The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, February 21, 1770, Image 1

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„■*/ .CoTl 3it tev"fe* S’ ‘* 3•! JftXiby. y ■ft-W -, . . . . Gazette. from, the Upper House bytne Mailer in -jT - jj. wisrea Jto the House in the-words fellow 4W]Q?t ,fr A" 1 ■'|af *’ cl* % & r Spelter',* * y ‘ t¥W.* ,r,f ‘-*’ “tt : *'* ! Voiirtfoufe, ln report of your committee, having Sr’- Jr& fome of* the amendments ma.te by this fWfr-wD iffcrrflC •j'QffiMtbg Si/vOei mtUMtiit PrcviMtf, Sec. fee. as notified’ to this floofe by your melUge of Thursday laity this House defi es your -BWlfo wfll r N ß thedimDadrec on the Illbjeft matter of the said bdltiiMiAM* to-morrow morning* at'clcven o'clock, in-thcroom adjoin iteH^CWWMtehJßabewV;.:- “’ :• •’ will jasn the Upper House in afreef on fetch ce m tR e atnrtidtfccrtf made by their-House to the said bill to-morrow mor •tsmt hit elbven o’clock; - * ; ‘ <WfrM do acquaint the Upper House of the above resolution. , , , . BulldOhi’ lrotb* ccmtmttee appointed to prepare and bring m a bill to enable the comifciffioners appointed by an aft of the Gene al Aftcm blyPthw prbVirtCe,’ tffttit’ed, An Ail for regulating tlx Town of Savannah, fa. i C6tsi:Kn thtrtumto belonging, to alifcn and Convey to ’ an d their fuccellors, in trull forever, pan of the said common, so fhfe ptirpofe <yf etclflfing a certiCtVy Or burial ground, reported they had pirtfrtred jhe fWte, : >>]fiCh was received ar-d read the firft lime, and order. A memorial from John Joachim Znbly clerk, whose name is thereunto QbfcWisa; “hhd*lt* , -ft3kd toLis'lvxcellehcv’the Governor, the Honourable Upper * nti the-Honourable the Speaker and the House of Rcprcfentatives, in Afiembly met,’ was prefenu t&Wtijt House MUd, Jetting 7 fiSMh : That the want of a short and fafe Awhhs'mSitttiOh'ASktfr the province of South-Carolira has long been looked a’vefy grtat incotvveniopCe : That a place belonging to the me- appear* Ir'olUlkHy to- ahfwerthis very necefiary purpose : That rtetCtaOT'^ , ‘^* t ' J, ’''^^ ex P ha3 °P ericll a P a % c and built a bnd £ c • *that before the riling of the freflies the place (unto which he has given the nembtrf Pftartd) has begrm to be confiderabiy resorted to, and it Is imagined will IBoiv become ‘a gcneral thoronghfare : That the memb rfnli*n>VeHWft'ffnin e rntght-bo made pAfPtbltf at all times at a very •moderate ex-pence,* whereby mot only the length of the palTage wourd be thtSfeiy reduced, ‘-'bat'd great saving be made in-the rate*of ferriage to all 4>rtfTengers The memorialift is exceeding defiroiis to fall upon any mea fare4y Which’ wfitit- lie has begun -may become of general use to the pub- Itck, fubrnk* hpw far such an undertuking mly be deferring of pub lick affiflance., . .. * 4 e , , “'Vi>&e3, Thbr khe faTd memorial do lie upon the table to be perused by kite Hbuf&. . ‘The House being informed that the.houfe in which his Excellency the Governor’livesj’ dnd the fences round thh fame, are much out of repair, •vl tfrAeretf, That a cctiinriuce be appointed toexaiaihe the state of the laid boufe and fence, and report their opinion thereon to the House, and a committee was-appafnted accordingly, and they have power to take with them (rich Aitificeri as- they ihall think r.eccffary. Commuted to Mr. Esven* Mr -Redd’och. Mr. Rae, and .Mr. LeConte. . . * then the tloufe adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine of - thcciOfcfc’.l * d> . :4i iO. ‘Tueflay, Frhnuary 13, *l77°. ■ -The Compiiffioncrs appointed ta lay out the ium of five hundred and f*ty pq&ds, to b? WidcT in ‘defraying such expences as they shall judge .fcaily necessary and* proper towards- fettling a towrlfhip on the branches ! of Oeechee River, attending, ( to order) they were called in, hod prefentrd-to khellloufe federal accounts and papers, and t:t.cs of the said account* jmdrpapers being- read, ’ Ordered That the said accoun's and papers do lie upon the tab.c to be llcrufed by the me>nl>ers of the House. , r r v Ordered, Tint'leave Ue given to bring in a bill to pievent and suppress Accidents of ; fft<v and-that Morel, Mr. Rae, and Mr. Elbert, do the committee* appointed to infpefl the journal, of the Upper House, refptrfting the chgrofied bill from this House, tore, peal, after the iVrlk'ddybf July, in the year of our one thousand fe .Ver.buhdredtfnd'fevhnt'yaone, part of An aft, entitled f ti vat ion of Hemp l Flax, and andfor rrgulaUngthelngtStonofh'mft jfipt, Jd Whtai Flour, reported tl>ey had examined the fard journals, a ‘find rfrirthe third riadipg f the said bill is poflpored tali the 20th day 0/ b* Mdflrtn tnaide thai the ordinance appointing infpeftori of -b^too 3 fia# ■ aiid-wb&t flour, for ihe pons of Savannah and - unb “ r y be of hl “^. a v * b,K into a W mmiu accordinfly *St£K tfl-repovt to file in I *%*'£s* iQ £thsq i? & l,fresr#arf iJT'i y yo M A 2f”-' vr * tr,n & end gtvtming Slaw within tbit+rwitfet, andfer -ofiabhfhinga jnr.ifdimonjor the V nalofjutb Slaw, another Pt,fon, tbcrem ni t toned, ana to prevent, the inveigling and carrying away SlavesfHm their Mattes, yysners, or hmplojers, and'bemg retuoild, Mr. tbeV had joined the Upper House 19 conference, and that tfaeHfrid conference via* .edjourred fine die. - r „ s ~ ‘ . Orderid, Thfct leave be given to bring in a bill to revive and comiime iuch laxvs and ordinances of this province as are expired, or near expiring, and that Mr. Graeme, Mr. William'Young, and Mr. prepare and bririfc in the said bill. ‘ . Arid then the House adjourned till to morrow -dkarninf, nioebf the clock. • .*’ r 1 ’ ■. • * Wednesday, February 14, 1770. ’ * 1 Theorder of the day being read, for taking under consideration bis Excellency, the Governor's me&ge of the feth Janudry last, together wiih .ah opinion anil advice of his Majdly’i Council thereunto *nnfxed,tk Houle took the fame underconfideration accordingly, and’ Reflved, That a further add refs be prepared and preftnted to his Ex cellency the Governor, on the important fubjeft of a full reprefeutatitn foeflential to the welfare of this province. . * Ordered . That Mr. Grteme, Mr. Gwinnett, Mr. Crooke, Mr. Farlet, and Mr. Williani Young, be a committee to prepare an addrefi upon the said resolution. .I ? Ordered, That the clerk do furniOr the printer with a copy of the jptfr* nals of the House from the beginning of this fefiion,’ and that (he fame be printed, and that the proceedings of this House be for the future pcrblid cd in the Gazette every week. • i*‘ ‘*.v The commiflioncrs appointed by aft of aflembiy CO lease or ?fet, fibrar certain terra of yfcars, the lot ofland commonly called the Spying, newt- Savannah, and to rent the building commonly called the-' Watch. Houfe, and to appropriate the monies arising therefrom, attending, (according to order) they were called in, and prefeuted to the HoufexbciV proceed ings therein. * 4 ‘ Ordered, That the fame do lie upon the table to be perused by themeai bers of the House. • ! * * And then the House adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine bf the clock. * * Thursday, February 15, 1770. - Mr. Graeme, from the committee appointed to prepare an Address to kia Excellency the Governor upon the resolution of yellvrday, fvported they had prepared the fame accordingly, which was received and read. Ordered, That the fame be taken under Cbnfideration to-morrow mewr- DiDg. t. • ***“• ‘*p And then the House adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine of the clock. Friday, February, 16, 1770. The engrofied bill, entitled, An A.Tto a•ntud an AS, entitled. An A3 to afeertain the Manner and Form of tie fling Members to reprejent ibe Inhibit ants of this Province in tit Comment House of AJfimbly, was read the third time. Reflved, That tie bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Crooke do carry the said bill to the Upper Hotift, and desire their concurrence. Thcengrofied bill, entitled, An Ad for the better Security of the Inhabi tants of this Province, by obliging the Mule' lVhite Pcrjons to carry Firc-Arkis to Places of Publick H'drjhip, was read the third time. Reflved, That the hill do pass. ** Ordered, That Mr. Crooke do carry the said bill to the Uppef House, and desire their concurrence. . ( The order of the dav for rakirp under consideration the address to his Excellency the Governor, as reported of ycllerday, being read, 11 motion was made, that the House tab? the fame into immediate conMeratKfn, and a debate arising thereon, the question was put, and pafled in thene- S " mC *And then the House adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine of the clock. Saturday, February Ip, 1770. _ _ Mr Ewer, from the committee appointed to prepare and bring in a bill to amend ah xft, entitled, An A3 for after,aining tblgualifcation of Jurors and for e/lablijhing the Method of balloting andJummoning furors, „ the Provtneejf Georgia, reported they had preparrd the fame, which was received and read the full time, and ordered to be read a feCond time. * And then the House adjourned till Monday morning, ten of the clock. mi 1■ 11 ■ r viiiii HALIFAX, In Nova, Scotia, Novbm.|R a 5- ‘ v 3 AST Monday arrived the ship Hawke, Capt. M Cndden, in ten weeks from Londonderry, with whom came Col. *JK* aL *y Mf M‘Nutt, and 111 pafiengers as fcttlers in this province. Svf Lr® In the late storm on the jth inflant they foffered cob*. *w W * derably, having been obliged to cut away their mikeq malt, loft their long-boat, and had every tlirng swept Jtjk tff of the deck. . . _ n r n*/ln Jan 9 At the Court of Common Piets now fittipgm Boston . x the Suffolk, is come on an aftiou of trefp.fs where.h Oti, Efn h phintifF, and John Robinson, Esq. defendant Tbe sum demanded in damages** said to be 30001. fferlmg ft f original summons on this ocdafiqn is very elegantly V*” V It paper, as nearly in size and qwality to thatreqo.ned >n humble pett hons P to the ‘Beard of heif, from those ni their power, w