The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, May 16, 1770, Image 2

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*|, M Wrfcat tterl*, Jellied a Member of AaTfppfrffotfe ‘ to |jU 11* Sacetlcacy'a pleafurt when he Would be attended by both fgrtfct of Aflembly with their add ref#, and that hi# Excellency wae pteai and to fay he (hooid be ready to receive them in the Council-Chamber Immediately. , Accordingly Mr. Speaker, with the whole House, went to attend his IxceHeney in the Council-Chamber, when the address of both Houses was presented and read to hi# Excellency by the Prcfidcnt of tkt Upper Hoife, in answer to which he was pleased to fay, Gtutlmea, YOU may rest assured that thia addrefa (ball have its full and due weight Srith me, and thnt l will transmit a copy of it, and of the bill, to hi# Ma jesty's Secretary of State, and will write to him on the fubjelt, and give inch reafona in favour of the bill as may occur to me. And tbea his Excellency was please i to prorogue the General Affcm* Yty until Monday the ijthof August next. BOOKBINDING in all its branche* is performed at the house of Mr. H Peter Gandy by JOHN HARVIE, where it an Evening School, of Writing, Ac. btc teken in and executed with care and difottch at the chea-eft rates. , be bad at tbt Printing-OJict, Prict id. “ A LETTER to the Rev. Mr. Samuel Fiink, IJeflor ofChrift Church, relating to fome Fees demanded of'fume of his D*ffeating Parilhi •n ere. ■ . TAKEN UP by the (abfc iber, A BLACK S I ALLION, between te and 13 hands high, (hort dock, branded nn the mounting but* Sock ft, and Ihoolder V * and on the eff (boulder Cor G. The owner snuft prove his property before a Justice of Peace, and apply it White* gluffto THOMAS DOWLE. ‘ A.L perlons having demands again ft tire fobferiber are dcfired to give in their accounts to be fettled, and those in JeSted to him are tiefired to pay immediately, utherwife they may depend on being faed without further notice from JOHN PARK. vnOAICEN Up by Frederick Schremph, on Oercbee, in “the psriftwTf ‘JL St. Matthew, TWO STRAYS, vix. A Black Horse, bands bigh, branded on the mounting (boulder 3, and buttock P; and a White ■Horse, with two white eyes, near 13.*. hands high, branded on thenear. Ihoulder and buttock Jl’. The owner of said horses may apply to and prove •bit property before JOHN ADAM TREUTLEN, J. P. , Parifli of St. Matthew, May 5, 1770 A* LL persons having demand* bn the Eitaie of Jacob Telfair, of this province, planter, deceased, are desired to bring in their accounts properly attested. on or before the (rift day of July next, and those in* webted to the said estate are requelled to make payment to - _ MARY TELFAIR, and ISAAC YOriNG, Administrators. TO BE SOLD, at Ktnmdj't Cawpen, tn it. Matthew'spdrijb, omWtdnJdtn tbt 4 tb of July next, A SMALL STOCK OF CA I’TLE, belonging to the estate of Mat* thias pettier, deceased. The conditions to be made known on the •day of fa!e. CHRISTOPHER CRAMER, 1 E DANIEL ZETTLER, {Executors. To BE SOLD ON REASONABLE fWm, ‘ ‘ A TOWN LOT in SAVANNAH, whereon is a final! dwelling, house. Any perfoa inclinable to purchase the fame may treat with the fubferiber*. . THOMAS and TOHN ROSS. oTRXYED inta the futffcriber’s. pafttire, A dbACi. HOi<oE, abo O *♦ bands high, banded LD upon the off fhoultfer, and fbmethinz like G on the near buttock, and also a bl *ched brand upon the mount* tag (boulder, and a flit in each ear. Whoever owns the fail horse msy ■feave him bv to W((,LI \M G BB )NS. 7 TO BS SOLD, M Monday tbt l%tb day ,j Uij tajfant, at Tb, Exd^TTin St vannab , * * TWO NEGROE MEN and TWO BOYS; the SLOOP IFNNY with a CARGO of LUMBER rn HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, SEVERAL HORSES, and A •CHAISE. Ahd, tn Friday tbt day of June r.ekt, WILL BE SOLD, tt the Ext borne r ONE LO F OF LAND at g,e Trustees Ga dens, on which i, erS 4 DISTILLERY, together with all its utrnfiU and a quantity ofmolafo* The whole fold under executions by MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Mar Savannah, 16th May, 1770. The conditions to be made known on the day of ft*!e. SAVANNAH, May 16. .I ¥5 HCJRSDAY lift .mbirked on board the foo Briun.ia, (oo V T r ,nd . bo ”" k d Cockfpor) Capt. Stephen D„o. booed to ¥* vi London, the Hon. Grey Ellto-t, Esq. and hi, Lady. M„. ,Xfda Academy.* 1 D “°“ *• <**-*•* Th. brigr Blther, Capt. Robert Johnlton. from tll!l Xtrkcadbright, pet into Charlriio.n on Sunday the 6th fnft. leaky • A sloop from Jamaics, Weak mailer, is arrived at Sunbory 7 KntbAro Inwards at the Custom.Hovsa 7 * Yfay to, Ship Mobilte Packet, Thomas M'Minn, IS, Schooner Liberty, Richard Churchill, Sooth Brigt. William and Ann, Andrew Kelly. Carolina I*, Ship Cavendish, James Penny, c - J . rv,n v- - ,5. Schooner Sonth-C^Ta Ship Pike, Benjamin Linthome, p Fc f Schooner Duke of Lancaster, David Lamb. e, v Brigt. Sufanoah, Nathaniel Lewis, r U * Sloop Betsey, Robert Earle, # • M ®°" e, J ril Schooner Liberty, Richard Churchill, Bo a l, r r Schooner Betfcy, Turner Vardell. s ° o,h Clearbu Dmo May to. Schooner Little Bob, Paul Preston, p k ., . . f? r It, Schooner Joanna. Thomas Ellis, Philadelphia J hoo potti w n.stss YTTHTO AS tb* Cop*rtnei?hip Mi Joknfcaexpir- an d the ▼V fir ft day of this prefeutwnontk, this is thwefore to dciirc al! rrr J ions indebted to the said copartner drip to pay off their rfpeflive accounts •without delay, as time is a necessity for doling the said conrem diately, u LYON and JOHNSON. ~ ON Erid y the h<lt day of June next, at 12 o'clock in the louuoon at the house of Haac Ford, Esq. in St. Matthew's parilh, propcfals will be received by the Vestry and Church- Wardens from any j. erfa n j n . clining to undertake the building of a Church aud Parfonagc-Houfe in that parifli. b a JVrt JMJSR TED, n tb* brigt. tvtllium and Ann, Andrew, JCeily mafltr frm Glafgvvi, end to be fold by tbt JuLfcribtrt, at that litre, latch cce,,*i,J by Mtjfrt. Gttrge HaMtt and Cvnpany, * SCOTS and iri(h Linens, White and Brown Irifti Sheetings, Ciec'c and Printed Handkerchiefs; Plain, Figured, and Sported Lawns''• Striped and Flowered Silk Gauzes, Brown Hollands of all prices *a. and Yard wide Checks, Bordered Lawn Handkerchief#, Flowered and*Bor dered Lawn Aprons; which, with tbeir remaining AHortment, they will fell on reasonable terms. REiD, S l ORR, and RIED A Quantity of Large and Small Scots Coal to be fold on board said ves sel. Apply a above. _ Ji& SOLD, at tut Exchange in Savannah, on Mtuday tit aB/* UJ inftavt, J ONE NEGROE GIRL, seized on execution by M ATT. ROCHE Prov. Mar. Savannah, 16th May, , 770 . • XT'HERE.AS the (üblcnber had (ormerly given notice of hi 3 ir.tcn* , W . t,on dPrt the province early this summer, and a> many triflinz plantation accounts are ft.ll remaining unsettled, this serve, to acquaint all persons concern#.!, that Thomas and John Ross are fully empowered to receive payment of all the accounts, depr sited in their hands. * LACHf.AN M'GILLIVRAY. I rl . e “4 u^ cd Price of Flour, whichl hndToTt as idiiTT 1 viz. Bed, ißa. Second, i6s. and Settlement, 15s. per too lb. the id. Loaf lhould therefore weigh; BEST, . . I J* t r ‘ SECOND, . . . SETTLEMENT, - 1 ]l l GEORGF. BAIT,LTE, Commiflhrv. BROUGHT from the Creek Nation! A NEW NEGROE FELLOW, near fix feet high, about 20 years of age, of the Bumbo Country, can speak no Englilh, but can talk Indian, and fays he came from rVnl faco.a near twelve months ago, used to fetch wood in a fthooner for his master, who was a man with a btg belly. The owner ol the above (lave may apply to John Rae, Esq. to Savannah, or at Auguila to ift November. 1769. RAF., WHUEFIELD, and CO. _ L O N D O N, Fxckvary k a certain great man retraftrd his opinion in a late debate WK* a * R . ,ve ” y ? “ r * ‘ to Mr. Yilker, he quoted th f J* „ axim ol the great Duke de Rochfoucau’t, “ 1 hat no man SlLXn.jd J ,ou!d bc Jtamed *• own himfelf in the wrong, it he there* it F^ OVCs lbat he is wiser this minute than he was the min Feb. iq We hear that one day last week, an extraordinary Contention happened between he Prefidcnt and fome of rhe Members of { went lo far, that one of them, who thought the words ot the Prefidcnt too rough, made a motion that he (hould be rtfrenndt ™ >C .I*’ e , reat rtatioxs for fco. time; but the motion was at last very properly fuperreded. t are informed that a preat perJonrge's orders to one of his servants, at a late conference relating to America, was, Let the dignity of go* vernment be Reported with firmnefs. but moderation ; and for past oL fences, let justice give place to mercy. .* c * rc * n^orm ta that Lord C n has aflnally procured an addition of B°ol. perano. to his former pension of jcool. A cor-efpondcnt fays, -* F ar from being arrived wi.hin fight of the p rm c an , *Mhey eff?ft to give out, our Patriots have (till many a .** r X., Wto paf* m the barren wildernefsof opposition, without fading h„ng7r.’- y l0 " g °’ °“ ° f C,>Ur, w tiMt 3 \ er y* r '* personage has fignified his intentions of vi liting his German dominions this summer, if party quarrels subside. Yesterday came on in the Court of Common Pleas, We.lm nfter, a trial, when anhnfignm the army was plaintiff, and a Colonel was defendant: e a ion was brought for falfe imprisonment in Penifacola, for giving his opinion ra a Court Martial ag-eeable to his conscience, when a verditt was given for the plaintiff, with 3 bo!. damages. etb. to. We are informed, that fur;her time is granted for the p™* duemg living evidences from the Weflcru Continent, in support of the charges agamft a certain person. Letters from Madrid, dated January *3, fay, *• Our courtis aftoniflied In many foTtl S n P a Prs, (Irongly asserted, that molt of b ° r V ln thl * ® w>s, I r s }, y are making preparations for wat; it is vf-ry ign rom truth, which is, that they are building a few new veffrir, n repairing those that wanted it, and arranging fome other things, only with a view o putting the navy on a good footing.” * ra.„.!ilj 2Z ’ 1118 n ° w a .‘ d ’ tbat the revenue ads in America are to be P. e ’ e s c fP t one which is to remain as a badge of the legislative author ty of the mother country over the colonies. . f • 5 ar , c . a v urc d, that two very diftinguiftied Noblemen are become in* a ig* 9so their endeavours to effect a happy termination of the diffe rences now fubflftmg between England and her colonies. Ihe marriage of the P r with one of the Princefles of the Heufe of u . r . .° ,s * l° r a while, put off; for which procraftioatioo the French ptMticians are at a loss to account. the civiUift bcar tbere ” already above *oo,cool, in arrears sgaieon hear * CCT . uin Bill keeps his determined resolution of l O / .tax,, ,n * particular county. fas l of Alp. put.up bills (or freight and parsni?ers for tteginia * ry, * nd w.thm these few days. e/peCling the aff-ir. of M**’