The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, November 01, 1769, Image 1

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Georgia Gazette & v,a/jwac * Afr, Printer, I CONGRATULATE an] indeed myfelf, on the happy efforts of a piece lately jnfcrted in ycnif paper. Though the “prejudices of education” are usu- i ’ ally ftrong* and it is very difficult to obviate “ latent j eauftsf ytt I am not furprized that* with a perlon of Phi -1 lotoniy’s good fenfo, truth fiiould break through every cloud, and I am truly happy in being the instrument of “almost con vincing him of the impropriety of feme notions” winch hitherto i.e has been riveted pr chained unto. Still indeed he fee ms to betray fome little fondnefs for them; but tins I readily forgive him, radical errors are not rooted out at once, and his profeffed wdlingnefs to h ar more upon the fubjtrt gives me the moft flattering hopes to fee him loon fully cured. “ 7be narrative which he so impatiently waited for” has now ap peared, and I doubt not wiil have its proper effort, and convince‘him, that, notwichftanding fome i l-plactd incer, it is a real truth that life is more dcflrable than death, and J verily'bclieve, at fome time or other, even Philotomy him felf had rather be “ a living dog than a dead lion” That a good name also is a good thing admits of no con tridirt ion, but how far shat may go to warrant unjuftiliablr actions I am itill at | loss, and however poor I may be in being deprived of rn/ u reputation* yet I humbly apprehend he that kills or is killed in o a duel, or survives to fuffer for it, is rather worse pff (till, and in point of character, as far as I can fee in either case, a very inconsiderable gainer. I cannot blame Philoto my “ for fixing his ease , fafely * and peace of mind, on the proper andfirongbafis of timidity” in so doing he arts confident with himfelf, a9 it is his prjfcffod opinion, “ that the a.pprehenftcn of refentmertt keeps men within bounds , and caujes them to treat one another with decency l hope he has not been under any ap prehensions from nf, and yet I mult own he has not treated me very roughly; his temper appears cafv, and though he maintains a heretical dortrine, as I think, yet his arguments do not appear very dangerous. I assure Philotomy, whom I have not the pie afu re so know, thatl should never be uneasy in his company ; 1 believe h none of the smoothest writers in the province, but (till, whether frou prejudice of education, or fome other cause, it is my riveted opinion, that a good name is to be obtained and sup ported only by good actions. lam not to he convinced by leaden arguments, and cannot fee the lead tendency in a bullet to afeertain the goodness or badness of a man’s cha racter. The wor hos the good iran may be attacked by the snarls of bacf ones, but every man is neither more nor lei’s than what in himfelf without any regard totheefti . mate of others. No writer is entitled to publick thanks that writes in dirert opposition to the laws of God and the land he fives in, and 1 am really furprized that Philotomy chose to write before “ he had been taught to revere the firfl grand law of nature.'* If, in compliance with the opinion of tie “ wrld as it goes” Philotomy (hould think an answer as alfolutcly • necessary as he think* courage is and ref. ntmenr, l invite him to propofc his arguments, and unlcfs they are far better than any 1 ever yet saw, or ever expert to fee, I have courage enough to promise him to pull them up by the very root. I think at all events I can have nothing to fear from one “that hopes to be reconciled to the bully as well as to the man of placid deport ment ” This will be a very ilringe kind of reconciliation; for my own part, though 1 write for a placid deportment, vet I don’t know how’to reconcile my good opinion to a bully. ‘ _LL_ tO BEHOLD AT PU It LICK S ‘tLE, at tht f'tnauc t*je tan neb. by •virtue ,/a on Tucfa, tht H'*’ **f •/November . A TRACT OF I.AND, situate in St. John’s panlh, containing 400 f\ acrei in the middle branch cf N -rth Newport, jmnin K ldi of Francis Arthur on the wei*, and on the south by lan's b longing * mth Raillic. The term, will be made koo* nat •he rme of la e, nnd the plat in the mean time may he fcea fl hand. oJ Grc/ o * in Savannah. I Novemlcr j , 1769. PROPOSALS FOR PRINTING BY SUBSCRIPTION, E S i AYi> ?; X f y 1 RHipion, and religion! Ri'f . 1 r.efis r Magi, tulbrr.s. Civil Policy, M tbrd> of dec'ar i ,n * “‘ u * t .; u s °”, VVar *, antl 1 f waking Peicr, Military, A k ru [ cul'im*. Lutldifgs, 1 .xnci.cs, Sp< rts, Marriage ard Funeral Ceremonies’, I.abns, .Met, luimi, Marre>, &c. of the Jrdians cn the Con l'"c,.trt’l N ‘ ,rh Ar„a:o, particularly of the fcveial Natirrs or Tribes of the , chen-ke'es. Creeks Chickefaws, and Chotfaws, inha* bri'.gth: \cd -in P ots ol the C Tonic, of Vugini.t, Nartn and Soj.h- Cato'tna, and Uij ia. Aif: Umc Account of the Countries, tlcfcrio t.on <t uncomni’ n Animals, &c. interspersed With ufeful Obfcivatior.a rdarjng ti the Uvantages auling to Britain from her Trade with those Ji ui ns ; o| he belt Methods o managing them, and of conciliating their.-’ lle.'Mo- and ti cuby evtending the fatd Trace. Also feviral in f;re*'i K Ant ed to*. Collected in a kcfidtiite of the greater Fait of 33 Years ani t'it* Indi ns theinfifves, 13y JAMES ADAIR. CONDITIONS. Jhe Work will be compris'd in two Oftavo Vo id'” er. and be put te Press in London as soon as a fulficient Number of bub'eriprions aie obtained, and will be printed on a good Paper, wita J-ett.r entn iy i.e*v. 1 he PiKc to Sub ft liber, will be two Spanish Dollars, ne of which to ! c paid at the 1 in.c < t tublenbing, And the other on the Delivery e.f titO Bocks. SUBSCRIPTIONS a:e taken in by the Printer of this Gazette. - —— ——— ■ ■ —•——■■■ ■ —--- ■ -- • - 1 1 k ) tih.K i‘.AS the Pro. oft 1 is province, by virtue of a writ V 7 of Attachment to him aircCed, did attach the binds, tenements, goods, chattels monies, debts, and books cf a .'count, of William Simp lon, who \t ab cr>t and without the limits of the f;.id ptovince, in the hands and ponufinn of Bcnjan in A drew, at the suit of the said B n jatnin Andrew: AND V HIiREAS the laid Benjamin Andrew, as a cre di or in polTeflbn, HA ! H, ag.cealle to the direction of the Attachmei.f, fi cd his declaration in his Majcd/s General C >urt of Pitas against the fail William Simpson. and hath obtained the fotlowir.g ru'c, vz. Akoriw. C cdt- *) OK DKRFD, Ti at the defendant do a-pear ar.d plead tor in j Ciflcflicn, k within a year and a day, otherwi.e judgment. vet/ui By the Courf, Simpson. PRtS 1 ON and PKYCF, C. G. C. *6t ; > t .'{•• ber, *769. 4 , NO I ICE is thtrclore hereby given, That, unlcfs the faiJ William Simpson do appear and agreeable to the aforefaid rule or trrder, judgment will b r en’Cred agairut In in accordingly. GREY ELLIOT P, Attorney for the creditor in poniflicn. Ctaifiia. # , WHEREAS the ProvolLMarfhal of this pfovree, by virtue of a wri< ol attachment to him direfl'd, did attach the lands tenements, poods, chattels, monies, debt?, aid books of account, of Will am Simp son, who is absent Irom and without the limits ol the said province, in the hands and pof! of Benjamin And cw, at the suit of the said Ben jamin Andrew : AND WHEREAS the said Benjamin Andrew, as aertr d tot in pol tfli’ n HA'TH, agreeable to the direitlbn of the Attachment l aw, fi cd his dec’p.ra ion in his Majefiy’s denerdTiTofrt the said William Simpson, and hath obtained tljf WllowJi| rule, vi*. A N drew, Crcdi ORDERED, That ihe do appear and plead tor ir. pofle/fion, within a yea and a day, otherwise judgment., a unfits Court, Sim pson PRES TON and PRVCE, C. G. C. 26th O-'tobEr, >769. NOTICE is tr.erefoie hereby given, Thaf, unless the said William Simpson do appear ard plead agiecable to the aforefaid role cf Older, judgment will been'ered agiirfl him accordingly. # GREY ELLIO J 1 , Attoiney for the creditor in pollcflio^. GC'fOiU* l * WHEREAS the Provofl Marlhal of this province, hr virtue of a writ ol attachment to him directed, did attach the lands, tene ircrts. to ds, chattel*, monio, debts, books of account, of Lilloa and Hope, futviving copartners cf Middleton, Lillon. and, Hope, who are abfert from and without the limits of the said province, in the hands ard uofTcfiicn of .John Glen. Daniel OCain, Chiiii pher Hudfm. and Caleb Howtll, at the suit of J> hn Nutt: AND WHEREAS the said Joins Nutt HATH, ngiecabl tothcoi tdionsof the Attachment Af>, filed hi* declar t on in his Majefly’s General Couit of Fleas against the said Lilloa and Hone, and Hath obtained the following rule, viz. John Nutt, 1 ORDERED, ‘That the defendants do appear and verjut l plffd • year and day, otherwise judg f r.„ro Hr. f mint. „„ c i i ’ ‘ l^ C '’“p'i v „ l , rc . r surviving copartners. J PRE&ION ar.d PR\CE, C. G. C. NO TICE is there/*tc hereby ctrcn,.Thnt unlcfs the said Liston and Nopa do app-ar and pk*d agreeable to the aforefaid rule or order, judgment will be entered again* ihtm accordingly. • f * GREV ELLiOTT, PlaiotifF’s Attoxtey.