The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, February 28, 1770, Image 1

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. A ,V'A BVi-ruJ* n .fm.. . >S4 ;..w •-’•-* V Aflpt? bs*VtV £ A;V,il, ;VA .’ •’ ““- 1,1 ': 7 ”? fc 1 •""• - 334 ‘ .** .**l .1 WJUSttf/AA vJ ’• ,*,7^*-, t tW# ,V.vwvn vn'... iti \ !■•>; •■% t* Vi ’ 3>-"rtw j /.i^^f^^SL fr[ JP\^r._ _ <. rj AUkethy, Febrmrp 19V.T77D. j A9 afcadV justified, AifASi Jot afatuuniOj yt_ il, pf %i|ai <!.• n oj Jnrvt* and far tJlnUtJbing the Met bid ft . SOs 1 iCWwie audfammaniHg Jurors in the Vrpwntef Georgiy ’ ’WLiwS- W^:V r^*/ <f tqrd time, ‘.and orfiered to be enrolled, i * jUMtiftflA<_JNr ports of.Savant a bawl $->iibiry > f : c f ii • The que|tion wat put, it the TaTJ Dfdw an ce .aw) it-,wap revived in the atfuh tive. OtfareA. TW; d<y wry like &itl Ordtiuii.wfo the Upper h . - , u.,i:u!u ; v A motion Was made, that the llou-c take under.cirnftrlemtioiv the ad*i aareported .dntU!Hj*duj.y l*fi, a,4ta debate Xhe bill, cnpijUU, t/fat. Ali fafijl'toj nether, amending tm ‘A .\ tu. itltd, An Act, fpf. ‘kiMv/WifiMi - s>{s'*?, e J ; SV?u Anttiijf, and far ajitndim *g ibt l Common ihmuntebclug.r.g, was read aTeroiul time, and ordulud to <t;e toiiur.ittcd'; l4op(n ft i iV . ! i ;. .A! .. , ; • aCL ’<y rclolvfti-itfcif into a com oft tee atcdrfiir.gly to take the laid i>< 1, into cuahdtraiiti,. and,, after so nut ante.'Xj cot therein, -Shaker uTc^d't^ pbrqr *a,ti ,\lr U alloch fora.bhe cwrvaiitteeri*- j?C>i'Me. fhey the fpUi s>>J d"*,ma,pnikici at tony td hu.dofbtue pro-: Siv4 V/ lhAomta ■•ttee tu‘n.>ve hq* kav i v * ■’ : • >• •’ .VwfM\ r H at ?fP.C^cdWUf e e-iay% leave, to fit atytw. -3 .r, ~ t. i^ D .^. tiil to-tnor/Q in<Mrtif?f,% ninc^of ‘, ;*at .\..y %. •* ?-•** .• r'..~- >\ *•; >• i-i • Anj.” J :**'.'.s*&*?* iiitwry *O, 177d. s’ . •• , a ¥^ l PPt'^AH.7vit ) K)ii Hie add refs to his \Jxcc!lcncY the € .°*'fl agreed to tb laditf witu (a* tie iinendmehts. V . . • , ttv j That,(Jjj W.ilft tlMaonu-xiditicntJ, be cnjrotted. I iid addrtfs bcitrg cr.groUbd ffaa read .Xu the liou&. m the words §tlfiWtf*V v l- f . ,;* f ;:o!.: r •! ,r.... fyfat FxceVenry JJMFS W&lSllTi P/far?, Copt am -General and Governor 1 i *ll&kfa£l c f bu Majeji/i l*'o v/ihf C */\inovi’l/ai, item I'u.t-ililmtrai of j j* ~ , ,wyvf< f .txi:-i I^. ; ...’ Humble ADDP.hSS of UpAfirrufl/Ureinbly. 1 viMiV*t lt *J*F>*> ExieUmcj^r.: ,1|.'.0 ! ,v..:.: • . ‘* Majetty’s dutiful and loyal, Gorttqons ir>f Geor tGeneral Alfembly <( |BtiP7;btjflcate W dddrclt lyoor E.xce l.n niore on the important iy<bpidt pf ar.full, frpicftaiauon, lb es the welfare of -Wb hapj.y in ?'flf}f,M x S^i ( ? , fy ,s ftjppf.wtyoodeuctOtbiffenfe of this Houfr, 09 £>fj|wtr tpoursjr Council had, ‘deferring to private p®id to the Km jffoclaiaation under rhe great, ( '*hejyi|iitt;i^expirefslydeclared, ‘ t Mi4n^ r^ n Governors ilia! 1 caufc tjtd tiers ‘o( new acceded |>aru ‘ AnddU#,! bir, may be deetwpd a denial of j^,W>*tf! < fri*r cin h % to tUe inter- li oif tb\ w.c cannpt, we doobt pfybnr retidy colnpliance with,thisjuft and reaforrble foundd|oq the^u < eftatt'urance by a people, 4^lMdiial cepriicodatiou is a in any paj;b/,hif Majofijft’t dominions, j inc->nfi(Knt with *1 Jwark. of narr 1 iberties, the glorious ts, the pride of oar na^ip f , rmb (hd‘cp) T flie r<3l id mail :} or these dill ( i t uriefj fboY JistcdlceS) co | tjpcjdetijWith us, we dare not a general .(AX,'->iuabfcl'itig with aviiat ajrjyOitrep&er every ri Hxe<}thc<> of tlK : ©Oiimu*uiy holds-even t,hnUM.qt a vtrtual repicfn !,! .li ~v Ai Ji/folved, That the said adiivfs to his Excellency the (.0- by the whole liO t ife| ’ y,'JJ no. ,•"••’ ‘f 1” I t . ( inured, That Mr. l r % .Andrewdp^ciiow/his Excellency J, I tj*. governor’s picufure w hflwjT\;bcatf<)>.dcJ byitjlii House with their j: jtddjsels, and accordingly they. wicl)4|ow rurd ( lxiUgjfturncd, Mr. Gwin timteported, that, purl'u tot to q-dsr,, they bi,d welted upon his Excel tftoCKt:to know his pleafu'H when die uipulube attended by the.fioufe, and t.h*t be,wj|sjplj^a(4dL.tQ,,laf he* Ihouki be ready to receive the Hodfeko XfforT'oW of die clock, ‘', . ‘ ( A petition from th*'fpc<?holilirs , ‘and‘rnHabitantsof.the.townx) ) fSavap- WhiiAl fiSln*sitfnvcliiiiruri{o inscribed, was prefprtrtd to th< llop-c and read, fefting forth, that ihejsctitionefs are gftatly alarmed at - Ui Urge quantities eifTln'dwi)’ com that, as they are informed, and believe, Wve- soy pttli ben bought up. here, in order tft be ferr our'of piovince,• apfd roally •ppndieniit’e, by fich indired nieans,'fu (eraddpd to thwjgqnprul com plained of rcantincls bftfte latt year's crop of corn, the profiflf* nay b injured, aud many families diftretted for want fuch provjfjpns jx;iiiieotrs therefore pray, tlmt the truth of the ptomifes eppyr.rinw, tbs lame may betaken vato ibfious conttdefaiion, and that the ldq i v* grant such therein as the iftiportaoce at.d ® r grncy ofthccafe mqy in’ judice call fpr. The idoufe wok the said pe* tifion iojocqn/iJeiatlpp, uVd * v.i . Ord(r,if, That kc veu-to. bripgin a bill tp prohibit, for# tertnin time, the cxportatitHi of inuian corn, and tUat Mr. Ewcb and Mr. Wil- Jiam Youwg be axommiuet w prvr*ft e and briTp TtTThe !aid / bill. A mtflage. frettrt hh'Rxcellcncy tht Governor Mailer in Chancery was read Houftj in the vfords'fcllowing, vi/.. Mr Sp,nker> ami Gentlet/uu es tLe Jffcmlf , . _ . ‘ HEREVV ITri fend you a IcT-tr'&dd and petition which I received from inhabr.airtta of'Wtfehtlborough TOi^r.ihip, also a letter wrote J>y me ** r - ... ,1,. .„Ci... TK dnorirti-n* o* f fr-R-Q and At, fJSSZ&\ 28l ’ • J \ r ; / o>; ;yxV •*; *p(p| i,n% IliclOihilj iMMfiMthn, *;SWUI ?js> f* ?*?'/’ fts!^ i&hwbs *** ■* *&* SSWSSwW* TJ"! ***** ■ *W - . fSSw& *+#v*i** fft#. £s£ iasirt theV lud un nai,,t ,} • ° tlm ?V^ ,e t ‘ x P orta(l °n Ol indiin <orn, reported L| ,o l J)\fZ i *“ rccei,ed ! L** ‘s'&* Mr. bpcaker wd the whole Hotife went to attend lus fexeefleA?V''An* ! Spc- rJwT yU ‘f C adJrefs . bf tf)l1 House, and lfieing returned, Mr. 1 ‘■ h# * 7 ,1 h w * o '* House - W feuded Ijis* Kx‘. J3 G (^ ftor * prcßfrtct* tjirir add tel*/ to which hflf WceY- 4 •noaV e ;T [h r,tl 0 r' q y> th “ he W0 " l<1 1H •** M; V p ?? ker kg*. deftrihg he ’ivjf! * U r- Uih- ’J° r h e r uflhc H ’ u,c * 3m - cc . to be made of silver, aiul doubfe J “‘•ft Um not cvmcfir 'S CO>. Rcfli/g,‘ : afrfo two gown*; foclra* £*!**’ W,M ** P r °i*rf°r and Cteffc Os in i.VW, TNidl fhi? Ho if*- will prtn-He a sum fuftfdent to rtpay fce prac the t*,wi>c* o{ rht Pid and powiis. : •’ “* ’ 1 i A ' f,ulU “' ; - ,ro -'‘ the th* Mailer IftVfcao- * tery was rra.J fOrhelJoufe in'thy words following, viz, 111 j Mr. Spake?*, ar.4 iUailmhyif the Mmbtj, ‘ ‘ . ,N • aiwcr ** yoflf add ref* Os Jferi*4y’s dare, jufr nqwprefehted to me, r mull VMieft 1 dul-not it, after what ?ta, btrrady paAtd H^wcrn |us on thii occalion. ’j j. tiue. tjiat, in my aiifwer to yvr address of Ultf’ 1 so far wi;h ypu dfc ctere, Iliac* i thought it }i.ft and >rg'*t th ryery pvVlti and dilirlbt tn t£e T province ihooid h< reprvfentfA ; at the h ‘n'c tithe t tVld yoa, that I.did ’ w ‘ inow whether it was Jn rtiy povt'er to Comply with yourreqoefl, Ytiir that I fiiould cawtdlly exatnlfte iny- iiit?rudfio: , ard if I thought ftiyfyf at liberty ro iiftie such wrirs, I Wonld do it, ar,<j ifnof, J Wttufd Itiff the matter home, andslid rrvt donht buy f Ihotfld,reserve orders tlrft* accordingly. luhcn laid the tnattcr'fii’ty dearfy before hi* Majifty’s ‘ t.-oiuicil, whole- advice hnd; Cpofebr it is necessary to* tnc to iri the ’ fufliriuiiiing and citing GeYrcral'Afletnblirs, arid, after receiving their opipion and ad vice thereupon,,! sent the fame <t you at my fbi rheran-’ !wer to ywir said aJdrefx, and thbpghfihe matter Would have reli&ithefe till 1 ihould receive hss ditrflih/is tfierein. Su'tl find was n < fitiifa/bory to yo, and; on i fiA'ppbfition that Gentlemto vs she C ouncil liave aot pand due JkrtcnirbttAb hi* Majcfty’* royal proclamation of-the October- ‘tydj, yoo nrnv ajptitt apply to mtjr'and, on a cartr/ul pxa uimtion cl the’ild ‘f>rtfdfathati to, f conceive you have founded your i -tukitt addref* nv a millakd, f>v Htr dirertimt is thereby given to any of’ iu Mujedy’s American Govv-rtr ir Vt'urive to the Summoning and .calling ol Alfemidici, or ebafing the fettfery ot the lands ceded by the treaty coo < iudtd at i’aris on the io:b of Vel ruiry 1763 to -bb repre ented, but to the Govi morv of the fur new provinces only ; and, by thfe words of'the fuid t piodauiati-m, that matter ii fclcailv and exprvfsfy confined to the four new’ J g *vernmr:cts therein mentioned ar.d dcfcrib;d, and can by no means be** applied or conflrued to extend <> this province; 1 chnnot therelbi'e agree \v|ih you in opinion on thii. ~oir*t, but apprehend lam to condu<H myMC thnein aye able to my comm- (’i.-n aid iuftrudiori* from his Maje/ly, ihd‘ which 1 iha I certainly do. put a; you seem to think the Gentltmen bf the Council have trot duly atiC’d dto the proclamation ot October 176 j, I lhalj again lay this matter before then, r,d wfiatCkCf, further detenui n|ition or.opinibn thev may come to thereupon 1 will communicate to you, Havunw\h, lift ftiruay, JA. WRJX3HT. ’ Mr. Evven, from the committee appointed to examine the date of the houfc in which hii Excellency the Governor lives, and the Jences f rt>fesi<| the fume, and report tbeir opinion thereon to tle Houfc, reported, mat the committee had examined accordingly, aod came to-the following tt~ folutiou*, vi*. • kffdved, That it is the Opinion of this committee, tliatthe Ihing’Jng and ill at the wcA hde of the hotife are rotten, also the fence tonne the lot and out buildirgs are greatly decayed, all which ought to be repaired immediately. 3 AVyr/W, That it is the opintop of thii committee, that a roerd stuMbJe and couvcnhcnt honfe ought to be built for the use of the prefect or any future Governor, and that the prefer*t lioufe and lot ibovld be fold* th- Will be a continual t-xpeace to keep it iu itpjif, . .dr ■ The hiil refolutii n being icad a lecond tune was agreed to by thellou*e.. Ord.r,J A 1 hai lie laid coMUB-tror do mopluy proper work men to iepair the said houlp, out-bpufes, and fcde* ; * . R/ftlueif, That tiis Houfc wjll provide a ftttlV.futfictonC to defray ib expend- attending the rep‘aiiin(fthereof. . - And tl tn the Hotrk- adjotirned till to-morrow morntng, olnaot the deck. ‘ TTmrfrUn, Ftbruar? 2X, I^7°• , *. The bill to prohibit, tot a cert in time, the ertporwi m of ludian was read a-lcooud rime; and* ordered to be cchrmitted u> a comnuttte the whole H oul<; - - j