The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, October 04, 1769, Image 1

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Ge ° rgia Gazette - ST. PETERSBURG H, Mat 2;, O. S. MAJOR General Count Tottlebcn, who was in the fcrvice of her Imperial Majesty till rhe year 1763, and afterwards degrade! and banifbed, presented a mod bumble petition to her Imperial Majesty ; in purfuanceof which, her Im perial was graciously pleafcd to forgive him. Turin, June 17.* On Sunday last his Imperial Majesty arrived here in the morning, attended Jay Count Dietrichftein, Grand Ecuyer, and Knight of the Golden Fleece; Baron Reifchach, and General Count Noftits, two of hia Imperial Majefty’* Chamberlains. The F.mperor went, immediately on hi3 arrival, to the apartments of the Duke of Chablaii, and, after Haying fom? time with his Royal Highness, made a*vfit to the King of Sardinia. His Imperial Mnjcily then retired to the house of the Count Khevenhullet, his XVf inifter at this Court. He dined at Court with his Sardinian Majesty, and in the afternoon was at the Corfoin thr fame chariot with the Kirg of Sardinia. The Emperor top ped that night wiiti his Sardinian Majesty, and retired early. This morning his Imperial Majesty, accompanied by their Royal High nesses the Dukes of Savoy anJ Cliablais, and General Noflitz, set out to view the fortifications on the mountains, which form a chain of defence all. round this city. It is thought that his Imperial Majesty will leave thi) place on Tuesday, and on his return visit Milan. The Emperor’s affability and conr'efcenfion have gained him the uni. verfal admiration of all ranks of people in this citv. Junt 24. His Imperial Majesty returned from viewing the fortreffes of this country last Monday. He was at the opera in the evening, supped at Court, and set out from hence about midnight for the Milanese, in which country he meant to flay fome time, and to return to Vienna the letter end of July. Milan, June 24. The Emperor arrived here the day before yesterday and paid a visit to the Duke and Prncefs of Modena. He has taken up his abode at the Count de Firmian’s. The affability of this Monarch is extremely engaging ; he listens to the complaints of all his tobjecls, and does every thing in his power to redress them. Paris , June 9. A quarrel happened yesterday at a coffee-houfe in the Put its Mat burins, between Mr. T—, an English Gentleman, aifd a Fiench Officer, which terminated in a rencounter, soon after, on the Pont Ntuf, in which the officer was ftangeroufly wounded. The dispute arose frQin the former having exprefled great furprize, that theCorfican Sons of Li berty (as he called them) fhouid toft'er themselves to be overcome by a parcel of Slaves The Officer replied, he thought that ought to be no matter of wonder to an Englishman, who fhouid refled, that his Ifhnd was formq-ly conquered by a handful of Frenchmen, under William the Ballard. This reply was retorted, by the other’s refle&ing on the b iha Aoor of the Frencn at Agincourt and Crefty, with such severity, that the Soldier (truck him, .and thence the above affair ensued. London, Junt IX. Last week as a poor man was digging in fome grounds Mr, Pierce, at Stockton upon Tees, in Durham, his fpade* struck aglinft a Hone, which having removed, he difeovered two earthen pots, wnich, on examination, proved to be full of gold. He carried thep to the owner of the grounds, who very generously rewarded him with—a glass of ale. ” A few days ago Mr. Charles Copeland, merchant in London, was mar rjjd to Miss Fanny Melvil, daughter of Mr. Melvil, hosier, at Bulweli, in Nottinghamfhire. The following proceftion was observed to and from church: The father ind mather of the young lady led the way, followed by her more distant relations, two and two; then the bride maids ; the bride and bride-groom, followed by sixteen of the bride’s own brothers and fifieri.dreded in white, with white favours. It is very remarkable, ihat this jroong couple have each of them seventeen brothers and fillers, all now living, and the mother of the bride is pregnant of her 29th child. * June 24. An undertaker being sent for to measure a dead corpse a few days ago in Broad flreet, Carnaby market, to his great furprize difeover td the dead person -to be his own son, whom he had not seen nor heard of for upwards of twenty years. It appears that his Ton had run away from entered into the merchants fcrvice, and going to India made a fortune there, 1 and was returned to England but the night before. The lather is so much grieved, that it is thought he cannot long survive. ** Mon'day last the fun of farmer Hilliard, at Doncafler, being in love with a girl of the fame place, on receiving a denial when he mo : expell ed a compliance of her becoming his wife, look the desperate resolution of Killing himfclf, which he did by running a penknife into his belly. * By advices fiam Petcrfburph we are informed, that the Ruf fians hfve now one hundred and twenty galliot) in the Don, at and above Afoph,'ready for fcrvice, either in the great rivers, the Black Sea, or e Ven to tranfpoit troops to ths walls of Constantinople if requisite. The particular destination of these galliots is not, however, at present known. Thd above one hundred and twenty galliots are all made of timber the J Produce of the Ruffian dominions, and were all built in seven months rom the time of their being firfl ordered. ’ June 27, We have good reason to believe the mod noble the Marquis of Rockingham will fill one of the highelt departments of the slate before the middle of November. • June 29. Yesterday Mr, Frailer, a Romifh Pried, renounced the errors of the Church of Rome, at St. James’s church, Weflininfler They write from Bourdeaux, that twenty-nine fail of French New foundland fiftiermen, with fpll cargoes, had jull arrived there, nineteen of which were intended to proceed for the different markets in the Me diterraneans- - .... WEDNESDAY, OBolcr 4, i 7 6 9 . ■ Junt 30 The Jenny, Ford, from Greenland arrived at Hull the 26th mil. Ihe left the ice the t ith, having jot at Greenland 107 feats, and fed venfilh, which fi'l 194 with blubber: On the afith of May fhc part ed with the 1 riton nt London with two fifh, the James of ditto with fivej the Duke of York of ditto with hve, the Kent of ditto with two, and the Fefgy of Scotland with one fith : On the 6th of June (he parted from the Weymouth of London with two fifh, the Adventure of ditto with foor, the Suffolk or ditto with eight, the Britannia of ditto with three, the Of wa!<d of Scotland with five, the Royal Bounty of ditto with four, and the Winmngton of Liverpool with two fifh: She heard the Hawke of London had got nine fifh, the Henrietta of London ten, the jenny of Whitby nine, the I’orpcs of Whitby five, the Royal Exchange of Newcastle seven, the John and Margaret oi ditto seven, and the Priscilla of ditto five fifh i She parted with the Young Eagle of London, and the Mary pf ditto, on the 9th of June ; the former had eleven fifh, and the latter twelve. July 1. Wc hear from Frankfort, that the marriage of rhe Prince of Prulfia, with thePrincefs Frederica Louisa, of Heflc Darmftadt, was de clared; her dighnefs was born in the year 1751, and is the fccond daugh ter of the reigning Landgrave, and the sister of the Duke of Deux Poors. We hear that the Court of Dire&ors of the Eafl India Company have voted to Alexander Dalrvmple, Esq. the tom of 50001. as a consideration for his fervicesard Ibis of time in fome utfeoveries and negociations, with a vic.v to anew fcttlcment of great importance to the Company’s trade. We hear that Sir William Baker lately presented his firfl Clerk with f 2001. the second with 1000 L and the third with 8001. a. a testimony of his approbation of their zeal and fidelity in his service. Yesterday an Irishman was tried at the Old Bailey, for Healing a bridle i the judge asked him if he had any friends in court to appear to his cha ralter. to which he replied, By /— — s, my Lord, l have none here, at prf sent , but I'll run home and fetch feme'. which expression created a general laughter, and as the affair icemed trivial, the Jury brought the delinquent in not guilty. A Recife to curt ’all,the Grievances o/Jhe Nation. LET Parliaments be chofcn ev’ry year, And in the House let not ten Placemen be ) Soon all our grievances will disappear, . , And King and People find felicity. July 4. On Saturday lall when his Grace the Duke of Grafton was in* flailed Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, in the Senate House at that place, his Grace the Duke of Bedford, Chanceiiorof the Univer titv of Dublin, and Do&or of Laws, was admitted by the Duke of GrafloA to the fame degree in the English University. On Sunday fe’nnight a divine preached an excellent Sermon a.t Le# Church near Lcwifham in Kent, from Sc. Matthew, Chap. 14. Ver. to, ” And be sent and beheaded John in Prison.” Extras! of a letter from Edinburgh, Junt 27. t •• At Cannon-mills, near thri city, where it is the custom of the Mil* lers servants to watch the Mills nightly by turns, one of them was lately married to a handsome young girl.—-f wo or three nights after the mar? riage, it happening to be his turn to watch, he requefled one of his com panions to d> that duty for him, and he would repay him another time ill ’ kind,#as it was hard to be (hut out from a young wife so soon. His friend very readily confirmed, and home went the bridegroom, happy in thf conceit of agreeably furprizing bis spouse with his unexpelled company. —His bride, sensible her husband was on watch, resolved, it fee.ns, no( to spend the night alone, and had, at that inllant, a ypung Gentlemaq in bed with her.—lt is the custom, at that place, to keep the house dpor open, when the husband is out, that he may have free access at all timely —She being awake at his entrance, fereamed out violently that she. was like to die ofacholick, and that nothing coaid cure her but a dram of Hoi* land gin. He did not pay great attention to her at firll, but pulled off a)J his cloaths, and was (topping into bed, when (he redoubled her cries, that she fhouid die, if he did not immediately run for the Bin. He in vain recommended to her fome whifky, that was in the house but nothing but the gin would case her ; having cured her before file said.—Thus alarmed with her intreaties, he huddled.on his cloaths hallily, and rao out for thf dram. On procuring it, he threw down the price, and set out on his- re* turn with expedition ;* but he was called back by the honest and acquainted that he had thrown down fix (hillings in dead of three pence. The Miller would not believe him, telling him he was not worth so much, and could not be convinced on being offered back the money, ’till, putting his hand again in his pocket, he found a purse, dontainipf twenty-seven guineas and fome loose silver ; and, upon farther infpcltion, a pair of handsome new breeches, and a gold watch.—What palled be tween him and his spouse, upon his return, we - am not informed; buf{ it Is said, he confiders himfelf fufficiently recompensed for the infidelitjl of his bride, and wishes die may have the cholick, attended with the fame circumffar.ccs, every night, ihe (lory has occasioned much pleafanti? here, every one asking his neighbour, if he has loft his breeches ? ” Jult c. The following is a copy of a letter written by a great perfqnagt to a Miniftcr, on the day of that Minwcr’s marriage: ‘ June, 1769.. 4 My Lord Duke of • . ... , •, ‘f I cannot fuffVr this day so go over without wishing you a long and ud. interrupted joy and happinew ; assuring you that I am the moil affect;? • onate among your friends. - ti I C ‘ * Juh 6. It is (aid that the coolteception in the Weft yesterday has givea oreat’ difgofl to many very refpeClable performs n the East, and l *ra ts fome Gcnilcxuen, whose jiidioation* before fat mor duo Weil. , #w