The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, April 04, 1770, Image 1

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Georgia : Gazette, Y* „Ccvttaaoes lioufe ofATsnhfy, Monday,- March 26, 1770. STWjIiK Houle reiolved itfclf into a committee of the whole ‘W Houfc, to take under confu'erntion the accounts delivered in O the Clerk, and, after fome time spent jl therein, Mr. Speaker relumed the chair, and Mr. El !s ]K bhrt frenfthe committee reported they had t.ikenthe! - i ■•f* . in, and. that he was directed by the committee to move ‘ for.leate to “fit again. , . Ordered, 1 hat the romnlittee have leave to fit fftjiin,’ c • ■ A’bd-thcn the lieufe adjourned till’ to-morrow morning, nirteef 1 .. -.5 the citek. ‘ . • • . > ■ Y:ie/d.:y, March 27, 1770. . A petition from the inhabitants and freeholders of the parifti Qf St.aEht* names arc thereunto fubferibed, was prefouted to the Houib; and rtatlirfttting’ forth, .1 hat they aie inlormcd of a petition prrfented to this House for laying ciPt anew road in that pari ih, and eftnbhlhing a dewy in Hie fbmo, by the inhabitants of fcvcral parishes no wavs concerned, %md to whom it cat) be of no benefit or pnblick utilr.y : They aflrtt it * ill make at leatt a difference of tc\ miles to Sunbury, which the petitioners ‘ can make half that, as fuc’r. a ro-d cannot be carried on a lines oc account sis large creeks, and nujfhcs v.hich'it mull bead, and-will r>ak U a distance of at kail fifteen or eighteen miles thraugh bad ground: vFtawad already laid out, and worked upon thrfc fctteen years, is no way* compleat, the caufcway having been impalfitble for near three week*, and is much damaged by the late fre fit, and is more than the few inhabit fants'of that parim can keep in repair; The petitioners therefore pray jbat such a road be not granted, and they wiil evir pray. Sit. Tbtn t%fltdT of the djy for taking under confutation the petition from Te vtiii of .the inhabitants and.freeholders of the. pari (hes of St. Philip, John, andj St. Andiew, being tead, the Houle took the fame into consideration accordingly, and ‘ r Ordered, That lea/c be given’ to bring In a bill agreeable to the ptayer of the (aid petition, and that thire be included in the said bill a claufeor daufes appointing and empowering corathiirior.iMS or surveyors to lay out . from the town of Quern (borough in the ncuiett and moll convenient ” iVay *he road already laid out from Savannah to the l-Jon. Jonathan srya on the River Great*Ogechee, and that Mr. Grme, Mr. Cropke, and.Mr. Rae, do prepare and bring in the said bill. Aod then the House adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine of f • • ttte clock. y ■•+ .* ; 1 :-ru? - Wedntfday, March 28, 177°* * • A” rtemprtal from Samuel Savery/ whose name is thereunto fubferibed, ’ fas prtfented to the Houfe,>nd read, felting forth, That the raetwomlifl svas, n the year 176 E, employed to inlpe£l the’furvey of the boundary line /fb<cdfcd) between this prov ince and the Creek Indian nation : That the ttemqrifoft, last feflion of Aifembly, preferred an account, wherein he fcfrarged.thexate of 255. per dim for the fa and fcrviee, and, asbethoeght, wey moderate, from the incnveniecies, dangtrv ar.d fatigue*, he la ’ koured under, which may be made manifeft by those who were appointed to fee this work executed : That the numorialift 11 allow ey tty individual who Employ* him in fefuTvcying (which he appre •licads thf . above work if not iiniilar to be nearly allied to) the sum of 21*. *ir ditm, and a3 the late AfiemPly only allowed him at the rate of 15*. Sr day, be hopes the House, taking the matter into serious consideration, n4being convinced that it i* cuftwnary for private perfens to pay for rc rfiirvcying 21*.>r day, they will abovV hiai alter the Time rate: That the memorials ft, in executing this work for the publick, lofl two herfes which fcoft him 221. loa fieri, which he begs leave to submit to the House if a compinfation be made him, as it has been uonc toother per sons thatlofi their hoiks, aiid were employed as ail.fients m the fame fer • that the roeuionalift vyas the. only furvfcyor that would audertake theferrice, it being presumed there was great danger attending it, which he found.-o be true: That he memorial,ft made no k.od of airrremcr.t with the perlflns thatemplbyrd linn, but submitted hiu.felf tSSSZ The ufticeof .heHoufc, which he fiill confide, in, and hope, the House will do in the premises at to their wisdom flull seem meet, kc. Ordered, That the said memorial do lie upon the tab.e to be perused by refolvcd itfeif into a committee of the whole House to take into further consideration the fbvcral accounts againfl the pubhek dehver. id into the Clerk of this House, after fome time spent therein, Mr. fitiakTr resumed .h. chair, and Mr. Elbert from the committee reported Sifv'hftd taken the said accounts into further consideration, aad made .herein, and .ha. he w„ di.c fl cd b, ae commu.e. to move for leave to fit again. ‘ Orlfrrd TTliat the committee have leave to lit again. . f 0 And'then the House adjourned till ta-morrow morning, nine of , . March 29, 177°* t . • Tha Hbuft Ttfolvod itfel'f into a committee of the whole Hometp take , into further Consideration the fcvcral accounts again ft the public* d . cl,v "* d )m in rfer’* of this House, and, after fome time spent the,cm. Mr. ya. to the Cb - , Ms E j hcrt ltcm committee reported Speaker refijn* ‘Accounts into further-confideration, ai*d made tZ lha. be . dW b, .he it A, U S.'. .) * *•!• ;ftn-atowMMW ‘rri” 3 topitpireard-bnajm EDNE SD A 7T t dpril 4, 1770. HI f-jr laying out a road from fome convenient in the paYifir of ST. I hilip to join the m-tin icuthern roed n.-ar Ogechte l'\rry, ar.fl foretn powenug’toe commilfioners or furfeyors of the roads to C!lablifh a ferry from the town of Sunbury, and :r!f., for laying cut a road from the town o (dijtri'fi'uiough to the cowpcn of Jonathan Bryar., Eftp. ou Great-bge. tiiet River, and for ippointing. tomtniSior.ers. for the purposes henein mentioned, reported they had prepared the fame, whith was received and tiril time, and ordeteu to be read a second time, And then the iioufcadjourned till to-moiyow morning, nitfe of thp Hock. .. . , .. • . Friday, March S O, 1770. * ; fho House refolvcd itfclf into a committee of the whole House, to take ihto lurthi r consideration the lever;.! account* aglinjl the publick delivered in to the,Clerk *of this House, and, after fome time fperit therein, Mr. Speaker refunied the chair, and Mr. Elbert from the committee, repqrtcd they had taken the said arc uats into further consideration, and gone through the fame, anJ that the committee had come tea resolution, whicji he wa> directed to report to the House, and he read tuc report in his place, and afterwards delivered it in at the table, where the fame was again read and ngiced to by the l!oufc. The bill for laying out a rosd from fome convenient place In thenar,ill of iit P.-ilip, to join the main louthcrn road near Ogechee Ferry, and for empowering the commidioners or surveyors of the toads to cfiablilh a ferrk from the town of Sunbury, and also for laying out a ro*d fityin. the JawU of Queen fbojtvugh to the cowpen af Jonathan lfryjn, Esq. on Great-Ogc chee River, and for appointing vommiffioners fer tile purposes herein men tioned, was rer.d the second time, and ordered to be copimittcj. Mr. Crooke, fiom the cotumiiuc appointed to prepare and bping jp jt bill to enable thcconnniffioners appointed in and ny an aflof the General Afiernbly of this province, entitled, A,i Aft for the Tcwatf 9a 'Oannab, and for nfciriaUiing the Ccmmcu tin tuuio Lclcugitg, ec alt. n and ettyvey to certain Per fas, and their Succefh s, in Trujly Part cj the Jatei Cpmmca, sos the Putffe oftncUjinga Ccmttry or Burial Ground for the Inhabitants of the /aid Toiun/f Savannahptofcjfing tl* Jcvsijb kr.’gion, reported they had pvep.yed the fame, which was received aad read the full time, and ordered to be read a fccond time. * And then the House adjourned till to-morrow morning, ninp of the deck. ‘ • ‘ , *'i. Saturday, March 31, 1770. The House refolvcd itfeif into a committee of the vyhnle House, to take into consideration the bill for laying out a road from fome convenient place in the parilh of St. Philip to join the main fonthem road near Ogl chec Ferry, and for empowering the commiflioners or funccycirs tithe aaads to cfiablilh a ferry from the town of Sunbury, ohd also tor Ikying our* road frem the town of Quern Iborough to the cowpcu of Jonathan Dryan, F.fij on Grcat-Ogechee Kiver, and for appointing commiflioners for the purposes herein mentioned, and, after fome spent therein, Mr. Speaker re fumcJ the chair, aad Mr Gwinnett from the committee reported they ha3 taken the said bill into consideration, gone through the lame, and made several amendments thereto, which the commiiteo had directed him to report to the Houfi;, and he read the report m hts place, and afterwards delivered the bill, with the amendments, iw at the table, where tbc a mendments wereagsin read, ar.d agreed to by the House. . , . Ordered, That the bill, wi.h the ymendmcn:s, be cogrofled. JteJolvA, That the title of the said bill be, AM, entitled . An AS for laying out a Read in the Parijh of .St. Philip . and empowering tee Ctmyijioher, to eHabl.k a Ferry to the Town of Sunbury, and aljefor laying out a Read from the Town ofgueenjlorough to join the Newington Read leading to Savannah, and for deanttr the River Great Ogechee. The Mailer in Chancery, by qrderof h,s Excellency the Governor, pre ft nted to the House fcvcral papers which his Excellency had received re lativc to the inhabitants of Wright (borough townlhip, and the fold paper! ’ being fcvemllv read, the House took the lame into corifidt rU, and Refolded, That this House will provide a sum not exceedng oo hundred pounds ,0 be’appropriated fpr :hc protection of the said a.4 ajacent in habitants from theinfuhs of the draggling Indi+M, who (teal their hones and commit other depredations. _ And then the House adjourned till Monday morning, ten of the clock. ‘ ‘ i,:: , . , . on ’**'*—•*•• < ** , **‘“ i **‘** l, *'‘ , **"*r'***‘ l *’ “*’***• A FEW HOGSHEADS OF JAMAICAftUM, four Years old, to be fold by • * * T .; GORPON and NETHg^C^l^f. RUN AWAY from Purvlburgh, and crossed SaYattfllh *bout dlta A NEGROE FELLOW. ISAAC, owjj koj. .!. aoyr, of , E r and s/‘ S whitA’ raatlr. of a black c0..,p1c.0. b '*“ Jld . ?U h *, lm icirm •tree cloth, leather breeches,- and a pair of (hoes. Wlwaver wuiac him to Mr. George Docker fn Savannah, ortome atPoryfturgh, lU have 159. fieri. ;,i, and all rcafonablc W |KKt*tt. Also FUN AWAY wi.h .he aheve fcllnw, A NEGROE WENCH. - „„ncd VIOI.E !V.fccpmpmrof M,.MIR,in"Tr,- belonged -o Mr. Hcrbe m Savarnah, where (he is her to wa rd 7he fame as ofTcred -fprlhe lellowvill be given on-dhiveuog her tnaflfj or to Mr. Dacwrin Savanann. ,