to petition the Ktrg for redrefa of grievances, and that it 1. as
Mwfal. whenever they think’ it expedient, <to confer with each other, in
order to procure a joint concurrence, in dutiful addreffea for relief from
their common burthens. .
RtJeJved, That Governor Bernard, m wantonly diflolving the last year's
Afiembly, and refilling to call at other, though repeatedly receded by
the people, atfed against the fpiritof a free conHitution ; and if such pro
cedure be lawful, u n# be in bis power whenever he pleafea to render
himfelf absolute.
Re/iived, 1 hat at a time when there was a general discontent, On ac
count of the revenue-aft, *n expeaation ot the (udden arrival of a mili
tary pdwer to enforce the execution of those ad*, a dread of the troops be
tng quartered upon the inhabitant?, when ou t petitions were not permitted
IP reach the royal ear, the General Court at such a juniture dillnlved.
Mid the Governor’s refilling to call anew one, and the people thereby re
duced to alnooft a Hate of defpatr, at such a tiilie it was innocent, if not
highly expedient and neceflary, tor the people to convert? by their com
mutec, ia order to aftociate. confuit, and the bell means to pro
late pence and order, and by all lawful ways toendeaw >ur to have their
Wuite/complaints laid before the throne, and jointly to pray for the royal
interposition in favour of our violated rights, nor can this procedure pof
ibly be be ilfegal, as they expressly dtfclaimed all govern
A. the opinion of tbi. House, That Governor Bernard in his
fetter to Cord Hilllborough, his Majdly*. Secretary of State, has given
i faffe and highly injurious representation of the conduct of hi. Majafty’s
truly loyal and faithful Council of this colony, and of the magiftrves,
overseer. of the poor, and inhabitants of the town of Bolton, tending to
briag ou tbefe refpedabie bodies, and efpecialiy on feme individuals,
jkhc Unmerited displeasure of our gracious Sovereign, to introduce a mili
tary government into the province, and to mislead both Houses of Parli -
Xtaant into such fevexe reiolutious as a true, just and candid (late of fads
pat have prevented.
: J %foived, That Governor Bernard in the letters before mentioned, by
felfiy replofeatacg that it was become “ neceflary the King should have the
Council Chamber in his own hands, and ihiutd be enabled by Parlia
< tofuperjede, bg order in hi. Frivy Council, commiffiou. grant
• 44 in hi. name and under his leal throughout the colonies,” has dis
covered hisenmity to the frue fpiritof the British conHitution, and to the
Shuttles of the colonies t and particularly ha. meditated a blow at the root
feme of {he mot invaluable, conHituiional and charter fights, of. this
orwioce t the perfidy of which, at the very time he Was profelling him
felta warm friend to the charter, is altogether any per
fen in bis ftatn, and ought never to”be forgotjgn.
R.jfenJ, That the eftublifhing a Handing army in this colony, in a
time If peace, without the content of the General AfTembly of the fame, j
is an iavafion of the natural rights of the people, a. well as those which
they claim as freeborn Engliforoea, and which are confirmed by Magna
Chirta, and tby Bill of Rights a. fettled at thie revolution, and by the
Charter of this province.
Rtfo.ved, That a.ftanding atmy is nor known as a part of the British
eonititutioa in any cf the King’s dominions; and every attempt to eHa
klHb it such has ever been edeemed a dangerous innovation, and mani
feftly tending to enslave the people. . * k , •
Rtjolvtd, That the fending a Handing and armed force into this colony,
under a pretence Sf aiding and adifting the civil authority, is an endea
vour to eilab’.ifh a Handing army here withput our consent, and highly
dangerous to this people.; is unprecedentedartd unconstitutional.
His Excellency General Gage, ia hi. letter to Lord Hilllborough,
OHober the ihirty-firH, having among other exceptionable thing, ex
pressed himfeK ia the following words: “ Prom what has been said, your
•• Lordship will conclude, That there is no government; in truth.there
• j, vtr y little at present, and the conHitution of this province leans, so
* ajQch tu the tide of democracy, that the Governor has not the power
•• to remedy the difordm that happen in tt ”
ht/t/wA A. the optniou of thi. House, That hi. Excellency General
g£c, ia th is and other assertions, has ra<hly and impertinently intermed
dled in the civil afairs of this province, which are altogether out of hi*
department; and in the internal police of which, by hi. letter, if altoge
ther hi own, he has betrayed a degree of ignorance equal to the malice of
the author, <
With refpeA to the nature of oi’r government. This House is ofopinion,
that .the wisdom of that great Prince, William the rhird, who gave the
charter, aided by an able Ministry. and thoroughly rerfed ia the EngliHi
conHitution and law, together with the happy eftc&s that have been de
rived from it to the nation, as well as this colony, did place it above the
reprehension of the General, aad Gould have Jed him to enquire whether
the disorders complained of have not arisen from an arbitrary disposition
in the Governor, rather than from too great a spirit of democracy in the
• people. * : ~
SAVANNAH: Printed by J ami John •tom, at the Printing-Office in BroughtonStreet , wheio Adver
tisements. Letter* of Intelligence, and Subscriptions for this Paper, are taken in.—Hand-Bills, Advertise
ments, &c. printed at the (horteft Notice. f ‘ ■
MfMt tt<n bn? mp tottm;
In pnwer at home and abroad so clearly avow not* only in private
fhtfon* bitin their publick condua, t!,e mott rancoorons enmity
be free part of the British conHitution, and are indefatigable in Wj r J
deavoun to render the monarchy-ebfolnte, and the admiaiHration arbitrari
in every part of the British empire. ’
RtjW&dt That this House, after'the mofl careful enquiry, have ror
found any feHance of the courfc of jutiice being interrupted by vinlence C
even before a tingle magitime; nor of any magitirate’* refufing to enquire
into, or redreis any complaint properly laid Wore him ; while it f. no
torieus to all the wprld. that even .such ads of Parliament as have been
deemed by the n hole continent highly oppressive, have been so fjtr from
being opposed with violence, that (he dutiea imposed and rieorouHv
aded, have been pundeally paid >.
RtjoJvti, That the fining in the small sum of ten pounds only, an hieh
handed ofiender, via. oneTellow., in the county of EfTex, who by force
and with fire anqs loaded with ball and ifwaa-fhot, refcaed a prifoher law.
fully taken by the fheriff of said county, is a grievance, and tent|s to the
encouragement of such crimes for the future.
Rtjdvii, That the frequently entering Ncli prtftqni by the Attorney and
Advocate General, in cafe* favourable to the liberty of the fub;e, and
rigorous profecu.ions by information and otherwise in those in favour of
power, ii a dating breach of trull, and an infnpportablegrievanck on the
Re/olvti, That it is the opinion of this House, That all trials fortreafon S
mifprifon of treason, or for any felohy or crime whatsoever, coibmitted
o done in this his Majesty’s said colony by any pe Ton or perfongiefiding “
therein, ought of right to be had and cdndudled in and before his Ma
jetiy’s coarts holden within the said colony, According td the fixed and
known course of proceeding; and that the feixing any person or perfon*
residing in this colony, fufpefted of ally crime whatsoever, committed,
therein; and fending such person or perfonsto plafces beyond the fe , to be
tried, i> highly derogato vof the righh of British fubjecis; as thereby
the inetiimable privilege of being tried by a jury from the vicinage, as
well as the liberty of summoning and producing witneifcaon fuclTtfiais
will be taken away from the party accused. ‘
STOLEN out of the fuhfcriber’a paflure the nth of May last \
CREAM HORSE, with bjack mane arid tail, about thirteen and a
half hands high, he paces and trots, and will draw in any cairiaire or
plow, he is branded thus ‘ ■ *
■ Tw ; ent y feillirgs reward will be given tp any person that will deliver,
the ‘aid horse at my plantation, and ten pounds to any person wh o will in
form me of the thief, on his being convifted, which sum (hall br punftu
#,,yPaidby JOifNRAE.
— i-V
I • Georgia, St. John's Parijb, foity t, 1760. :
F any persons have any further demands on theeftate pf Johii Luptan,
and. ceaf.d they are defi-ed to bring them in, property atteftefd, before
the firft of January next, otherwise the executors will Jky dot; what tt*
mains in thftr hands to the heirs of the said deceased. W T
SAMUEL JONES, } Eiecuter*;
?® ° R r G ‘ . A - I*l his E *<* ll **V JAMES WRJGhV, Efq*ire%
In the Court of Ordinary. J CaVain-Gentral and Governor, in Chief of hit
fr~c\ Maje/tyi Jaid Province, and Ordinary of. the
, Jamt ’ >v ‘fp. ■■
\Ji,T aSro’niftration of all and Angular the goods* >d ehattelf,
W rights and credits, within the said province, of Sarah Rigby, de
ceased, was. on the tenth day of Odlober, in the y>. ar of our Lord one ,
thouland seven hundred and sixty fix, granted unto Philip Itox, of Sa*
vannah, merchant: AND WHERE AS the said -Fhilip Box hath this day
humbly represented unto me, by petition, that he has well a id truly ad
ministered the estate of the said Sarah Rigby acco-ding to law. and is dq
firotir to renoer a jnft and true account of his adrtiiniftration of the faitbe
ftate in the said Court, in order that he may obtain letters dirnitibry, apj
‘be finally acquitted and difehargea from the said adminiftratinn, praying
that a citation might iifue, whereby the creditors, and all Jjeys any wife
concerned in the estate of the said Sarah Rigby, may be cited to appear
the :aid Court of Ordinary, and be prefect at the. time of rendering his
said account, to Ihew cause, if any they have, why his said account should
not be allowed, and the said petitioner finally difmided ard difehatged
from hi said adminiftraiion : THESE au therefore to cite and sd.nonifh
ail and Angular the kindred, creditors, and all others anyvKfe interested
in the said estate, to be and aepear before n-e, ia the said Cpurt of Ordi
nary, on l,hurfday the 17th day of August next, to (hew cause, if any they
have, why the account of the said Philip Box of his said administration
lhould not be allowed and pafTed, and he be finally dismissed ari<J dif
chargeo of all suits and demands whatsoever ia the said Court of Ordinary
concerning the fame.
Given under my hand and seal, at Savannah, the twenty
, fifth day of July, in the year of our Lord -one thousand
seven hundred and fixty-aine. JA, WRIGHT.
Secretary’s Office,
By his Excellency’s command,
Tisos Moodi*. Dep. Seer.
N *
A SINGLE MAN, who understands managing a RICE PLANTA.
r l ION, and is well recommended, may meet with eocoursgemcnr,
by applying to JA. CUTHBERT.
1 1 11 - ■’ ‘ is -■ ■ in 1 I Us—m. no ■ ■■■■*
to tfie *
*** inkhes high, about 30 years of age, has his country ipark* tbu* |||
on each fide of his face, i< of the Coromantec conntty, freaks a Httl*
Englilh, fays his name is Michael, bur cannot tell his name, was
brought from the Creek natian', where it’s said he had been about two
* years. Augufl 7, 1768.