Newspaper Page Text
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fcWffl gffl&S
Macon, March 4lh, 1850. (
PROPOSALS are invited by till* Company
for the erection complete, of anew Brick
Freight Houae at Griffin,thirty feet wide,by one
hundred and twenty feet long.
Drawing* and specifications will he furnished
on application to (ho subscriber.
march 9 R—H
Superior Teas.
a A splendid lot of TEAS, both
Green and Black, warranted tine,
just received not from the Canton
Tea Company of New York, at
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
march 1 I
Depository of Hie Southern Baptist
Publication Society*
.Vo. 41 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C.
THE present Agents of the Society have the
pleasure of announcing to the Baptists ol
Georgia,that they have recently fully replenish
ed theii Stock of BOOKS. They have now
at their Depository in Charleston, as complete
an assortment of Denominational and Theolo
gical Books, as can he found in any Southern
City. Their entire Stock having been purchas
ed for Cash, they hope to he able to sell on the
most reasonable terms. In addition to the usual
discount, 5 per cent, will be allowed on every
bill cashed within thirty days from date. A
Catalogue of the Books kept at the Depository
has been recently published, and will be for
warded by mail to those who desire it.
Agents S. B. P. S.
july 6 25—>y
Works Issued*
BY The Southern Baptist Publication Society
The Way of Salvution—By Dr. Howell.
lSmo. pp. 336 Price ts7J cent*.
Taylor on Reatricted Communion—lbmo. pp.
96. Price 10 cents.
Advantages ofSabbatb School Instruction —
By Rev. C. D. Mallory. 14mo. pp. 46. Price
6\ cents.
A Decisive Argument against Infant Baptism
—By Rev. J. L Dagg. ltfino pp. 52. Price 6J
Also, for sale,
Fuller on Baptism and Communion—l2mo.
pp. 204. Price 50 cents
Williams' Miscellanies—Bmo pp. 400. $1 50
KiUo's Daily Bible Illustrations— 2 vol*. 200
Alexander on Psalms. : : 1 25
Mothers of the Wise and Good. : 75
july 6 26
ALL those interested are hereby notified that
Four Months from this date, I shall apply
to the Honorable Inferior Court of Bibb county,
when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave
to sell the Real Estate belonging to Mortimer
H.G. Nixon and Calvin W. Nixon, minors, situ
ate at Vineville, in said county.
JOHN D. WINN, Guardian,
may 11 18—4 m
ALL Persons interested are hereby notified
that f our Months from this date, we shall
apply to the Honorable Inferior Court of Bibb
County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell the Real Estate of Mortimer H.G
Nixon and Calvin W. Nixon, minors, situate in
the City of Macon, on Cotton Avenue.
{ Guardians
June 2!) • 25—4 m
Choice Tobacco.
JUST received a small lot of superior Chew
ing Tobacco, considered by those who have
used it, to be the best in Town.
Also on hand a supply of delightful Smoking
Tobacco, mild, richly flavored and cheap.
For sale by E L. STROIIECKER,
may 25 Druggist.
NAPOLEON CAPES—A new and superb
article. Parisian ditto, of every style and
price. Juat received by
ETES, and summer stuff* of every quality,
just received by
MOURNING GOODS—Mourning Silks,Mus
lins, Lawns, and Batiste,a large assortment
just received by
Ladies’ Dress Goods.
A SPLENDID assortment of Ginghams, Bar
ges and Muslins, for morning and evening
dresses. Also, an endless variety of rich and
brilliant summer SILKS, etc. Just roccivcdat
april 6 13
Hams, Butter, Syrup, Ac.
Cincinnati sugar cured hams
New Orleans Sugar House SYRUP
A few Jars of very white Leaf LARD-
All of choice quality, just received and for
sale by GEO. T ROGERS,
dec t Cherry Street.
Solace’s Flue Cut Tobacco.
SOMETHING very superior, just received
and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
sept 29
Northern Butter.
£)\l well known nimlitv received every Fall,
fresh from some of the best dairies at the North.
Just received by VV. FREEMAN.
dec 8
Setv Bice.
FEE Tierces of prime quality, just received
and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS.
dec F *
Splendid Bridal Dresses.
with trimmiugß to suit—very fine and fash
ionable. Ladies would do well to call and ex
amine them, at
Flour, Heal, Corn,
BACON Hama, Sides and Shoulders; Lard’
Irish anddweet Potatoes —in store and for
Cotton Avenue,
march 24 ! 17
Prosit Visit. Crabs, and Shrimps*
EVERY Night from Savannah, at
march 30 VV. FREEMAN'S.
Tweed Cassiincre*.
FANCY and Tweed Caseimeres,a good assort
ment, just received by
oct 13 GECT. W. PRICE.
Hercer Potatoes.
1 A BBLS Mercer Potatoes, very superior,
JLvF in fine order, juat received and fbr sale
nn- she»p hv GEO T ROGERS
subscriber is now receiving a Stock of
A STAPLE GOODS suitable for the coming
season. Among which will be found a great
variety of Brown and Bleached Cottons from 5
to 12-4 wide.
Linens of all widths, from 4-4 to 12-4.
Damask Table Diaper, 8-4 and 10-4.
Damask Napkins and Dollies, Huckaback and
Diapers, Furniture, Dimity and Fringes.
Together with a general assortment of all
kinds of Goods usually kept in a Dry Goods
Store. The public are invited to call and ex
amine before making their purchases.
feb 16 GEO. W. PRICE.
HAVE the pleasureof announcing that they
have received and are now opening at their
new stand, corner of Cherry and Third Streets,
a very large and entirely new stock of FAACV
have been carefully selected in the largest and
most fashionable houses in New York, are war
ranted of superior style and quality, and will be ;
sold on very moderate terms.
april 6 13
VRE now selling their desirable Spring and
Summer GOODS at cost. All those "bo
want to buy cheap articles will do well to give
us a call at our old Stand on Cotton Avenue, at
Benton's old Corner.
june 6 22—ts
HUM M ER SILKS, changeable Brocade Silks,
Chunieliun Dress Silks, Foulards, Battiste,
Tissue, solid colored, plaid and printed
Black Satin Gro de Chine
Plain Gro de Rhine and Gro de Swiss
Figured Poult de Soie Flounces
French Jaconets, printed and plain
French Muslins, do do
Hair Cord Muslins, Lawns and Organdies
French Prints and superfine Ginghams
Black &. colored Silk Laces, Fringes A Gimps
Embroidered Collars, Capes and Cuffs
Ribbon Cuffs, Neck Ribbons
Embroidered Swiss Mantillas and Sacks,
Long Shawls and Scarfs, (all new style)
White and Black Silk Lace Veils
Kid and Silk Gloves, Mitts, &c.
Just received and for sale very cheap hy
8,4 AND 10-1 Bleach’d and Brown Da
_ “tc mask Table Linen
Bleached Table Cloths, great variety &. size
Napkins, Huckaback and RussiaTowclling
Birds Eye Diaper, Russia Diapers i
Table Covers, l.iuen Lawns
Barnsley Sheeting, Pillow Case Linens
Heavy Linen Shirting, very desirable
Bro and White Hollands, Russia Duck
Irish Linens front 30 cents to $1 25
London Drillings, White and Fancy Color’d
Grass and Brown Linens, Linen Drillings
Plaid Coat Linens, new style Linens for boys
Planter’s Heavy Linens, ibr pants
The above Goods are all fresh and desirable,
and will be sold at a small advance, by
(~1 E N T L E M E N in want of the following
JT Goods, will find our assortment good, and
prices right.
Black, Bine, Green and Olive Cloths
French Doe Skin Cassimers
Fig’d Black “
Fancy Styles “
Gro De Eta, Dra De Eta
Milan Cloth, Mohair Cloth
Lima Cloths, Chine Linens, Brown Linens
Barnsly Drill’gs, wliite&col’d Grass Linens
Suspenders, Cravats, Gloves
Boots, Congress Gaiters
Panama Hats, Pedal Straw Hats
Leghorn “ Palm Leaf “
Fine Brown, White and Striped half Hose
RESPECTFULLY inform the public that
they are now disposing of their Stock
of Goods at jXew York Cost , at their new store,
corner ofThird and Cherry Streets, formerly
occupied by Messrs. Graves & Wood.
O 1 Ladies are particularly requested to call
and examine the Goods and price*.
march 2 B—ts
Family and Staple Goods.
IOGAN A ATKINSON are now opening a
-i very large assortment of Staple and Domestic
Goods, suitable for plantation or family uses,
which will be sold low for cash or to approved
april 6 13
-* CA ES New Style Fashionable Bonnets
XU 20 Cartoons Ribbons, (great variety)
Ribbon Gimps, Ribbon Trimmings
Black and.Cni’d Silk Lawns, and Fringes
Just received and for sale cheap, bv
Prints, Ginghams, Ac.
PIECES English and American Prints
I zJeJ 200 Pieces English, French,and Scotch
100 Pieces Printed Cambrics and Lawns 1
50 “ Paper and Col'd Cambrics I
Muslin Ginghams, Linen Gighams
Bleach'd Drillings, Musqueto Nettings
Furniture Prints,Canary and TR Prints ’
Just now opened and for sale low by
Beauty and Economy Combined.
The Old Pii’gmia Dye-IMotisc.
(Phanix-like) has from its ashes arisen, with aft
its various virtues, its original colors to bestow, \
THE Subscriber most respectfully informs 1
his customers and the public generally,that i
his establishment has been re-buiit, and can now j
be found on O" COTTON AVENUE, West of \
the Washington llall,J~[\ where he is fully pro- j
pared to execute in the best manner, all the
various branches of Dyeing,Renovating and Re
pairing all kinds of Ready-Made Clothing, and
Ladies’ Dresses, Shawls, Bonnets, and all sorts
of Fancy Goods damaged by use. Ladies and
gentlemen will please label alt articles sent to
this establishment.
Goods from all part3 of the State sent as be
fore, shall receive prompt attention, and be for
warded back with care.
Factories and others having warp filling to co
lor, will find it to their interest to test the virtues
of this establishement. Persons wishing Home
spundyed, will please observe, for black the
warp must be purplo or blue ; for brown a cop
peras color, and for green the warp must be
[tj* Cash must be paid on the delivery of Goods.
O’ Ladies, by calling at his establishment,
will always find specimens of his workmanship
on hand.
april 20 15—ts
TEN" Casks of Byass’ celebrated Porter for I
sale by W FREEMAN.
*n«rrh 3$
.xcu rorlMDic suit a %% ater.
ANY one having cold water, can at once pro
duce Soda Water, sweet and flavored as
with the finest Syrup, effervescing pleasant and
healthy as any at the fountains. For the sick or
travellers to rectify bad water, this is a conveni
ent and pleasant beverage. For sale in boxes
low by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS,
Cotton Avenue, near Cherry street,
june 29 Macon, Ga.
The Southern Cherry Pectoral.
Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Consumption,
Ac.—A pleasant and concentrated prepara
tion of the Prunus Virginia, or Wild Cherry.—
'l’he medical properties of this Southern tree are
here chemically prepared in combination with
! kindred principles so as to constitute an agreea
ble and effectual remedy forall complaintsoflhe
i lungs and breast, coughs, asthma, croup, whoop
ing cough, bronchitis and all curable cases of
, consumption. The price is half less than usual
! for such medicines. For sale by
j june 29 J. H. &W S. ELLIS, Macon.
I A For Cholera, Diarrhoea, Cholera Infantum
or Summer complaint of Children, Dysentery,
Cholera Morbus, Vomiting, Pain in the Breast,
&c.—Recommended by the most eminent Pliysi
cians, for family and plantation use—a never
failing remedy for the above complaints. For
sale by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS,
june 29 Sole Agents, Macon
> getable remedy for diseases arising from
impurities of the blood, dyspepsia, scrofula and
all chronic diseases—also a substitute for calo
mel, as a cathartic in fevers and all bilious affec
tions. For sale by
june 29 J. H. & W. S. ELLIS.
J RATIVE—F or preserving, restoring and
beautifying the Hair. When the hair is falling
out a beautiful head of hair may be produced.
It also beautifies the hair oi any, and is richly
perfumed. For sale by
june 29 J 11. & W. 8. ELLIS.
LEMON SUGAR—An article for Lemonade
superior to Lemon Syrup, for sale by
june 29 J. H. A VV. S. ELLIS.
lIGIIT I LlGHT!!—Annthercask of that
J good Lamp OIL at $1 per gallon, hasjust
arrived. Always on hand CAMPHINE, and
•he best quality of Burning Fluid of my own
_ i un * 22 E L STROIIECKER, Druggist.
vents baldness, invigorates the roots and
fibre of the Hair, and imparts to it a soft and
glossy appearance. Price 25 cents a bottle.—
For sale by E. L. STROHECKEK, M I)
O ANDERS’ Roach, Rat and M ouse ENTER j
O MINATOR.— Families pestered with these
destructive little animals, can be rid of the nn
noyauce by using a box of the “Exterminator.”
Price 25 cents. For sale hy
april 27 E. L. STROIIECKER.
Fresli Congress Water.
HAVING made arrangements with the Pro
prietors of the celebrated Saratoga Springs,
I shall be prepared to furnish the Water during
the season, fresh and in good condition. A lot
just received and for sale by
april 27 E. L. STROIIECKER, Druggist.
Pure Cod Fiver Oil.
A NOTH ER Lot of Rnshton’s Genuine Cod
- Liver Oil just received. The increased
demand for this pure preparation, and the flatter
ing accounts from Physicians and others, of its
efficacy in releiving Pulmonic and Scrofulous
affections, fully sustains the high reputation ac
quired at the North where it has been fully tested,
april 27 E. L. STROIIECKER. M. D.
To milliners.
BONNET GLUE, of superior quality, is kep
for sale by
march 9 F.. L. STROIIECKER, M D
Cigars, Cigars.
I'XJFTEEN Thousand Cigars variousbrnnds—
among them are some genuine and most ele
gant Cigars. Lovers of a good article will be
certain to get it at W. FREEMAN’S,
march 30
“The Soiifhcrn Press.’’
AN Association of sixty-three Members of
Congress, Senators and Representatives,
have constituted the undersigned ti Committee
to superintend the establishment of a Southern
Press at Washington City, to be devoted to the
exposition and defence of Southern Rights and
institutions —the dissemination of correct infor.
mation as to Northern Policy, and the course of
Political Affairs generally, without reference to
the old party lines of Whig and Democrat. Ar
rangements are now in progress, protnptlx to in
sure the issue of such a paper under the title of
for the conduct of which, suitable Editors have
been engaged, who will also receive the aid of
a number of eminent and able contributors.
There will be both a 7Ve- Weekly and a Weekly
issue—the latter to contain substantially the
same matter as the former, and intended to reach
those points of the country whose mail facilities
are limited.
A DaHy issue will be added hereafter, should
it be deemed advisable or necessary by the press
and people of the Southern States.
The paper will not he exclusively political—
but will embrace on its broad sheet the General
News ofthe day, Domestic and Foreign, by mail
and telegraph ; Commercial and Agricultural
Intelligence, Literary Criticisms, Original Es
sa)s, Literary and Miscellaneous ; anil, in short,
all those items of genera! interest, the collected
aggregate of wliich constitutes the interesting
and valuable Newspaper. Great care will ho
taken to give full and correct Reports of the
Proceedings and Debates in both Houses ofCnn
gress, as weii as the action of the local Legisla
-1 tures on the Southern question.
A limited number only of Advertisements will
be received—the main object being to furnish a
large amount of reading matter.
The paper will he printed on a sheet equal in
size to those of the other Washington papers,
and the materia) will be procured especially for
the purpose.
It is confidently hoped that every trne friend
to the South wifi aid in procuring subscribers,
and forward the names, with the amount sub
scribed, to some Southern Representative at
Washington, forthwith.
Postmasters are authorized by law to remit
subscriptions free of postage.
T f. r m s.-
For Tri-Weekly during the Session of Congress,
and Semi- Weekly during the recess, the price
will be, per annum, ; : $5 00
Weekly paper, per annum, ; : 2 50
The price of subscription must be paid inva
riably in advance, and the cash accompany the
name sent.
All persons procuring ten name* shall boenti
tied to receive a copy gratis for one year.
Wa m r are>tr, May 25, TBSO
•*i i real! no step wucsswurus.”
MACOjX, ga.
IT'OR a period of over thirteen years, it has
. been the province of the undersigned, to
present to the people of Georgia, and the sur
rounding States, the results ot the use of inno
cent Vegetable Medicines, in the treatment and
cure of disease, as contradistinguished from poi
sonous substances, to which from childhood they
have been accustomed, and to whose pernicious
effects upon the constitution, many of them are
living witnesses.
The success which during this long series of
years, has attended his administrations, has, in
many instances, been such, as to overcome the
most inveterate prejudices in favor of the old
| order of things, and to produce instead thereof,
a conviction that even in medicine, as in other
branches of the physical sciences, new ideas
may be advanced, and results achieved, that our
ancestors would have deemed impossible, but
I which our posterity, thanks to the enlightenment
of a coming age, may find easy of accomplish
This success in curing diseases of the most
hopeless character, after all other means had
failed, and that too, in many instances, without
seeing the patient, has long been the subject of
general remark,exhibiting as it does, in bold re
lief, the difference between restoring a case that
has been absolutely abandoned, and simply rais
ing another, that hundreds of others could cure.
Such oases can be pointed out in almost every
county in Georgia, where some poor, decrepid,
helpless being, after testing every local means
without avail, have sent off, as a dernier resort,
a description of their diseases to a distance, in
many instances hundreds ofmiles, and received
back those health restoring remedies that have
restored them again to health and to society, to
their own astonishment and their neighbors’
wonder, putting at nought the sneers of antago.
nistic interests, and adding new finger posts at
every post office and cross road, pointing the
way to the city of refuge.
Without subjecting himself to the charge of
presumption, he would yet boldly say, that he
firmly believes that nine.tenths of the so called
incurable cases in Georgia, are yet within the
reach of medicine, and can be cured by pursuing
a proper course of medicine, with the exercise
of necessary care and perseverance, on the part
of the patient, which in all cases of a lingering
character, are of the last importance.
The great facilities for this kind of treatment
presented in the cheap postage system, has been
taken advantage of by thousands who happily
can indirectly attribute their present good health
to that nolde specimen of liberal government ;
and there are thousands more who may reap the
same advantages, by simply pursuing a similar
course. Let the afflicted,' if he cannot write
himself, get his neighbor to do it for him, give a
history of his case, age, habits, and symptoms,
the same as if talkiug to a physician. If able,
and it is convenient, enclose the fee ; if not con
venient just then, a due bill for the amount will
answer, ( this obviates the inconvenience of ma
king accounts at great distance?,) and if not able,
pre-pay and mail the letter to his address, when
medicines suitable to the case will be compound,
ed and sent with full directions.
The charge for treatment is only ($5) five dol
lars, monthly, a sum sufficiently small to obviate
the fear of risk to any one, and yet sufficient to
preserve him from loss in his extensive admin
This done, call at the post office in a reasona
ble time, and receive your medicines with as
much precision as yon would a letter ; prepare
and use them as directed, and persevere ; report
progress monthly, or oflener, as may be necessa
ry, and closely watch the progress of the cure.
" Having been long and extensively engaged in
the treatment of diseases peculiar to females, lie
would say that they may avail themselves ol his
knowledge, with the utmost confidence, in his
prudence and integrity, so that in writing out
their symptoms, they may express themselves
with the necessary freedom. In some of the dis
eases of the renal and procreative system, the
medicines being more costly, the charge will be
Such cases as require personal attention, will
he treated on liberal terms in the city, where the
necessary accommodations can always be had.
Those wishing further information in regard
to results, will address a post-paid letter to the
undersigned, who will immediately mail to the
upplicuut such documents as must disarm doubt.
i Macon, June 2!', 1850. 25—ts
[HAVE received in addition to my former
extensive Stock, by late arrivals, a large and
1 well selected Stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS,
w ill be sold at a small advance on previous cost
| The proprietor now offers one of the most com
l plete Stocks of French, English and American
Drugs, Chemicals, Valuable Family Medicines,
Perfumery, ; Soaps, Brushes, Combs, and
other Fancy and Miscellaneous Articles, in this
Also, All the various Patent Medicines, Pills,
! Sarsaparillas, Liniments, Ointments, Syrups,&c.
for sale or advertised by any other Drug Estab
i lishment in this city.
E. L. STROIIECKER, M. I) , Druggist,
Corner of Third and Mulberry streets,
june 22 opposite the Floyd House.
O desiring to escape the Fevers of the Summer
Months, would do well to make a free use of
this Syrup hs a beverage, being a pleasant puri
fier of the blood. For sale low by the gallon or
bottle, by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS,
j may 4 17
To Physicians.
rp HE undersigned have prepared for the con-
X venience of those who do not wish to have
recourse to Patent or Quack Medicines, the fol
lowing, according to the “Formula of the United
States Dispensatory,” being the base of popular
Remedies, viz : Syrup of Sarsaparilla, Syrup of
i Wild Cherry, Syrup of Seneca, Syrup of Ipecac,
: Syrup ofStillingia, or Queen’s Delight ; Extract
| of Buchu, Saturated Cherry Pectoral, by the
' gallon or quart, sold low by
J. H. A W. S. ELLIS, Druggists,
Near the Corner of Cotton Avenue,
ma y 4 Cherry Street, Macon, Gs.
HAVING been appointed Agent for the sale
of Messrs. Charles Abbey A Son's cele
brated Gold and Tin Foil, and for Messrs. Jones,
White A Co.’s TEETH, I will keep a constant
supply of these articles, and all Dentists’ In
struments. lam now opening the first lot of
Impression Cups, Scrapers, Burnishers, Emory
Wheels N0.2 to 7, Files of all kinds, Scotch
Stones, Teeth Holders, Slabs. 800 Molar and
Bicusped Teeth ; 1200 Pivot do.; 2300 Plate do.;
1180 Gum do. All of which will be sold at
Manufacturers’ prices, by
Bryan's Cholera Medicine.
I~VOR the cure of Dinrrhma, Colie, Cramp,
' Pains in the Stomach, &.C., is a most valua
ble remedy and no Family should be without it.
Persons loavingtne city and subject to change of
diet and water, will find this an excellent Fade
Mecunr For sale hr
june 02 E. L STROIIECKER, Dro gs .*f
R. R R.
is truly a blessing to suffering humanity.
The lame are rejoiced at its curative properties,
for they can dispense with their crutches and
walk. The weak bless it as an instrument in
the hands of Providence, for by its healing and
strengthening qualities they become strong. The
bed-ridden welcome it as a blessing from high
heaven, for it relieves them of their pain and
misery, cures their diseases whether it be Rheu
matism, Lumbago, Gout, Paralysis, Strains,
Burns, Scalds, Sores, Sprains, and affections ot
the Spine, or contracted Tendons, for by its use
they are enabled to arise from their bed of sick
ness, and enjoy the pleasures and blessings of
health. The sufferer of Neuralga and Tic Dolo.
reux, welcomes it as their only remedy in reliev
ing them of the cruel pains, shooting like elec
tric shocks through the face, head, and system,
paralyzing in an instant their energies and bright
est hopes, for the Ready Relief is a powerful
antidote for all Nervous and Rheumalic affec
tions, and will cure this powerful disease when
all other remedies have failed to give relief.—
The sufferer of Tooth Ache, rejoices when he
uses the Ready Relief, for it will cure the most
torturing Tooth Ache in a few seconds.
So quick, powerful and effectual is Radway’s
Ready Reliefin all cases where pain is caused
by external injuries or internal derangement,
that it has relieved the most severe pains of
Chronic Rheumatism during one application of
the Relief.
Its Superior Streugth. —Radway’s Ready Re
lief is also the most economical medicine in use,
itenn be used with the most happy results, both
internally and externally. Cramps in the Stom
ach, Colic, or Cholera Morbus, are relieved in
ten minutes, and cured entirely in fifteen or
twenty. Also if you wish to make an ointment
of it, for the cure of sore lips, chapped flesh, pus
tular eruptions, take a tea-spoonful of the Relief,
and a table.spoonful of Sweet Oil, or one ounce
of Lard, and you have a better ointment or salve
than any other article now in use.
In fact, this medicine, when reduced to two
thirds its own strength by adding as much spirits
of wine, will give you better Liniment than any
now in use.
See that each bottle bears the sac-simile signa
ture of RAD WAY A CO.—None other is genu
ine—price 25 cents, large bottles.
The Crowning Ornament of Beauty is a Beau
tiful Head of Luxuriant Hair. —The lady or
gentleman who desires a beautiful article to
dress their Hair, are advised to make use of
Radway’s Circassian Balm—it possesses many
advantages over all other hair tonics and pre
parations. First, it cleanses the scalp from dan
ruff', gives tone and vigor to the roots and bulbs,
invigorates to healthy action the germ of life,
which gives to the hair a healthy root, and forces
the hair to grow—it cures baldness, stops the
hair from falling out, makes it fine, strong, 8o r l
and glossy, keeps it front turning gray, or be
coming discolored. It is truly a luxury to dress
the hair with this delicious preparation.
Her Hair was all Gone. —Radway’s Circas
sian Balm, for invigorating the hair, cleansing
the scalp, removing dandruff, and curing bald
ness, is truly a valuable preparation. A lady
who had been sick for some time had lost every
particle of her hair, previous toiler sickness her
hair would fall out : she was recommended to
trv the Circasian Balm as a hair restorer, she
used six bottles with the most happy results, her
hair is now fine, soft,glossy,long, aed luxnriant
This preparation makes the hair moist, fine,soft,
and silky, and predisposes it to cor! ; ye, with
baldheads, weak hair, try a bottle of the Circas
sian Balm, prepared hy Rad way & Cos., and you
will soon have a luxuriant head of hair. Sold
for 25 cents in large bottles. Ask for Radway’s
Circassian Balm, 161 Fulton Street, New York.
Block Spots on the Skin. —Dnring the summer
season we frequently meet with persons who
are sorely annoyed with black spots, about the
size of a pin’s head, just under the lining ofthe
surface—these spots are truly annoying and re
pulsive in appearance ; they are nothing more
or less than dust, the skin being warm and the
individual perspiring freely, the dust closing up
the ducts of the sebaceous glands, their oily se
cretions are not given off’, and consequently a
cheesy deposit is the result ; this becomes rancid
and turns black, disfigures the complexion, and
often inflames and suppurates. Let Railway's
Soap be freely used, absorption will take place,
and the spots speedily disappear. Also, if Rad
way’s Soap was made use of as a Toilet Soap
through the dav, these spots, and other annoying
cxcressences, would not trouble you.
The extraordinary effects of Radway’s Soap
in removing Tan, Sun Burn, Pimples, Blotches,
Pustules, Tetter, Rash, Scurvy, Morphew, and
Bites and Stings of Insects, is truly astonishing;
besides,it is certian of transforming a dark, dis
colored and repulsive visage, to a clean and
beautiful complexion. In all cases ask for Rad
way’s Soap’and take none other.
N. B.— Radway ’s Medicated Soap in steel en.
gravings are 25 cents, all others are counterfeit,
ook for the steel engraving.
For sale by JACKSON BARNES, Macon ;
Chapman, Hill & Cos., and Johnson A Tutt,
Griffin ; and Rantin A Nissen, Atlanta, Ga.
june I 21
Fine Cliening Tobacco.
CII A S. LILIENTHAL’S well known
• superior fine Cut Chewing TOBACCO,
rn papers and cans. Also, various brands of
Chewing Tohaceo—some ofwhieh the knowing
ones say cannot be heat. Also, various brands
of CIGARS, which ate just good enough. For
saleat W. FREEMAN’S
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
dec 1 1
Cb;iiii|»iiuiie Cider.
Aj/'t BBLS. Newark Champaigne Cider, just
w" * received and for sale by
march 9 GEO. T. ROGERS.
T* IIIIDS. New Crop Cardenas Molasses,
just received and for sale by
march 9 GEO. T. ROGERS.
F.inbroiricreri Window Curtnins.
JUST received a large assortment. Also, Crim
son, Blue and Drab Worsted Damask.
feblG G. W. PRICE.
Fancy Baskets,
V LARGE assortment just received, and for
safe by
fob 16 GEO. W. PRICE.
OF every description, nentlv and promptly
executed at the SOUTHERN TRIBUNE
Office, as neat and cheap as at any other Office
in the. South. Try us and see.
Lemon Sugar.
OUPER4OR to Lemon Syrup,and nearly eqna'
H to the fresh Lemon, for making Lemonade
Directions; Add one large tahlespoonful ofthe
Sugar to a half pint of water. Stir it well, and
a beverage is produced, inferior only to that
made from the ftetrh Lemon. Physician* in the
country will find this preparation a valuable
substitute when the fresli Lemo-n cannot be pro
cured. Prepared and sold by
april 27 £ L. STROIIECKER.
Linen Iheetine.
fl 0-/1 LINEN SHEETlNG,extrachcap
A *.l it ern tv rmrr
oaoilvy.* e.A • ua
A man by the name of Ct.APP ha« engaged »
fosng man of the name of S. P. Townwsad. and n '
aame to put up a Sarsaparilla, which they call Dr. 'l>
•enu'* Sarsaparilla, denominating it O KJfUlJf£ n **
etc. This Townsend Is no doctor, and never was- k
formerly a worker on railroads, canals, and the like y *”
assumes the title of Dr., for the purpose of ga| nlo . ' U
what he Is not. This is to caution the public :
deceived, and purchase none but the GEXUIJPE OR o'
SAI. Ot.t) l)r. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla k, v .
\t the Old Dr’s, likeness, his family coat of armt J? **
signature across the coat of arm*. ’ 4 1 "•
Principal Ofiico, iO9 -Yauau-st.. X l!t Park C if,
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Old Dr. Tow nsend is now about 70 yean of asr and liar
long been known as tl.e AUTHOR and DISCOFfkIb
SAPARI/./.A." Peing poor, he was compelled to llmd it,
manufacture, by which means it has been kept out of mu'
ket, and the sale* circumscribed to those only who hsd
proved its worth, and known its value. It had reached
the ears of many, nevertheless, as those persons who hud
been healed of sore diseases, and saved from death did
claimed its excellence and wonderful
Knowing, many years ago ihat he hnd. by hit skill
science and experience, devised an article which would hs
of Incalculable advantage to mankind when the means
would tie furnished to bring it into universal notice, when
its inestimable virtues would lie know n Hnd appreciated
This time has come, the means are supplied ; this
is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called far
throughout the length and breadth of the land, especially
as it is found incnpahle of degeneration or deterioration.
Unlike young S. P Townsend's, It improves with nge. and
never changes, but for the belter: because it is prepared on
scientific principles by a scientific man. The highest knowl
edge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the an,
have all been brought into requisition in the inanufaclnit
of the Old Dr's Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla rout, it h
well known to medical men, contains many medicinal pru
perties, mid *nine properties which are inert or useless, and
others, w hich if retained in pre|usring it for use, produce
fermentation and acid, which is injurious to the system
dome of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile, that
they entirely evaporate and are lost in he preparation. If
they are not preserved hy a scientific process, known only
to those experienced in its nranufactme. Moreover, these
volatile principles, which flv off in vapor, or as an eihaii
tion. under heal, are the very essential medical preperhu
nf the root, which give to it all its value.
Any person can boil or stew the root till they get a darl
eolored liquid, which is more from the coloring mailer in
|he root than from any thing else; they can then strut
this insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten with sonr molasses,
and then call it *'S AKSA I* A 1t11.1.A EXTRACT or SY
RUT." lint such is not the article known as the
This is so prepared, that ail the inert (rroperileA of the
Sarsaparilla root are first removed, every thine caphble of
becoming acid or of fermentation, in extracted and rejected;
then every particle of virtue is secured in a putt
and concentrated lorm ; and thus it is rendered incapable of
losing any of its valuable and healing properties, l'repared
In this way, it is made the most powerful agent in the
Cure of innumerable diseases.
Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every
side In Its favor by men, women, and children. We find it
doing wonders in the cure of
TIC NS, PIMPLES , BLOCTUESy and all ttffectioM
arising from
It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising
from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from unequal
circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation
of the heart, cold feet and hands, cold chills and hot Hashes
over the body. It has not ils equal in Colds and Coughs;
end promotes easy expectoration and gentle perqumtinn.
relaxing stricture of the lungs, throat, and every other pnru
Rut in nothing is iu* excellence more manifestly seen and
acknowledged than In all kinds and stnees of
It works wonders in cubes of E nor Alb us or IVhites, Full
ing of the Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Painful Menses,
Irregularity of the |>eriods, and the HKe; and
is as etlectuiil in curing ail the forms of Kidney Disease *.
By removing obstructions, and regulating the general
system, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, tod
thus cures all forms of
Nervous diseases ami debility,
and thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other mala
dies, as Spinal irritation. Neuralgia, St. Vitus' Dance.
Sioouning, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, fee.
It cleansos the blood, excites the liver to healthy action,
tones the stomach, and gives good digestion, relieve* tht
bowels of torpor and constipation, alleys inflammation!
nitrifies the *lnn t eqaeliaes the circulation v.f the bleed,
producing gentle warmth equally all over the body, and
the insensible perspiration ; relaxes all strictures and tight
ness, removes ail obstructions, and invigorates the cm Arc
nervous system. Is not this then
The medicine you pre-eminently need ?
But can any of these things be said of t*. I*. Townsend**
lufer or article? This \ oiim> man’s liquid is not to be
bemuse of one GRAND FACT, that the one is i.NCAI’A
while Ihe other DUES ; souring, fermenting, And bloving
the bottles containing it into fragments ; the sour, acid liquid
exploding, ami damaging other goods Must not this born*
bie com(>ound lie poisonous to the system \—What! put
acid into a system already diseased with acid! VV hat outset
Dyspepsia but acid 1 Do we not all know that when low
•ours in our stomachs, what mischiefs it produces ! naltt*
lence, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver comnlainL
diarrheea. dysentery, colic, and corruption of the oioodi
What is Scrofula but an acid humor in ihe body 1 Whitt
produces nil the humors which bring on Eruptions of ths
Skin, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, White Swell
tugs, Fever Sores, and all ulcerations internal and external*
It is nothing under heaven, but an acid substance, which
•ours, and thus spoils ail the fluids of the body, more or
.ess. What causes Rheumatism but a sour or acid fluid
which insinuates itself l»etween the joints and ehew here.
irritating and inHaming the delicate tissues upon which it
acts ? So of nervous diseases, of impurity of the blood. 01
deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailments which
atfiici human nature.
how is it not horrible to make and sell, and infinitely
verst to use this
init yet he woulii fnln hnve it understood thm Old Oi-
Townsend's Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, isanlMiiA
TION of his inferior preparation !! .. h
Heaven forbid that wo should deaf In an article wm
would lieur the most distant resemblance to S. P* P O "J*.
tend’s article! and which shonld bring down upon the u
Dr. such a mountain load of complaints and crimination
from Agents who have sold, and purchasers who have e*t
We wish it understood, because it is the absolute truts,
that S. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob *
mend's tSarsapnriUa are ksaven-wide apart, and infinitely si ■
similar; that they arc unlike in every particular, having
not one single thing in common.
As S. P.'Townsend is no doctor, aud never wm. *■ "
chemist, no pharmaceutist—knows no more of medicine w
disease than any other common, unscientific, unprofessional
man. what guarantee can the pnhlic have that they are re*
serving a genuine scientifti; medicine, containing all tn
virtues of the articles used In preparing It, and which ar® l*
capable of changes which might render them the AGENDA
of Disease instead of health.
Kut what else should be exacted from one who know®
nothing comparatively of medicine or disease ! It require
a person of some experience to cook and serve up cvrß *
common decent meal. How much more important is It th*
the persons who manufacture medicine, designed tor
should know well tbo medic;,l properties of pins'*! **"
best manner of securing and conceit trail ng their ” eH
virtues, also an extensive know ledge of tho various t" B ***:
w hich affect the human system, and how to adapt renieuie
k> these diseases ! - *..».• \m
It is to unrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to ymyi ~
into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the despair js
boeoin, to restore health and bloom, itud Vigor lat" *■7
entitled and broken, and to banish infirmity that UUIJ '
portunity and means to bring his .
Grand Universal Concentrated
Remedy ,
within the reach, and to the know ledge of all who nvee
that they may learn and know, by joyful experience. l
TraiiHcendent Power to Ileal*
Forsatoby J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS,
j. A. & S. S. VIRGINS, Mueon.G"-
wty 4 17
Newark Cider. ,
■g BBLB. Ncwnrk Rnfincd Cidtr.jn*
•- reived mid for