The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, March 28, 1770, Image 1

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H 8 . £■? w °- is*. I jpqto-ia v : 'h _ . . Vi VV/l CW ; :tWe^M**,, >•:,</- { \ fIT O ‘“* <-<*-< w*ILV/ v ’- "^sSEOds^ . - • s!s£■/ y*4M±t*dJ Commas House of Afftmbly, Monday, Marti 19, 1770. * S!f*yriO§ iluufe met. aai adjourned till to-morrow morning V W‘i y*2 oineel-tbe dock. V."* ;: -dTl* Hutfday, Marti 20, 1770. j\ H A W • The onlsr 0* the day ior taking rtrulrr ‘v ;t '|r.£*"# the petition of Wiliit n Harding, bin reg.f 1 , ti eH> wfe r m}” „■’ > -3 took tic fame into cogfideratiou accordiri*lv, and •—** ’V s’*- **—** % fluid, Ts it this House will oro.*i te the fim nr'ons hundred politic’*, o l>’ pii 1 to tie William Harding, ag eeahle to t e r ifC of tiiefaid p. tit on, upon his machine being viewed by corner.! £onert t<> be appointed by this House for that purpole, and it appearing futheci to lie of a re# tonilrudjon, and of pubiick utility. ‘ ‘l he bil tor planting to his Majesty the fin lof for the M<h and fupportof the govjinraent. f Jieorgiafor ti*e year one thonfar.d !• eui hundred and (event)’, to be r2;f.*d at cer'ftin rate*and after t l e meth and therein mentioned, for the more ctfecltulcoilefliogof arrears, and Ivrcx empties t'-c parish sofSt. Davt i, St. Panicle, St. Humus, and St. Maty, they nut being rep ef< nted, w rtad the frcoi.d And then he House adjourned till M-raom,* mornirg, nine of the ciuck. tCrdn/fday, March 21, 17 70. _ TJve **ro(T'd fill, entiled. An A:l for granting t: his M*r*;. rrj fifing a D-rto on b’tg oet, Coeds* tfaus and Merchant: it, iaija'tci nw> i.-s l'roo>*v t was ieao the third time, and funds*) arocr.Jinenti v.ere r try (be ilowfc to the la cl bill. And then the Hoafe adjourned till to-morrow i.ineof the Clock. * Tltr/dey, Marti as, 1770. The quefti *n was put, if the engro.Tcd bill, An AAfor g*aot jngto vis Majtfiy, and tat frg a Duty cn begun and Mtu ban Jist insert. a into tits Pro-tiftte, flu* Id pats, and i’ was rek.v and in * lie efltrty .tivc. Ordered, That Mr. box do carry the laid bid to the Upper ifeufe, and #efir their concurrence. A petition fre m fevera! of inbaVt'nts and frehulders efthe parfhrj ©f St. Philip, St. Jo:t>; and St rdrew, whde n-tnes a*e thcreuti . fubferibed, was prelcnted to the Houf*, -J trad, fctiing .o. :h, That i it the eameft requettnf t e pe.irionrrs that a ferry ffiou!J bv la vbe Hla tiilheJ from the town of Sumu.-y tn ( c.'nvc i"n: place ;n the pieri:h ©f it. P * • i>e t hose by the H->u e, or commifTti iCr* ;c- that pur? fe appointed, ar.d i high laid out from lac 1 place to join the main font hern rad near Ogechee ferry, a by that means the dilbnee between Savannah ad -Sunbory will be made fherter by tan ivt!;*.:. and in many o. ther .e pests md/c conve:.t* T nt to t.av-llcs, and the communication tween the metropolis and tb- fl urging southern fottlemerts more open and tily. to the gr at emul une*it ar and advantage of the province in general :• r*e ioners therefore pray that a law may be brought in •and palled through the idoufel r that t'urpofe. Motion was uisde, that that the confederation of the faxd petition be yoßponed till iWday morning next. • Upoa the quettion being put, it pafkd in the affirmative. . Refolded, That this Hr use will revive itfelf into a comntittee of the whole House, to take und. r consideration th add e sos the Council of ne lath March, 1770, to hxc.llercy the Governor, at pebllfhed in the Gauueqfthis province on WeJncfday t-e 1 yth thisinftart. And then the Hotfc adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine of the clack. • Friday, Marti 2*, 1770. . A e%e from the Upper House by t.e Walter m Chancery: T M she Upp- r House have agr t*d to anoruinancc app An. rcw L . Wells narbour.mafttr.for the port of Sayamiur, wuh-.ut ament. - That the Upper House have a’fo a ? rccl to an ordinance fdr appo ,t pickers and inlpeclors for the ports of S vsnnih and sunbury, and also duller, and ivfpUlots of lumNsr in the fai4 port,, with 40 which amendment they desire the conce.renceo Mis A The House teok the aißendmci t made by the Upper H ©rdiOince c r a r d agreed thtrefo. * Ordered T hat Sir Patrick Houfbor. do c.irry the orumance to the Cover House, and acquaint them, that this House agrees to toeamendmen. mav bv their Hctife to the said ordinance. , . * , The Hoefe according to order refolvcd itfclf mt© a C7mmt ( wha’e Hoofe to take into confide* ation the address of the U ." CI - f .’‘ V * 7itl.S*l udcK .0 hi. Excellency ,he Governor....d C.axelte of tliin province, and after fome lime foent iherein, . . . •’ e aiL P Milledee fiom the committee reported they at the table, where it avas again read and agreed to by th. .1 -v of this commiitee, that the .Mmft o f JS, of the Jhthfsi Hunt, prefuntc.Uo his Excellency the G,- Tetnor and in the Gr.zette cf this proving, is an unjuit re- EeaTon and an unprovoked iolult offered to the dignity of this House And then the House adjourned till to-mcriow morning, me clock. „ , Saturday, Marti 74, 77°* . r.v-^tnrk Th. Hoafc metaadadjommd till Monday . l - “/C"VEay*HANDSOME NEW CARPET 10 be fold.— M I • /.1 i .W E D NE S D Ar, March 2 g • ... * * • t s “’ r.c., n the NliW -Y C ;'s KG ‘ ETT E, Pel rutty r, t- ;9 . SIR. Il rtPtT” and d ' 0i!r ' ;h ' ! i” :i,a ' , r: J Vc.-M .: ■>; V K.O H r, rr 3:: *‘ R •*’ 1 --U Cf .S, tognlm •.! . 4 * • . n .i.h.ppf.acJi. v.i. v .;., Uv.-.v.-n the lmitbuav.tsaui Us.* Soldiersi f- c Uto Live Uitma phe.c 11, y*u .'•per, I jc Cm Inlvi.4V.aa cf th: Puoi.rk. 4 I *7 r > *3 ; •: ; I - c'C.oi, 1 Pxnjr of jU 0 r'i* • ’■& ronyln , ij./ni a L>el*rn C>y hl4 ’ Jr< ‘ft f-r..d lu cu. L, ‘>rv.y-pi>:w :Pa t.i.r.l tr. -.15 UK gltascf <>’ tn-V p ict-J uniiiiivis s.i thr i.lfe.ent i\v* j that leaa :> i: *• J ’• 1 tae uv puh.ick tv d.sctvcr anyNua.*.-rcf ths labsbtv taiui that hi r.i vewir.i t ; r Paic *<a ob.ltufl vlem, in ‘ai.s Situauo# th;y we.'td iii I'.uu j iv'iirg ihv by Scmt 1 ertwiis ihst were crmr.g ue P t w ia wcu. ..ionuiavc <t a id sapouei it .o imuiry beriov* in the KoU-ct ‘Wac.titpon w., wv:u tui to .hr Wor.-.-'i /j c Fence, ir utiee .a be the i.u.b <-t th ..10r,.), ion; f.o.n v/.ie;cc ihe,* dt.caverv i a bosi cr oaring a Ho.c tn vtic r ; vac;, irfnnvd.ateiy I'.urnt-i 10 i-.r. jian r *uye*, to .auu di<tV Ir.htbiunts . wuc U v.. Captain v. a.c v.„s near the Itnttfs by Soldier, wn y hi? Bayonet cr. him, and threatened to like his Life, if he a* iar.n.i vli: Caucus: liu ath -f was u.a.natd, hi ,u u rso.t oruient to c.s It v..u.* i > Ji.Tuidc h:n f.v.t: o far it.; Vio.vatc la his vttiuti, wbt-.a hi wj® pert .!: j o;i a at. ■> I , a; L tj. .in vV’it t; i: 1 no. u.t than .is if is v/ou.d a.sctn the Ci.l *. r., uoati -v i.v 1 ii Jii.l cr it .vif.ii. i.O hi* Co:n;’’.r.:cir at th: f'olc. fae i’c t/‘. 1: ‘.if. .vi j...a .{:t c 1 n at, a: i crc t out t <n, in ..tier to alarm lu# I.t i.a'vii *. dooti ft . a ft , t* a u dj c, which pr:v:i to b: a r'ura tau ii. d'il.fhii 011 in it. in ord.r to coianu lieve i't c 10 a Civiiy wni*-h tKr/ ail mad.* i.i t \t r-.?, 3.1 iitci w. 1 x’o vicx, wiih a de!;rt..tefptii it. Tk* eat: vi t no. tifie the Ft r.of i> th*. Exeni:Jt .hn was wh:cn ;ie ,'cop v at Mr. M. manvi* • ‘\ci*v:ag, baud it ihc Sal-iier* i at.d 11 24 f.r.ncr liallvjij j t ‘ : fc calif 1 >u. t tu, 1 if l.%.ercjn.i Ic.e lit au fiu uont'ur rioft'w L boar. 1 h.."e Son; A .1 c.u.i not brook, tfce lvstf Agti of dan-fac* tio.a :.. n: C*.t cn r , h -roic*. A* ucx *.a a Po.e't jv.orrr.y u (ucc.fful: No, tlu;, u .p.0.'0 . 1 vie c.'in .*.. i < a noreh r rotck Avltor. jw. ca was toilvrm Mr. Mort-ur.,* 1 xiou::; and xxo'vr.g v entered it withuruwu dvarlsuiid Bay* , v u-f, infuhc.l ihe Gotapanv, al l ‘*.ai .h- V/aiter. No*- liir-v; 1 wt.h ta.s Mai., ih:r p.oc:: led to .iv.lf.jf v.*r r Thing they couii convcnisrdy at. They broke ?+i > ivi:s of GAy ti. rap% and a UcwAj waich the f. nuittel i'; rlm.c .vi.h Prccip'r.::o.i, hit say cf them Clou, iji • dtiCivyrcd 1 N t withflandingtar-? cf the n were k io-.v.i, one rs w.aich -vai C jjo .tii dpry, L’ul q t'l.-fc Muter- b:in com nuni-uei to *.a: O.ficor th:t cantna ; ad:d fur the at the u,ocr Eimckti it: or hrel aCe ittne. at the Po.c, u* i* iOpw-ed, t© pt<n vent uay fur.htr A icn >i being mile to level it; but h’ wj; fca after remove It wu; not hag after h: *ll piac- lch:r.*, before mu / ol t.ic Cu.reasjvcic el, and went up to th: Pole, an ian Png then, ih.t ther: was no ger of any more Di btrhm-e, ihsv d ; :>srfti. Nofuhtlii©g ihf ; of dieri were conliac 1 for ihc*r being concerned in tne a ovv ivtoi, their di l not lose Sight of tiie D.-sign to cut the Libcriy-Poi# far, Mondiy Night, I’lev p'.i:e.l Csatinets of O >e.'‘ it j 11 dtTrent Par.* o. the Field*, an 1 agree i on Sign in to ngtifr t'n: ApproiC-i of any Per/ons tb*: mig>>% mir the Ectcutionof their Pit'pofe. Tni; .vit difeovered by Aiderin-ui botfj who report? Ito the O.ficer, who com nir.deJ at the upper Borne* 5, his fee a a Number of ike n in the Field*, when they ought to have ©ten to -ack*. A Number of the Inhibiting war? so inccnfeJ at tn;* io.ul.tag that they judged it nreffiry, for that a.nd ©As? Rcafoa*, coautaed to the follow ing Paper, topubiiih ir. . . r y To the PUBLIC*.. . WHOEVER ftricudy conifer the impoverimed 3;ue 0. tms City, ctpoctil*. ty of many of the poor Inh, bitar.t’ cf it, muff be great* lorprired at tna CmMI if lo:h i . n? o“'.e oi.-. JV..I* . . *?****£!* ih.t worn Employ.n o: 10 fopw. .'it..- o.Jre M r g' v f-> tf?”'* amoneff us know ;, th *t the Amy is not nr,n here to P ro ;% bu s t 0 * D - * nowiTUm im-. AW.’ <fcra nin• of M*kjt *> provide *MI with such Necefftries which mans* cf the , : cod Burner* war... . The.e fupplie* arc pniJ bv a fas on tie t-o.onv, a x hirx of w.nchis the for this City and Count*.*. Ailt,..i gur.rn thshewv ’a.v wenxy oa Sur,r &c. wb'ch so greatly dift(Ts our Trade, ar.d basic ths\ ma**v of : ts forna.T Inhabitant* have removed, and'Oi .c.s t .at, ar * f®* SofEmp?.™;.-. , ani uw*,!.. prtn* C in a, M ****, .?*■* in l a Savh- *0 th- C misa m**, *f 1' r.m ; .oyers A * wouia bv CT? lo yi = E hm.. I. R no: f V- ft ““/£•'(£ nev to fuoport the Sold r.-, and a Poor- 1 j3t . *?’ i"5 “ , ermeat of th: and Batlard* in the Work-Home, wttnoul Jt*v*ng th. n tne _-maxmentj: T3J Poor, who you mull fuppot*.'f you do no. employ • : . ,’ t J rtd swell your Poor-Tax ii i,.p= US CcnSAtra.on, mj nol: o-unlcnance a be. • - . i; , v |! b.'.n.’ on yon tv, and at the Beck of Tvnnts to endavr; WP*' 1 ; 1 / tSlt ro ° ol L rf-, g the just Kepco’cV** cf thi Poor. VfTSi mey thti vou have hitherto gi. make* Soidicr* inWcnt and unqnteful allM f J*T V hi* it evident, .a a ven ihi m, has only taught them to ’ tobb *iu ihe Liberty-Pole ; jrreat N*m I *er cf them atte.n .-.tine Hft S.a air . y not them, which thev hid near efTcfled, *f iome ® ‘ ;{f ,,p , p P l ?> viai:h they o!i4 They had Time 10 fwtheßrace*, end bore x , vhich wv , dit>over4 with Powder, and piugp*J 11 ,1(1 “ alf-ntm-at broke 70 Square* wfh'f bv. a Person at Mr. Monmnve**: rhey m U p lT , :e i; lh kworl*. =r.i Window, entered hi* Ucu.c, an I *cpp’ *, fnmueh'nt •m’datedih? People in the thr*atenedifheft:rredtot ; k-h.tL*fc, f Nat fstiidHwiAthis Hcnf -, th?* the-* were injured to aroout of t - f w fai 80-.*i*; ?ad ;hit atrociot Wickedref*, they L h ; v ’ ft-J Centinei* in the RoiT, thev m**rht h’ latter ’wn;d*(h their U?Vn-,t*ie, P Th ;, sn j . wrfe that leal to Liberty Pole, to T*'”" ,f _ ‘[ru..J gfre s erwter Number of them. w>u!d beshe Tfcstment*ve ta.nit exp:. , 1 • - . { . hefuthetent:o It j* bop:d ihit thi* Conduft, with the fu - c f h*m forth.-future. Th re