The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, November 15, 1769, Image 1

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w TH E .v _ ■ Georgia ‘ Gazette : . G EOUG I A, WHEREAS Mefi’rs. OGILVIE and MICHIF., of the • City of London, Merchants, have accepted frpvn the Executors of Mr. Thomas Vincent* late of Sa vannah, Merchant, deceafeJ, an Alignment of all the Bonds, Notes, Books of Accp, Judgments, and dthet Securities for ‘Money due, owing, payable, or belonging to the Est ate of the said deccafed, and have’ lodged the fame in my Hands, with express Inter* immediately to foe for, re cover, and receive the Monies due thereon, THEREFORE nil PetibrA indebted to the laid are hereby required to make Payment of their laid'fcveral and; refpedtive Debts to me in Savannah, on or before the next Return Day, as it is not in my Power to give further Indulgence. •j JOHN GLEN, Attorney for'MefTrs. Ogilvic and Michic. • i PETERSBURG IT. |uiv 29. THE squadron dcaired for the iileditetTanCan will full immedi- j atejy, and it is thought will bu commanded by the Chief j de Efcad.c Elfingflcn, at. Eigliftinian. 1 . Psalijch,. in Poland, Augvji 4. The Tartars, already weary | of the war, hav e separated from the Tuilkilli army, in ol der to re/nrn to their own country. * Leghorn, Augujl 3, Some letters from bring, tha the inhabi- ; tan.s of the Pieve of Niolo, a fierce and unc mqucrable j roplc, had re volted. and killed abundance of the French ; but that Count de Vaux had sent there a detachment which has reduced them to fibjettior, and that fcveral of them have been conduced pri Toners to Baftia. ibe french have demoliihed the fortifications of Olctta, and fame other places, Ihe Barbary corf.tirs attack and take ail the Coifican veflcls, though under t|te proteftion of the French. < . Conftantinoplt, ‘July 17. On the loth ii.flant a fire broke out in this city, which raged *ith great fury far tweive hours. It burnt for near a mile iii length, and as it happened rear the Hippodrome, St. Sophia, aud the P.rte, it consumed a great number of the principal p.tlaccj, fome tma.'l mofqdes, and nearboo houfep. The Grand Signior was present the whole time, and moltly on horseback, giving away large foms of money. j Vienna, July 8. A few days ago a woman was arrefled here, charged with having killed above 100 children Her employment wai to nurie, at her own houfc, the children of women w ho were themfclvcs nurfe> in great families, and also the infants of such mothers as did not chufc to own them. It was her cudom to get fome months board paid fcrin advance, and in a (hor after (he came to t *ll the mother of the d.'ath 0 rcr child. It is certain that during 17 months near 90 children have been carried from her house to the grave. Such a number of fucctGve deaths mud naturally render her, it not altogether culpable, at lea a very much fufpe&ed. It is said she hath already confefled her crime, and difeovered fcveral accomplices. . ~ , .Berlin, Au*ufi 12. This day his Praffian Majrfty, accompanied uy the Hereofary Prince of Prufiia, his nephew, Prince Henry, and Laron Lentulus,, set out for Silesia; where his Majelly is to have an interview with the Emperor of Germany bc!o e his return, in order lo coocertmca furcs foe icftorinj? the unharpy kingdom of I o.and. iat\fbrmw, Auruft 9. Th.'y writ-from Angfbcarg, that on,the 4th infl. at 4 o’clock in the afternoon,, a violert earthquake happened there which la fled 17 minutes, At Eichfied *i.e fit >ck un.oofcd moll of and broke down the Clicked walls; and itisaflured that the elfins of it were more violent ar Gun. a .bourg,Ulm, and other p aces towar, s the north. Paris, July 27. Letters ju* received here front Sr. Domingo adv.fe, that fed i; ion is not yet appealed throughout the lfland, but that there aie fome cantons extremely agitated hy,turbulent perions. • July 28. They write from Fi-eft, that they have conduced to the tine prisons at that place, two young fellows, one name r * Irishman; the other Laurence,-the agent of a merchant, named Par , both arrived there from ‘Jantcs I: i p efuined they aie ii.v < affair of the person w^pcali l him lei f Gordon, of wom w ‘ t on a former /occalien, and who now is under examina Rochelle Clogny, Intcndantof Brclt. 1 hey have also brought there fromßocheUe another person who assumes the name of htuart, an is plice of Mr. Gordor.’s. Bruffle Gaxe:/e , , /i ore Ca- Angkfl 21. It is pretended that the E lyhfh ** av <L o - j n jj a an j nada, if the King of Franceswil’ give up their pofle prohibit all commerce ™ theif fril.jcfts in thofc p irts . . o.e 0 f 9 The Sieur Me flier. Aflrcr.cmer of the Marine, d.fcovmd, the B.h of this month, about eleven in the evening, a petv c. me , • . j the conttcllation called Aries, tC.Rm l*et*ee the * 4 th. *9"**™ jifl liars of thpr confleilationia the EnghHi cam |>g • tai l about the 14th and 154 k inflaat, MppeareJ very dilliaXy, bzeingzi j.* to the iotMifane of the marine to fund a .mmbsr of veueis w y •sder to bring back 22 battalions of the King 3 * r ’ iflands,. *7* Br A. t..e u: • K appears, that the Spaaiaris have actually ion, f ly -E DNES D’ & ‘November 15, 1769; And by letter* received from the Havana t, we hear that the Spaniards have flatten flaps r,f the line there, befi.les fourteen thousand land furc*s. Itu fata, that I'rincc Fcfdinund is expefled in England before the er.4 of tbe fumujer. 1 - ■ - •r V** b >’ l^°^c who pretend to know the f.crets of the Minirtry, ‘thwc it the lenient tneafures intended to be t..ken at present (ball not have the desired e.Tcff, in composing all difl';rences with the Americans, and quiet ing ;lie turbulent fptrit that feem* to. prevail there, that an additional number of frigates and land forces will be fent<there early in the spring, to reduce them to propc conformity to what is proposed by coercivd means. . t •/ • •< . A corrcipon’dent defircs to kno v the lafl place Lord Bute came from abroad, fy.h re hy ready landed in England, and what capital towns he i came through pu bis’ w.iy to London. A Ictiur fioin j.dghorn fays, that among the eminent persons lately ar rived there from Cv.mcj, on board the Rachel Frigate, was the Lady of Mr. Julcu f’rancis Scrpeutini, Prcfident of the Terra dr com nane, who h.'s conflaiit’v fjtllowed rhe fortunes of General Pauli, habited like a mau, i aud dii'.iiiguifhod I'crfcU greatly by faveral afl of valour. t Augufi i. ’i he E.irl of Sh. lburne it is said will (peedily b: appointed his,*Vl2jciL’r Amhniudnr to thn Court ofVerfallles * V/e near that the PiiiKe;nni Princefsof S run (wick are not expefted. in (England before the tenth of September next. There is no pio at prefen; of a reconciliation with the contending, parties, though many ‘'verrurc have been made to the oujs whicn, on ac count of thsir particular on a laze cointy election, have been all rejcfled. ’ By the compcn;Vous viev of the Britlfh ships and foamen employed ii\ the trade between Grrat-Bri.ain and her colonies, on the continent of A rnerica, of the value of goeds exported from Great- Britain to these colo nics, and of their •■rod jm exported’ to Great Britain and elfewherV, the account Hands thus: . Number of (hips employed - *> - • 1078 Seamen --------- 28910 Exports from Great Britain - - - - 33“°9 0 ° Exports from the colonies - - - - 3924606* His Majelly has ordered the sum of 40,0001. to be ifTaed, in to complete the well wing of Greenwich Hospital, which is intended for subaltern Officers. , . Augufl 3. A few days ago an emetick was adminiftred to the Right Hon. Lord II and, anti to the furprize of all present, he caff up one million flerling. His phyfleiaus order the emetick to b.* continued every month K till December 1772. when forty millions, at present unaccounted will b • returned 1 oithout interelt. Wc h-ar that an aition is commenced by a member of Parliament pf a neighbouring county agair.fl a certain patriotick parlon, for scandal and defamation. Augujl 5. Wc hear that W. Burke, Esq. is to go as private Secretary to Mr. Varafittart to India# ‘ Also that Madar.e, Esq. is to go in fome public* chandler with the Supcrvifors. It is said that the marines that are puton board the frigates, which go with the comrmflbners, are f-nt with a particular vieiv to affil in peditiona-alnfl licider Ally’s capital in the kingdom Os Myfote. - By :!;c fail letters from the Cape of Good Hope, the French are uid tj be withdrawing tbeir troops from the islands of Madagascar and the “® a “* rc t:is; and a ie P orc is now current, that they let out thofa troops, in the uatne of auxiliaries, to a powerful Indiau Princeatvana,nc with the Eoglilli Lafl-India Company. 1 A :. tc caacidatc fora borough in Suflsx recovered 5001. at the la® a Sizes, on :hc Ilatute of bribery and corruption. , A litter from Bi-dmin, in Cornwall, fays, “ N6l;fi than caojet.. have been tried these affixes for bribery at the lafl election for the borough of To have heard the evidence relative to the bribery, and thp. infamous prazees ufod at the eledtion, would make you shudder. plaintiffs in all the caufcs obtained verdicts, fome in 10001. others in lsoo, and foen to 30001. en the bribery s•’’ *. .. . The following is an eftimace of the duties raised upon the Wpofti m the fcveral provinces of AmeVica. * Pi nfacoU f tide three provinces f , Augustine < raise llerhng money V —* Georgia ’ {by the year about ) 2a oo o o South-Carolina —, ~ __ _ _ 800 o o North Caronna - -, £ _ _ - • 2 ‘ 2C o 0 o Virginu - _ - 9 00 O O Maryland _ - - _ _ - £OO Penrfylvania _ _ . . tooooo New Yok _ _ Connecticut _ Rhode-1 Hand *“ r Q Boston and Maffachufets _ o o Pifcataqua - , 200 o • Ffalitax Quebeck TT .. ■ ‘’ ~ - .. . I *•’ ■ ‘ ‘' f i;goo o o , Yefl’rda # fcveral considerable bets were kid at the wefl end of the to^n; flrH Jay bf February axl.