Southern miscellany. (Madison, Ga.) 1842-1849, February 07, 1846, Image 4

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‘*=■’ - •- ■■ -=5?- a irrruit girl's prayer for trut'h. O Father, bless a little child, j’ And in her early youth Give her a spirit j>untl ami mild, A soul to love the truth. May never falsehood in her heart, , Nor in her words, abide ; But may she act the truthful pail, • Whatever may beiide. , RELIOIOCN AND EDUCATIONAL MOVEMENT* Ijt. TEXAS. W Extract of a letter dated 1 , v fc Houston. Jan. 14. 1016. “ The Anno.ahG'>nfeii iieo of the tfetlm dlst Episcopal Chur#). for Western Texas, elosed sis AeSsion in this piece yesterday, af ter a harmonious and hiterestintr session of . five days. Bislurp Soule presided. .•'The Texas Bible Society has resolved to supply^every fimily in the State with a eppy ofriie sacred Scriptures, and one tlxio •aiul dollars worth of the publication of the American Bible Society have been received for that purpose. The Conference passed a resolution approving of this enterprise, and enjoining upon each of its ministers the duty of making special efforts for tho popply of every family within their respective fields of labor. Will not our political friends— will not nil the true friends of onr country rejoice that this newly acquired Stale is to be thus early supplied thoroughly with tho ■acred Scriptures 1 We do not think there is now a greater destitution of the sacred volume here, than is common in other new States ; blit we do rejoife that the time is at hand when every family will have an op portunity of possessing the Bible “ without money ami without price.’ We had, last evening, an interesting meeting of the Convention for the promo, lion of educatirn m Texas. Avery able end appropriate address was delivered by Rev. Chimney Richardson, President of Rutersville College. Tho whole subject of the thorough education of our entire popu lation has been taken hold of in good earn est by the most worthy and influential citi sens of our country, and from the spirit manifested thus far, I anticipate much good will result fmm their efforts. Among the proposed preustirtes is tlie publication, at Houston, of a journal devoted to tho cause of education. •’ Our principal cities, towns, roads, and thoroughfares are crowded with strange faces. New emigrants are daily pouring in from all paits of the world. The great point of attraction is the'West—the Fur West.— A Presbyterian College is to be located in j the vicinity of San Antonio. A Presbyte rian minister lias been stationed at that place by the American Board of Missions.- A Presbyterian chinch is building at,Victoria. “Our weather haslreeii much cooler than usual, but spring is now near at hand.” The Fountain af Life. —History tells us of a celebrated navigator, the discoverer of ! Florida, who had lioatd on the gteen shores j “S his op l’orlo Rico of a.Limain, for • nay in tiro wilds of tiie American continent, which possesses virtues to renovate ihe life.- of those who should bathe in its stieams, and give a perpetuity of youth to the happy j man whe should drink of its ovetflmvitig j waters. He was an old and hardy adven turer whose'cheeks had been furrowed by ! hard service in the chivalrous wars of Gn u- ‘ sda, and whose form had been bowed by years of toil. He credited the pleasing tale, and as old as he was. devoted years to the pursuit of this elixir of life, which was said to flow from a perpetual well spring in the midst of a country glittering with gems and gold. Af er many wild adventutes he had desired immortality on earth, and gained only its shadow. The Word of God tells us of a fountain whose waters, brighter than ever flashed in the dreams of ■unsatisfied desire, are the truenourishment of a gpbitual life, whose supplies shall never fail. For the heart that ! has become faint and weary in the service j of the world, for the soul that is bowed i down by care, tost with disquietude ami j harrassed by remorse, there is a fountain of refreshment, which offers so renew the suf ferer by a nobler .strength than that of na ture, Htu! bless him with t he experience of n more glorious, because immortal existence. He has no savage wilds to tread to loach it, no hostile bands to battle with, to win the tight to drink of its waters. ’ Its stieams flow down to him from the Cross on which the Redeemer died, and from the throne where he intercedes for sinners. They are offered to him in the living oracles of the 11 ivine Word —in the Christian ordinances —in the Church of the living God. They come through prayer, through meditation, through ti raise of penitence, llnmujjh the effort bill, through God’s Spirit, vouchsafed o> sincerity of heart, am) earnest, ness in the pursuits of duty. —Protestant Churchman. Jlow True. —A very eminent. .waiter has ■aid, that although we seemed grieved at the shortness of fife in general, wcare tvish ingevery period of it at an end. The mi nor longs to he of age ; nlen to he a man of business; then to make up an estate, then to Brrhve at honor ; then to retire. Tho usurer would he very well satisfied to have all the time annihilat-"’ that lies between tbe present moment .1 the ueltt jquartcr Hay; the politician vftulj be cowcm to lose three years Sk- lifer, could he place things in the he fancies they ■ ‘I occupy after suiTi a the lovci of Ihe munfents away before the next The King of Prussit, it is at hi* own expense, the past seventeen thousand copies fthe* Sci iptures to be printed for disti among.the schools of his realm—each bearing Iris soal. (£/ Thus is fulfillud tho divine promise, that “ Kings shall be nursing father,. (jyTho Jesuits wete WuljcJ (thru Fiance in the ygar 1591. * ’*’* * Reliction of Postage. . Now Ilia tjfti to sutweribe to nnv or Monthly Mn*irSl. mosi age on nny of the Popular Moithly MaaniwWi t nnv port of ihe United State*’ t* only Fiflr and a Half Cents a number. GREAT. AND PERIODICAL No. 08. Chem^ffj^^^hjjfdelphia. R. PETERSON’S and Ref ahliab merit nems Mr -tbs. Publication <Wnce of/ 1 Graham’* the * 4 Ladies* National Mno&afrie. No. 98. Chesnut-street, Philadel- riytSupply, ell order* front country agents, jind aily per*op wishing to pubecnbe for nnv of the TTTffgazines, in advance of nil nthefifl, and n! publish* •oris price*. Also, n hrge nnd eXl*n*fve assortment of all the ‘Magazines, Newspapers, nnd Chrnp Pnh lientinn* of the dny ni the lowest o#?i prim*. He respectfully invite* country merchant*. ngen's, the trade, stranger* visitin'? the citv. add the public gon rrnllv, to mil nnd examine hi* extensive collection of iWnjjnzines, Chenp Book*, nnd other pntyientien*. where thrv will he sure to find nil the latest issues published in this city or elsewhere. T. B. Peter*on i nl*o a gen* for. nnd receives suh peviption f<r the following Monthly Magazine* nnd Weekly Newspaper*, which will he served regularly to siihscriltifr* in nnv parr r s the city or disfreto, or mailed ‘o subscribers in any port of the United States or Canadas. Peterson** Ladies’ Nationnl Magazine $2 80 ner an. 3 Crpie, f .5.00 Ho. Graham’s* Magazine, monthly, 300 do. 2 Onnie*. monthly, 500 do. Godev’* Lady’s Bonk, monthly, 3.00 do. 2 Copio*. monthly. 5.00 do. Arthur’* Ladies* Magazine, monthly, 200 do. 3 Gopie*. monthly, 50? do. Columbian Magazine, monthly, 200 do. 2 Copies, monthly, 500 dn. Sear*’ Family Magazine, monthly, 2no do. 3 Copies, monthly, 5,00 do. 1 Copy of Pear*’ nnd one copy of the Ladies National Mnanzine, 3.00 do. The New York Illn*troted Magazine, 3.00 do. 2 Coni-*, monthly, 5.00 do. T.adies’ Musical Library, monthly, 1.50 do. Knickerbocker, monthly. 5.00 do. Democratic Review, monthly, 300 do Eclectic Magazine, monthly, 500 do. J .it de’* Living Age. weekly, 0,00 do. Christian’s Fnmilv Magazine, 1.00 do. Hunt’* Merchants’ Magazine, 5.00 do. I.ndies’ Gotland. 1.00 do. New York Whig Review, 5.00 do. Sntnrdnv Evening Post, 2.00 do. Saturday Courier, 2.00 dn. Neal’s Weekly Saturday Gazette, 200 do. Philadelphia Dollar Newspaper, LOO and. Saturday Amerienn, 1.00 do. Robert Merry’s Museum, Loo do. j Parley’s Magazine. 1,00 do. j Anv two of fbe Three Dollar* Magazine* will he 1 sent one year for Five Dollar*, nnd nn Orig : nnl Novel | n* n premium, will lie sent to each subscriber gratis, j Subscription* received for six months to any of the I above Magnz’ne* or Newspaper*. Where nnv person does not wi*h to hue a dollar’s worth of Cheap Publication* hims°lf, it will ho rn*v for him to find among hi* friend*, two or three who will he glad to join him, and for twenty.five or twe've nnd a half cent* each. g r t some desirable, entertain ing or instructive work, or some of the choice music mentioned below. NKW WORKS JUST PUBLISHED. All the Magazines for December. The Wondering Jew,'complete in two volumes, Winchester’s edition nnd Herbert's transla tion, the whole for 5o c!s. The MPrchnt's Daughter, by Miss Ellen Picket ing, , 25 j The Quiet Husband, by Mis* Pickering, 25 I The Prince and Pcdlcr lv Miss Pickering, 25 The Expectant, by Miss Pickering, 25 Who shall he Heir, bv Rii*s Pickering, 25 Nnti Darrell, by Mi** Pickering, 25 The O’Donnghiie. a Pile of Ireland 50 years ago, by Charles Lever, 25 The Lives and opinions of Benjamin Franklin Buder‘and Jesse Hoyt, widi anecdotes nnd private letter* of most of the Political men for the last 10 years. 37 The Wing of the Wind, a Novellette of the Sea, by J. H. Ingraham. Esq. 25 ! The Whig Almanac for 1810, I*3 [ The Boston Friftid. a Novel, bj* die author of the *Gamhlcnt Wife,’ ‘ Tho Young Prima T/iVi in a,* N ** * Agne* Serb 1 , hi# Pickering, 2.5 The Qienbiirnie. 25 Marriage, by nc author of ‘lnheritance,’ 25 vonira ; or the Wandering Heiress, 12 1 The Lone Star, n Tale of Texas, 25 Short Patent Sermon*, by Dow. Tr.. genuine. 25 ! A Synopsis of Popery, ns it WAS and it IS, j by Wn. Hogan,’ E*n. formerly a Roman Ca | * tholic Priest in t’ i* city. 25 i Fanny Catnnbell, the Female Pirne Captain, 25 ‘I he Smuggler, a Tale, l>v G. P R. Ja tries, 25 The Temptation, a Romantic Tib* by Sue, 25 Svhil; or the Two Nation*, hv D'lsrm It, 25 Evelyn ; or a Heart Unmasked, by Mrs vowaff, 50 Lntrrnurronf i or'the Court Conspimtor, hy Sue, 25 ‘l’be Monk, n Rnmnnee, by .m G. Lewie. 2.5 Mount Sore] ; or the Heires* of the Pc Veres, 12 The Maiden ; The Wile ; The Mothr r : n Series of Three Work*, by J’. S. Arthur, each 25 The Crisis. An appeal to Our Countrymen, on the subject of Foreign Influence in the United Slate*. # 14 The Secret Foe, 1 v miss E'Vn Pickering, 12 Little Emma : or the beautiful Foundling, 12 Emily Mansfield t °r ‘he Ga’mhfer's Fate, 12 ATTRN TI O N LADIES! I TAKE NOTICE! music ! music !! cheap music !!! J We would cull the particular retention >f nil who purchase MU*l<\ to the follow ing, just published, nnd j nt one fourth usual price. Our music, though cheap, 1 i* equal, if not superior, in correct ness o( beauty and ! appearance, to nnv published—nil that is necessary I to convince nnv one of this fact, is nn examination ! and comparison of the old nnd new order of music J Mnsic front the Opera of La Somnnmbulo, 25 i Music from the Opera of Fra Diavolo, 25 Queen Victoria’. Dance*. Entirely new. With | a fttll length likeness ot the Queen and Prince Albert, handsomely colored, 25 | The Chinn’s, Julitm’s Chimes Quadrille?, Just j introduced this win'er, nnd entirely new, 25 Music from the Opt ra of Postillion of Lonjit menu, 25 A compk .* set of Mazurkas nnd a ret of Polkas, now jut puhlisherl, hy Coofe Si Glover, 25 Morris’s melodies. Six of his liyst songs fir 25 Jidien’s Original wiztirka; <>r, the (Vllnrius V.dse, ns danced bv..Vu* , orin and Prim e Al bert nt the Inst great Ball, with n handsome engraving of ihe-fety, tthd full directions, 25 Gems from the Bohemian Girl, Seven Favorite Airs, . ’ 12 ! Music of the Ethiopian Serenades. Nine Songs j and n,complete set of Cptlillhms, 25 I Polkas, Nine-of the latest and inosi popular, 12 j Eleven of Lover's Songs, 25 ! Beauties of Nerma I Seven of the best Gem*, 25 Bohemian Girl music. S;x Songs and three piece?, . 25 Russel’s Sq’u£*. Six of his best for 2- r ) Four ?e:s of Popular Quadrilles, 23 Twenty. Airs from the Bohemian Girl, arranged fyr the Flute or Violin, 12 Fourteen celebrated Marches, 25 Shanes’ Waltzes, Sixteen, 25 < Melodies of Ireland. Eight songs and five pie t ces, 25 Moore’* melodics, co*itnin:ng eight of his songs, 25 | Thirteen Popular Waltzes, by variousCompo- ! Fourteen Favorite Gnlopadc*. nnd all for 25 Punch’s Seven Mazurkas, with illustrations, 12 I F. y> Grand Opera of Leonora, three parts; each 25 Twelve Popular Quicksteps, ... .Melodic* of Scotland, 11 Favorite bongs and Ballads, . . 25 Where can the Lndv he found in this Country that does not want some or all of the above popular Alusic, just published, nt one fourth the usual price, or only qric and a ha'f cents a page for Music, that formerly cost six cents a page. Send on your order*. Ladies, nnd you, Gentlemen, that have Ladies, for them, fcWitbpui dllqy. * The* postage on any of the above ■ faiS&ns to any part of thjq United States is only i fiwflnd a half cents. * :• Ire has also for sale. .*&*<* f?bcnp nnd popular * work* mjblished in Ufs couttry, tlig work? r,t the \followffljmiMior*, whojflMM>nd retail. J.Fentmnrtt Cooper, Fredcrtka .Eugene Sue ; Sir Wal lerScotk; Sir E L Bufwcr ;'Charles Dickons, (BozJ; D’lsraeli; G. RkR. Jam"*; Cftpiaih Marryort; Lever; W. H. Maxwelj; Mrs. Ellis nnd other*. Any Cheap Work advertised can always be obtained by sending lathe undetsiwipd, post pnid. wfMifffg any of the above, or any other , get them by return mail, on remit ring to fle undersigned, post paid, all of which are subject to only periodical postage. Address, T. B. TETERSON., No 99, Chesnut-strcct, Pliiladelphti. januayy ** ®<D 10 JQ Si it iU a S (fi. IS IL 1L A P'iy J Morgan Sheriff’s Sales. TTTILL'hc sol! on ihe firs’ Tuesday in At ARCHnext. ** before the Court House door in the town of Madison, said county, within the legal hours of sale the following property, to wit. 209 1.2 neves of land—lot No. 124 nnd pnrf of lot No. 114—Distriet not known —known ns the Ale Gttire place, adioininc Wade and other*, levied on as the property of Francis A.Cherrv, hv virtue of a fi fa. fmm Harris Superior Court—Thomas McKee vs. Francis A. Cherry. Property pointed nut hv Albert G. Foster ;Jevy made by former Sheriff and turned over to me* .. , * --.R. 11. FRET WELL, Dep. Sheriff Also*, otv rond wagon, one cart nod s'eers. two four wheel nnd one copper still riming ope hun dred online*, all levied on ns the property of Robert J. D. Hark'ey, bv virtue of two fi, fas. from Morgan Superior Couj% one in Invorof Wilson Wlin'lev. vs. *nid one in favor of Francis M. Shep herd. fir. said Barkley ; properly pointed ojit hy De fendant,, Also, ope hnv horse about six years oM. and ore bnv mare, levied On ns he properly of Charles Thomp son. to sn'iofy n fi fa. from Morgan Superior Court in favor of Milton Hniuev, vs *'*id Thompson.’ Also, one negro woman bv the name of Snllv, about thirty-five yea*'* of nge, levied on a* th'* pronertv of Ahrnlmm A. Heard, ro satisfy two fi fa* from Morgan Superior Court, one in favor of Jofin S*r'-olhert. vs. James M BrondfMd and Lewi* C. Cofer makers, nrd Abrahmn A. Heard endor*** p , heo?hrrin favor of John S. Colbert, vs. .Inme* M. Broadfield maker nnd Abraham A. Heard endorser; property pointed out l>y said Heard. HILLIARD AT. HARRIS, Sheriff, jnnnarv 31 41 UDDER an order of the honornhie Inferior Court of Morgan countv. sit'ing a* n Conrtof Ordinary, will be on ‘be Tuesday iiv-A P 1 Wbrx'.vin the town of Gnin*viMe. Hall eruntv. Grnrqrn/nnn lot con. mining two, acres. .itio*e or less, well jeiproveil with a eoniiortahle dwel’ino bopop and siritanvont hohse* ; sold under orrVr of the Honorable.'the Inferior Co*'rt of Morgan county. *i"ing ns Court o*‘ ordinary, a* the property of Isaac Walton, deceased. Sold to make distribution nmopeci f*c F l en"ttpe<!. PETER W. WALTON, Admr. januorv 31 41 ITTILTi he sold at the residence of Lot Hearn, de* ** flceen*ed, Putnam county, on the first Saturday in February next, within the Icon! hours of sale, n parr of ihe personal property of snirf deceased ; con sisting of horses, mule*, cattle. lion-s, sheep—one or two yokes of oxen and part*, farming men *’ls, and mnnv other things too tedious *o mention. The sale to continue from ri*v ‘o day. Term* on the day. WILLIAM HEARN, Exccno P deremher 12 3fi AGREEABLY to an order of the TTonornhle the Tn ferior Court of the county of .Morgan, *it'in' ns n Court of Ordinary, will he sold on the first Tuesday in April next before the Court House door, in the town of ATadi*nn, between the usual hours of sale, a Negro woman, named Marinh. about 48 year* of age. be longing to the estate of John D. Swift, dec’d. Sold for the benefit of the creditor* of said e=?"G. Terms on the dny. WAI. A. SWIFT, Ex’r. janunry 24 • *lO OJI4-®.ta©l!2£!o GEORGIA. MORGAN COUNTY : 117 HER E -\ P, .Tepthn Ball, npnlic* to me 7,r L o '*^* ” of Aflmini**raion on flic Estate of Zilpha Bass, lal° of said cmntv. deceased Tbr*e arc. iherpfore, ‘o ci" and ndceni*h oil nnd sineulnr ‘he kindred and cfedi'nrsnf said deceased n hr nnd appear ar mv office, within the time prescribed hv law, to show muse, if any thrv have, why said Leiters should not hr granted. Given under mv hand, ot office, in Mf>d‘con. E. L. WITTICH, c. r o. innimry 31 41 GEORGIA, MORGAN COUNTY : TIT HERE AS. Marshnll Head, opnlirs tri me for L'O ” trr a of .A(lmini*h*ntion on thr E>tafe of Wiley M. Head, late of ‘hi* rnimtv drcrard.-^^. q’hrce nn 1 , therefore, to cte nnd ndmonish all nnd ringolnr the kindred nnd rreditnrs of snid drcrnsrfl ‘o hr off <1 appeor nt mv office within the ‘true prescribed bv In w, to show cause, if nny they have, why said Letter* should not be prnnted ‘*■ Given under my hand, at office. ‘ ■ ■ *As. \\*M***s.<, jnnnftrv 31 s GEORGIA. MORGAN”COUNTY: WHERE AP, Thomas Volnn. applies for Letter* of Administration on the Estate of John Bradley, deepn*ed. Tbeeo ore. therefore, to ci' nnd admonish n*l nnd sititrulnr the kindred nnd credbore of said deceased to be nnd appear at mv office, within tho time prescribed hv low, to show cause, if nny they 4mve, why snid Letter* ahoiitd not he grnn’ed. Given under my hand, nt office, in Mcdison. Fa L- WITTICH, c. c.o. jnnnarv 17 39 GEORGI A. MORGAN COUNTY: WHEREAS. Jack*on Chehev, npp’ : e* to me for ” Letters of Administration on the Estate of Thos. B Ehenev. dreen*e<l. These nre ‘borefore. to ei'e nnd admonish nil nnd •S'ligulnr the kindred nn* l creditors of snid deceased to be and nrnenraf mvofiV'C. \ itliin the time pre c eribed bv law, to show enii-e. if any they have, why snid Le'iers should not he granted Given under my hand. t nffifo. in ATndieon. R. L. WITTICH, c c. o. janttr.rv 9 38 gisorgtaTmorgan COUNTY ~ TyHEREAP. Cliarle* Rfibertson. Administrator of ’’ Ilertrv Robwr'son. decen*pc!, applies to me for Lder* of Di t 'ni** : nn from said esta’e : Tho*c are therefore toei'e nnd admonish nil nnd sin- JMilnr the kindred nn-’ creditor* of snid deceased, to he and appear nt mv office within die time prescribed hy law. to show enip. if nny they have, why said letters should not he grnn'ed. Given under my hand. n'offW. in Madi*on. Fa L. WITTICH. Clerk G O. innnarv 2 6m37 GEG m GIA. MORGAN COUNTY^ WHEREAS Lancelot Johnson, Excntor of Renin. ! ’’ min Garner, deretised, applies-to me for Letters Di-sniissory fro**i sai<l es'.ate . Three nre. theres re, to rife and n'dnierich nil nnd singular thr kindred nod creditor* of said deceased to be and appear nt mv offiep, within the time prescribed hvlnw, ro show cnu*e, if any they have, why said let ter- chouhl not he granted. Given tinder mv hand, nt office, in Mnffisnn. •E. L. WITTICH. Clerk c c.o. november 7 f>iii3o GEomilA. MORGAN COUNTY: WHEREAS, Jnme* T Got\gAdministrator bonis non with the Will annexed, of BenjnmAi ■ 11. Boon, deceased, applies to me for Letters of De mission from said estate; * These tire, therefore, to rite nnd admonish all nnd singular the kindred nnd creditors of said deceased to he and appear at mv office, within the time prescribed hv law, to show ranee, if any they have, why said Let ter* shou'd not be granted. Given under mv hand, at office, in E. L WITTICH, c. r. o. September 20 23 FOUR Mnnihs % nfn> dale, application will he made to the llopqnv'dy-Inferior Court of the County of Morgan. ffhen.s*inffig o*r ordinaitv purpose*, for leave to sell, two Negffies belonging to the estate of Peterson To V lor; btp of said conn tv, deceased. JOHN F. JOHNSON, Adm’r. janunry 24 . 4m 40 Books! Books!! Books!!! Cheaper than Ever ! THE subsrrihet’, willing to co-opet i c withother trades in endeavoring to induce erdionts ti procure their Biippl!eßof stocks in this city, begs leave loinlprm the public generally, nnd the country trade particluorly, that lie has recently made large additions to his stock’of Sthool. cV Miscellaneous Books St at lottery, Sfc. and is now prepared for. (and promises to do,).supply ing every article in his line, at the lowest Charleston wholesale prices. Merchant*, Teachers, and Buyers generally, are re quested to hear this in mind, before going to Charles ton, or elsewhere. CHARLES E. GRENVILLE, No. 244. Broad-street, A few doors below Globe and U. S. Hotel. Augusta, erptember 30, 1845. 25 . Sands’ Sarsaparilla, For the removal, and ‘permanent cure of all , diseases arising from an impure state oj the Hood, or habit of the system, viz : SCROFULA, or King's Evil, Rheumnti*m, obstinate D Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Bi'os, Chronic Sore Eyes. Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, enlargement nnd pain of the Bones and Joints, stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitics Svmp loms. Sciatica or Lumbago, and diseases arising from an injudicious u?c ot mercury, Ascites or Dropsy, ex posure or imprudence in life. Also, chronic constitu tional disorders will lie removed by this preparation. ; HD HE operation of this preparation is three- fold. Ir , act* as a tonic,.strengthening the digestive power nnd restoring the apt elite, a* an aperient, peculiarly t suited nnd gentle in it* laxative efleet, and ns nn nn- ! tiseplic, pnrifvi ig tlie flui Is of the bedy, and nrutra- , in the blood the active principle of disease. | The many well authenticated cure* of Scrofula of the - most malignant character, wrought by Sands’* -*■ nr snpnrilla, have given it h wide nnd deserved celehri- 1 tv. But it is not alone in Scrofula nor in the class of diseases to which it belong*, that this preparation has been found beneficial. I f a specific in many diseases of the skin, nn J may ho administered with favorable ; result* in all; it also exercises a cant ruling influence j in bilious comp’inin's; and when the system has been ; debilitated eitl. ?r bv the me of powerful mineral medi cines or other causes, it will he found an excellent j restorative. The followir g interesting rase is presented, nnd the ‘ reader invited to its careful perusal. Comment on such evidence is unnecessary. Mndisonvillg, K'. Feb 22, 184.5. j Messrs/ A. R. Sc. D. Sands—Having used vour j SarstiplA'iila in try faniilv. nntl witnessed it- henficinl ! effect* oi one of my child < ii, I feel it to he a duty I aye the Inmitui nitv to make the rase public. About two yeorjLngo j tv little *on wn* attacked with Scro fula orbing’* Evil, which broke in eight or nine places fpund t ic neck and jaw, nnd which finally hi* eye t, rendering him entirely blind. Dur ingSh** (tret vo ir from the fiotc ho was ffrtendcd bv sevelnl pkv*oi; ns. but continued to get worse until I despaired of hi- ever getting well. Having seen your Sarsaparilla ad vertised with certificates of its cures, I concluded 1 Would g : vc ir a trial, and accordingly sent to Cincinnati and procured a few hollies, nnd now. after having used in all nine bottle*, T have the gratification of- saving be i* Weil. The sores are all entirely healed, nnd Iris sight nearly as good us ever;! it was; nnd I have no hesitation in saving that he : win entirely cu red by the use of your Fnr.-npnr’dln. Yotns truly, E. BASSETT. The following statement is from a gendemnn who | is one of the (in it Druggist* in the city ol Providence* and from hi* extensive knowledge of medicines of i every kind, and his experience o( the effects of Band’s J Snrsnnnrilla, ni 8 opinion, is one of peculiar value to j the afflicted. Banp’s Sar* APATUT.TJt.--I speak experimentally j when 1 sav that this medicine is far more eff* dual in the cure of chronic or unite than anv other preparntii n I have ever tested. Having endured extreme suffering at rimes within the last five years from repeated a -tacks of inflammatory or acute Illicit- : mntism, I Imv ? recently used Sand’s Sarsaparilla with the happiest success; my health is now better , than if ha* been for many months past, my appetite \ is good, nnd mv strength is rapidly returning. I at- ; tribute this licnh hful change entirely to the use of this ! potent mediciti \ Feeling n deep sympathy with those who are o.fflidcd with this most tormenting and j painful complai it, 1 cannot refrain from earnestly re commending to such the use of thi? medicine and ■ skill of Dr. Sands, I wn* induced thereby to trv effects of their ‘Sarsaparilla, and I lake pleasure in ■ adding my testi; pony t< that of many others common 1 dntory of its in raluuMo properties, unkfiawn to and unsolicited bv tl c e**rs Sami* CHARLES DYER, Jj. Druggist and Aoothecarv, 40 &. 42 AVestminsfer-st. Providence, R. T. For further pni -ticuinr* nnd conc’usive evidence of its t -’ ,ieritr value and effieicv, *ee pamphlets, which may he ulitained ofag nil*gratis. Prepared nnd sold whole sole and retail !>* • A. B. Sc D. SANDS, Wholesale L’)rugiri*ts. 79 I’’u I ion-street, N. York. Sold also hy t L F. Hoffmax, Madison; G. Payne, no jO, M. P.EF.BE, Athens ;S 0. PrudDEN, Enton ton f ctnVfLA nd. Sc Cos, Augusta, nnd hy Drug gists generally fi rottghout the Union. Price, one dol lar per bottle—*i k brittle* for five dollars. flOr The public nre respectfully requested to remem h#r.thnt it is Snt jds’ Sarsaparilla that has ami is con stantly achieving Csnch remarkable cures of the most, difficult class of dp senses to which the human frame is subject; therefore *isL for Sntid*’Sur.saparillo, arid take no other. acu*t 15 fimltf IV very baJeffectMipou the blood; ffeuddeh enittfge from a full, generous; io n low, poor diet, will be equal ly injurious to the i jeoitn as sudden changes of ”ko ther. If we would ’ have health we must ebdenvnr so proven', ns far a*-in u* lie, great extreine.*4>f nil kinds..| Every excess, of Inca: or cold, of eating or drinking, tend* to produce jpHpuriiy of the blood ; thus its cir culation becomes languid; the very channel* of life me clogged; and Vie first consequence is that the become, co TIVE- We nre in this c- tndition ready to receive nnv di* ease with which v ,f mnveometu contact; nnd with out nnv one r.fp'ct td with sickness, ue shall lmvt headache, honrtbu rn, dizziness, n foul tongue, logs of appetite ; all the result of the state of cosliveness. When the rtmos; ihe re heconirs impure nnd oppres sive to mankind, it requires the tempest to agitate it, to give it purity nnrV life. When the bowefs nre costive they require the nd ministration of Br indreth’s which, bv excit ing a commotion, or accelerated movement in ihm organ, will occnsi mi nil morbid contents to he ex polled, thereby p- dticing purity to the blood and health to t| ie whole frame. The Pills arc *< lint Dr. Brandrcth’s office, N". 211 Broadway. N. Y:. also, hv J. Robson & C’o, Mad ison : John Cunni nghnm Sc Son,Greensboro’ : James MeKinsic, Park’* Budge; Folker Pntrlln, Monroe: James S. Ander*- on, Covington : F. At Alien, Social Circle; James Byron McDonough, nnd hy nt least one Agent in evt ty county in the State. oi*i>hiT Iff 2m27 Dr. Boon’s Compound Cathartic Pills! mfIESE Pills tire intended to remove all hilieus ob i- sfuction. reg nlnte the secrctioils of die sromacb, live', bowel- and kidnics, and to tes'qrc a heabliv ac tion in ihe digest iveorgans, by removing all unhealthy matter from the nliinetnarv canal. These Pills are of the class “f the Lye Pi'D, with the I difference that racy nre of a more decided biliousmedi j cine, more sure and rliorouyh in llieir opern'ion, and seldom causing pain, nnesun, < r griping ; nnd are no* offered ns a Cn holicoi, hut arc the'result of care and observation in \n extensive practice.; A trial of them will he a sufficient rec-uimendntidri. Also, Dr. Boon’s Pills for Agon and Fever—war ranted to core, oi the money refunded ! Prepared on i for sale wholesale and retail at Boon Sc Robson’s Office, Macon. Georgia, anil nt ihes'ore of JOHN ROBSON, Sc CO Madison, Cenrgin august 2 ls REMOVAL! We have removed our stock of Dry Goods and Groceries to the cor ner stoic, formerly \\ ittich’s, and can now accomodate our friends and customers with ail the articles usually kept in the interior of Georgia, for Family and Plantation use. We have on hand a fine supply of Sugars, Coffee, Molasses, Iron, Seel, Axes, Rice, superior Flour, Seed Oats ; 300 Bark Collars at 25 conts each ; t dozen Turning Plows, at §2 50 each ; Gin Geer, Mill, Whip and Cross-cut Saws, Ilorse Shoes, Cut and Wrought Nails, Hin •jes and Locks of all kinds; a fine assortment of Hats, Bonnets, Shoes and Boots; Factory Cloth and Yrns, from No. 4to 12; Striped Home spuns ; 5-4 to 3-4 bleached and unbleached Homespuns; Sattinets and Kentucky Jeans; a fine assorlment of Prints and Calidoes; Broad cloths, Cassimcres, Vestings, Over-Coats, Saddles, Bridles, Leather, Carriage Trimmings, Oils, Paints and Varnishes; Patent Medicines, with a general stock of all the Medicines usually sold in country stores; Carpenter’s and Blacksmith’s Tools, together with all the materials necessary in house-building, &c. Wo will sell all our articles at the lowest prices for Goods, Hard-ware, Crockery, &e. on the usual credit, We wish to sell Groceries for cash om.y, at the snialießlHHHHHH| it. Call and see us—we will show you our Goods with M pleasure, and try our best to suit you ! JOHN ROBgjQM ;, Cheap Side, Court-House Square, Ma&s^Hßwifo. A.dlT©]rta§csinm©ffli , fteo J . W. G. Ballard—J^ntist, HAB returned to remain nt Wednesdays and Saturday#, Otlifer day? when nece**nry) until further notjjceTßQ Persons having business with me sence enn ascertain where I am hy cnllijHNwSHfiJ Office hour* from 9 to 12 o’clock A.'M., and ffom 2 to half past 4 o’clock p. m. deremher 19 35 * Removal. P F. IIOFFATAN will remove hi* stork of goods, in L'* the course of a few days, to flic brick store former ly occupied hv Johns'on Sc. Robson, where lie will oon tione un'il ib* store which is being built for him is fin. ished. Hi* fiends and customers will please bear this in mind. decembpr 27 36 Removal. THE subscriber has removed his Lnshionafde Tail oring c.*mhlt*hmcnf to ‘he store two doors below hi* old stand, where he will he hnppv to serve hi* old customers ns heretofore, nnd n* many new ones ns may fee proper to favor him with their p-*ronngo- L. P. COOK. november 21 32 . . Curtright Manufacturing Compa nv’s Yarns.’ \FINGFfET.D St have taken art Apen'ev for ** the ale of their Thre>d, hv the Bale of Bunch, a* niav su ; ‘Purchasers, at Factory Prices. jn-ngwry 17 ‘ 4^*39 FrcSh Garcfrn Snfids. GARRETSON’S I<opg Ts'npd Garden Ferds, just received and for sale at the Cheap Store of V* F, HOFFMAVi janunry 9 3m38 Exclmngo \rOTWTTIT?T A NDTNG ■'ll continue to “ Fxehange” Dry Goods nnd Groce rie* for Credit. Produce and fn*h, on the mos* favor able term*. Our stork of “Winter Gaods will he old’ uniisunllv rowin o r ’er to moke room for the reception of Spring Goods Cal! and see n* SEYMOUR St. CO. janunry 9 28 For Sale low, 12 Months Credit, ONE ‘‘single headed” Mule. 4 venrs old, One New Bitggv-*-A Neat Article. Enquire at the Exchange Pore. SEYMOUR Sc. CO. ; janunry 9 38 Notice. THE sulvsprihefe. having sold their stork of Goods to Messrs P. R. Thomason AvT. D Hollingsworth, re turn theirthnnks for the libera! patronage received; ho ! ping the some will be continued with the new hrm, and will be still more grateful for all those who nre in i arrears to cnll nnd settle their Notes nnd Aeconn's ns ! early as possible, as we intend eloping onr business ■forthwith. J 11. HOLLINGSWORTH, J. R HIGH. januarv 17 39 ” To Hire, \ FKW NEGROES—PIough Bovs, House Ser- vnntsand ‘Field Hands. SEYMOUR & CO. jnnnnry 9 33 Poi sons ’indebtto L, i > COOK will confer a special favor by miking immediate 4 -*.. j december 26 * 38 Court House. i f’pHE subscribers o (He Court Houe subscription I •*- for re byilding the same, nre notified that thirty dfJ’nrs. in nddi'ion to th twenty already pnid, is now called for. Thev will please (nil nnd pnv thesnmp, for which hearing interest nt 8 per cent, per annum will he i sued. Deb's have been contrnc red on the faith of this subscription which ore now due and must be paid. JOHN ROBSON, J. T- C., ri A ml Agent of the Court, deremher 19 35 Millinery and Fancy Goods, P it tops*,’’ Oointfct, Needles, His>k and Hre*, Suspenders, fte , par'i culnrly suited for ci'v or com trv trade, which 4te offere at wholesale only, nt vrrv low r>fcrti ,h CHAS. E GRENVILLE. No 2448r0ad-*t. A few doors below the Globe and U. S. Hotels, Au us'n. octohcr 11 23 \CcKINLEY St CO., at their old stand, near the i ‘* Depot of the Georpin Rail Rond, nre now offering in ilitir Custou;ers and Friends, nn extensive assort ment of A STAPLE DRY GOODS, Mat*. Shoes, Saddlerv.ilardwarenndCrftlery; and Wines, assorted of superior onnlity; London Sorter, Lemon Svrtip, Paints, Oil*. Glass, puHf. &v.. A'* of which will Tie add at Augusta prices, with the iddirion ol expellees. Jnlv 26 VLT. person* indebted to of Tnv lor, late of MtVffnn countv, decraspd, are requested to come forward nnd splrie. and thi>*e having demnnds against said estate will (dense prc*ent them n von as possihle. JOHN b‘. JOHNSON, Adm’r. december 27 f\\36 To Printers. Type Foundry and Printers’ Furnishing Warehouse. \ TTI HE subscribers have opened anew Type Foundry J- in the ci'v of New York, where they are ready jto supply ordn* o nny extent, for nnv k ; nl of job or , fnnev Typo, Ink, Paper, 6’n*pp. G iffrys. Bras* Rule. ’ Steel Column do Composing S'iekt*. Chases, and every article n-'cessnry f< r n Printing Office The type which are east in new moulds, from nn cntirelv’new set of matrixes with counter*, nre warranted ‘o ho ups'itpnssed by any, nnu will he sold nt prices in *irit die ‘imes Printing Presses furnished, nnd also Steam Engines of the most approved patterns. N. B A Machinist consinntlv in attendance to repair Presses and to do light work Composition Rollers oast for Printers. Editors of New<pn|pre. who will buy three times a* much type a* their bills amount to, may give the nbove six months insertion in their papers, and send their paper* eenninin? it to the subscribers. COCKROFT ‘Sc OVEREND, 68 Ann ft New York, august 13, 1845. 18 * 50 W,’! i PPSB 1 i y f jnhnnrv IN ‘ ‘ r “V ■V. *. a .t. <V \ Attohneijn. ... . ■-..3| . . P a V prompt ams s'-ici-attenfioA. c —i{t), entru.l-’ *?a ed to their Mit|a(tnM* V ‘ . |tnnnrv Sf. * JAMES H. MCHENRY,- 1 * Attorney at Law, j Will Promptly attend to hi'a . c re. jnnnarv 4 ] y 3g A. ue use’s law office, The room. (hrmeriv nonipiej hv lhp j nle wJ. Prur man,„ m the Porter o, Burney buildiny.. January 4 • 3S D. A. A J. C. Va.on, Attorneys at-.J aw, ALBANY, BAKEK COt’Ntt, OSf)JtGL-t.. .... October 10 • / lv'3H Vi. Ltn- Notice. ypITAT.I. attend the Superior Court, n fMorfan„ x Greene, Putnam and Baldwin. > FRANCIS 11. CONE: jnnnarv IR -jj, Stovall A Simmons, Comm is si oyi Merchants, g6oria. aeptemher 13. f ‘• jyjj J. G. GREGORY & CO. MANAGRF.S, of SOUTHERN LOTTF.RIIS,. JYo. 2 fi Bond-street, Charleston, S. C. September 27 )y2i 1.. P. C?ooli, Draper and Fashionable Tailor, MADISO.V, GEORGIA, TIAS just received the latent New York and Phlladel phta Fall and Winter Fashions. Thankful for past lavors, he respectfully aojicds a continuance o the same. September 27 24 Haviland, Rigley & Cos., Druggists^ (Near the Mansion House, Globe and United ’ States Hotels.) Augusta .• TIAVE on hand, and nre receiving weekly aupplie, _ of cbmce family nieff|cmcß, chemicals. pntefß mo djemee, retfn,„oi;.*,ud l e S , window s!.a. *<• ■> “ ,| " ch lhy inVite tho’ attention of Planter* PhystdSoe nnd erchantr—he.rfc tnu now fully prenarayo execute orders, by mail or ” otherwise, on the umJWjfVornhle terna*. ’ fT nre u ?, rrnntrd to b of the qualify m the putting up. park. every ° or ’ ■* iak ” “ September 6 m *,3 To Lawyers. n F.NTI.EMEN jWirnue of procmine anv Law Book r “, n hn ” d ßmk Store.., are in r.irrf.e,rint the Ruhsr rtber will r„ke pleasure in order ing the same from the publishers for. a trifling r cent age on firs’ cost. Ilis supply of Elementary nndStandard law work, always complete. C. E. GRENVILLE. .... , Augusta, Georaia. _J3!L4_ 3 fIIAIU.rSTOY HOTEL, < jr -r-—*, BV BOYD k SMJTO. / Charleston , 5—C. , J. D/Bovd. of Boyd’s Hotel, , .1 BiwiY Sjiitm, of Newnnn, Georgia. > October 18 27 Firo ! Fire!! Fire!! J Tllf. Contributi.msliip Insurnnee Company of New A Y ork, still continues to insure against loss or dam* age ty Fire. Capital *300,000. , . HENRY C SEYMOUR. Agent, * r , A; Seymour &. Cu’a. New Stor*. September 27 24 American Hotel, MADISON, GEORGIA. THB.SUnSCRIBFR, having purchased the ehoy well .takes this method of tnlnrßung hi* fweridsand the iravelirtg public general* ly. that be wififift Open R mr Mrutdov morning next bamilte* mid transient persofts wfll be ed with Board rin th# most reasonable terms; nhd ev ;;y n ' ,e . n / il,n .R n i4 w? and convenience. His “ aldewjllbefurntshed with the best the coun try afford*, at)d his Stable will be under the superin* tendance of nn experienced and careful oailer. fk 0 ‘ STARK, fehruary 8, 1845 jy Planter’s Hotel, MADISON, GEORGIA. . IfRS. LUCINDA CAMPBELL respectfully an*’ , nounce* to her friends, and the traveling public* that she still continues the above Establishment, where she is prepared to accommodate travelers, franscient and permanent Boarder*, in a manner nnd nt such rates as, she confidently trusts, will give satisfaction to nil who mnv favor her with their patronage. Persons wishinc Jo lake ihe Cars nt this BWemay rely on hem- called in seaeon. as we desi-n payine particular attention to that part of ouf business janunry 14 t s 43 “ Behohl, I bring you glad tidings.” Bronson’s Pulmonary Elixir, TS now for sale at C. F. Hoffman's Dry Gooda Stor. l in Mnnison. / Tiii* Medicine will give immediate relief in tdl case# pf Pulmonary disease, ns also in Colic,. Heartburn. Pick-stomach—a nd will nffird relief in Asthmatic cases in a lew niinutqs. Persons afflicted with dis cuses of the breast can have a good opportunity of . Jesting the virtues of l)r. Bronson's Medicine, at ha Bronson’s Cathartic Pills, Are nly-foy sale as above, nnd the conditions the same. They nre gentle in their effect, nnd may b used with perfect safety in all disease* where it is in dicated that Cathartic is necessary. The boxes con- I tain about fjfteert 01;twenty doses. If certificates are desired. Dr. B. has many fronj gentlemen of the first standing in Georgia. ( nnveniher 7 80 1 Important News to All!! pH ARLES F. HOFFMAN, at the well known D cheap Madison Store, respectfully informs his • friends and pntfons, that by daily arrivals hi* stock of , Fall Hoods, Hats, Hardware, Medicine, Perfumery ’ and Shoe*, Negro Shoes, &c., is compleating jn all its hrnnclie*. tgid offers great bargains. As he is shortly to remove to another Fiore, he desires to sell [ all he po**ibly can for cash, before that time, or on short credit. He invites the public to call and see. No one iia*, nnd no one win hereafter, sell goods on lower term* than he will, and he therefore hopes to >. receive in future the patronage of a discriminating public. 1 \ wmmmmmmmmimn 1 THE Southern PUisccKlany la published every Saturday, in th. Town of Madi. , ton, at the very low price of Two Doluis and Fir MS TV Cents per annum, always in advance. One and Fifty CkSts for six months, also in jNo wilt be discontinued until all-arrearsge, IT /1 - (ReAoxccpkat the option of the Proprietor, 1 AdvorAemenm inserted at $1 00 per aquaroof four. 1 Men Bom, or less, for the first, and 50 cent* for *„h puboortent insertion. 1> nr oin proporttOk)