The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, March 14, 1770, Image 2

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©f Aftmbto. by psiMit tbrirjeurnals, bavwtboofffct toper to make their tAsfeie pubUck, were we usjpafs oeer ie tteoce fc undefowd an attack* it might be deemed an acknowledgment of die charge. *1 be icaJon cm which we fofexded the advice thee given ycr t*leocy w> tbit, m hn MajeftfS commiSon and UlradtoM to 70a limit the tun&ef'of toptofcetluive? to be eleAed in this province, it appeared to ns cottld nofttoply with the tenor of the addrefs* at the feme time we perfectly agreed with the Com moor Hoofe of A firm hi v a* to the propriety pf fnch an augmentation. and advised your Excellency to rrprefrat tbe nratur to government for farther inltre&ions thereon. His Majesty’s pro- ’ tUmatioa of the jd Oftober, 1763. we then looked npoo. end dill think to be dntifely oat of tbe qeeftion; and we are of opinion that the meaning of It it mifanderftood by the Commons House of Aflembly midnke, we mad confefs, the more astonishing, ms the w< rds and tendency of it are altar and explicit. They a Here, “ That the royal proclamation declares ** cxprefsly that the American Governor* (hill emit the fettlcrt of the ** new acceded part: of Aaaerica to be represented.** This is an assertion It deny. The tlaufc of the .proclamation to which they mud refer is as dlows : “ And msbntas it will greatly contribute r* tbe fpetdy fettling ter /aid erw government!', that all nor loving fukjtStt fbeuldbt informed of tar fattrn t tare far tbt ftcnrityef tb* liberties and properties of thef t ti. be are and Jbeil become inhabit anti tbtrtof, -one have tbengbt fit to publtjb and declare* by tbit ear fee* lanuUsem, that ant bn vt, in tbe Uttert fat tat under eur jtal es Great-Bri tjtinj by which tbe fnid government 1 art een/nnlri , gtvtn txfrtfi f toner and di rtßievte ear Governors ts ear /aid cole*** r'JpeittVe.j. that , JeJeen at tbt fate emdtircumf antes es the feed colonies <wtU admit sberto/, they /tall, with tbt'a/, mitt and coafnt es tbe Members es our Genual./name* end call General Affimblits O vit bin tbt feid governments rf/peAsvefy, in flub manner and form as met njtd and dtrtied in theft tblenies .and fr tat nut in Amenta which ate under our immediate governrtent: and one have a/ju given power te tbt fad Governors, with tb* con Jrnt efear /aid Cttsneilt, and tbt Refrrjentativos es the pet fit, so te bt fumnuntd St afertCatd* te makt, etn/itme, and erdain Lint, /Intuits, and ordinances , for tbe faliick ftaee, wtlfart, and good government of ear fatd teUntes, and of tbe pteA f nd inhabitants thereof, at near as may bt agreeable to tbt laves of England, emd under fneb regulation and re/nAione as are nfed in ether column ; and in the hum time* bad nngilfueh Afftmkhtt tan 6. tailed as a/trtfaid, all ftrfons tuba-, biting in* nr referring te, ear fatd eoleatts, tony confute in our royal freftAien for tbo enjoyment if tbt bentfit es tbe loans es eur realm of England ;for vAncb fnrpofe s at bam given pevafir under ear great feed te tbe Go-venters es ear /aid (denies n- Jtt&iv/ly, it ere A tutd cm/knit, with tbe.advice of onr fatd Count Us rtf ft Bmt ’ if, courts of judicature and fabltckju/ict within eur fatd 11Units, for tbe bearing anddtUrmimag tdl taufes , as net “ criminal at civil, according to law and equity, and, at near at mat lit, agreeable te tbe laws es England, with liberty te tdl ferfem, who may think tbenfebves aggrieved by tbeftnttncu es fuck courts, in ill civil Proa thia clanfc we think h does and mad appear, chat no declaration, diredioD* or authority whatever, is made or given by the proclamation, ’ except a notification, that hia Majesty had given power and direction in 4 bfet letters patent to tbe Governors es tbe new governments only as to the ‘Xuttars therein mentioned. These words we conceive cannot be wrelied fe pa to Support the adertion of the Commons House of Aftjmbly; and ’ bn left It had appeared to us, that, ie any letters patent or ietradion* from hia Majesty, before or fioce the date of tbe proclamation, your Ex cetfency had power and dtrc&ion to HToc writs foretelling representatives fOf tbo land! added by that proclamation to this province, (which was not the case) their ebargp is gtoundfefs, and our opinion and advice mull be deemed proper and unexceptionable, nnd therefore cannot be impeached fey any impartial and unprejudiced men. The Commons House of Aicmbly a 1 ledge r that a delay of juftfee may ’ be de<ttd a denial bf its in this charge we mud be included* eur advice nndopsatoo being neccllhry to betaken by yoor Exc-llency as to calling •a;|d Summoning Affcmblies. How far, therefore, such a charge can be fiipponed will appear from what we have before affined. It is acecfurc we nevec have, and hope never (hall with justice be charged with ; and as onr consult has been, and ever will be, founded on tbe principles of C qnjty nad juftfee, we are, and (hall be regardiefs of any impotent attacks tnat may be levelled at us. We hope your Excellency will cxcufe our troubling you with this ad. ! dress, which we beg leave to allure you it foltly owing to the publication of the last eddrefs presented to you by the Commons House of Aflembly. CcnotciVCbembar , I James Haleiiham, Gtiv Elliott, l ub Maub, 177 c. j Noata lonej, . Clement Martin jun. Francis Harris, Lewis |ohn;ou, JaMII Mackat, John Graham, , James Edw. Powell, lambs Kbao. To the above Addrrft his Excellency was pleased toieturo the followinr ANSWER. 5 Honourable Gentlemen, I THINK it incumbent on me te doyen tbe jufiiet to declare , that f have always foandyour advitt te be candid, and in my opinion for tbt intertfl emd ftrvice es tbe frevince, and mu/ fay, that tb* sentiments yon have txtrtfrd on tbt JubjeM or master of year nddrtjt now prtftnttd txißly coincide with my uu-n lub March, 1770. JA. WRIGHT. FORTur I’poo >nd between Crooked River and Setille, SEVERAL VALUABLE TRACTS OF LAND, Suitable for rice* corn, or indigo, and contiguous to good landings. Any person ini clinablc to purchme may treat with NATHANIEL HALL. * GREV HORoE taken ujp by Joieph Cannon, and advertiied JL the jd of April lad, will be fold the firft Thursday io April next at Little-Ogechee Mafter-field, if ao one claim* him before then. ICHABirKATON, Taylor, intends to carry on hisbubnvfs in ii vaoneh, lu tbe hoofe where rhe late George Uuland lived, where ell perfeoa who employ him may depend an having their work done in the seated manner, at the moft reafbrable rates, and with quick dispatch. ALL perlons having demands againit tße luOicrsber aredeired to give in their accounts to be fettled, and tbofe indebied to him are dcGr ed to fettle, or pay immediately, or otberways to be Sued without diftinc. <<m. , ALEXANDER CRIGHTON. m LL perfeos indebted in any wile to the Subscriber are hereby deli red ©f Apr! Bt, and, ie case of their negied, they can only blame them feives for the ill eeafeqecace that may fellow, which would be very dife 'raaffiisariS, ssavefr- A ni *•* <ktfri<T> “ .‘"■T- V N I 6 K 8 O G TE T Y. At t Meeting held on Monday the twelfth of this - Instant it was Unanimously RssolvXd, ‘ That a handsome PIECE OP PLATE be #re4, ed to JONATHAN BKTAN, E%i, as a Token of the Sense we entertain of his upright CtmhS, t- - worthy Member of this Society, a real Friend to, his Country in general, and the Pnvumof Grokozal in particular. , “ Ordirid, Th the tbovt Rcfolution be puhlilhed in the next Gazette. By Order of the Society, WILLIAM YOUNOpn JOSEPH PARKER, } s * c ward*. s(j b£ SOLD A l yENDUE, on 7 bur/nay tbe tftb oaf nut, mg jfmmrju, ~ The remaining part of is. tbrsonal estate ter Pic ken Son, deceafnd, conGfting chicly orScrnirore. 90 4E SOLD, at tbt Exchange \n‘ Savannah ~on Tburjdny the ic/d TZTi- Afrtl next, The following LOTS, HOUSES, and TRACTS OF LAND: THREE Lots, adjoining together, in the towo of Sonbury. on whiah is a good dwelling.houfe and convenient out-houScs, mprefentoc copied by Dr. Stuart. r Ooe Corner Lot, on the Bay of Synbury aforefaid, next to John Graves, 0 Ot Lot, lying behind the store of Meffra. Fiftier, Jones, and Hucbet Or.e Lot, adjotning the I6t now of John Cubbedge. * Two Lots adjoining the lot of Samuel Morccock. Elen n Loti on both fide* the main rtrtet of tht feid town. One Lot, late the property of Samuel Ricbardfeo, on which ore fcve. ral improvements. One Lot, late the property of John Zrytm, on which ate several im. provemenrs. One Lot, late the property of Josiah Serjeaet, ea which ni Several im prove me ms. A Traft of Land, within three miles of Sunbury. on North-Newport where thf ferry now is, containing 900 acres, well knowo to be as rood land as any tn that part of the province for corn and iniiino Me * Good Body of Rice Laod. * ATradlof Land on Evam’s Creek, within a mile of Saebory, con taming 3 r 4 seres, very pleasantly situated. and the land very fi)for faifimr dock and provifioas. with a dwellmg-boufe and other cooveueociei 1 hereon. A Traft of Land on the fame creek, a little above the feregoine, con taining 200 acres,, well known to be exceeding good lead, lormerlv this property of Isaac Baillou. * * * A Trail of Land in Newport diftriQ, containing 600 acres, ae good rice land as any in that part of the country. k- A J/a ? ° f u i L" , % Lao- Mwtkew'e parifo, eoateining 130 acre*, ° Uth by John Shcraoa, north by Mar* tin Dalher, and wellby land of Francis Arthur. • The conditions will be made known at the timeof Sale. 1 hc . wh . o,c fo } d u,df i r *ecution by MATT. ROCHE. Frwt, Marv At the fame time and place, for tbe ennveniency of tho ft who may per chafe the traft of 600 acres, in Newport difoia. will bo fold, by vfreoe of a mortgage, A IraA of 300 acre,, adjoining thereunto, and which will render it compleat for two good plantations. • Tt be fold by tbt Jnbferibtr in Savannah, or on tbt Iflnmd Ojfabew, far frq/ent np HE FOLLOWING ARTICLES, vix. Well cured Hams, Gam. 1 ®oo, Jowls, and Flitches; faoked Neat Tongqes and Udders 1 { rxcted,n g good barreled Beef; lodico, Bena, and Cotton Seed -Myrtle wax and Tallow moulded Candles plain and fluted j Hard Soap of the best kind; and feme Cotton in the Hone or giad. In 9nesanneb bt has tt di/foft es, n n l? u C, k| of c?r GUf V a by ,0 ‘ {omt Sct * of Dufch TiU; one vet Marble Slabs ;an Aflbrtment of Hinges and Locks* feme Dozens bottled Uaiet $ exceeding good Jamaica Kora by tbe hoeflsead, half or quarter case a Set of the Rake*, and Harlot's Progrcfs, in large frames gill* a very curious Hammock made of hjik-graf*; a fo ™ C nCal Men ’* Vouthl bhoea Jit* T ° f F /' nlta . re Cbeck Bcd Cnrtains, nad a very good Camp Bed (lead. Bad, and Furniture. * Ue lot aifo ready tut tn Ofabem, About 10,000 Feet of Red Br.y, in lota that will square from 6 to 18 inches, and from 6to t 2 feet long; and on proper notice will enffa K to cut any Quantify of Live Oak aad Cedar Ship Timbers, of any shape and Gxei k quiicd, and will deliver the fame at proper landing* on O.Tabaw. H* has al/e for felt, • Tf*® o( L Jod known by the name of Rewlic. Tkis traft ntended fer sale contains about 400 acres; it ha. about (rather more than trfultW/v ° f a* e f ront 0n Vern ° n Rivcr ’ whcre • drawing 5 feet may lie afloat at low water. With refpea to the quality of the U ’i P M ,CU!ar , ,y f ° r h '* h bnd * a,,<l • wrl] a ° rf<i hfe own judee hCf VJ * Ub ® t,mbcr * but fbe puicfa-.fer doub:lcfs will be On Oflabaw apply to Mr. Daniel Giroud in the absence df farOUrofall th ° fe indfb{ed t 0 him - { b<rrb )[ f IV * who haVe uknn u P money Lor of this province, thar, onlefs they pv U P hv )nt * nd refp'Mve bond, before the time l£ toTfal WIH 69 P UI iDfo,,ie *> a " d *'orocy. ana loed for without difimdticn. FRANCIS HARRIS, CLEMENT MARTIN, J. I. POWELL. M . —. _ ALEX. WYLLY.