The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, May 23, 1770, Image 1

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*, -, •. . mMMMMeB • * C*€Q r gt£ Gazette* *“•.”’ • ST. JAMES'S, March 14. HU IS day tbs Right Hon the l ord Mayor, feme of the * Aldermen, the Sheriffs, and many rs the Common Council of the City of London, waited up6n his Ma.e fhr (being introduced by the Right Hen. the Earl cf Hertford, Lord Chamberlain of his Majdh’s Houfs hold) with the Address, Remonfl<ance, and Petition, which wai read by Sir James Hodges, Tcwn-Clc-4:. - which Addreft, Reitonftrance, and Petition, his Majerty was jleaf ft& to rttarr the following Answers I SHALL Always be rer.iy to receive the requests, and so liflcn to •the eompLfnta'cf ay fubjrftr; bat it give: me great torcern to fiud that way 1 of them (boo'd have been so far nulled ;rs to offer me an Addrtls and *Reihon ft ranee,’ the contents of which f cannot but cor fid r as difrcfpecl ful to me, injtrious to my Parliament, and irreconcilable to the pr:n Pipits of the conflitutton. *•’ 4 * I baveerer made the lawof the land the rule'of my condnft, rlteem ‘fn^' , ijtmy chterpldry to reign over a free people. With this view l have been corefui, as well 10 execute f.iitnfully the trull repoßd i:t me, Hd toitoid even tlje appearance of ins ading any of tfcofc powe/s * hich toe -Abnftlttiticn hat pjated ip other hands, it is only by perfi vering in ucii cbrrdbdlthat! difrharge my own duty, ot Acute to my fubjeets He free enjoyment of thole ris hrs which my family wire call and to defend : *Ad white raw’ll pin tuefe principles I ftnll have a right t expert, ar;J •Jam confident” I (hall continue to receive the Heady and affectionate lup of mype>ple.” f . ’ Into, Feb. *4. It i said, a Gentlcmir: h:s undertaken to maice it ‘appear, that there has been an cmb*. zzlement to the amount of Sccoi. of. B|he monry for the militia of a c&tam county. Sr ‘Wclwt*, that a flaropet. who 1 ft 40,000!. at a certain hotffe the we.t %od of the town, js preparing to set out upon his travels abroad for five “yfirfi A : poor man was*fome time ago executed .it Amflerdirr for having pro ’fdreato ftt plated as a deyice upon his car:, a great Fiji fwa’lowi. g and devouring a kopifier Os leftfer ores. Thu was court rued to mean the ra paciocfnoAaodlbppreifion of the great, and puoifhed capitally as a leai U AUrtbjt- temoeftrancct ere certainly in agitation from Weftmiofler, (which is said will I* the next) Mrddlefex, and Surry. 1 evening paper fays the interior Cabinet cr private Jonto, who now dired the aflwirt Sf this kingdom, and who conftantlv meet at Carlton houfr-to conciyt their meafurfes, consists of only soar persons, viz. James Stuart Mackeofie, Esq brother tn the Earl of Bute j Sir Gilbert E hot, Bart. th friend and confident of ‘.he Olid Earl ; Charles Jeokinfoo, Esq. late private SecretAry to the fad Earl; and Jeremiah Dyfon, Eiq. late anotntr Secretary to the said Earl. .** Lord North is not of this cabinet, but he receives and obeys the direc tloW# •remoeh concerned to tell the pub ick. that several large veffeli arc already failed with ballad. and many more w,ll follow them in a few days, belonging to Philadelphia and New-York, whole usual loading of Spring •goods generally amounted to about 30,0001. but no.v ncccffancs for * h LttWfrttn^fff/iiffure* * nob!e Lord * who Hvfs not a miles from Hertford, and who was sometime part Ambassador to a booring power, is comprised in the cnmi. al process upon which the un happy Captain Gordon was beheaded at Brest, for a conspiracy and plot ♦(Thun the navy and arsenal thrrr, and that a fnf, H ter pi. or warrant, it actually issued to feire his person the moment he is found in that c un try It is very remarkable that a ptrfoa at this, and the Ambaflador at •K-vwher Court were under a criminal profecutmn at the fame time. * Some l°". from Bcrlm mention. ,L a greet petfonage there fern, „ Lcoret fjmptom. of being .l.imed at the rapid ptog.ef. of Iha R.ffian *'Hi"MrkA VfMR ASboMjjll at WooK.ieh b pat into commif. “■ •4! , s£-r-K , :r.rd;:':;."S'l:,Ss ‘ T *isaid the 16 gentlemen who f.gred the Petition to the Lord Mayo, for . Common Hall will be fconly obliged to ...end prayer, tn bt. bte phen’s Chapel. ... , Wednesday night in the Upper Club * „ >s forced to call Room of the Robin Hood Socte y. <a. j(f>i() lhat a certain in an ufter to hisaffiflance, <o prc ‘ ca | ]e( j n wou jd till iStfSrJ&lSfty’ hu brol, The of the debate wa, ■an order for tEe Cb.irm.n of Sir Gilbert CKy: i-'b, ,00m of Ltd Howe, who te • . wL. u.nte of Common, continued fitting from Thurfdry t half Jhonr pad to o'clock a, night, at which 379 “-. “aSSSLr .a. made cn •ha. the Earl of C—m be of potting, well know- WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, i 77 0. op, and desired to know whether he was to be sent to his Hew lodgings of might be permitted to retire to his old ones, as it grew late, and he fd the gout coining on him very faft. Lord M. finding no support withdrew his motion, and after fome further debate it was carried, •• Xb*s tht Chairman of the City Committee have notice to attend to morrow.** A morion was afterwards made, that the a/Tertions of the ahove noble I d were unwarrartable and unjuflifiable, and tlieqbeltion being put, it was carried in the affirmative by a great majority. | Yellerday a great City Magillrate made a fplrited haranguf in defence of the City Ri inonftiance, but it had little weight, for on appeared 371 apainll 128. It is reported that a motion for a certain Remonftranqt and An Aver to be laid befoie a great Atfembly, after a debate of fevertf hours, was car ried by a maj rity cf upwards of zco againll 10S. It was agr ■ and by the House of Commons on ‘l’hurfdijr nigh? bjr 4 ma* jority of above 2co, to present an Address to his Maiefty, requeuing tk City RemonlLance to be laid before them. i heCityßeqiLiillranceis expe&ed to be taken intoconfideration in an ’ Au: ult AflemMy on Monday next. Bets run kn to one at the Welt cod of the town, that a great City Ma giftratc will be obliged to Re the curiofi(jes in the Tower before Tuesday It was remnrkrd on Thuifday nighr, on the diviSoni % great man/ members who had lately be.-n in opposition came over to the, Mjoittty* declared tl.tir reasons for so doing were tijat the Minority bat) gontf oangerous and unwarrantable lengths. As seen as the Lord Mayor, &c. went to St. James's, the Marquis'of G——-y ordered his coach to Lord C*-m—n'*, aui tUicf with his Lordfhill near th;ee bcurs. It 11 ted that the Presidents of two Clubs argued vefy strongly a gam ft the receiving at at the lae address from the. City, but this watftre* nuoiilly oppoied by tlie rdt that were present. , . * ,'i it'is laid the contrivers and abetters of the Retnonilra|ce hav new 4 cold sweat in ihe C ty, and it is expelled that on Afopdky they will have a hot fwet in St. Stephen's Chapel. y • ; r * borne of the mob that followed the city proceffian on Wednesday to Sh Ja.iusL were so indecent as <o hiss the brothers of a great personage, an n.ey were coming from the place in their carriages. , • . Yeflerdav Mr. Wedderburu made a moll elegant fpecch in the House of* Commons] the funs ofwhiih was, that having firfl robbed the’people'of that gre it bulwark of tneir liberties, the right of voting lot Members A9 reprclent them in Parliament, the Ministry was now resolved to Uke/rona them that last feeb e resource, of petitioning the throne. ‘ j 1 A motion was made in a certain AfTembty iati night, that an Addrefi be preltntcd to his M- y, requeuing him to order the Att~*y Ge—-l to infliiote a proßcutii-n againll the Printers sad Publithers of 7W/| Letter addressed to the King ; as also againll the Pubiilher of the fF#Jfrtrtr, and fome other recent lcu'rilous as well as fczndalous publications agaiifll Majclly and Government. 1 >• *, j A great number of circular letters on the fubjefft of Remonftrattag 4r4 said to have been difpatchcd from the Treasury to Che different petitioning counties. : ? Lord Chatham, fptaL-ing of the conduft of fome former great Mini sters, said, they had spirit and abilities to govern a great nation ; /Arp were not tbt Jm M wart blmifiert oj modern timet. The ,Vi-—y gave Sir E——-d D g three tfcoofand pounds to ra care his feat in favour of their full friend J— M ■—■, Esq. argentleman better known at Abingdon than at the place he represents. We hear irom Edinburgh, that Mungo Campbell’s body was interred in the neighbourhood of that city.—The populace hearing of it, dug it up, and committed fome infuits upon it. His friends then carried it to Leith, put it into a (null boat, and funk it in the Firth of Forth. Letters from Warsaw, which arrived veflerday, make no mention of the Ruffian* having taken Bender, but declare, that all fuccour* wbish that loitrefs could receive by land are cut off by the Imperial troops; and that since the taking cf Brailow, the Ruffians have nothing to oppose their cairying tbeir arms to the gates of Conllantinople, unlef* the city of Adrianople ihoulJ make a vigorous defence, which irby no raeana to b expelled, as the fortifications of that place are is a moft roinoos condi tion. , V - .< . Marti 19. Yellerday there was a gif at Council and Drawing-room at St. James’s, but her Majefly was not present at Court. ‘1 hr fame day. a Privy Council was held at St. lamea's, at which feve* ra! Admirals belonging to the Royal Navy attended. * v i We are informed that a great City Magillrate baa received a fuiimoaa * to attend the g cate ft Aflemb.y. ’[ he C hail man of the Livery has received order* to attend tht higbeft * A certain North Britilh Lawyer made a verypatriotick fpecch at thf Club he belongs to in favour of the Re mo nil ranee. • • * It is apprehended bv muny that a certain Remoefirnce will (hare the fame late with the North Briton N <>. 4J- T j. e it said will endeavour to prevent any otner Ketaonffrtace beine agreed to or prefentvd, in order to avoid thecMfexfoew embmrag. £Tf S -hch they - — ’ -*** concetmnp th.t whtcl, th.y th. u and t6,tK ot the [ttiwHH Me M W,. cjtnedin - r *