The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, August 30, 1769, Image 2

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fcnt fciTcity of film befog s mark ofthe Company’* poverty, be infilled they were never in a mere fieoriihing situation than at prefeat, and snilan ced this ia the aoiaber of (hip* that were (oca expected witn richer car goes than have been known. The third article be likewise treated with the fame indifference, by explaining that the league eftabiiihed between these chiefs was no more than with a rite to over-reach one another;, and that admitting they were ferioos, the lead attention on our fide must in stantly crush the conneAion.and for this he appealed to the case in point, where a few of our forces, although furprixed, killed lo many of,the ene my. Mr. Sullivan was seconded by Mr. Vanfittart and another Director, who, from their knowledge of the country, treated thcfc advices wU no degree of fertoufnefs, and concluded with admiring how persons could be so infatuated as to be in my wife dircAed by reports so foreign from the truth. A quellion was then proposed by Sir James Hodges, that a para graph Arnold be inserted ia the poblick papers, properly attested by the Court, tending to qniet the minds of the Proprietors without doors, and on the question being put, by holding op of hards, it wss carried unar.i monfly. A motion immediately succeeded this for the adjournment of the Court, which wu likewise unanimoofly agreed to. Eat-India Stock on the 6th of March last was done so high as 276, and yesterday was fallen so low as **3, so that it had funk 53 in three months. The furpriaing HoAuation of India Stock within these lew days has oc ca(toned various conjeAores, and there are not wanting feme who look upon the whole as a South Sea scheme. A plan is now under contention for making the lfland of Bermuda a free port, in consequence of feme petitions laid before the Lords of Trade and Commerce. Jum* 3. If the Court of Direaors had not been called at the time it was, and the news brought had been kept a fccret two days longer, the whole estates of the great number of persons of rank, dealers in fleck, who had •greed to fell at this junAure, would not have paid the differences, and they are already greatly hurt in their fortunes. ‘Jam t. Letters by Friday’s French mail mention Lord Bute’s being on his journey for England, and that he proposed to be in town as yellerday The last packet from North America brought a letter of thanks from the town of Bolton to Col. Barre. for his conduA in Parliament, and also enclosed Lima remanflrance to his Majelty, fitting forth the grievances they labour under, and particnlarly mentioning the conduA of Governor also the contents of fix intercepted letters, which difeovered a projeA of the mod dangerous nature —The above remonflrance we hear was presented on Friday. An evening paper of Satorday fays, Eight articles of impeachment are expcAcd to be exhibited at the meeting of the Parliament agaiuft two men, which it ia thought will bs so lowed by many more. Jam 6. We are informed a petition has been presented to a great per. fonagfbyCel. Barre, from the inhabitants of Boston, requeuing the re call of a certain Governor, fnppofed to be suggested by a noble Earl upon his difmiffioo from a confidciable department in the Aate. ; Jan* 7. His Majefty’sftfirigatrs the Glory and Lively, Capts. Hoi well and Fanftawe, are appointed on the cruise with his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland in the Venus; the two former are getting ready as faA as pofible, but the whole will not be prepared to fail from Spithead til! the latter end of the menth. On Monday the Antelope man Os war, Commodore Byron, failed from -Portfmoeth for Newfoundland. Last week a house in this city Clipped 10,000 guns and bayonets for Corftca, in order to be delivered to Gen. Paoii or his order. It is said several of the moil confiderablc Proprietors of East-India Stock took the advantage of the late pacnick, and fold out at 235, with a cer tainty of refnming their flock at the trifling advantage of. 40 per cent. Yesterday a meeting of the Supporters of the Bill of Right* was held at the London Tavern, Robert Jonea, Eiq. in the chair, when a circular letter for railing contributions was approved, and copies ordered to be traafmitted to the several counties and borough towns in England, alter which several fubferipriors were received. It is reported a certain petitioo gave much offence, and that at a respec table meeting it was moved to apprehend feme of the principal iublriib ers; the motion was however over ruled, and the petition given into tne hands of a great lawyer, who is to confider what is belt to be done with regard to it, and report his opinion at a future meeting. It is generally imagined it will be laid before an august aflVmbly. Yesterday morning several gentlemen, Agents for the colonies, attended the levee of the Earl of Rochfort on affairs of moment relative to Noith- Am erica. Jum 8. Yesterday morning his Roya’ Highness the Duke of Gleu cefter set out for Harwich, to embark there on board the yatchforHol land, from thence to proceed upon his intended tour. Jam 0. The Peterlbargh Gazette of April at, O. S. received on Wrdnefday, confirms the accounts lately mentioned of the Ruffians having taken the fortrefs of Tahan Roke, on the sea of Azopb ; ot their viAory over the Turkilh army ; and of Prince Proferowflti's defeat of a Turkifli party of 5000 men. • Jam 10. The foreign mails which arrived yesterday confirm the report of the brave Paoii having obtained a complete viAory over the Prench ar my commanded by Count de Vtux. On the tothof last month, several icirmiibcs having happened between the advauced guards of the two ar, mies for feme days before,, who was entrenched with a body of men, divided them into three corps; the firft, of {OOO, he beaded himfelf) thefecond, of 4000, were commanded by his brother Clement, whom he ordered to occupy the high groonds and woods to the right of thr plain of Roftino ; Carlo Saiiceti had the direAion of the third corps, which was composed of 3000 men, and poflefled the left fide of the camp} a number of irregular truops were alfe placed in ambufeade, under the command of Rocca Serra. As the enemy approached, the Corsicans fell •n them with great fury fiom the three different quarters, immediately pot them into great disorder, and obliged them to make a precipitate re treat towa ds Roftino, in thevoad to which Rocca Serra lay with his am hnfeade, and kilted great numbers of the fugitives. Even by the French account they are said to have had 3000 men killed, and a great number ta ken prifoaers. The multitude of wounded has filled all the churches in Baftia. It is said Count de Vaux sent an express to Tou'on for a freth re inforcement, and has been obliged to draw the garrisons out of several places he had taken pofleffion of before his defeat, in order to preserve him from being fnrroonaed by the Corsicans. flnreaet, May 23. On Friday taft Cardinal Garganeili, a Mouk of the Fiancifcan Order, called Minor Conventual, was eleAed Pope, He was I horn at a village called St. AtigeTo in Vado; in the datchy nr uroino, „ 64 years of age, and was created Cardinal by the late Pope in the year 1759, ever fioce which rime be has always liveo in the cell of the convent of his order at Rome in the moft private manner. He has now aflumed the name of Clement XIV. We are further informed f our Rome, that Car diaal Pallavicini, who was-lately Nuncio at the Courts of Spain 4n d Naples, has Jbeca appointed Secretary of State. Ltmdoa Gazette. “"“x 0 ~8 ESO LD, “” ‘ STONE Shoe and Knee Buckles,—Garnet and Chrystal Brooches,- neat Chrystal Seals set in filvcr, —Silver Watches and Watch Chains, —a very geed aflbrtmCnt of Steel Watch Keys and Chains,—fandry forts of Earthen Ware,—Starch,—Fig and Powder Blew,—Felt, Castor, and Beaver Hats, msny bound on the edges, compleatly alforted for boys, youths, and men, —together with a final! assortment of Dry Goods,—by _ WILLIAM WRIGHT. LARGE cOMMODIOUo oIOKE or WAREHOUSE to be and entered immediately Apply to THOM AS HAMILTON. GEORGIA. Pariih of Chritt-Church, hirlt North Welt Division. ‘ WHEREAS David Mu>ry ; beiqg duly summoned to make and re turn a lift in wr ting of all the male white persons, fee negroes, mulattoes, and other Haves, within their refpeAivc plantations, liable to work on the pitblick ro.*d within the Firlt North Weft Division, did make default therein: And whereas James Dsveaux, Mary Douglass, D*vid Murray, John Rac,.John Smith, James Bulloch, |obn Simp fen* Josiah Dupont, the Rev. Samuel Frink, the Rev. John Joachim Zublyj Thomas l ev, and John Oates, themselves and tbeir male Haves, have negleAed to appear on the said road to do the duties by law required of them, though thereunto dulv summoned : These are therefoie to require the said James Deveaux, Mary Douglass, David Murray, John Rae, John Smith, fames Bulloch, |ohn Simplon. Josiah Dupont, Samuel Frink John Joachim Zubly, Thomas Lee, and |chn Oates, that they severally be and appear before us, between the hours of 10 and 12 of the forenoon • n WedrefdMy the 6th day of September, at the house of Jonathan Peat in Savannah, to (he* cause, if any they can, why executions should not iffisc against them severally, agreeable to the aA in that case made and provided. Given under our hands, in the pariih aforefaid, this 21 ft day of August, 1769. r ALEX WYLLY, ISAAC YOUNG, JA. CUTIIBKRT, CHARLES ODJNGSELL. PAT HOUSTOUN, TAKEN UP b) George t are, and brought by him into Benjamin Stii k’s plantation in the pariih of St. Matthew, A SOREL HORSE, eight yeart old, ab ut twelve hands high, without brand, with a blaze upon his ‘orcbead. Whoever owns the said horse mull apply to and prove his nr her property before BEN |AMIN STIRK, |. P. T O B E S OLD, ; A TRACT OF LAND, containing 50 acres, on Skidaway Iflar.d, situated betwixt two traAs belonging to John Milledge, Esq En quie of WILLIAM NORTON. WANTED TO Hike, lorfix, nine, or twelve months, FOUR or FIVE SQU AKKRS. Enquire of the printer. BROKE into the uiclufure at John Mulryne, filq.’s law-mill near Old Ebereser, A GREY HORSE, branded very plain on the left (houl> der 38, on the buttock 7 , 38, and on the right (boulder BK. Threw ner must prove his property before John Fieri, and pay reasonable char g- . SAVANNAH, Avovst 30. WE are informed, that on the 26th of last month, 13 veflels lying in Rcfeee Road at Dominica were drove alhore in a hard gale of w nd, and, with their cargoes, were entirely loft. Considerable damage it is alfe said wa done to the (hipping at Guadalupe. Several veflels in St. Euflatia Road drove from their anchors and put tb sea, but feme of them it turned, and the rest got fafe to feme of the other iftands. Arthur Forrcil, Esq. Commander in chief es his Majcfty’s (hips and veflels at Jamaica, is arrived at that iflaod from England. Anthony Stokes, Esq. lately appointed Chief Juflice of this province, with his lady and family, landed at Oflabaw on Saturday last from on board a (hip. Belton mailer, from St. Kitts, bound to Philadelphia, and are expedted in town from Sunbury this day.’ Married.} Mr. William Evans to Miss Sally Bolton, daughter of Mr. Robert Bolton. ■ The Swallow packet-boat, Capt. Bailey, from Falmouth, and the (hip Mermaid, Capt. Samuel Ball fen. from London, arrived at Charlcftown the 16th inst- Arrived from this port, the Polly and Betsey, Brewton, at London ; Ceres, Beef, and Swecpftakes, Cole, at Poole ; Hibernia, Sullivan, at Caftlehaven: From Sunbury, the Swift, Thompson, at Poole. Entered Inward* at the Custom- Nousx Prom Aug. 24, Schooner Betsey and Katie, Thomas Sherman, South-Carolina 2;, Schooner Liberty, Richard Churchill, Ditto 26, Brigt. Sally, Gregory Cozens, Jamaica Entered Outwards For Brigt. Induilry, John Langford,’ ‘ St. Vincent Schooner Liberty, Richard Churchill, St. Augufline Schooner Betsey and Katie, Thomas Sherman, Philadelphia . Cleared For Aug. 29, Schooner Susannah, Daniel Sinclair, Jamaica Tit ft JoU, a Saturday tb* tel day ts September next, at tb* Exchange ia &- •uunaob, for natty money , A TRACT containing 100 acres of land, in St. Matthew’s pariih, in froaft <’n Savaonan River, adjoining lands of Robert Hurifon and Richard Scruggs, Esq. the property of Prydc Williams, and (eixed on ex ccution by MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Mar. Tb* Jdd, mt tb* Exebaap;* ia Savannah , on Saturday tb* id Jay ts Stfttmltt me xt, Jar ready money , ONE LOT OF LAND at Yamacraw No. 4, 66 feet wide and 9; feet in depth, the property of Jonathan Remington, and fold on ex* cation by MATT. ROCHE, Pnpv; Mar*