The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, January 24, 1770, Image 1

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’ ‘*■ THE . ‘ cr . • * ‘ J<o - 319. tEU NT E I*, V:, mv T *"S*ERHAPS f iftye L*mt> confide ration that endears rulers k.JR more t 0 ofjMfiiCdytßrixaA'witb a propee ih-greeof merev, in yf fhuddens atirhe rigour *? of'the law liotf happy ‘the Wretch think hiui- It If, whol'iJ dfltpflfPte case avyakehs the feelings of the , C 3 many* whi|a-bq Vdroblrt und dr th* dignity of his 4 W-JK judgf t, ia nowibjeflWJwith such a Mo the following example, of imitation) which 1 lately t* London ChroijkiU,'*jipti* pleafihgpTOof: “ Aioongrtf[e many- ltri(feM2l* ri^ances diq.£oli'difpojttio*! jjf Lociuitv parlbnage, ‘whiii pt mo^ca^SW .ft. Vie -digbity icf bis latum than the good Wsofht* heart,* thefoHowir. g is related :—Wheu the report of a number ipf “uqfofßunaie people, who thtf feteiclT itutendc of,the law, njade to'hiru a few days a3o*;fib acquired into,their unhappy circum ftanef* 1 * finding none of incorrigibly he reipited them all, tifttyingt that bi ‘wy.MUTfb, */tfjnicn, with the Marquis Reccaiia, wheo be fays, in his Treatise on pomes and tbm a gcod JUs uiwgtu -**C4fti injmt atjiu, imU m find *t -mrtipfrj to t*kt •- *.**£•” ■ .... >• *>;• • ... 1 Urinary 24, 1770, 1- r ), t \ • injuna. g o 'JofkJLM, iz Ji .**:}. / V: ” ‘T, ! * P. S. In the dbove mentioned t reap f, ..the Marquis nobly faith, ** If I<MT death, -i-fT-;- fits blcfting qroftars fujficiently tonfole me for the con \zmytp(2s v&Q&^‘**’T^Ejr a Jb* , P&?'**** P’ + z ' ■ 4ft •SM*; &•s•s■ V ‘ j*N. Octobei to Tetters* fyqtn JLifbon, th< Cport of Portugal J. rjL . A. T l*a*.boo* obliged to pqtxhafe * pcaae Vi** 1 # Algerines fur.a “|“ J • I . yoryKc6nftdft',al>l<; (ufli. of ipeney and warlike Hoses, An ex pbt*yy bgch-wife fifthly;be followed by font other E*to ‘ l4 ‘*’ pdao Bates. ‘ . c.lwnOa -v .* I •Jt.i.£aj<|.9.Q. ofjltjpfd,,ip Eaf Florida w.iU. soon be Hade Wl'i*V- p / ince c| * . U r i,i^ouredi;tbav- a s ccr^,j 0 Ame#w%-Q9Vfitw has fee* bisppfft.fgan, vahich he wilf lay sefofesmljMify(?wd>lx, ft pppmpg ,c -JN ,jtl^^d.Chatham will tntejaH l htmfelf m g^otn^tinjj'-f^Kf m f n l^Vt(,i§i*Sil a^o, h^ or iptrodyciog rr prelehfatidn tn'parliament*, f . t% j .{, ... ; a ■ . >ltuencrally upon thair meet mg,^yil lifvtxwiJjMlV tAis tbat.jil i^wffayrpreparation* atH.making so? that purpose. Nov. 7. ffti said a great lawyer has declared that the prgfent behavi. oqr oftKe M r\ (hall not p/ovoke him to relirmuiih die C—r-p, nor will he,refi|n;’lhb,|fils ufitn demanded by his royal mailer, and thtn hfsir?irdeiii'if them'itlto hfv own hands. .. . . \ . advice of the A. . ■ -n --n, to’ pay nd regard to tVe pethion* which haye been; 1 or be dWfented, for raffing pf grieyahees; but to treat thorn all VltljMie.moTf ‘tVbrough and fitftef-mined contempt. Tbji ki*dof advict •boat gi vti io iSoi dtiffvidtd Prince, CUarltf tht frft j who Ucwni Jo atta< hed to iuvficked MlhYfrer* Ad continuedjd hn£ obstina TX And. deaf to tin crus of hit pioptt, tSdf 4t %st/S ot'twUFtibf ntrtAt. . , ’ A gen Jejfho is perfcAly intimate with Dr. Mufg/ave, and hath seen CCmeto'tpwn', and aflures. us, that the Doclor hath bbfitlM pL/obf dfibe.nfpjty glvti* by France for the peacp, to wljom fthe Z and tbit D’Eon hath a per,hoc of 50c!. a year Horn ” * “fell Bow conAdefetly reported that among other changes in the colonies fhi followlag Vioffittilotii wiir.fpeedily take place. L achlan Macbane, £fq. Mjentber to'be appointed his Majelly's Captam-Gene tal anand Michael “tdbe Chief .of all these Ifiapds. V illtam M‘ In to flvi Cb. Col 1 1 4of df his Majesty’s Cuftpm* in Grenaoa. ’'Alexanßet'.jbhiili'oo,’ Esq. to be reappointed to the Lfeutenant Colouel mip of regimeh. of foot with the government of Dofninica,'Wh ; M ftetSily; to be fcpirated.. And Patrick fergufon, a Captain in ft : regiment, to be appointed Lieutenant-Governor o 1 blov. a. This day, about oneo’dock, the Right Hoa- theXord Maypr, j Eftf. the’ tord Mayo/ Elett, wdth fcveral.of the Alder men, and th two ShcrifFs, attended at Gu.ldhdll, when the new Lord Mayor wm fwdffi mfo that the chair and.other ensigns cf May orally fat rehirted t# were prodigioaHy *•% V’ the people werealmoft ’ n frW tbe con inint wtf'heax. that Lord Holland’s diforft Fas rendered htrfi Yo'weak. ftrltf it himfelf any affifiance, and happens, cannot forvice Opt h (hpft tl(mq. 1.. . ./ fI V, ’ We hear that the celebr<d r Ar. ttcaM, the IrKh P*\rfot, is flufttly txpeaed rnf rder to IVCW l KUfi!tf % ‘traordnsafy nature Ijbfbn? f %r . j. .AsJiatir mUni< Mniitfik iftwiitirtAt'kll cxwcfi tr- . “ffi&iP A 24, ty-jo. WtndVoTrfT C ?\ ‘Vb-nwofMiomtiUirea cilp ayed from the top,of tfe ToVpr of the oln4 SignioA hlrLiv • ‘Pt’& U R Vtr ons ut *'* f hc moll d4 n 4<mus infu'rtllioos. 4 ‘ ■ th S, *L RuftilDi arts P™ n poITe3IOO of the capital Moldayta, nod whta lad- account, ca# were ‘SKTS **,7 *^ta^ rcf^ ut dJ Wfr ‘with refiS Aftiericg 5 lot lc <olof nes. have lately been tranfmmed from North. pJl'l B ,° te to pa A through DoVer in hi, prance, bat preferred the longer paffageof the ktM&tiLhttiltLAacc .to Dieppe, uotwithftai ding hir ill Ibte bf health, n * stft?'” , Ihe damages U,d in the cause between ‘Lard HallfiS iMf tbe popnlir ‘patriot are :o,oocl. • ‘ • . rr--/- * vm A ,> r TT", In a lew days C*n.iMe|vi!!e will (at oaf for’lhe WelUFntfta to tafie upon h:*rthe government of the five ceded iHanTfi Wis ao- P ol^ td * ... . : -1.-, r• i I.* 0? „i eirir- A( i>. ic, Jt is Aid 4 patent is preparing to xaeate 94*jefery Amierfl a * ter - b -i •.♦ .• ••• .hi q irr ’ ‘ -a Wc hear that the Emperor of Gevrmany, and hi! brortstr the Orad! Duueot 1 uicai.y, arq.fliortly. 44peded in fcogthndj and nMt thtp vidll take up their lelideucc at Norfolk LodCe, !io tit. Jama/v fquarr, aturinr their coriiinuauce in thi> kingdom. - v . / pnr Wcduvfday theCtiliMiels ll dc ariaEvclvn kilTed his Maieftr’s hand, the former Rii j.ij.promaioq-to the *hV UMrEiffß 49th-ikl mentoff ot. . v ’ .„ ,k r • f *blowing is a (hort accpontof thepn(rtdlilg bDw?an hw. w apd th, veljerwy.. WHkes, E(q. agaipH thetfchrj of Halifax and the .three flu A lengers, who executed the general warrant s Original was feed out, tell edjqr.e and rtturnablejjune ip, r | jrfnd the Eflclbeing summoned, Cast an dfyign ; which^as adjo<|rnd till Nov. comes in pri vilege; which being ,<tt an cud| all the efLigns ex pj rfld, 4 did ran gas wav taken out, turns 40s. ilTues.—'Fl|fe Karl does..nftf appear—Tfia ipl- Iflues—An alral diflriWgas is lakefi out; tifted May AdJ and returnihla June 18.—^The Shefitf rclams’ fiikitfUe.s T the-Baridoc* not Tfcff court-orders 5061.! i(tu6s.~dA pblrffes difrAitgas it t?fcen bit. 1 fetttd Julie *2, sard returnable Jafy Ndvcmbpr t i)6a) Mii;.’ was dft lawed, and here the affair dre/ppeit: ! But Ac outTawt-/ being rdverfAl oh ,the Bth of Juaei the Cqprt’vVf C-onrinon flrtts wa* noredon'the aoth of thrat month, that Mr. Willcel rrflght have leave to revfvfc His which was accordingly ’granted soon aAefi* r - A Yetlerday morning at ten o’clock Cattle on at the of’ Pleas in Weftininfter Hall, fbe trial b-tween the Right lioti. Lbr<f Halt fax and John Wil'tes, Kfq. when-, after fbe J Codt>CM had opiiied It, tn# Right Hon; Lord Temple, Humphry CO4US, M/.JBeardmorc, Mr...JPhi lips, and several o;hcrs, were examined, in order to prove ihe manucr ih which Mr. Wilkes was taken up, and the uncivil treatment he met with during his c iflfiifemeAt in tbc Tvwer*Cul - Onflow, ta'AHflkhtaiaiiibt, could not recollect the receiving a letter front Mr. Wittoeiij bat Mr. P&U lips, op his examination, produced a copy of the said letter hd had re ceived from Col. Onflow himfelf, which occasioned a Hnlgh throughout the Court. The general charges were admitted )>y nqij withrtanding the trial lafled till eight y’clodt, when the jury brought in a verdict for Mr. Wilkes with 4/poql, damages. - Lards Weymouth and Rochfort -were fuhpjrnaM. As soon a* the Court was opened they defied to be difpatchcd, aspt was poll day. On which Serjeant dlynh sfiked them if they had the general warrants in their poffeffiod granted by Lofd Halifax to feiae Mr. Wilkes’, papers, and on their answering in the live, Serjeant Glynn told tnem that was all he wanted td krtoarof them, and they retired; The Council for the plaintiff were, Mr. Serjeaajt Glynn, Mr. Serieant Leigh, Cojnfellbf Leigh. aotT Mr! “Davenport. For the defendant, Mr- Scrj. ant Davy,’ Mr. Serjeaflt Narei, and Mri Servant Whitaker. As soon as tne VefdiA was known In ;ne Hall the too fai guinc expeditions of the populace appeared to be diAppbfhted, as tfiey expressed their diifatisfaclion by groans, hisses, and mhef thlrks of in sult. Mi. Serjeant Glynn’s fpcech on the trial was reckoned the nioft Tpirited ever pronounced at she bar, and on comlng r ouf ofTCburt he tfrai received with the acclapixtions. v . \ . We are assured ihif Mr. Wilke, will shortly commence two frefh ac tion, acainil Lord Halifax, the one for an iflhult, the other fofr falfeiin b . - ’!■ l l. y r ) - . pnfonment. * , , - A certain great P hath more thiq once decTareJ, tTiilhe should not confider himielf Worthy ofihe namb of a P > . v Jf he ever forgave \V ■> , .r- • j i 1 Yeftcrday*tHe Right Hop. the Earl of Ha;court fee opt agiin dfi bi, etna ftiifly tothc cbilrt-bf Prkhte. 1* , WHER&AS4heCflparxrfhip of Eppfnger and Willltmi is now tt-i pired, this is to give notice to all perfbnS hating iny demands •atnft either of ihemltb brthg In their adcouats, ,nd those iadibted i.> rtito Aid copartaerfbio are deflred o fettW sheir rerpedtiuracwaats and sis before the fell dayiof Maicb. or eUe they may e *f£ Wl©* hf •••-; SEk WlwiWs dcjnbb fasts them at the fame time.