The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, December 27, 1769, Image 1

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ws ! . ■. up Georgia % Ga#Bfc ’ b:i- ■ slpsji s • it.- •*s#*• \ • • “■ . ;4 Mfj qfdhtfHh*. y /> ( . WW w. OBSERVE, on the perusal of a late Carolina paper, that ‘P f nt given in the rcfoiurioru of the Merchants jfit “efSavinnah, for the prclenfdeprccfcrinj? Rate of our I 3 * ’ l .•currency, if called in queflion. find the dcrline of it > yy M fixed and asserted to have arisen fome year.* ago. This ika fa£t really not to be controverted. The balance of 4, trade being, in the infant Rate of tht colony, with* tOrr* refpeft to Carolina, much again ft us, and many of irfl* psfcfon* wfm removed from thence being indebted in that province, there whs an absolute neceflity of remitting monies there at any rate, which jw&s Jaken itn. advantage of by form? who had it in their power to draw upon Charldftdwa, nnJ e*a(ted a certain premium from tbofe they a fulled. This was the.lhil dUFei-encc made in the value of the currency • but what , fud it wa*i tlfe Extraordinary price in fifed upon by the Pinntirf for their prod act, *B?.w?Pch, by,an artful difpoful of the fruit of th-ir crops, they lave cotitit’.V'd to exadt for many rears, without considering that they repaid’lh* difference in every pureGfe they-, made from the Merchants, and in |(Very payment they mode to the Mechanic!:. Theinfcflinn nata- ! rally forced through the whole community, and the present difference i between u* and ott* neighbours of Carolipa is, that tho Planter receives about 15 percent more for his produce than is paid there, ar.c! he pays to the Merchant about 15 or percent, mote for hi* goods than he can purchase them jorip that province* lt is evident thro; the evil a* rife* from both Planter end Merchant, who in'iJ'f-, Vhat#yer tiiey may ■dvjnk of it, are in the end both fuffrrinf, n’d iefTening the valirs of their ellates, and thofc pcrfotis nbi are neither engaged in tra-lc or planting are fu£erc* in a tfill greater degree. The remedy for this mos. _ wife ftonathe faaie tjirarter, an (hi am .perfusded. if the gentleisrp *ih tradt, “hnd tholij engaged in planting, would confider their mutual in- 1 tereft, gad come to a friendly determination, both with refpeil to the ad vance on the goods imported by the one, *nd the price of tli? produce railed bf the other, our currency would frnn recover its original value, and thebetfefit* aiifing from it would befoon and evidently felt by all the community t in particular, we should have a (hare in a beneficial b anch ‘of trade, now Wholly cugrotled by our that of shipping rice opoa cammifliot), which we never can expert to have while wc keep up such a.tdifferc nce*in the jiiccj and whenever the quantity made in this in any degree increase, there spnarendy will be a necefiity of .falling-.upott font# method of exporting more .than will barely pay for our dry; goatVs sod itejpoe*y and l think It is evident our Merchants, while things are upon tbeprefent footing, will never chufeiopnrcbafe, or (nip p barrel.more than they receive on that account, or afeundera neccffity W doing.* I mean the above rather ns a fhorr hint than a fclland tflear slate of the case j I coold however wish it may be fofficient to induee'thofe gentlemen, ■who are more immediately concerned, to confider it, and apply a proper iftmedy u> sVHar is now a great evil, bur, if not thought Os in time, will be moll fevefely felt f for thefake of the province I hope they will. ■• .. 1 aai, Mr. Johnston, yours, &c. *’ R. L. tmmm Hieii|Wiaaimnwe imu wwnenol mm •■ i >iai i#m mmmim ADDRESS of the Gensrax. Assembly of the Ctitracif of Soot*.avd if’ v ‘■* “f- v “to'tfieKlNG. s ’ Mejl Gracicvt Sovereign, ...... y iJfEyoiir Majcuy'l moft dutiful and !oy*l fvbjeAr, the Miniflcrs W )tl Scotland, confider has our duty,<at this jenrture, to a?-’ prdach vour throne with warmel) profe/lions of our sincere at-. ? tachment to your royal pc fm and family. -As the Church t)f Scotland is indtJblfld fo/.)U ptefc-rvation in times of danger and perfe 4:otion to tbs divine<f>rotedlibn, it owes its eflahlifliment to fbepnnctpb s jfef libertys Under the fame illoilrtoa&Monarch, wbo secured the poflcl -ffon of fb.i Brtilh Tfooiie to the Hoofe of Hanover, the protcflior * law : for. the Churclvof Scotland 5 and the Members of tr.i* Church have onifdrilily themfeldes no left by the 1 of Uocrty, • %*bich the genius of our ecdefuflicnl corltitutioh tends toiheni.'!, t ?an fcy thfir attachment to your Majoffy*’* ©yal ar.ceflors, the fatihfu! guru 4iaw 6f tfce rightscfrte'ir peo>fc. ■>-’ c *- AaiSjtcd with the warn est of Joypliy and affodl.oh to our So we embrace the firll oppotturlty that hath offered to us, o <x ptttiitiS! oWtieny at t,l * t of licCnbonfnef'i and rr>f<r wn •fcppy 9iii| jition* wbich hate diilurbed your Msjrlly in the feat cH your - and begin now to i.l*rm the minds of pood citizens, I . n !,: f pnoft remote rarts of your stominione. fully, sensible 0 your n; J paternal goodntfs, and conflant endeavours to promote t. c pttu u -p ----twt>eft.;we cannot fufficertly Ument thattni* gracious porpofe fliot.ld be ‘fWruftedby twy partQf yocr fubjefts. aa-t-n,. It ie,< with much that we affote yoor Ma efty, the great bpdy of the people under our care, knf'b e o 1 ie ■ 1 • • t which thcSt cnroysa'iidcr youn aufpitiou* reign* *re so*r hadpgycon dilution; ‘win re'pcfl md love for their gracnrws Serve reign. K ftoins fliarlt b wanting on our part w che*iOi and rove these happy ’Xfpofition*. ‘At the fame time that werueokate upon them a rtverence for thrdoarines ar.d precept* I p opportunity of Imprcffihg them with loyalty to our King, vAierauon ludfobedienca to the laws of or con >• vu We offer, in our Jcfus Uhrift, our , aftktr GW, 1 rtiite3r foa-4v>! and. religious rig Ins; that he rnoycomf-ift yotH-hi ►undej £ -O NESD A TANARUS, December 27, 1769. Itrl ~*TP ‘• **Tfci* I i *r~ n i <t~ii *i ii >* m i ana in ——•*- ------ - - - - ... the cjr.-s cr.d b.; t ’ens <S government, nrt! cr ‘ u ; • ,:n ; ii* it there m.av ever furrounfl ’ - ’ 11v, pofTcJli con 6 ‘“'fk k!:ou- fu *'j jL'voar M.'.jHly and yojr ro< a! defendants, mav a 'j. cs t 0 gw h.n py feat of religion, liberty, and the valoPßrfTof W*l ’ * :e . fh <? conflant prayer of, moll gratious Sovereign, your Maiefty*# nioft fait ful, moj obedient, and moS loyal fubie^s,°thi Minims add . r * 5 mct 1!1 , thc ‘Atonal Assembly of the Church Os Scoifahd, ‘JiVnld lncuirname, inoui presence, and at our appointment, liy‘ ” ‘ JAMES MACK.js’IGH federal or. 1 Tbi following h a (tfy of tte Ag rttxtnt the MirchanU cf Scjto*' tntcrtJ iZ . Oilvbtr 17, 1769. ‘ 31 ‘ ERE A S the Merchants and Tudcrs in thtTlWry ofßoEOa, Va_ w M r- iruc crnfideration the deplorable fitiiflson ofihe tn£, if, ‘if find the many diflicukirs that it laboured tfWer,’ ffion the M t irn , r>3) ’ rs *7®*, by a gndcr tStir J;ar>os, ; re, that they would not feed for, or impart !ro|u Grc t Hritain, any U-r.d t f goods or merchandize, pitficr on{h?ir own pc counts or on co:r.rr:ffms, f>r othervvife, from the ‘rlrll day of iffy. t(MI e frrll dry of January 1770, excepting, coils, fait, fifh hpotl apd hues, hemp, duck, bar-lead, (not, wool <ard, -card-wire.- And whereas it nppcais to us t!;e fubferibers that, as the said agreement ly* brin very generally adhered to, so it'has already had a good e&?&* and affords a prom? Ting prifp-a of nnfwcrjng the important ends defignol thereby, provid’d it flvuiM liecontinifed, thorfforc, in ordcrfffeflvylly tQ promote tJjedeftgn cf relieving the trade from thd many ejifncuhies aid oppreflions under which ;t lab .urs, and topreferve toourjclves *nd poll#* rity, the liberties and privileges which we were wont to enjoy, WB prom’Tv and engage with each other as follow's; l. HpHAT wc will not import nnv kiad of goods or merchandize Grcat-Brirain, ei her on our own scCouiits, Or on comuiiffions, or otherwif:, until tfr? aiii impofsag Julia iu 4nt rits for raiftng a ayynue totally 1 rpcald. Saving the articles of coals, lalt, fifh hooka and lincE„ be;mp and duck, bar lead, (hot. wosl cards and card-wire, clothier* sheers, tin plates, drugs and medicirics, dye fluffs, atlutji apd cogrtfrij, gunpowder, grindilOnrs, chalk, fhcet copper, erman dec}, Tfhool books, as also the article of havze for the supply of the fifliery 1 l'Ut,inaf mttch as the merchants of New York a wi Philadelphia b*ve ’y Seat orders for goods to bb fhiped in case the afls fbould j)e repealed,,awe, ta order f> coincide with them, fj far alter our former agreement, asio refer** toourfelves the liberty to fend for goods'#* (bit txprtjs ctndu’ioq only, if t&t rtvtnut nth being firjl totally repeaUd. • , ‘ujrfl 2. Tiut we will not purchase of any fa.ffor or any |tfnid of goosfe imported from Gfeat-Britain, until dx revenue a2s bo totdlly rtgtaUd* ~ A 3. That we will not import on our own accounts, or on co*i(ni|fipnSv or purchase of any who may import from any other Coloiy ip America any tea, paper, gfafs, or any othci goods commonly imported feoiq Britain, until tbt revenue aSh art totally rtpultd. / ( . • • fi “J'hat if any kind of Britiffi good,- or *ierchandi*e yld b,coq figneWo us to fell upon eommiflion, before the revenue ast aro,rtp(ehd x Wjp hereby engage either to te finp them back by the next oppisj*unify ftfier fTfeir Jr rival,’ or hut receive’ them. Bejlon, O/tafai t At a muting rs tb: Merchants, N. vtmher 7, 1769, tit ftnovjin? Vyitywas V ’ ;• ’ • fn/Hd. I■’ •*{*'’ v * VOTED, That the names of alf such a* W9f hfWftto SNrfid(t anv goods from Grcat.firitain contrary toilie ugre?aet offothe merchant* of afc.- I7ih of October last, lye in^rtcy 1 if the new* pwf, |h% beheld up to thJ- apo fan - ebunte afliug the fdulvpntafures the merchant* are purfiAngvfor the irbtainikg the vcxlftfir of their grievance*. • - -BOSTON, NovBEfBER 1. /TtK hear shat £cfgt> Leigh of the 14th legiment, poW,ig,E*i. tyjf 1 ’ fc v4 lard, rerircs froth the military, and to : tajee S’ W *rs, arid is to hades 4 ?bL ] ’ ~ Nov. 17., Tubfddy laR arrived here Inf Majelty r * ihlp , Viper, Capt. f.inzer, from New- York, - Major Martin, of the Royal Artillery, came paffengcf witfc front London. 1 . ( * , .is 1 1. o f AW, 20. Many of tlvp soldiers who had defcrted from iB rtglnttlria quartered in this town have lately returned to their colooryf iaffPwdiCy ,L, belonging to tlie E 4 tb regiment, cairtc in together.—Tiwjr'bwr* alt receited their pardons, •...■• s > ~ •*’ • Ntvt Tort, Nov, 6. We hear from Wefkhefler. that, at ehe fair hM there lait week, a ift-an from the Jerfie* drldkin quarts of cyder, and two of rs and, to keep it tfown, * hiitil C < C.ipt. P'aflorr, from Virginia, 1 i *cqo*i , ati^uf, o as le Cjt<* pail Cape Henry la*Saturday week, Rc fsy a wP"Wo^ t which one of the pilot* informed him tva* the Hussar tbaf •/he run on there the Monday night before. , ’ , }]y Capt- Merfy from Gibraltar fce leam_, that the Emperor of tfgjpj:.- •CO has declared War againll the Bnglifh aftion. , J ‘ „ u ) AW. 27. taft Taefday departed this life, in the 73d W the Hon- William Sm*h Esq. one of the and I'ate onoof bis-Mt cd/s Coonril.for rtiSd'prJvraH; MlWin Eifrland, and arrived here in the year t 7 ic. great repatation, and was eftfemed on* of thom^‘em^?fet*lfl' i if pr*.