Newspaper Page Text
Charleston Advertisements.
i ui > ft . 'D
WOULD respectfully inform their friend*
and those who purchase Dry Good* in
their city, that they are now prepared to offer,
a large, choice and well aborted Stock
A* they receive the Bulk of their Good* diteet
from European Port*, they feel assured of being i
able to compete successfully with any other'
Market in the United S ales.
No. 209 King, North West Corner of King
arid Market Streets.
aug 24 33—3 u»
THE Subscribers, Direct Importers, of si!
WOOLLEN GOODS, have just received,
per ships “Gulnare,” “Orion” and “Samoset,”
from Liverpool, their Fall supply of PLAINS,
KERSEYS, White and colored BLANKETS,
White, Red, Blue and Gieen Flannel Blanketing,
Guernsey Shirts, Kilmarnock Caps, Scotch
Bonnets, Ac., expressly suited to our Southern
Planters' Trade, .- ml to an inspection of which,
they confidently invite all who visit the Charles
ton Market.
209 King, North ‘.Vest Corner of King
and Market Streets.
aug 24 33—3 m
At his JYew Store, A'o. 244, Rend of Kin* Street
HAS on hand and will constantly keep sup
plied with the largest variety of Rich and
Seasonable DRY GOODS, ever exposed in
Chai leston, to vv hirh the attention of Planters
and Country Merchants is invited,
july 20 28—ly
hear the Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C.
TRAVELLERS are invited to oil at
WELCH 'S Fashionable Furnishing Store
for Gentlemen, where can be had SHIRTS
mnde in the latest Fashion, and of the best ma
tarials, superior workmanship, and Dauskin's
Celebrated pattern. N- A. DAUSKIN is the
original inventor of cutting Shirts by measure
ment. Dauskin’s Pattern has received the un
qualified commendation of Gentlemen in all
parts of the United States, and has been pro
non need perfect.
Also, for sale, a great variety of GOODS,
suitable for Gentlemen,
july 20 28—Iy
JY’>. 19 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C.
HAS constantly on hand every description of
Foreign and Domestic DRV GOODS,
jj" Vendue SalesofDry Goods Twice a Week,
july 2) 88—ly
J. 11. TAYLOR,
JVo. 17 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C.
HAS always on hand, a full supply of 4-4
aitd 7-8 Brown Shirtings, Prints,Bleached
and Colored GOODS, which will be sold on
favorable terms.
CT Agent for Charloaton Steam Cotton Factory.
July 20 28—1 *
.Vo. 90 East Day, Charleston, S. C.
DEALER in Farina; Wbeaten Grits; Mac
caroni ; Vermicelli ; Pickles ofail kinds ;
T 'oioca ; Chocolate and Cocoa, of every des
cription ; Sweet Oil ; Mustard; Spices; Lemon
Sugar ; Lemon Syrup ; Essence of Coffee, Ac.
Imported Segars, Champaigns*, Clarets, tic. and
Fancy Groceries in general.
O'Agent for the Congress Steam Mills, New
july 20 23 !y
Tliliar’s BisciiH Bakery,
•Y o. 131 Meeting Street, opposite the Market
THE Subscriber has constantly on hand
Pilot and Navy Bread, Soda, Butter, Le
mon,Water, Sugar and Dyspeptic CRACKERS,
Ginger Nuts, &c., in barrels, kegs, boxes and
bulk, all warrated ofthebest quality, and at the
lowest prices. R. S, MILLAR.
July 6 26—ly
Depository of the Southern Baptist
Publication Society,
Ko. 41 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C.
1 18 HE present Agents of the Society have the
X pleasure of announcing to the Baptists of
Georgia, that they have recently fully replenish
•and theii Stock of 800 K S . They have now
«t their Depository in Charleston, as complete
an assortment of Denominational and Theolo
gical Books, as can be found in any Southern
City. Their entire Stock having been purchas
ed for Cash, they hope to be able to sell on the
most reasonable terms. In addition to the usual
discount, 5 per cent, will be allowed on every
hill cashed within thirty days from date. A
Catalogue of the Books kept at tho Depository
has been recently published, and will be for*
warded bv mail to those who desire it.
Agents S. B. P. S.
july 6 25—ly
Works Issued,
BY’ The Southern Baptist Publication Society.
The Way of Salvation—By Dr. Howell,
12mo. pp. 336. Price 87. J cents.
Taylor on Restricted Communion—lßmo. pp.
26 Price 10 cents.
Advantages ofSabbalh School Instruction—
By Rev. C. D. Mallory. 14tno. pp. 46. Price
6J cents.
A Decisive Argument against Infant Baptism
—By Rev. J. L. Dagg. ldmo pp. 52. PricoGJ
Also, for sole,
Fuller on Baptism and Communion—l2mo
pp. 204. Price 50 cents.
Williams' Miscellanies—Snio pp. 400. $1 5C
Kitto’s Daily Bible Illustrations—2 vols. 2 00
Alexander on Psalms. : : 1 25
Mothers of the Wise and Good. 75
july 6 26—ts
wm. s. Lawton a co.
Factors and Commission Merchants, Macon, Ga
ADILL make advances on shipments to their
11 H .uses. LAWTON & DOWELL, Sa
vannah, Go; and LAWTON, DOYYELL &.
CO.. Charleston, S C
«■*? 31 34—ts
Ssnporlor Teas.
A splendid lot of TEAS, both
Green and Black, warranted fine,
!§*&!§ 1 just received not from the Canton
'iiiwwr.’ii-ie* Tea Company of New Y’ork. at
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
march 1 ]
TTAVE just received a well selected assorl-
H ment ot DR f GOODS mul GROCERIES,
which embraces almost every article in their
line of business. These Goods make their stock
extensive, which has been selected rtcently by
one of the firm, and they are determined to sell
their Goods upon reasonable terms, and at the
low est prices. Whilst they are thankful for past
favors, they respectfully invite their friends and
the public to call at their Store on Cherry Street,
and examine their Goods and prices, before pur
chasing elsewhere.
march 23 11
HAVE the pleasure of announcing that they
have received and are now opening at iheir
new stand, corner of Cherry and Third Streets,
a verv large and entirely new stock of FAA'CY j
have been carefully selected in the largest and j
most fashionable houses in New Y’ork, are war- j
ranted of superior stylo and quality, and will be j
sold on very moderate terms.
april6 13
RESPECTFULLY’ inform the public that
they are now disposing of their Stock
of Goods at .Veto York Cost, at their new store,
corner of Third and Cherry Streeis, formerly
occupied by Messrs Graves & Wood.
O’ Ladies are particularly requested to call
iind examine the Goods and prices,
inarch 2 B—ts
Family and Staple Goods.
LOGAN a- ATKINSON are now opening a
very largo assortment of Staple and Domestic
Goods, suitable for plantation or family uses, 1
which will be sold low for cash or to approved
april 6 13
Splendid Bridal Dresses.
4 FEW magnificent BRIDAL DRESSES,
-X with trinuniugs to suit—verv fine and fash
ionable. Ladies would do well to call and ex
entitle them, at
Ladies’ Dress Goods.
A SPLENDID assortment of Ginghams, Bar
TjL ges and Muslins, fir morning and evening
dresses. Also, an endless variety of rich and
brilliant summer SILKS,etc. Just receiver..-.!
april 6 13
Sega rs.
T 1 WO Hundred Boxes Segars, a great variety
A of brands from common to very fine. For
salecheapby GEO. T. ROGERS,
jurte 8
II E Subscriber has just received, direct from
X New York, a fresh supply of new Groceries,
such as fresh Dates, dried Currants, Preserves,
Figs, Sardines, Ciitsup, Pepper Sauce, Citron,
Caper Sauce, Cocoa, New Chocolate, Raising,
Nuts of all kinds, Rice, Java Coffee, Mnccaror.i,
Fine Table Salt in boxes or bags, Nutmegs,
Cloves, Pepper, Spice and Ginger, Sperm and
Adamantine Caudles, and a great variety of
other articles too numerous to mention.
Also,a tine lot of Fresh Teas, for sale bv
i Opposite .Mr. G. M. Logan's new Brick Building,
| aug ol On Cherry Street.
j FIT IIE copartnership heretofore existing he.
X tween tho undersigned, is dissolved by tnu
tn,-tl consent—to take effect on the Ist day of Sep
tember next. Z. T. CONNER,
Macon, August 24, 1850.
| L BUSINESS will be continued in the i:nme !
] and style of C O N N E It & T A Y L O R ,
j at the old stand—where they will be ready to
, exert themselves to serve all parous and friends.
Macon, Aug. 24, 1859. 33—6 m
A FE\V BOXES of superior quality, just
5L received and for sate by
j»ne 15 GEO. T. ROGERS.
Wanted lon mediately,
, X NET-MAKERS. None except good work
men, and such as aro willing to make themselves
useful, need apply.
o< t 20 47—ts
Canal and Baltimore Flour.
110 BBLS. Exya Superfine FLOUR
XXL/ 25 bbla. Extra Family Flour, very
choice, just received and for sale' low by
a P fil 6 GEO. T. ROGERS.
New York Steam Refined Candies
A STILL Larger assortment of CANDIES
*Y just received and for sale ns low ns any
Candies in Town,at W. FREEMAN’S. '
June 8
TN \\ hole and Half Boxes,fresh and fine, just
i received and for sale by
J un ®ft GEO. T ROGERS.
-’I. of almost every "fade sclUr" s'
Dyson’s old Stand, bv” ’ ""
J ll W 0 28-ts
„ To Milliners.
£ONN Y|T GLUE, ol superior quality, is kep
march 9 E. L. STROIIECKER, M. D.
New Rtee.
FI v E Tierces of prime quality, just received
and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
dec 1 j
L PRI NES.—A fine lot ju«t received at
j “tie 29 W. FREEMAN’S.
LI) PORT WINE.-And .Maderiu ditto, a
fine article in Bottle, for sale at
MOl LTON’S, Agent,
Opposite the burnt square on Cherry street,
june 1
Mercer Potatoes.
KV BBLS. M enter Potatoes, very superior,
’ in fine, order, just received and for sale
very cheap by GEO. T. ROGERS.
Solaee’s Fine Cm Tobacco.
SOMETHING very superior, just received
‘ - ftr aalv bv GEO. T ROGERS,
sept 29
Guardian’s bale.
BY’ Ipave of the Honorable the Inferior Court |
of Bibb County, when sitting as a Court of
Ordinary, will he sold before the Court llousto
door in Macon, Bibb county, within the legal
hours of sale, m the first Tuesday in January
next, F6tir Acres and Three Chains of wild
LAND, situat at Vineville, w ith S.T. Bailey s
Land on the South, Mr Freeman’s on the Wist,.
Mr. M. M. Mason's and the Academy on the
North, and Mr. Benson’s oil the East for boun
daries. Sold as llie property of Mortimer 11. G.
Nixon and Calvin YY. Nixon, and for their
benefit. JOHN D. WINN, Guardian,
oct 5 39
ALL Persons interested are hereby notified ;
that lour Months from this date, we shall
apply to the Honorable Inferior Court of Bibb
County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell the Real Estate of Mortimer 11. G. j
Nixon and Calvin W. Nixon, minors, situate in
the City ol Macon, on Cotton Avenue,
JOHN D. WINN, j Guardians
june 29 25—4 m j
Falienstock’s Vermifuge.
IT II15 safest and most effective remedy for
Worms that has erer been Uiseotrred
This preparation has been before i|, e public
fir nearly twen'y years. It has hern used in
almost ejery climate, and in every condition ol
patients needing a Vermifuge, and the experi
ence of those who had occasion to use it in tlieir
families, fully corrobura'eg what its proprietor
claims for it. It is mild in its operation, con
tains no calomel, nor dangerous ingredient, and
can be given tvitli perfect safety to the most del
icate infant.
The Mayor of Lancaster city, writing to
Messrs. Fahenstnck & Cr.., say s :
Gentlemen —Several of the younger branches
of my family laboring under symptoms indicating
worms induced the application of various reme
dies, and 1 tint happy to say that your Vermifuge
had the desired ettect of, in one instance, remov
ing the almost incredible number of 151 of the
large worms from one patient, which in addition .
to its other tested qualities in my family, estalt. I
li-ln and the efficacy of y our Vermifuge as a sure
cine. ' M. CARPENTER,
Mayor, Lancaster city, j
For sale by Dr. E L. STROIIECKER, j
aug 17 Agent for Proprietor. ’
A’ew Portable Soda Water. |
\NY one having cold water, can at once pro
duce Soda Water, sweet and flavored as
with llie finest Svrop, effervescing pleasant and
healthy .* any at the fount! ins. For the sick or
travellers to leeiify had water, this is a eonveni.
tit and pleasant beverage. For sale in boxes
ow by J ii & \V S. ELI.IB,
Cotton Avenue, near Cherrv stiecl,
june 29 Macon, Gn.
Tito Kciitiicm Chi l i y Perioral.
Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Consumption,
iVr —A pleasant and concentrated prepara
tion of the Primus Virginia, or Wile! Cherry.—
The medical properties of this Southern tree are
here i-ltemieuily prepared in combination with
kindred principles so as to constitute an agreea
ble and effectual remedy torall conipluintsofthc ,
lungs and breast, coughs, asthma, croup, whoop
ing cough, bronchitis and all curable cases off
consumption 'J he price is half less than usual
for such medicines. For sale hv
june 29 J H. &YV 8. ELLIS, Macon.
X or Cholera, Diarrhoea, Cholera Infantum
or Summer complaint of Children, Dysentery,
Cholera Morbus, Vomiting, Pain in the Breast,
Ac—Recommended by the most eminent Physi
cians, for family and plantation use—a never
failing remedy lor the above complaints. For
sale by J. H. it YV. S. ELLIS,
june 29 Sole Agents, Macon
vy potable remedy for diseases arising from
impurities of the blood, dyspepsia, scrofula and
all chronic diseases—ulso a substitute for calo
mel, as a eatiiarsic in fevers and till bilious affec
tion*. For sale hy
june 29 "j 11. & W. S. ELLIS.
Xj RATIVE—For preserving, restoring and
beautifying the Hair. YV iron the hair is falling
out a beautiful head of hair may he produced
It al»o beautifies the hair ol any, and is richly
npr!*UFor If* bv
juue 29 * J' II & YV. S. ELLIS.
Northern SSSBIJIT.
vl' well known quality received every Fall
fresh from some of the best dairies at the North.
Just received by YV. FREEMAN,
dec 8
MAY BUTTER —Fresh supply of new May-
Butter, just received and forsale by
june I THOS J. MOULTON, Agent.
London Potter.
A FEW Casks best London Porter, in Quart
» and Pint Bottles, just received and for
sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
june 8
Congress Water.
FH the Box or single bottle, direct from tho
) Springs. Just received and forsale by
june 8 GEO T. ROGERS.
Cuba Molasses.
II111)8. in fine order,just received and
-wv’ for sale low by
june 8 " GEO. T. ROGERS.
LEMON SUGAR—An article for Lemonade
superior to Letnon Syrup, for sale bv
june 29 J. H. & YV. S. ELLIS.
COLOGN EYV A TER—Of various perfumes,
by the bottle or gallon, forsale by
june'22 J. H. & W. S. ELLIS.
*Y-" * • o • So, V, M m 0 tr ■
JUST received a small lot of superior Chew
ing Tobacco, considered by those vvhn have
u sed it, to be the best in Town.
Also on hand a supply of delightful Smoking
Tobacco, mild, richly flavored and cheap
For sale by E. L. STROIIECKER,
may 25 Druggist.
"VTAPOLEON CAPES—A new and superb
-Lx article. Parisian ditto, of every style and
price. Just received hv
> ETES, and summer stuffs of evert quality,
just received by
FiepaiTed bai: ley, tapioca, sago
—Splendid Articles for making Puddings
and diet for sick persons. A fresh supply just
received at YV. FREEMAN'S,
attg 17 . 2
Hunts, Butter, Syrup, &e.
New Orleans Sugar House SY’RFP
A few Jars of very white Leaf LARD.
All of choice quality, just received and for
sale by GEO. T ROGERS,
d'c 1 Cherry Street.
•‘I Tread uo step Backwards.”
M. S. THOMSON, M. 8.,
a period of over thirteen years, it has
been the province of the undersigned, to
prese;:} }o tjie people of Georgia, and the sur- ,
rounding Mates, llie results of the use of inno- .
rett' Vegetable Medicines, in the treatment and
cure of (li*i-a*e, as poiitrad.giitiguislied from poi- j
roiioiis substances, to which from childhood they !
have been accustomed,and to whose pernicious !
effects upon the constitution, many of them are
living witnesses.
File success w hic)i during tiiia long series of
years, lias attended It is administrations, las, in
many instances, been such, as to overcome the
most inveterate prejudices in favor of the old '
order of things, and to produce instead thereof, !
a conviction that even in medicine, as in other
branches of the physical sciences, new ideas
may he advanced, and results achieved, that our
ancestors would have deemed impossible, hot
which our posterity, thanks to the enlightenment
of a coming age, may find easy of accomplish*
This success in curing diseases of the most
hopeless character, alter all o her means had
failed, and that too, in ninny instances, without
seeing the patient, has long been the subject of
general remark,exhibiting as i does, in ln> and re
lief, the difference betwe. n res tiring a ease that
has been absolutely abanxloned, and simply rais
ing another, that hundreds of others could cure
Such eases can he pointed out in almost e% erv
enmity in Georgia, where some poor, derrepid,
helpless being, after testing every Imal me,-ns
without avail, have sent <•(!', as a dernier resort,
a description of their diseases to a distance, in
many installers hundreds of miles, ami received
hack those health restoring remedies that have,
restored them again to health and to society, to
tloir own astonishment and their neighbors'
wonder, putting at nought the sneers of untngn.
rtislic interests, and adding new linger posts at
every post office anti cross road, pointing the
wav to the city of refuge.
\Y itlmtil subjecting himself to the charge of
presumption, lie would yet boldly say, that he
firmly believes that nine tenths of the so called
incurable cases in Georgia, are yet within the
reach of medicine, and can be direct hy pursuing
a nroper cmirse of medn ine, with the exercise
of necessary dire and perseveiance, on the part
of the patient, which in till eases of a lii goring I
character, are ol the last importance
The gieat facilities for this kind of treatment
presented in the cheap postage system, has been j
taken advantage of hy thousands who happily j
can indirectly a tribute tlo ir pres.-til good '
to that noble specimen of liheial government ;
and there are thousands more who inny reap ti e
ante ndvanlag s, bv siinplv puisuii g a sum a
'•nurse. Let the afflicted, if lie cannot write
himself, get his neighbor to do it for him, give a
history of Ins ease, age, habits, and symptoms,
tho same as if talking to a physician. If able,
and it is movement, enclose the fee ; if not con
venient just then, a due bill for the amount will j
answer, ( this obviates the inconvenience of ma
king accounts at great distances,) and if not able, I
pre-pav and mail the letter to his address, when i
medicines suitable to the ease will be compound- '
ed and sent with full directions.
The charge for treatment is only ($!- r >) five dot- .
hits, monthly, a sum sufficiently small to obv in ti
the fear < r risk to any one, and yet sufficient to j
preserve him from loss in his extensive admin- j
This done, call at the post office in a roasona- I
ble time, and receive your medicines with as i
much precision as you would a letter; prepare ,
and use them as directed, and persevere ; report •
pirogress monthly, or oftener, as may i>e necessa
ry, and closely watch the progress of the cure.
Having been long and extensively engaged in
the treatment ofdiseuses peculiar to females, lie
would say that thev may Avail themselves of his
knowledge, with the utmost confidence, in his
prudence and integrite-, sothat in writing out
their symptoms, they may express themselves
yvith the necessary freedom. In stone of the dis
eases of the renal and procreative system, the
medicines being more costly, the charge will be
Fitch cases as require personal attention, will
be treated on liberal terms in the city, where the
necessary- accommodations can always be had.
Those wishing further information in regard
to results, will address a post-paid letter to the
undersigned, who will immediately mail to the
applicant such documents as must disarm doubt.
Macon, June 29, 1850. 25—if
I HAVE received in addition to my former
extnnsjve Stock, bv lain arrivals, a lnij'ennd
well snip ted Stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, |
will be sold at a small advance on previous cost, j
The proprietor now offers one oftlic most com
plete Stocks of French, English and American
Drugs, chemicals, Valuable Family Medicines,
Perfumery, &-r. ; Soaps, Brushes, Cos nbs, and
other Fancy and Miscellaneous Article!, in this
Also, All the various Patent Medicines, Pills, !
Sarsaparillas, Liniments, Ointments,Syrups,&c.
! for sale or advertised by any other Drug Estab- :
lishmcnt in this city.
| E. L. STROIIECKER, M D , Druggist,
Comer of Third and Mulberry streets,
june 22 opposite the Floyd House.
desiring to escape the Fevers of the Summer
Months, would do well to make a free use of
this Syrup as a beverage, being a pleasant puri
fier of the blood. For sale low by the gallon or
, bottle, hy J. 11. & YV." S. ELLIS.
1 may 1 17
To Physicians.
rpHE undersigned have prepared for the con-
X veninnee of those who do not wish to have
recourse to Patent or Quack Medicines, the fol
lowing, according to the “Formula of the United
States Dispensatory,” being the base of popular
Remedies, viz: Syrup of Sarsaparilla, Syrup of
j YVild Cherry, Syrup of Seneca, Syrup of Ipecac,
| Syrup ofStillingia; or Queen’s Delight ; Extract
i of Bucliu, Saturated Cherry Pectoral, by the
gallon or quart, sold low hv
J. II YV.S. ELLIS, Druggists,
Near the Corner of Cotton Avenue,
may 4 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga.
HAVING been appointed Agent for the sale
. of Messrs. Charles Abbey & Son’s cele
brated Gold anil Tin Foil, nnd tor Messrs Jones,
YY bite & Co.’s TEETH, I will keep a constant
supply of these articles, and all Dentists’ In
struments. I ant now opening the first lot of
Impression Cups, Scrapers, Burnishers, Emory
Wheels N0.2 to 7, Files of all kinds, Scnteji
Slone*, Teeth Holders, Slabs. 800 Molar and
Bietisped Teeth ; 1200 Pivot do.; 2300 Plate do.;
1180 Gutn do. All of which will be sold at
Manufacturers’ prices, by
Bs-ysiii’s Cholera !Uc<tieine.
tiie cure of Diarrhoea, Colic, Camp,
1 Pains in the Stomach, &c., is a most valua.
ble remedy and no Family should bo without it.
Persons leavingthe city and subject to change of
diet and water, will find this an excellent Vadc
Mecum. For sale by
june22 E. L STROIIECKER, D:i:*g;.t.
“The Southern Press.”
\N Association of sixty.thrce Members of
Congress, Senators and Representatives,
have constituted the undersigned a Committee
to superintend the establishment of a Southern
Press at YVashinglon City, to he devoted to the
exposition and defence of Southern Rights and
institutions —the dissemination of correct infor
mation as to Northern Policy, and the course »<>f
Political Affairs generally, without reference to
the old party lines of YY’big and Democrat Ar
raiigeineiits are now in progress, promptly to in
sure the issue of such a paper under the title of
for the conduct of which, suitable Editors have
been engaged, who will also receive the aid of
a number of eminent and aide contributors.
There will he both a Tri- Weekly and a Weekly
issue—the latter to contain substantially the
same matter as the former, and intended to reach
those points of the country whose mail facilities
are limited.
A Daily issue will be added hereafter, should
it he deemed advisable or necessary by the press
and people of the Southern States.
The paper will not he political—
hut will embrace on its broad sheet the General
News of tile day, Domestic and For. ign,liy mail
and telegiaph ; t’otnincrrial and Agricultural
Intelligence, Literary Crili'-isuis, Original F.s*
sav s, I itcrarv and Miscellaneous ; and, in slmr’,
all those items of general interest, the collected
aggregate of which constitutes the interesting
and valuable Newspaper. Great care will tie
taken to give full and corr et Reports of the
Proceedings and D hates in both I louses of Con
gress, as w ell ns the action of the local Legisla
tures on the Sou hern question.
A limited number only of Advertisements will
he received—the main object being to furnish a
large amount of reading mutter
The paper will be printed on a sheer equal in
size to those of the other Washington papers,
and the material will be procured especially for
the purpose.
It is confidently hoped that every true friend
tn the South will aid in procuring subscribers,
and forward the names, with the amount sub
scribed, to some Southern Representative at
Washington, forthwith
Postmasters .ire authorized by law to remit
siihsi-riplions free of postage.
T F. K M s.-
For Tri- ll’eikfp dttrteg the Session of Congress,
and Semi. Weekly during the recess, the price
will be. per aiitiutii, : : $5 00
Weekly paper, per annum, ; : 250
The p i.-e of subscription mils' lie paid inva.
ri.-iiil \ in advance, a fid the cash accompany the
name sent
All persons procuring ton names shall beenti
t'ed to receive a copy gratis for one y ear.
' ' A P i l l l Lit.
\Y ; y HI'OTo.N. May 2-5, 1850
Beauty and Ucojitnny C’ouibint and.
r Mhr Old Virginia lli/e-Bietnsr.
(Flianix-lil.c) has from its ashes arisen, with all
its various virtues, its original colors to bestow.
r|MIE Subscriber most respectfully informs
J. Ins custuiuVrs and the public generally, t hat
his establishment has been re-built, and can now
be found on O’COTTON AVENUE, Rest of
the Washington Hall, TT where he is fully pre
pared to execute in the best manner, all the
various branches of Dy eing,Renovating and Re
pairing till kinds of Ready-Made Clothing, and
Ladies Dresses, Shawls, Bonnets, and all sorts
of Fancy Gooils damaged by use. Ladies and
gciitlcinei*\v:ll plea sty label all articles sent to
this establishment.
Goods from all parts of the State sent as be
fore, shall receive prompt attention, and be for
warded hack with care.
Factories and o:hers having warp filling to cn.
lor. will find it to their interest to test the virtues
of this estublishcment Persons wishing Home,
spiindyed, will please observe, for black the
warp must be purple or blue ; for brow n a cop
peras color, and for green tiic warp must be
ILL Cash must hr paid on the delivery of Goods.
O’ Ladies, hy calling at his establishment,
will always find specimens of his workmanship
on hand.
april 29 15—if
l-'sa-tsl! Congress IVaicr.
A VING ......le arrangements v*. jrls the Pro
prietors of the celebrated Saratoga Springs.
I shall be prepared to furnish the Water during
the season, fresh and in good condition. A lot
just received tmtl for sale bv
april27 E. L. STROHECKF.R. Druggist.
Pure Cod Liver Oil.
\ NOTHER Lot of Rnsliton’s Genuine Cod
5V Liver Oil just received. The increased
demand for this pure preparation, and t lie flatter
ing accounts from Physicians and others, of its
efficacy in releiving Pulmonic and Scrofulous
affections, fully sustains the high reputation ac
quired at the Norlh where it has been fully tested.
april 27 E. L STROIIECKER. M. D.
Fine Chewing Tobacco.
Ci 11. &8. LILIENTHAL S well known
1 » superior fine Cut Chewing TOBACCO,
in papers and cans. Also, various brands of
Chewing Tobacco—some ofwhicli the knowing
ones say cannot he beat. Also, various brands
of CIGARS, which ate just good enough. For
sale at YY. FREEMAN’S
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
dec 1 1
rhiiinpiiignc Cider.
BBLS. Newark Champaigns Cider,just
oil* received and for stile by
mmcii9 GEO. T. ROGERS.
JI olasscs.
fy TZ IllinS. New Crop Cardenas .Molasses,
£ ') just received and for sale by
march 9 GEO. T. ROGERS.
I.ctuoti Sugar.
CjUFERIOR to Lemon Syrup,and nearly equal
kj to the fresh Lemon, for making Lemonade.
Directions : Add one large tahlespoonful of the
Sugar to« half pint of water. Stir it well, and
a beverage is produced, inferior only to that
mnde from the fresh Lemon. Physicians iri the
country will find this preparation a valuable
substitute when the fresh Lemon ctiquot he pro
cured. Prepared and sold hy
april 27 E. L. STROIIECKER.
jP IGIIT! LlGHT!!—Another cask of that
jIJ good Lamp OIL at ijil per gallon, has just
arrived. Always on hand CAMPHINE, and
the best quality of Burning Fluid of my own
i manufacture.
| june 22 E. L. STROIIECKER. Druggist.
vents baldness, invigorates the roots and
'fibre of the Hair, and imparts to it a soft tied
I glossy appearance. Price 25 cents a bottle.—
For sale by E. L STROIIECKER, M I).
Q ANDERS Roach, Rat and IMouscj LXTLR-
O INI I NATCH.— Famines postured wit It these
destructive little animals, ran be rid of the an
noyauee by using a box of the ‘Exterminator.’’
Price 25 cents. For sale by
•■pril 27 E. L. STROHECKER
O PERM, Adamantine and Tall ow,oi‘al! sizes.
O Just received ar.d for sale by
june 8 OLO. T RyG^RS.
A to" Ole name of CI..IPP tun enrier-d „ llk
...une nisn of in- name of S. P. Townsend, ud ast ,
"Sine l" !'«l It» " Pursapnrilla, which -.hey cell Dr. Tow
•e.-rn - SHr>“p.irtUa. demimuixun* it nh .S' Or t Pl i
etc. This Townsend is so doctor, and never w», ; sai w> j
formerly n worker on ruirrn.-ids. csimla. nn.i the like. Veth,
xS'Uiiies tile title of llr.. for the purpose of gaining crtdl ,
what he is not. This is to mutton the puhlic not to fc,
deceived, and purchase none hut the (l e..VCI.Yy. OHIO I
X.ll. oi.n fir. J cob Town-end - * Sarsaparilla, havinj 0 .
il the Hid Dr's, likeness, his family coat of arnu, and hj
signature “cross the coni of arms.
Principal Oficc, 102 ft.. .Vmj Ytirk City.
mu •>* i v vt. i" viv kr in-- i-iik '
lieuiiiUi* Fowiscitil -<ar>ajiarilla.
o.ilir. » ..OW hmt7o > ears ol “» e . ,nd tie*
! lung n**«*i* k**i \ii »* Cm ./U 7 HUH Mini /) ISCOV rft FR
f l >*• (? H.VUI.YI . ORtai.YvU. ‘ TOWXsF'jtfi/sffc
S.iV.ili I /./..i ’’ i‘«*J i! r. IYvaftcottipelliMl in limit iu
in mill 'imp, l»\ whirl) nit* ns it tm*> been »*ui iii9ir
ket. mil the cirnmi<cribed to those only who had
proved us Y\ortb. and known its value. It hmi reached
the **ar• many. n«-verihciess. ns (hose person* who hod
act a healed of sort* diiei*«*>, ami saved troiu death, pro*
da: i ed i’r. excellence and o «»nd<*rfnl
k.iowji;w. many pears -igu that he had. by his
science MI.I experience, devised an article w hich would tie
of incalculable ad liotaue to in tnkind when the iueHm
would be furnished to bring it into universal not e*. uh**o
its inestimable virtues oould be known ar.d appreciated.
I’hi' time has enine. the mean* are supplied ; this
Ull.i.VU JXh CXh QU.i/./ch if FHh.r.iU.ITIOX
is m iouiactured mi the largest scale, anti is called for
throughout the length anti breadth of the land. es|tecmlly
as it is found incapaide ol degeneration or deterioration.
I’oliKe youngs. J* 'l’oyy nsend’s. it improves with age. and
never change*, out for tnt* letter: iiecjut'e it is prepared m
sctmtijic principle* hy a scientific man. The highest know!
edge of i hmni trv. and the late t discoverie* of the an.
have >it lae.’i hr..light into requisition in the manufacturt
of the «lid ih*> s.trs.ap trilia. i’he Sarsaparilla r«M»t, it ij
weli kn-tYva to modical men, contains ninny medicinal
parties, uwt 'bint 1 properties which are inert or useless, and
• tliier-. 'h ch if ret i‘tied in preparing it for use. product
term eat ithni and tad. a bich is injurious to the system.
Some t*t ihe properties of SNirsapumlit are s t( volatile, that
th«‘Y e?il re|\ eVnoorate and are m t n .he pre, ar ttion, if
th«*y iro mil presi rved hy a scientific process, known only
f .o tho • • \Dffriencnl ?i tl' tn t wftctu *• .Moreover, these
ooiatiie pr. m ip,e.< .*. iiicii lly mi it vpor. *-r hs an e.xhaia
'jiiii. uiuler *t* at. to* ■ ve'r\ essentia! medical jrrupertift
.t ■ ■•• . i-. li* value.
Any person can Imm! or - Bit-ntui ui t-.t .rs
eolnred liqtitii. which is m- re ft .in nc » - in
(he root Ilian irtnn a \ ;h rig »• v ilio;. i. : trail?
this lasipiii >r vapid liquitl. j»yy e* ien t'*i: on; ..00--es
snd then ell it ” d.\HS.A l*A K 1 U.A KX rU A» i .r V
KIT.” Hut sjcb i* bin the ariinr k- m* ii - 1
This i« so prepared, toat ail tue uu-rt pMjn*r.i«* 1 the
Barsn|i:irili:i root are first removed, every timijr capable »»f
becoming acid or of furmentatum, is e.viracicd and rejected;
then every i article of rued rai virtue is st cured m a pure
and concentratHd l«»rm ; and thus it is rendered ucnpaPleof
losing any of us valuable and healing properties. I‘repartd
in tin* way, it is made the most powerful agent in the
Cure of iiiuitinerußle 4ii*ea*t'S.
Hence the reason Yvhy we hear cornua’mi nions on every
tide in its f\vt»r by men. women, and children* We limi it
doing wonders in ihe cure of
COXS UMP rIOX, J)Ysy/:rsw. and LIFER COM
PILES, t Of’nU-KXF.sS. alt CUT. IX El) US EH UP
Til XS. PIMPLES, UJ.OCTHi:s, and all uifeclioui
ariving from
It possesses a m irvetlous • rticac> ir» aii coiupiaiiu* arising
from Indigestion, from .indity »f tki Stomach from um ipiai
circulation, duterminatimi of Lvjoi u; tde iiead. imlpiiaiinit
of the heart, cold feet au«! h uni,. c«dd « lulls and hot dishes
over the hotly. It has not »i- eq«mi in • a>LU and I'ouyhs,
and promote* easy ex}H!clorni>tm and gentle |ar pirtt.i ii,
relaxing stricture of the lungs, throat. mhIN y ry oin. r par’.
Hut iu nothing is its exct Itencc* mare m iuiic u-i.
ttckuou It'dged titan in ail kind- and- tain - • f
It yy orks \\ tinders in case.* of Fuvr Alims or lVh,t<« Ei."
tvg oj tut: Hi/nth. Obstructed, St.yf r>- J r !’a a ,<i i> ■
Irregularity of the meu-iruii ,«ai \ k*• ; 1
is as etlfcuiai in ctiring all U;e t m - t
By removing ohstructitms, and It gunning toe gema*
system, it gives tone and >ticagtii to the YYhoiu bo*;;, kb
tun* cures ail forms «.f
Nervous diseases aiid deMlity,
snd lints prevents or relieve- a gre »i varn tv of other mnlit
diei, a# Spinal irritation . Xeurmgia, Si. Fitns J)s*(‘
Swooning. Epileptic Fits, Convulsion*,
It cleanses liie blood, excites the liter to healthy actian,
tones the stomach, and gives go»»u «oge-iioii relieve* tiif
hoYVCIs of lorjKir ami constipation. hHuys inll.iiiiin.tUnii,
Mirifies Ihe sk<n, «v*»!H|i-us Hae circvil • tn.ll .and tbs Wlood.
p;od.*cu:g gentlo warmth equally all over the leal ml
(lie insensible perspiration; relaxes h>l *i»ictut*s •mi
uess, removes ill ohstruciDui-. nnd itivigora;e» tie '■tire
nervous sy stem, is not this iheu
TilC iiiruSciiir jOii jire-CTniilfildj' 11 0 -1
Hut can any of these ilimgs be said ofS. I’. 1 oy\ n-tii'l'*
iulerior article? This Young man’* liquid i- ia t i»e
because of one (iKA.VH f At: f, that the one <s I .NX A I’A
of UHiTUUiIt \ l'l« ).\, and
while the other DtMcid ; souring, ftrmi /. ting, and bin* '*?
Ike butties containing it into fragment* ; Lhe -onr, a» u •
exploding and damaging other goods ! .Must 1101 this horri
ble coiiqHiuud poisonous to the *>ystem 1— IVhat! yut
ccid into a system already diseased unlh acid 1 \N ha'. caU>«s
Uvs|iepsiA but acid ? Ho we not ail know that Yvticn
•ours in our stomach*, what im.-chiefs it pr« ■ ll*al
ienee, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver cmnma
iliurrhd’a. dysentery, colic, and citrnqdiou « *t the n n»«i •
VVliat is Scrofula hut an acid humor 111 me body 1 VVnnt
produces all the humor- which bring on Kruptmnsol die
Skin. k*cald Head, s* ill Kbeiim. Hrys.p* las. VVbite
lugs, fever Sore*, and all ulcerations internal and e\!erc#u
It is nothing under heaven, but an acid *ub«Wi»ce. which
sours,nnd thus spoils all the duals of the body. or
.ess. What causes ICheumatism but a s«-ur or acid thud
wliich insinuates it-etf lajtween the joints nnd ei tvYhcDL
irritating and indaining the delicate ti* *ues upon "hicfi and
act ? So in nervous diseases, of impurity of the bl*"" 1 "*
deranged cm iilitlum*. >nd i.e.»rly ail the ai.uieuL- YYiiub
ftfuict nuiuan nature.
r\ow is it not hornb.e to make anti sell, tnd
mot tt to o-e tdo‘
. f.I.AD.A i .and
r > ( Sir OK 6. V. lOWASKiVi*
.1 1 tie 'You..I I 111 ll Y» .1 Uil<l«’rs!u«»d MJtl | Y
"V'.n ••. •• 1 1 ‘ s fi> inline Original Sarsaparilla. 1* an 1 ’
i< m\ of bi* inferior preparation ! !
Heaven fnrDu! that vy e >hoi|id deal in an ardcle '' 11
» you id bear the ino*t di-tuil re-einbianfc t«* • * uV JL
'end’s article! and which should bring doYvn m’" n ' ** '
Dr. Mich a mountain load of complaint* and
roin Agents who have sold, and purchasers who I ,MV£
i*. Town-end’s FKRM K.NTIMi CO>JPnt!M»
We with it understood. licrause it 1* the absolutt ■ _
that S. I*. Townsend's article and Old hr. Jacob *"
mend’s Sar-apnrilla are heaven-tri tie apart, and infinite ft
* uni lnr ; that they arc unlike in every piirlictdnfi hi 1
not one single thing in coinmon. „
As S. P.'l ownsend is no doctor, and never XV J*; „
chemist, no phnrmaeetuist - knows no more ui uicuif-...*
di-ruse than any olhercommon, unseientilir. unpnde** l '
man. yy hat guarantee, can the public have that they
ceiving a genuine scientific medicine, contuinieff n
\ trtues of the article* 11-ed in preparing it. and yy hich,» r
capable of changes which might render tlicin ihe A(» •
of Disease instead of heallli. ,
But wh it el-e should be exiiected from one yviw
nothing CtHiip iratively of imalicine or di'ease ! ItrCr 1
a person of some experience to cook and serve up
common decent meal. How much more Important is '• 1
tlie persons yy ho nianufacture medicine, designed
sh.mlil know ».-tl lit* i.n dical |ui.p«rtiM <’f
best manner of securing and concentrating then
y irttme. also an extenaive knu'.viedge of th 1 various' %
which ath et the human system, aud him to adai»irt*ii<
to these diseases 1
ll is to arre t fraiidv upon the unfortunate, to
into wounded humanity, to kindle hojie in the de*| , hlt
biboni. to restore health nnd Uo*im. and v ‘B“ r m|)R,
rcMshiai and iHToken. and to bam. h Infirmity that J •
J it’Uli HnV.NrfKM) has ands
portliimy and ur• m* to brine ins .1
(jliitnd Uni versa I Coiiccnß ,Jl
K fined y jiu
within the reach, nnd to the kuoYvhdge ofail wn*»
that they may learn and know, by joyful 1
TiaiDtentltnt Tower to
For sale w holesale and retail hy
Nassau st., N- '
And by J. H . & VV. S ELLIS,« n “
J. A A 8.8. VIRGINS.
M. '■ |,i
i7 - : ’