The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, March 21, 1770, Image 1

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*d g?A#asmp a*, srs?* Georgia Gazette v v a^vuu Comm ns Jion ft of Affemlly, Monday , March IZ, 1770. order of Me day for taking under conlideration the JOUJKVLJ!? petition of fevcral persons pToleffing the Jewish religi •<s 3*. .p SfCTH( on presented to the House last Thurfdny, being read, L J jJL the House took the fame into confide.ation accocding -£ t Kf.Vn£sS , 7£ ly. and L‘ Ordered, That leave be given to bring in a bill, pur-, fant t 0 lbe prayer of the said petition, and that Mr. Hullcch and Mr. G>acme do prepare and bring in tile said bill. A petition from William Harding was presented to the lloufe, and read, lotting forth, That the has been, from his earliett years, brought up in the piddice of machinery of various birds, both in lie J land and America, and thinks that it ir. in his power to make many be neficial improvements in the rice pounding machine, faw-miils, &c. preferable to any. hitherto introduced in this province: 7 hat he intends immediately to ccnllrufl a rice machine, which may be viewed, and if pot preferable to any of the kind that have been fecn in this province, he docs not expett the countenance and favour of the Houle : 7 hat the pe titioner hopes (if h’s endeavours fliould deserve the attention of the House) to have a ce;tain sum of money provided conditionally, which will en able him to go on ehearfu’.ly in every branch of machinery that may be advantageous to the province in general, fcc. Refolv’d, 7’hat this House will tukethe said petition into confederation on Monday morning nqxt. The following melfages from the Upper House by the Mailer in Chan cery : That a committee of the Upper House laving joined a committee of this floufe the Bth of February lait, On the fubjeft matter of the amend nVents made by their House to the from this House, enti tled, An Aci for raifrig a Numltr of JVaicbmcn for preferring good Ordtr in and about thi Town of Savannah, the Upper House de.ircs that this Houle will by mefTige acquaint them of the report of the committee thereon: Also, That the Upper Hpufehaving, on the 13th of February lad, join ed this’Houfe in a free conference on the fubjeA matter of the amend ment! made by their House to the ergroffed bill from this House, entitled, An At 7 fr ordering and gowning Slaves within this Province, &c. Sec. which conference, at the request of \hls House, is yet keptopen, the Upper Hufe thertfore desires that the said free conference imy be re fumed. . And then the House adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine of the clock. Tutfday, March 13, 1770. The engroffsd bill, entitled, An AS to continue thtftvtral Laws therein mentioned, was read the third time, and an amendment was made by the House to the bill. Resolved, That the bill, with the amendment!, dopafi. f Ordered; That Sir Patrick Houfloun do tarry the said bill to the Up per and desire their concurrence. ‘ „ . . The engrossed Kill, entitled, An AS to enable tht Conunffousn appointed by an AS of the General AJfcmbty of this Province, entitled, An Adlforrrguiat fur the Town of h, and for aj'cert lining the Common thereunto belonging, tp alien and con vey to certain Perjons , and their Suecefors, in Truf, Par, of the said Commonfir the Purpcft of tnclofng a Cemctry or Burial Ground, was read the third time. Rtfolved, That the bill do pr.fs ..... TTnn „ Ordered, That Sir Patrick Houftoun do carry the said bill to the Upper House, and desire thcjjr concurrence. . . f And*ben the House adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine of ’ . the^clock. Wedmfday , March 14, 177°* rc . • A petition from 3 numbcr'of the inhabitants oft , ‘ ott " o „ , ? n,1 in j whose names are thereunto fubferihed. was presented to he House, and read, setting forth. That whereas a petition ound House by people profeflirg the Jewifo religion, cr.vangafpotofground upon the oommen ofthe‘town *fSavannah. s oppof.tethclot ofDavid Truan, to'bury their dead in : That the petitioner, informed, and verily believe, that fume of their ;.ead, for cvf™ * .. P . ’ been buried a cnnfidcrable dillance from town, which at thtstime^ca^ make but little difference to them to continue .here, > P t ou i d arc a V) -,, the prayer of rbe pamnn be gn>cd,>•">< reduce .be valcc of many-of their lot,. M tfcc ground woulu oe mor. inconvenient .ban either Cbridian ‘ tinner, therefore pray the House bo take the fam. .n.ocoDWerauon, na therein a, Mtfcca meet, artd thc pet.t.oneri wi l pray. ic. tv,w. That .he feid pelirion do he upon .he table, r>> the Memtc's'of lhi Ilcufe. _ f v- r r - e confe- Mr. Speaker, with the whole House, went j n r or rcnce wiih the Upp-r House on the e/i pro fled , ~A. Surif erdcring and governing Slaves within this Prcv,K "*f‘” .and to diflicti fr the Trial of Jueb Slaves, and other rfon Owners, or prevent the invrglir.g and carrying a,ay W- at’the Employers, and being returned. M*- b . pC f . nia d t 0 the said bill, aid conference agreed to ecru.. amendmenUtobe madeo The House took thfc fame into confidently, a ß rw That thi, Hop* from the cce3i:y of the case, ant !... v i,Ptfecvcrt- That this House a'clafiTe neght to be infeitcd ,n a,l *L f . pcrß i c j oo i confequepces, .that looki upon suspending claufts to p A/rcm bly,’ nd may prevent itWmott tendi to noiuhilatc the r (*P v f uccfflTwy nd ‘Uoe thrcxcctuion of any adt though ever so imm.dnte.y W j 10 the province. ‘ . , t, a „: nfr ae re<sd‘ l". con. That till* House havmg g .. . rv a- .o. FL3 r LP.*f ZSD Ar, March 21, , 77C . An tkedotk hC Ho<fc sJ j° urned li!I to-morrow morning, nine of rr, , , , t it.u’ fdny, Murih 13, 1770. Tbe order of the day for a call of the House read, the House was called over accordingly. K ,h-! u” t f he °-n' rr <>rdcrcf thc dav for taking under con fideration whether ,1 “ ! upon aux bill for thc prtfent year being red, the liou.etook the fame into r.onfidrratiou accordingly, and a debate arising, the quell ion was put, whether therd fnould be a tax bill for the rrefent year, and it paflYd in the affirmative. 1 Then a motion was made, that there be a clause in the tax bill exempt, mp the four southern paiifhes from paying tax, as-oot being teprefented, Refched, That there be a claufc in the tax bill to exempt the foor foil, them pari flies from paying tax, they not being represented in this House. Rtjolvcd, 7’hat leave ue given to bring ir a hill for granting to hi* Ma~ jetty th* sum of- for thc use anC ,'app' tof the governirent of Georgia for the year one thoufar.d seven hundrvtf tnd seventy, to b. raised at certain rates and after themethid therein mer,'.ionrU and for the more effectual coUcAing of ar * rs, and for exempting the parifliei of St. David, St. I’atrick, St, i homas, and St. Mary, and Patrick Houlioun, Mr. Etven, Mr. Crookc, and Mr. Keddoch, do prepare and bring in the (aid bill. A petition from fevcral of the inhabitants of the town of Savannah* whole names are thereunto fubferibed, was presented to the House, and read, setting forth, That the petitioners underfland ug an application has l cen made to the House by the inhabitants of this town profefling th* Jewifli religion, for the confumarion of a piece of hud on the common, which mony years fmcc was allotted for a burying groued for their people, and in which many have been interred : As the petitioners can have no objeftion to so reafinablc a requitt, tnd are well nflured that focb allot ment was really made ih:in for that purpose, they tlierefore hope the House will, in consideration of tbe premifei, comply with their applica tion, and the petitioners will pray, etc. Ordered, That the laid petition do lie upon the table to be peruf-d by the Members of tiie House. Complaint being made bv a T • mber of this Hoefe that he had been served with a writ or process by the Provcft Maiihal during ihe present fcfDon, which he apprehends to be a violation of therigbts and privilege! of an Airembly, Ordered, 77iat thc said complaint be referred to the committee of privD leges and elections. A meflage from the Upper House by the Matter in Chancery: That the Upper House, upon report from the managers at thc free confcrene* of both Houfeson the amendments made by their House to the engrolfed bill, entitled, dn AS for ordering and governing Slaves within this Province . and for eflahlifhmg a JuriJJiSun ftr the Trial of OJfcnees committed by fitch Slaves, and ether Perjons tbtntn mentioned , r.nd to prevent tbe inveigling and carrying away Slaves from their Mafiers, Owners, or Employers ; that the Upper House doth agree to the amendments made at tbe laid free confe rC<>dW, That Sir Patrick Houttoun do carry the following mefag* to the Upper House: 7'hat this House, in aufwer to their mcirage of this . day, acquaints ihetn, thar, upon report from the committee offrer con ference on the amendments made to the engrottcd bill, entitled, dor ordering and governing Slaves within this Province, and for ejlalljbmg a Juri/diSien for the Trial of Offences committed by fat h Slaves, and other Perf on, therein mentioned, and to prevent the inveigling and carrying away Slarjt, from theMaters, Owners, or Employers-, that this House have agreed (.n eon feqt'ence of the great necessity for fach an ad) to the amendments thi said free conference, a .and at the feme time have revived it (hall never be F iea^j a t 5 h p n P t r bc House adjourned till to morrow morning, nine of the clock * , c Friday, March 16, 1770. Mr Crookc, from the committee appointed to prepare and bnngid a .: i| for grantin £ to his Majcfty the sum es for the use and support 0.1 l for R ran ”"S Gcorcia for the y ar one thousand seven hundred and of the G 8 ra , c , 2nd afier the method therein menti s ?*vl Xis =3l -t°i ported'they ha<l prcp.rtd the toe. which w.t received .nd re.d the 6r# 1 uTper S. bvThc Mailer h Th /""'S i .dj^mcd , "oir.o-morro# morni E . ! f tl ’* Cl ° Saturday, hlarrh I7 177°* 1 T b House nd’-ourned till Maday bom a Pertro V T. thc Honourable the Councirand the #oc< r s att fraably. were ayreeabty ‘heKa^Mr.Wiiu* invitation giveni ihtp, bv fcj® and Ol ier. Hi. fiefdt everything with n>acb d<o rpkwi. < Exceil-ncy V received At thebottom