The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, February 14, 1770, Image 1

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Ftm tbs TOWN 4d COUNT tty MA G A Z I nse. T$ tb, PRINTER, sir, . _ ; , J ■; *U* 0l ma *'y * Carried niig in this checqu£r| |g yMMMjn J world to be linked to a wife whose voice ii ft route* yd (ban her onderftandin>, and who is determined to - 8 A yt not . the kfti but the Ufidifi wo td, I bej i / W leave to inform you what method I took (O’ fitcficc 4 W ‘* e of lWi ***P, whenever her vocfteratlnp became . C JMMMI, J infepporubte, for the benefit of tbofc’pacifick Ttys p+J* **-* hands who feel their eats diftuf bed by the do'toeftjck .thunder rattling around them. j , My poor dear departed rib,- whomf t buried lift week,’ (hit Whose death 1 cannot, with fmeetity, deplore, drew me in to marry her by the charms ofherperfon! Struck with her beauty, and pleased with the polucnefs of foer mauners, l s harried into matrimony without thinking abbut her Intel- Itgls, or her temper. In a very (hort time aft* oer wedding day, I was fieqrtHy fide of mr “Choice j sot Mrs. Dobfon, during the non^y-modb, ’ fcartfied by the ftflallpox, add proved as complete a scold a* evpr exited. The loss es her beauty contributed, no doubt, to (harpgni ; *be natural acrimony of hd di.fpofition ; and (he was indeed so frstful, aid, so clamorous from morning to night, that (he made iny houfc in igbeft! ‘degree uncOpifortiblc to nje. At firft, being rather soured by dlfap i pointmeot 1 had met with, I raifetj[my voice to an equal pitch with her*, 1 wfaoever (h interro'pted my ’ complaints, jigaipil the fervatiis,, r (hrcaftical rcflefticms ajjainll me for burying royfjelf,among my ;, but Sliding glint T wkstid /patch for her in volubility, and that all iny re* ‘ foqing wn totally fhritffifdiial’, X had feiourfc to a (Hie of hebivtonrt j fnltead of giving'rtrfagth* to the ft*,in, by oppofitjon,’ I weakenod it by i Petlttidji rage -I hedrd her without making aey answer r fitt tight In ody chair, “looked full in her face/ an<f whittled with the otofl provoking compifut-e.’ By that cool, contemptuous carriage, J gamed Wot. —f Wai more Aicdsfsful than (a bet for after a few 1 frUitleft efforts id throw me out of my philofopbkk (put, (he was one day so mortified by my GlVnce, that (he left the room falling with paffiod; botyntble to articulate, and went down into the kitchens there, by dbrreAingthe forvant* with too rrinch vehemence, (ht baritone of her bfcKiil Vends, tfak tofar bed, iqrer rose from’ it again. I (hetfld have beeri deftituteef humanity to have wiftrtd for her decease, wretched it foe made toe by JicruydUncTes and her ilLharocfori faiti (boutdf be she foa(r fintftied h’yb'ocritd breathing,; were I to fay Aa* 1 ant n.difeonfclaie hridowdt.'** Witli truth, however, f can add> thaw JanuMr. 1 very,hjumbl* Aryant jftarin D.oasoir. ■“ +•*" t- r ■■ I■” ’( n . iu-1 •‘ / A N E C.P Q_T E. - - - TH* moft celebrated wtti of France, sjn, the tiofe qf Lewii'XiV. lived id “tha gttiteft uhanimlty and karihony, and, attracted by a mutual eftegtn fpgpnqh qAer’s merit, formed ihemAl^* di'frkhdly fptjptjy iid dfteher than orfeq in a week had a comnippfiipptr, whedfthe pier fores of the‘table* wOre “the Icaft part of tfie ents'txfnqifoi, and whenrtlM coaverfatipn, .1. doubjt jor, .was far ieqr* worthy to VPi(fCerdd.Aaa Aat dTthe (hyen #ife Greeks, related ]bg rlmarch. r- i* ‘ * Moliere, one of Aegrtratcft pf tks brillirtt‘eapany, fro* qhently* entertained them at a villa he poflffted on the banks of the SesaO, niar Paris: bis wprthjr, guests, i-general, were t*>o g® P|*T fwt U) Utlntoxicatioh usurp the feat of wit and feafnhig3f THnigh B**<st{* to epliven the fpirlt of the muses. * This agreeable party; cmjfting of Peter hnd Racnie, Chapeile* Molieft, Patm. la Fortulne, li and federal ether re. fperiahlf writers, >eiog onOevening it Moline’s country-lwufer theholt, quite fstigoed, Wat pbftged to retirffe leave hs post TJhf.wilt ' polhod thednrm* paign hrslsly sbout,awt Mfe in. Thf to talk of morality; and oohfequootly pTthe fa triity tLU. world, and came hfclaft to tMs eoeeUfioh, That th* of barman life (hould-bo, by fome renowned aftion, to acquire rmthoftil Umt, obferv'ation, ’ One of the company took occafidn to fijr,, * &- >mnen, dh*s being the case, Stick fo werthlefs, *nd fhmfc fd dtfii'aßlk, what can be moroeUgibfo, ore ddMe\‘ dr^oregloriooi; -thao by (halt ing off this load of life, to acquire eternal fcndwn f My *^'J*®* U,'that-we Aoahd together td the Seine, i?*'***? I *'** by rhu* dying in that nwity with which toe heve lived, fr tend (kip-w?H bnceleblrstdd by all pofierlty. ’ had fa foe heated their Imaginations, and efoadhi IhepjMJjW* ‘JJJS toil'extravagarM proportion spp*ar<d hi]>hly ,^h*^.F , <Fto?> there sere, toofifet-Ais ficrlfice to f***,* . a A.pooredd fewanc, toho was perfeAfy/ober. Vt>*t rffe**“’ taux.tod waked>tf maftor -Moliere pfdfendjr i]ppeamg*adfow| Ibertv war immediately acquaiated with their tmeniiop, , iAjmortalitj, wooQ tot bt.ft diredly, but /aid#. ‘*Jmy.4ear frteods, i apprOva jo ui dengn vxvemtiy, amdtoh-vf ry ftUr to enjoy so gloritos a-death; hat. by t,moi Ls pndariy my<..Afiflaa‘ hr *tobiog *^l hour,. Stupas.earkffeftof phJofopby, butnafawtyt| wwifo aq/uut an a&ioa (heaid fa fseo aveo frOn>B pofebiiity pttmmiaa . <na -rt. mw M. every o.e *>*>■ •| •* siS?feas^‘AaW£r-aE Alt rwofautCK**** universal approbauon, and c- IV E DNE Sfi A\Y) February tijo very one, except Moliere; retired Contentedly to The next afofhiar. ‘'l *'?*!*'***}* Hicote,ed the use of their ,rafon, tSy e^J* r l ha ‘ f h,ih f ‘ few r * before b<f appeared so glorioes c !5t tl e r .°* d to real f‘ mc to exere SieiT a3bi .~e r fV'ce of literatark,’ tnftead of rendering Aeir memories de tcftable by anuOlhioking and trfefbfi aA of fuicidp. 8 • iU/Uoa ,f 1 ‘ . fftjMH Gfnfrsh dtt Vtiaiu. Spaniards being besieged in* luebos-inres by the natives of thn ’ * wuntty, the Governor forbade all Aofe that dwelt in the town to bo outside of itV bus, aeprChfnfive that the famine, which began to be telt, might urge fome so viohte hilorden, he stationed guards in all parts, xhargmg them to 9nt upon hit such al (hould seek to go beyond the pte fenbed incloforc. This pfefetftion hrai a check upon thole that were in a faini(hing condition, extkpt one onfy woman, by name Maldooau, who deceived of Her guards. This woman aftef wandering about for feme timd in desert fields, discovered a csvqrn, which seemed to her a feeure retreat agaiiift all dangers ( but (be found a lioneTa in it, at the fight of which- (he was ftrock With consternation. The'fawning,‘ho;v ever, of the animal upon her, dissipated htt fears, and (he found'thil-dawii. mg was not wiihout a mesniirg. The liohefi very big with yobfig; nd not able tu bring forth her litter, seemed to deniand a tofviee which Mat dooata did not kefitate so render her. When (hie wai happily delivered, far gratitude, was not confined so prefrnt teftimobieS; (he wkn* oat iti due* of (dod; and, froni that day for A, (he did ne fnflto bring tntf frvjt Mridoaata’i. foci, a provision whicb (he divided with her. Htfr edre* long to fat youag detained 1 her hi tfa’davertr. When die fad bjnpght the* out, Maldonara ceased feeing her, and was reduced to fe|k far far subsistence herfclf. But (fa codd not offon 1 go out without feting .Jadifait Wfa n fafe fodn *flsfo of ktr: Htivcn pet mined Mr so te retaken -by thmlnkneavds, who brought far back so BfanbS-civef. The Governor; kfebfefs the place. Ano Aer Spaniard, Who Commanded fn hi* aWeaet,, air ill* attuned mah fad crdel; knowing that this wottfan fad vi pfeted 4 capital liitj did not think her faUkiently puktfodd hcr wif fey tunes. He gave orders for her being fed bound so the trunleof * tree, in tfa ope *. cOuitry, there to die of hunger, the evil foe wanted to goasd ageing by flight.’OS’ to be devoured by fomre wfld'faafl.’ Two dayrafter, fa was defiroas to ( know what became of her. Soon soldiers, whom ha had thaigcd with tbiS xohmSifllon, tort furprlfed so find her quite idiii, though furrovnddi by tygers and lions, that da rid not to* Approach her, beep*fe a Ironefaihort Rood guard at her felt with feieraT'young lions, (famed to dafeud ker. > At night of rfa fohdierf, 1 the ffonefe withdrew Uttlf, to leader Aeon,** it were, atkbmy to unbind her benefdAfefi. Mat ifoastafclated to Aem Ae id venture of that enimsl, Which (he knew W nediarely t and,’ when lobfed af far bond!,’ and thd fold ten wererfady tp rg condtrd Her tff fiaenoi-afae. Ad linnefi fawned greatly upbn her, feeningly fult.-of forrowat feeing her Apart. . Tile report, made by the so (diets so AaOammewdant/ made him ondelflend that hv coeldf not, Without appearing more favagv than lions thcmfeUds, helpgmntfng k fVfo pardon to a wortin/ whom Heaven had to vifiAf taken hndw tj* pro teuton.—Tbe AA of tlis fingalar i*& was (arfokoofad by a number of evidences. “’ ‘ . ? tst:. -.rl • 1 ■” 1 ** * , Ufa Bwrliavir. Jf Sessifik, nMrtftf it'rk Landis. ‘ & ‘7;. vt “* f - ‘ f" v Totnbrtal view e'qr vavC, ,> w . The dayeftinfeAi owe their prth, „ ./ ‘IT ; Tfii one lineage, wi trncdf , .-■ . t n • 0 ’ ‘ ConteMally ‘ti > : -•“ •* The loailifeme'tnat'gotVgroyelmg rpfoy , . .: - > ’ Ao7gsdiafi Butterfly, jfaw imtfadfitfoordpiaecaawls, ‘ *'• • 3 1 . TiH.mlfertoWgent-ito • . : 1 ’ , ‘ , . -- . T Jreak from his nrtbp/filaiy wall# <• - - fa. ■. ‘s Tba iafe* toxfotok gay | ‘ > *’ * ‘ * On godddn pifanar Ain ha soars, > , v * . tbe yfoldiagrtt*, ’? w . Or.fips,lhd ftwaess 4d fakay fiow’dr, ■’ * *** j * v , Thof kfaafentttoJyet. r - w 1 ‘ ’' u * *• ■ - fa'arf.'fajtertfoenjfr W;’ . . a ,l^* :.igo|fat i,wz: v;£& Spring on, n, Hfoi fad, die * , t]t . t . - , . w 3 .*. * -|t rosin elbfic of maiT partake, / i 1 • • C *•- —. ‘v: . ; CZft ; r *>. \- liffi tot#, ydhb; f , fa Wntyoo wi(h to blefij. ~..f \ * ••’ fat Attfe*fenfe,'<HiPay,ottf;ehtjfee; iU ... , 7\ ) t -> ■- ;r •; ■ ; ...fjr'V’ > And, bleffng worth, heeve'r < NotwiAiEutwirti-