The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, January 10, 1770, Image 1

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Georgia Gazette. An ADDRESS to the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholder* oftheCoupty • of Devon, preparatory to tbe general Meeting at Exeter, On Thursday tbecth ofOflober 1769. By Dr. Musqravb, PbyGcianat Plymouth. Gsktlsuen, # Sheriff having summoned a Meeting of the County J in order to consider of a Petition for redrefa of grje )y( vajices, I think it incumbent upon me as a lover of W T M my country in general to lay before you a tranfa&ioa, ve • which, I apprehend, give jnfler grounds of complaint * od a PP re heafion than any thing hitherto made pub. C DmMmC _J lick. Having long had reason to imagine, that the •*-** v .•*-* Nation has been cruelly and fatally injured in away which thy little fufpeft, I have ardently wished for the day, when iny iui perfect information! should bejfuperfcded by evidence and certainty. That day, 1 flatter myfelf, is at last approaching, and that this spirit which now appears among the Freeholders will bear down every obstacle that may be tnrownin the way of open and impartial enquiry. I seed net remind you, Gentlfemen, of the universal indignation and abhorrence, with which the conditions of the late peace were received by the independent part of the Nation. Yet such is the candid, unfufpefling nature of Englilhmen, that even those who condemned the measure did not'&ttriWu e,t to any worse motive than an unmanly impatience the .burdens of the war, and a blind htad.long dt lire to be relieved from them. They did not conceive that Dcrfoosof high rank and unbounded wealth could be seduced by gold to betray the interest ot their country, and Aij render advantages* which the lives of so many heroes had been willingly facriffcedto purchase. Such a fupprofition, unhappily for m, is at pipfcht far from tHcteftibln. The important secret was disclosed to mein the year 1764, during my refidcnce at Paris. I will not trouble you with a detail of dieintermeidiaie steps t took in the affair, which, however, in proper time I (hall mod fully and readily discover. It is fufheient to fay that on the 10th of May 1765* by tbe direction of Dr. Blftckftone, ( waited! OP I*>rd , then—, of—, end delivered to him an exaflui^’ rativiofike iatplligence I bad rjrqeivcd at Faris, wUb copies of four let-, ters to and from I*ofd ———. The behaviour of Lord -■■■-■ ■*■>- W*bfttr liteaad When I pressed him with a second interview to enquire into the trptii qf the charge, he objefted to. all publick steps that might give an alarm, and piked me whether 1 could point out to.him any,,way of prosecuting the enquiry in secret, and whether in so doing there was any probability of hit obtaining po(£cjv proof of the fad. I was net Io much tne dupe of his artifice, is to believe that he had any ftripus intention of following the cige 1 bad giyeohiob though hi* difcoorfe plainly pointed that way. It appeared by the sequel that I had judged right.-For hav ing four days after given a direit and fatiafaffory answer to both hi* quef tiom, be then pet an end to my felicitations by'a peremptory reftifal t# take any steps whatever in the afFaif. ; . . . It is here neceflary to explain what T mean by enquiring into the truth of tbe charge. In the fumgter of the year 1764, an overture had been made to Sir G. Y. Mr. F n-t, and several other Member* of Parlia. ment, in the name of the Chevalier D’Eon, importing that he, the Cheva. lper, wa yeady to impeach three perfon*, two of whom are ---*, and Membera of tbe —-, of fefliog the peace to the French. .Os thi* prop** fal i was infonneJ at different time* by the two gentlemen above menu, oned. Sir G- if. in particular told me that he understood tbe charge could befupported by written as well a*living evidence. The step that I urged Cord ■ tp take wa* ta fend for the Chevalier D’Eon, to examine him upon the fubjeft of thi* overture, to pcrufe’hi? papers, and then to proceed according to the proof*., In such a case a more decifiye evidence than the Chevalier D’Eon could not be withed for. He had hlmfeltf 05. duffed the negotiation on the part of the enemy, and wa* known to hav* fn his poftefßoa the difpitche* and paper* of the Duke de Nivernots. , Thu Gentleman so qualified and so disposed to give light into tbp affair ;pid kprd refufe to examine, whether from an appreheafion that the Charge would opt be made out, or ot* the contrary that it would, J y6u. Gentlemen, ar.dcvery Impartial reader, tp judge. te stsof ’ Jtirtun n'6t be’tinderfdb/.’ that 1 can in vfelf support a charge of corrup tion ac.unft the noble Lord* named in my information. My complain! J 5. ofa different nature and again!! a different perfpp. I eooWer t ere w of Lord —at a svilfuj obftruilion of natutnl j£(lce, fpr whiffy I'M* io fee him undergo a suitable punL/hmeot. Ec/tpit me to obf*rve,,<Jq tiemtn, that fudb an obflruftion not only gives a temporary impunity^ i) offenders, butti tends also tortile that impunity pett etual by deftryymg or weakening tU proof, of their guilt. &iipC£ of jH frerilbahlc ihxng. LiVinf ar<* exposed to tta chance and written evidence to the not uncommoncafoalty In_tl\fj3. r e. Tent case foinething more than these ordinary accident* might season be apprehended. |t ftand* upon record ou L ot bad confclred toaflaffinate the Chevalier Vi'top, net!her ha* thM.criargc bjthertc been refuted or anfwercd. I’hi# npt, fupcecding, a band pf ipf fan* wulVhl to kidnap that Gcnt.eman, apfl CVry off, Though iM second attempt failed, it docs qot follow jhit thmf j'OfVn tant p*B*ti at&llill fccure. 1 was informed by Mr. F ■ j® #ibe f7*h a(*4&v 1765, that he bad then inteliigeoce fng to D’Eon. the bbieft of whjcK wa. to • put or bli hind tin ‘return fdr'a rfipuTatcd funs of ^pcr < , v Tbaccp , m|f femfeAJleaHbd Lord ‘t_, posing these precious document* to so many compHca*ed ha*ard,. IW JV EDNES D A TANARUS, January io, 1770. tend produaive r °f mifehiefc to the nation, and cannot tend to the ad Vintage or fatufedion es any but the guilty. to™ ir — “ xcufe for hi. rsfufal, will probably alledge, as he did ?£*■; P ,r fofoo that the charge wa* wholly groundless. 1 need not observe how oufplaced and frivolous such aa allegation is when applied to jutlify a roagiftratc for not Bat 1 wiU fupuofe, ftr ESTl*} u the * ccufcd t 0 t* P Wffoy innocent. 1. it not the interest and the wtfh of every innocent man to have hi* eondua feruti mred while f*a* art recent, and truth of cpnfequence easy to be diftin. lined frprn falfehood ? Is there any tendercefs in fuffering a ftaiu to re main upon clu-ir charafter* till it bccomei diffipultor even impeffible tb be wiped out i Will therefore these noble perfon*, if their udion* upright, will they, 1 fay, th*;ik Loid ——• for depriving |htncf airefrly oppertunity of eftablithing their innoceace f IFill they 801 regret and ex ecrate his caution, if the lubfcquent fuppreiiou or dcilruaion of tbe evi dence Ihoutd concur with other circun/ftances to fixoa them the fufpkioa of guilt i How will Lord excufc himfelf to hi* 8 n for ftf fenng io atrocious a calumny to spread and take root to the evident haaard of hi* royal reputation ! And what amends will ly make to the Nation for the heart buruiegs and jeJuulies which are the Batural frqit of such aj rocedurc? Yet thtfe, Gentlemen, are rhe lealt of tbe tnifebief* that may be apprehended from hit benaviour upon the footing of hi* ow plea. 1 will venture however to a/fert, that, as far a* hitherto appear*, tb weight of evidence and probability is on the contrary, fidf. Now fuppeff. lug the charge to be true, there can be no need of long argumenti to con vince you of the injury done to .the Nation by fuiferiug -ucH capital of. fenders to escape. For what is this but to defraud u* of thy only compcn- Oition wc can exped for tk loss of so many important territories, a lof* rendered still more grievous by the indignity of paying a pen (ion, as We notorioully do, to the foreign who negotiated tjii roinou* bar gain F Yet even these considerations are infinitely outweighed by tbe dah gcr to which th* whole expofyJ from the coptifued operation olio r uck thorny, influtpea, apd fayonr to thejr prejudice, and abovt aft from the pofSbility that* the lupreme government of the kingdom may by the Regency, Ait devolve 104 pufon diredly and pofflively of High Treason, Even the encouragemeut th*t such an impunity mnft give to future Treafous, is enough to fill a thii.kiug mind with the molt painful appiehenitons. We livp in an age,, hot greatly aduided so fcfuples, when the op*u avowalof rlpmf (lick venality feenu to lead toffn by an easy gradation to connexion* equally mercenary with.roreigoera and huemics. How then can we exped perfons to,rpftft a teaapti tion of this fort, when they Treafon may be detected* sn d proof* of it offered to a Magirtrate, without producing either punUbmetlt or ini quiry f The conivqucnce of this may be our living to feet* French party, fs well as a Court t party in Parliumept; sVhich (houlrf it ever happen, nb -nxgtnation can’ Uifccicntly paint the calamitous and horrid (late so which our late-giorious.trjumphaipight finally be reduced. When f tall* of a French party in Parliament, 1 do not speak a mure vifwnary language unsupported by experience. , The, biftorjr of aU fga iafonn* hi, tbit France, whcre,other weapon* hays faiJetU. has confUntly had recorfe|,o th ‘lefs alarming weapons of intrigue andcorraptmn. And boweffedatt these havp fomeume* ,been 4 we*Wave,a recent and tragical example in the total enfiaving of Corsica * in #• ■-■r. <a .. ’* T hare been thus particular in eappierating the evils tM may re Cult from the of Lord , frpjp a dffiro of aggrpeing *hf Nobln man’i offence, but merely to evince the neceflity ofc*ifpeedy enquiry, while there is yet a chance of iu.not bgiiqg wMly fruitiaft Tshoagb the course of my naimtiv has unavoi4*hiy led me to Lid(hip, am eolation is not my ot>jed', bdt cpifawy, which, cariqqt bedsltgreablr © any but those to whoni }fku fifagfeeable. ,!• porfusag this point f have lutherto betn Fraftrated from the very circamftance which Ought to have iofured my fqsc*(i>, imporuoce it has been apprehended* JOW juftly4Jci|Ow,p|, that atjj Magi (bat* who should commence an enquiry, or any Gentleman who (houldopenly ronvwftr tt, would be deemed refponfihle for the truth of the charge, and fubjeded to severe penalties, if he could,not make it good. Thi* iaginatinn>o.nb. ever did ndt tfeter 1 ffie, though fiftgTe aod unproteded. from carryipgany paper* to, the Sntaker, to be iHff Vfore the late. Houle of, The Speaker 1 W pleWeiFWcondeft by allowing OBght to be enquired into, Vuf related at the fame time to be mfiromew tal in promoting.tW enquiry himftLf. What then remaipqd foftn dfff f What, b wrMHjFtt&ariceend tillnpfppif op port 0 nfr y ftihuldblFer lot appAlfnJtdthe u* tijl InefVcQmaiatfd errbr, ofgdmflfl|nkjfcould a weljen 4 M ,iop dowerfuf- io bb Ydittyff'dr riddel WVhU fpirtf now r s w* tlv,, fctlMhJsi.l w-.! m *S UfaWnl o t ,&ktf WWW'JKM* co.in4.j, <c vubbUd/raq r. inportm, *’ fcyM ‘JgKKhfiF H P '“*?•'?! H w f u 2 yif.race Jf,. fWM few,.Art J M ,•** l>r feme tcroiMWiry on.lVw.-?/ Indeed .k. n .. (rbtufh <wt bauf btihtrto