The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, February 28, 1770, Image 3

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Etfaiifri* to A VESSEL from 100 to 200 tons burthen to one of the WdLlodJa Windward HUnds. to be difeharged there, Apply to the printer. I? be frolfc bp t&e A TRACT Os LAND, within two miles and a halfof Savannah, containing two hundred and fifty acres, fifty acres of it is Receding .good rice land, arid the other ttfo hundred is the very bet of oak land, and equal to any in the province for indigo and com : TWO LOTS Qp .LAND IN SAVANNAH, adjoining Mrs. SimpfWs land upon the Bay one of them includes thfftreet that JeadsTrom the Bay to Yamacraw, and contain* 47 feet by t*o; the other is 84 feet bytao. Credit wi l ty* f. .\*nuntil 1 frnoerf next, phying interest, and giving feenrity if requited ’ ‘‘~ L • , JOHN SIMPSON. VO BE MD.'Jt the Exchange in Savannah, on Thurjday the \JI day of Mdrib ’ ittxt, tayablt \ft January, 1771, with interejl and Jecurity if required y OJJE TRACT containing 650 acres of land in St. Matthew’s partfh • ANOTHER TRACT containing 250 acres, joining the aboye; and, A TRACT, lying and being in Adton village, containing je'o acre?; the property of David Cutler Bradcfock dcccafcd, and on execution hy MATT. ROCHE, hov. Mar. Yo be Jold at public k vendue, on Yburflay th’ftrjl day of Mirth . ntx, > at * * o'clock forenoon, ’ br, GANTINE SALLY, lying at Cowper 1 and Tclfairs wharf, in whose hands the inventory Her /tores, &c. may be seen. The conditions will be fnade knowp on the day of sale. JHA vE enquired into the Piicc of Flour, which 1 find to be as follows, viz. Bcft, 18s. Second, 16s. and Settlement, 15s* per too lb. the . Loaf lhourd therefore weigh; . lb. oz. dr. BEST, - - 180 SECOND, - - - 288 SETTLEMENT, - * 1 9 8 i * GEORGE BA 11, LIE, ConimifTary. T'HE fublcpber intending to leave the province early in the ensuing funribcr, desires all persons indebted to him by bond, note, or book debt, to discharge the fame without lols of time, and all persons having any demands to bring them in, in order that provision may be made for difeharging the fame. LACHLAN M’GILLIVRAY. L*o N D O N,. NovEMnKR 16. ROPER notice has been sent to John Wilkes, Esq. that . the 40001. (the verdifl lately given) (hall be paid when be has a mind to receive it; and Itis attorney’s hill \MJa P w *l! also be paid, without any deduction or fees what ar ijs soever. Wc arc toe *P f rom tbc report cf the friends of the sCm lis—— y, a red ref* of all our grievances in about two months time. The way will be pointed out in a ccituin oration, and the plan adopted at\d carried into rveution f>on after. Nov. 23. Yeflerday a gentleman applied, in order to procure infu* ranee upon one-of his vefLls from.hence to the Weft Indies; the insurers demanded double the usual premium, unlcfs he would warrant the vefibl Sit* from Fretieh capture j and, amongst other reasons they had to be ap prehensive of a speedy war, assigned the following : that a noble Lord, nearly attendant upon, and high in favour with a very great perforate, bad been in the cixy early that morning, and had fold out forty thousand pounds bank, flock. The report in the papers that the French are actually fitting out an arm ed fleet, is fiippofcd to be railed to serve fome particular purposes, as there does not appear to be any foundation for it; norfor fpvcral other rumours of a like nature, tending t > alarm the*timorous and the credulous. We hear that the sudden fall of Aock is owing to nothing more than a great merchant (who has lately been over in France and is (aid to be very intimate with French Ambaffadodtj having fold out for ready money and time a conliderable sum. , By the fuppseflion of the religious! hiufesin France, the Court of France will avail itlelfof a clear yearly additional revenue of 1 20,000,000 livres, or 6,000, 0001. sterling ; and by this device, it will be enabled to com mence a frcih wir, without laying any frefh burden on.her fubjetts. It is /aid that cbpies of writs arc illued out by Sam‘. ! Vaughan, F,fq. against every member of the Supporters of the Bill o( Rights, for de famation. 1 We hear, that in a late conference between a great Personage and a certain officer at the head of the law department, reflecting the d— If— n cf the present I’-* r t, the great personage replied, “ that if he was •convinced that the violence of party would not too llrongly interfere in a frefti eleClion, he Would very readily consent to it; but that from fome inftanecs already given by the petitioning party, he was of opinion, that the continualun of the present would be mote for the general good ol the nation than its d—f T—n. The malt tax has produced 200.0001. less this year than it ever has since the additional duty was imposed. Notwithstanding many obUruflions, the Petition of the free and in dependent Burgefliesof Newcastle wns signed the 1 3th instant by 6ro free men ; Sir Francis Blake DeUvnl, Knight of the Bath, in the chair. Particulars ofthe peace concluded between the Englilh and Heider Ally : The forts and places taken from each other to be restored ; each to bear the expertccthey have been at. A perpetual league ohenfive and defen sive, and the ptices of troops hired in fucli cases Itipulatcd. A mutual exchange and releafement of prifoncis. And a freedom of trade both in the Mycorc country and the Carnatick. Lately died, at Haris, in the *cth year of her age, Lady Cecilia Lenox, youngest lifter'to his Grace the Duke of Richmond. Exrrc/I of a letter Jr cm York, Nov 21. “ The week before last they had a severe (heck cf an earthquake at Jnveroefs, which did conbdcrable carnage; fcvcral houses were thrown down-, and many persons hilled.” .Dee. 9. By letters from the Continent, which arrived on Fridav last, certain advice is received that the French arc at work with great aftiduity * >n fitting out twelve ships of the line and four frigates. ‘Amhentick letters from Barcelona al.o advise, that a squadron is fitting out at that plan y.i:h the utmofl expedition; and that orders have been received from the Spanish Ccu. t to raile a nun-ber of recruits, in order to l .° Credit; 4nd he concluded with 'LJ thought it hi duty to acqui int stem ’ P y,n *’ M 2r^&s>^ss, c sar” of^in lc UlihrCY^fV nnl i D r n Fn ' da y thc Frc} ’ Ambeflador ha Be lin \ r n f ,a nd;. ,i,d that thc Pfufliart wa, arrived ac —n, t ha , V , ln£ ,Cf ‘ tU *’h°urt in difguil. A/. • , A(i "" f aby have appointed Francis Geary, Esq. Vice ur ’ ,0 bc vmmfii,. in Ciinfo I hi, Jb&WuL and velTe , in of Jo |,„ Moo „, B i„/ a ‘ r ’ that°a rp?s ,t^, ° ,n I ' e ® h 7**’ lne,fl *^ n il beiri il currently reported there, armed S Z about to M l!lt ‘ Slgnior wiih.feverah ZnmvTn. °^ yfc Ul * in (he MedU ,h. I R'!h,Hn V "! l '’T, N J';-- v r lr> Pllili r Uv;,,i. e|. M(**w in \et V n .* !‘ ar ~fol,[ll,l £. and Mr. V'iiii.m liayard, jncichanl latter forth- * * Ag . c , n tlu! province of New-Jerfo y, the for fettliutr 1 •? ,0 ' l " CCo [.N-'w it oik, in an appeal to the King in Council lor fetthHg a boundary bne between these provides. CoJtTX thtt Ki,g ‘ s Eencb ‘ Mr Humphrey Coates s bill, which he delivered in a few anda >$ ago, f..; wiue*. dorinc that period, amounts to no less than 5001. S biought in by Mr. Wilkes’s attorney is Lid to amount to Jr rk°T ne °o numhcf of n,i P* now building in his Majefty'n Vti ; khathaisi; Prince George of 96 guns, Formidable of 90 guns* btitltng C a file of 64 guns, a„d King’s Fiflier Sloop of 14 guns. V * Wcdnefday the pennon from the Lily and Liberty of Westminster, Complaining of a violation of the rights of eleflion, and praying a diflb-t the Furl .ament, was prefentsd to his Majelty at St. Jamr.s s, by . ir Robert flernaid, L'art. Chairman of rhe general meeting in ellmmlici-hall, ai.d Robert jonee, Esq. Chairman of the commute* who d.ew up -hefame. Iti. fig.r.-d by 9 137. The aboveGentlcmtnon Ul . cir R O,n K and on their rctmn Irorn St. James’s, were complimented with thedifeharge of 2 1 guns bom the foot of Weft H .infter-bridge. [For a Copy of faiii petition lc Georgia Gazette, January 31, 1770.] *■ bear, tlut a bill for ttiinnul parliaments, and also One for limiting the number of p*/,cc(ncn in thc of willccr tainly be moved for at tae rurxt lilting ol Parliament. 1 hey write bom Copenhagen, that t>vo men of war are upon the point of failing, witli troops and miiiuty llorcs, for th iilaud of St. Croix in tho Weft-fuJics. J hey H/ite from Petcfftrirgh,xbat an additional force is preparing for thc Mcditcn.lnean, t ‘j.tiu tm- Ikci delbucd lor thc Archipelago. /.all Ucdur (day, thc I lon. 01. Murray, biother to the Duke of Athol, killed his Majclly’s hand, on being appointed Colonel in the 3d regiment of foot guards, , Some letters from Genoa mention, that a packet of dispatches just re ceived from the Court ol Vcrfuiiri had occasioned great coblternation in thc Senate Last WcdnefJay evening, after breaking up of the council at St. James's, a meflenger was sent away wall dilpatches to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. By letters received on Mindly f-om Paris, dated Dec. 4, we learn, that they had just received advice Ir. m lirell, that the Commillioners appoint ed for carrying on the proccfs 1 gainll the Sieur Gordon (the Englbh spy) after they had been fome month - examining thc affair, having iftued their definitive sentence on the 14th nit. which condemned him to be beheaded, it was accordingly executed the fame day. We further learn, that tho next day a (o'. ; rof the regiment of Berne, who was an accomplice with Gordon, was tried, and condemned to bc hanged ; and many other per sons are in custody who had a lurid in this alfair, xtid amongtl the rest ■ Physician named Duiand. Another letter from I’atis fays, “ We have no other news but the exe cution of Capt. Go don. The enmmilfion to try him and his accompli ces were sent 10 thc Governor-Coi’itiundant of Brelt. They have been found guiltv of a plot of letting on lire thc town of Brest, the docks, tec. A corrcfpondcnccbetween him and a gentleman ofßochelle was difeovered; the latter been arrested and brought to Brest, and convifled.” Wc are no-v informed that five regiments, inflead of three, are under orders for embarking from Belaud to England, to make room for the augmentation. : Some-letters have ljtcly been intercepted between this country and the Papal See, that will, it is f.n.l, give furprffing lights into political aimrl. The Mailer of a Dutch vclfel from Marlcillcs, who a few days finie put into thc Downs, full in wih three Ruffian men of war, and two trans ports, fil'ed with soldiers, and unde Hood they designed to wait at An cona or Gibraltar for Admiral Elohintlon. Whitehall, Dec. 3. The King h.t- appointed Samuel Mead, Edward Hooper, Henry Pci him. John Frederic::, Henry Banker, Efqrs. Sir William Mufgravc, Bart. Corbyn Morris and James Jetfreys, Elqn. to gether with Thomas Boone, F.fq. in the room of Sir Jofcph Pennington, Bart, to bc Commillioners for levying and collecting his Majesty’s duties and customs in tint part of Great-Britain called England, thc dominions of Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed. Peterjburgh, 0.7. 28. Te Dcum was fiog yesterday in all onr churcbe-, accompanied by the report of the cannon from the fortrefs ar.d admiralty, on account of the conquest of Moldavia; amd in the cvening-therc was a bal pare at court, and a.gcneral illumination throughout the city. Wtrjaw, Wc are informed that orders are given in Rumafcr^ raising 100,000 recruits. . . Leghorn, Oct. i\. It is reported here as web as elsewhere, that the Court of Tuiin has not only granted a general pardon toad delerters, out that thc King of Sardinia proposes to make an augmentation ol booomeft to his armv, and has ordered 7000 tents immediately to be got reany. Another report, which feenn better grounded still, >*. that **°°° “, Itrian troops arc going to march from Bohemia into Lombardy, advices, joined to thole from Genoa, confirm our fpeculauv# pohttcun* in thc opinion that the tranquility of Italy cannot be lopr uTHiilWroc . Genoa, Nov. ... By advices from Madrid we are informed, that tho Court hath lent prefliog orders to all the dock-vard* in the ng fit out ev ry fliip in them with all expedition. It is thc king P ♦ that all hi. maritime forces be ready for failing at a• “O 38 *” * and his Majelty’* orders are executed with inch celerity tax* V