Newspaper Page Text
Charleston Advertisements.
Mvictokj* hotel,
july 0 2G—iy
VT T OULB respectfully inform li.e* r ft ■ rd.
t V an 4 thorn who pay. hut l)ry Goods in
their city, lit it ibtj aic n.f.v prepared to otter,
a large, choice and v.ell assorted Sox*.;
A* liiev receive t!ie Bulk o: .i.tirti.odtii re!
friiin European Port., they f-*. 1 ,J -f L*-irs;
able to compete cesafully with e:.y i .her
Market in the l"n tej States
No 2J9 K ng, North V* e-t f ■ : er of K:r»
-••d .Market Streets.
atijf 24 S3—3m
’TOIE Subscribers, Direct Importers, of a)
X WOOLLEN GOODS, have just received,
per ships “Guluare,” “OnO i" arm “8 jrr.oset, ’
from Liverpool, their Fall supply of PLAINS.
KERSEYS, White and colored BLANKETS.
White, Red, Biueand Gieen I lannel Blanketing.
Guernsey Shirts, Kilmarnock Caps, Smtcl
Bonnels, Ac., expressly suited to our Snuthero
Planters' Trade, and loan inspection of which,
they confidently invite all who visit the Charles
ton Market.
201) King, North Vest Corner ofKing
and Market Streets.
ting 24 33—3 m
At his .Y eic Store, .\'o .*2ll, Bead of King Street
TTAS on hand and will constantly keep sup-
II plied with the largest variety of Rich and
Seasonable DRY GOODS, ever exposed in
Charleston, to which the attention of Planters
and Conn’ry Merchants is invited.
july 20 *i*-1y
•V tar the Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C.
rpRAVELLERS are invited to cill at
X WELCH’S Fashionable Furnishing Store
for Gentleman, where can be had SHIRTS
made in the latest Fashion, and of the best ma
terials, superior workmanship, and D mskin’s
celebrated pattern. Ni- A DAUSKIN is the
original inventor of cutting Shirts hv measure
tnent. 1) tuskin'* Pattern has received the un
qualified commendation of Gentlemen in all
parts of the United Stales, and lias been pro
nounccd perfect.
Also, for sale, a great varic'y of GOODS,
suitable for Gentlemen,
july 20 2 s —lv
Arenas and commission merchant,
AV l J Vendue Bunge, Charleston, S. C.
HAS constantly on hand every description o*
Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS.
u_r” Vendue Sales ol’Drv Goods Twice a Week.
July 2) 2S—lv
J. 11. TAYLOR,
-Yo 17 Vendue Bunge, Charleston , S. C.
HAS always on hand, a full supply of 4 1
and 7-8 Brown Shirtings, Prints, Bleached
nnd Colored GOODS, which will be sold or)
favorable terms,
CPAgentfor Chat lesion Steam Cotton Factory,
july 2.) 28—1'
i;. w. cooiTß,
.Vo. 90 Hast Bay, Charleston, .S'. C.
DEALER in Farina ; Whcnlen Grits ; M ic
cironi ; Vermicelli : Pickles ofali kinds;
Tnpinc.l ; Chocolate ant) Corna, of every des
rription ; Sweet Oil ; Mustard ; Spices; Lemon
Sugtr ; Lemon Syrup ; Essence of Coffee, &'c.
1 nported Segars, Champaignes, Clarets,&c. and
Fancy Groceries in general.
O'-'gent for the Congicss Steam Mills, New
* july 20 28—1 y
.Hillai-’g Uiscuit lisiko ■•*.
-Vo. J3l Meeting Street, opposite the .Market,
f p ME Subscriber Ins constantly on hand
JL I’ilot and Navy Bread, Soda, lkitter, Le
mon,Water, Su;:ir arid Dyspeptic CRACKERS,
Ginger Nuts, <S>r , in barrels, k«*gr, boxes and
balk, all warratnd oftlie best quality, and at the
lowest prices. R. S, MILLAR
July 6 26- ly |
Depository of the Southern Baptist
Publication Society,
.Vo. 4i Broad Street, Charleston, S C.
THE present Agents of the Society linwe tbn
pleasure ofannouttcingSo the Baptists of
Georgia, that they have recently fully replenish
ed tlu;ii Stock of BOOKS. They have now
ut their Depository in Charleston, as c omplete
err sssortiri'-n' of Denominational and Theolo
gical Books, as ran be found in any Southern
City. Their entire Stock having been purchas
ed for Cask, they hope to be able to sell on the
most reasonable terms. In addition to the usual
dise.ount, 5 per rpnt. will he allowed on every
hill cashed within thirty dnvs from date. A
Catalogue of l be Books kept at the Depository
has been recently published, and will be for
warded by mail to those who desire it.
Agents S. B. P. S.
julyS 25-ly
Works Issued,
BY The Sou’hern Baptist Publication Society, i
The Way of Salvation —By Dr Howell,!
12. do. pp. 336. Price S7j cents.
Taylor on Restricted Communion—lSmo pp.
96 Price 10 t en's.
Ad vantages of Sabbath School Instruction—
By Rev C. D. Mallory 11 no. pp. -16. Price
Cl cents.
A Decisive Argument against Infant Baptism ,
—By llev. J. L D.igg. ISino pp. 52. Price Gj [
Also, for sole,
Fuller on Baptism and Communion—l2mo j
■pp.2o4. Price 50 cents.
Williams’ Miscellanies— ?mo pp. 400. fcl 5C
Kitto's Daily Bible Illustration!,-- 2 vol*. 2 (tfi
Alexander on Psalms. 1 25
Mothers of the Wise and Good. 75
july 6 I 2G—tf
Factors and Commission Merchants, Macon, Get
I 1 LL make advances on shipments to their
vv Houses, LAWTON At DOWELL, .Sa
vannah, Go. ; and LAWTON. DOWELL &
CO-., Charleston, s. c.
*«g 31 34—ts
Superior Tens.
| A splendid lot r,f TEAS, both
Green and Black, warranted fine,
j' JSl rPc eived *»t from the Canton
i Tea Company of New York, nt
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
j dec J " |
Luardian’s Sale.
TTY leave of the Honorable the Inferior Court
-L-l of Bibb Ci unty, when a Court of
; •»r eery, will be .old befrre the Court House
' door in Macon, Bil b county, w ithin ti e legal
I hours if sale,« n ti e first Tosdr.v in January
"■ xt, Four A' rt* snd Three Chains if wild
LAND, ? •: eat Yinevit e, w;’.h B.T.Bailey's
Land rs ti e South, Mr Freemen's on the \\ cs’,
Mr M. M Mason sand the Academy on the
North, and Mr. Beiison’s on the East for bouu
.-ries So das li.e pr. r>erty of Mortimer 11. G.
Nix n a: u Calvin \\ Niicn, aud I'ur iheir
er.cfit. JOHN D. WINN, Guardian.
nov 2 39_
HAVE the pleaaureof announcing that they '
ln» e received and are now opening at their j
new stand, conn r of Cherry and Third Streets, |
i very large and entirely new stock <■! t A.XLi j
lave been carefully selected ill the I irgest anU
mist t.i« lionahie h uses in New York, are w r
anted of superior sty l *- and quality , and will he
-oldon very moderaie terms,
apri! 0 13
)EBPECTFt'LLY inform the public that
U tuev are n**vv disposing of their Stock
*f Goods at N't w York Cost, at their new store,
urner of Third and Cherry Streets, formerly
iccupied by .Messrs. Graves *Y Wood.
o*Ladiea are particularly requested to call
tiid e: a nine the Goods and price*,
inarch 2 B—ts
Family - ml Staple Goods.
I" OGAN .V ATKINSON are n**\> opening a
Vj verv hirgp as* irtment of Staple nnd Domestic
Goods, suitable for plantalion or family uses,
which will be sold low for cash or to approved*.
april G 13
B'tiotitlid Bridal Drevse*.
.1 with triioiniugs to mil! —very fine and fash
ionable. Ladies would do well lu call and ex
amine them, at
Ladies’ Dress Goods.
V SPLENDID a*s irtment of Ginghams, Bar*
ges and Muslins, fur morning and evening
dicsses. Also, an undlcsa variety of rich and
. till ui l sit muter SI LKS, e'e. Just rtccnnl at
april 6 13
’I of a'most every grade, gelling at cost, a
Jvson's old Stand, by
july 20 28—ts
To .Milliner*,.
) ON N ET (iLL'E, of superior quality, is hep
i > ‘or m„| bi
ll arch 9 E. L. STROHECKER, M. D. ,
> AIS i N •>, CLRRANTs, Cl I l<( N AND
l PRUNES. A tine lot jli*t received at
jnne 2 i W. FREEMANS.
( kLI» PORT WINE—And Madcria ditto,..
5 X fine article in Buttle, for sale at
Opposite the burnt square on Cherry street.
June 1
Mfrcei- t*otal«M‘s.
1 fI ÜBLS. M*-rccr Potato.-s, very superior,
JLVh in fine order, just receivod and for sale
very cheap by GEO. T KOGU.RB.
Solace’s Fine Cnt Tobacco.
SOMETHING very superior, just received
and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
sept 29
; s RANDY AND BLGARB A fine artel**
I ) of ** I 1 Cognac Brandy , in lent Its o liv tin
illon— Also a choice article of 8»-e* is, it
-* :*• 7 MOL’LTO
Wa ’»».■ tl Int Hied talelj,
L NET-MAKERS. None except good work
men, and such as are willing to make themselves
useful, need apply.
oct 20 47 if
V X ’HITE Wine and Cure Cider Vinegar **(
»» very superior quality, just receiv* and nnd
for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
june 1 21.
Ar ti V Meam iicliiK'd Catidies
V STILL Larger assortment of CANDIES
just received and for sale as low as any
Candies in Town,at W. FREEMAN’S,
juno 8
Ribb County Academy.
Y | ALE DEPARTMENT—The Exercises in
i-'-l this institution, will he resumed on MON.
•AY, tho 2d day of September, at 8 o’clock
V M p: A. STROBEL, Rector,
g 24 ft
fill V,
rpilE copartnership heretofore existing be
-L tween tiie undersigned, is dissolved bv mu’
tttal consent—to take effect on the ]st day of Sep
lumber next. T. CONNER,
Macon, August 24, 185(1.
8 BUSINESS will be continued in the name
frtnl style of C O N N E R & T AVLOR,
it the old stand—where tiiev will be ready to
! exert themselves to serve all patrons and friends.
Macon, Aug. 24, 1850. 33—6 m
Bitller ami Cheese.
*5 KEGS Goshen Butter", 50 boxes Goshen
•) Cliee*e, of superior quality, just received
m<l for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
out 19
Bacon Sides ami Hants.
4) A 11HDS. Prime Bacon Sides, 3000 Rnlti-
V* more and Cincinnati Hams, just received
and f.r sale cheap, bv
"ft 19 GEO. T ROGERS.
Canal ami Baltimore Flour.
1 | O BRLS. Extra Sunerfine FLOUR
_l. - I 2i> bbls. Extra Family Flour, verv
i choice, just received and for sale low bv
oct 10 GEO. T. ROGERS.
Molasses and Sv up.
T / V HMDS. Prime C. l a Molasses; 12 bills
-1 ' ' New Orleans Syrup, ju«t received and
COAP—Castile and Extra White Family Soap
1 k "-p* 7 At MOULTON’S.
Faht-nsiock’s Vermifuge. *
rpHE B«fe»c and most effective renieej) for
A Dorms that has erer teen discotcrrd.
This preparation l as been before the p» bl ic
fir nearly twenty years, it lias been in
almost every climate, and in every condition ol
patients needing a Vermifuge, and the experi
ence of those w ho had occasion to use it in (heir
families, fully corroborates w hat its prop4et< r
claims for it. It is mild in its operation, -con
tains no calomel, nor dangerous and
can be given with perfect safety to the most del
icate infant.
The Mayor of Lancaster city, writing to
Messrs. Fahenamck «Y Cos., says .
Gentlemen —Several of the younger branches
of my family ftboring under symptoms indicating
worms induced the application of various reme
dies and I am happy to say that your Vermifuge
had the desired etieet of, in one instance, remov
ing the almost incredible number o£lsl of the
Urge worn s from one patient, which m addition
ii ns other tested qualities in ray family, esiab
li-hed the ethcaev of y our Vermifuge as n sure
cure. * ‘M. CARPENTER,
Mayor, Lancaster city.
For sale by Dr. F. L. STROHECKER,
aug 17 Agent for Proprietor.
Aru I*oif;tI»Ie ?»otta Ualcr.
* N\ otic having cold water, can atoncepro
. \ dine fsodu Water, sweet and flavored as
•with the fi 11 e* i s_, rup, • lie i vescn g pleasant aml
he a I illy us any a the loun tains. For tin- sick or
;rvvellers to rectify bud w . ler, this is a ennvei...
•nt and pleasant beverage. For sale in buxi .<
low by J. 11. A W. 8, ELI.IB,
Cotton A venue, near Cherry stieet,
june 23 Macon, Ga
site S»otnii«‘i ii Clutpry Fft-loral.
i'OR Couchs, Coiiis. Asllima, Consiiniplinn,
Ac.—A pleasant and concentrated prepara
tion of the Prunus Virginia, nr Wild Citerrv. —
i lie medical properties of this Southern tree are
tiere chemically prepared in combination w ith
i indred principles so as to constitute an agrecn
le and effectual remedy tor all complaints oft lie
mgs and bn ast,coughs, asthma, * roup, whonp
ii g cough, bronchitis and all curable cases of
consumption. The price is half less than usual
for such medicines. F**r sale liy
june 29 J II A\V 8. ELLIS, Macon.
For Cholera, Diarrhoea, Cholera Infaiiinm
or Summer <-oni| Inint of Children, Dvsenterv,
Cholera Morbus, Vomiting, I’ain in the Bn ast,
A c—Recommended In the most eminent Pin si
cians, for family and plantation use—a never
failing remedy for the above complaints. For
sale by J. H A W. a. ELLIS,
june 29 Sole Agents, Macon.
getahle remedy for diseases arising from
impurities of the blood, di spepsia, scrofula and ,
all chronic di-eases—also a substitute for ealo
mel, as a eat liar ic in fevers and all bilious direc
tions. Tor sale by
june 29 ' J H, A W. S. ELLIS.
J RATIVI)— For preserving, restoring and
beautifying the Hair. U lien the hair is failing
out a beautiful head of hair mav l>« produced
It algo beautifies the hair ol any, and is richly
perfumed. For sale by
june 29 J' II & \\. 8. ELLIS.
j EM ON SUGAR—A n article for Lemonade
-Li superior to Lemon Syrup, for sale hv
june 29 J 11 ’ A W. S ELI,IS.
/ COLOGNE W \TEK —Of various perfumes,
v>' hv the bottle or gallon, for sal* hv
june 22 J II A W *S ELI.IS
Choice Tobacco.
JUST received a small lot of superior Chew
ing Tobacco, considered by those who have
used it, to he the. best in Tow n
Also on hand a supply of d* light!-. I- looking
Tobacco, mild, richly flavoied - p
Tor sale by F. L ST •• *!! : F ! R,
run\ 25
■i- ' article. Parisian dm. , wr-. -. it ~i
pri> e Just receive ;by
* - ETLB, and suintnor stuffs of every quality,
just received by
PHF.PARI I) PARI I- v ’ ; f * '
pi** nil id Articles for toa*. ;hg I- * ; ...
"I die- for sick persons. Afn -h supply ji -i
‘•aeived at \V. FREEMAN’S
aug 17 1,2
Hams, IBitter, Syrun, &e.
New Orleans Sugar House SYRUP
A few Jars of very white Leaf LARD.
All of choice quality, just received and for
•ale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
dee I Cherry Street.
r IMI F. Subscriber has just received, direct from
' Now \ ork,a fresh supply of new Groceries,
such as fresh Dates, dried Currants, Preserves,
I igs, Sardines, Catsup, Pepper Sauce, Citron,
Caper Sauce, Cocoa, New Chocolate, Raisins,
Nuts of all kinds, Rice, Java Coffee, Maccaroni,
Fine Table Salt in boxes or bags, Nutter os,
( loves, P» pper, Spice and Ginger, Sperm arid
Adamantine, Candles, and a great variety of
"liter articles too numerous to mention.
A Iso, a fine lot of Fresh Tens, for sale by
Opposite Mr. G. M. Logan's new Brick Bit "tiding,
1 On Clterrv Street.
Flour, Monl, Corn,
A CON Hunts. Sides and S hotilders; Lard,
A Irish and Sweet Potatoes —in store and for
'•« by J .S. RICH ARD-'ON,
Cotton Avenue,
inarch 24 f7
r J O Hundred Boxes Segars, a great varie‘ y
F of brands from common to verv fine. For
sale cheap by GEO. T. ROGERS,
juno S
Pistil's, Cisat's.
TEEN Thousand Cigars various brands—
. among them are some genuine and most ele
gant Cigars. Lovers of a good article will be
certain to get it at W. FREEMAN’S,
march 30
Congress Witter.
!*Y the Box or single bottle, direct front tftc
F Springs. Just received and for sale by
june 8 GEO. T. ROGERS.
ROBB'S PENA!, CODE —This Work, mi
v J thorized hj the last Legislature, and just
published, is now for sale bv
nug 24 : ’ 3- m3 "'
(TIEN Casks of Byass’ celebrated Porter for
X sale by \V. FREEMAN,
march 30
London Porter.
\FEW Casks best London Porter, in Quart
and Pint Bottles, just received and for
sale by GEO T ROGERS
JU"e ?
! “I Tread no Step Backwards.”
jll. S. THOMSON, I*l. p.,
I OR a period of over thirteen years, it has
I been the province of the undersigned, to
! present to the people o! Georgia, and the sur*
rounding States, llie results of the use of inno
cent Vegetable .Medicines, lu the lieatmeiit and
cure of disease, as contradistinguished from poi
sonous substances, to w hich from childhood they
have been accustomed, and to whose pernicious
effects upon the constitution, many of them are
living vv itoesses.
The success which during this long series of
years, bu attended his administrations, las, in
many instances, been such, as to overcome the
most inveterate prejudices iri favor of the old
order of things, and lo pioduce instead thereof,
a conviction that even in medicine, as in other
branches of the physical silence.-, new ideas
mav be advanced, and results achieved, that our
ancestors would have deemed impossible, but
w hicli our posterity, thanks to the enlightenment
of a coming age, may find easy ot accomplish
This suer ess in faring- diseases of the most
hopeless character, after all •* her means had
failed and that too, in innny instanees, iritliuut
seeing the patient, has long been the sohjec **l
general remark,* xhibiling as i does, in hold re
in f, the different e hi tv* e. n rcs.oriog a case that
has been also!utily abandoned, and simply rais
ing another, that hundreds of others i-oultl cure
Buch rases can be pointed out in almost every
county in Georgia, w here some poor, decrepiii,
helpless being, after tesnug every local means
without av ail, have sent > If, a--a dernier resort,
a description of their diseases lo a distance, in
many installers hundreds of miles, and received
hack those health restoiing remedies that have
restored them again to health and to society , to
tluir own astonishment and their neighbors’
wonder, putting a nought the sneers of antago
nistic interests, and adding new linger posts at
every post office and cross road, pointing the
way to the city of refuge.
\V illiout subjecting himself to tins charge of
presumption, Ite would yet boldly- say, that lie
firmlv believes that nine.tenths of the so railed
incurable case- in Georgia, are yet within the
roach of medicine, and can be cured by- pursuing
a proper cou se of medicine, with the exercise
of necessary earn and perseveianee, oti.tlie part
of tin- patie t, which in all cases of a lingering
clmra ler, are ot the Inst importance.
Ti e gieat facilities for this kind of treatment
presented ill the* eln up postage sysl* 111, has been
taken advantage of by thousands who happily
ran i- dim tlv attribute tin ir pres* nt good heahli
to that nol le specimen of liberal govemmeit;
and there are thousands more win* may reap the
ann- advaut ig s, l*v simply pmsuing a similar
• ourse. I.itihe afflicted, if be cannot write
himself, gel his neighbor to do it for him, give a
history oi l is case, age, habits, and sympmins,
the same as i lo a physician. If able,
and it i» mti vi riieut, enclose the fee ; it not 1-I*ll
- nt just tln*n, a due bill for 1 lie aim urn will
unsvv er, (//its olriates the incotnrnitrce tj ma
king accounts at great distances.) and if not alls,
pre-pay • nd mail the letter to bis address, win u
medicines suitable to the case will be compound,
ed and si nt with lull directions.
The el arm Ibr treatment is only ($5) fiy’e dol
lais, monthly, a -inn sufficiently small to obviate
the fear of ri-U to any one, and yet sufficient to
preserve him from loss in his extensive admin
isi rai ions.
This done, call nt-llie post office ill a reasona
ble time, and receive your medicines with as
much precision as yon would a letter ; prepaie
and u-e them as directed, anil persevere ; report
progress monthly, or of’lener, as may be necessa
ry, amt closely watch the progress of the cure.
Having been long and extensiv cly engaged ill
I 1; t tie tine t of di-eases itcciiliar lo females, be
I vvo ■ . .--nv that t icy may avail themselves of I is
...*, | ,-g* , with 1 e ulii i-si confidence, in bis
nrud* - ■ -ltd integrity, so Hint in writing out
toms In \ 1 ay evpn-- themselves
. ilium Ins me ot t lie dis
cus, -oi the renal aml procroiilivi system, the
j medicines ticing more costly, the charge will be
j increased.
j fjiicli cases as require personal attention, will
be treated on liberal terms ill the city, where the
ncei sscrv accommodiitious can always be had.
’ Those' wishing further inliinrialioti in regard
to results, will address a po-t-unid letter to the
eil, win civ n ail to the
IS . 1! . UI.II Ot- a- Hill SI ill*, rill llollbt.
•, 8. THOMSON, M D.
j Mi .ri, iu* 2-, 1 • 25—ts
:? . - .:N iHfirO STOKE.
[HAVE received iii addition to mv former
exten-ive Stock, by late arrivals, a huge and
well selected Stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS,
will be sold at a small advance on pre\ ions cost.
The proprietor now offers one oftlie most com
plete Stocks of French, English and American
Drugs, Chemicals, Valuable Family Medicines,
Perfumery, \c ; Soaps, Brushes, Cos ribs, and
other Fancy and Miscellaneous Articles, in this
A Iso, All the various Patent Medicines, Pills,
Sarsa pari lias. Liniments, Ointments, Syrups,&c.
for sale or advertised by any other Drug Estab
lishment in this city.
E. L. STRODECKER, M. D , Druggist,
Corner of Third and Mulberry streets,
juno 22 opposite the Floyd House.
fr desiring to escape the Fevers oftlie Slimmer
.Months would do well to make a free use of
this Sv rup as a beverage, being a pleasant puri
fier ofthe blood. For sale low bv the gaiiou or
bottle, by J. 11. & W. S: ILL IS.
mm I 17
To PhysiriaiiS.
rp 1J E undersigned have prepared for flic run*
JL veuience of those who do not wish to have
recourse to I’ntenl or Quark Medicines, the fol
lowing. according to the “Formula of the United
Stair’s Dispensatory,” being the base of popular
Remedies, viz : Syrup of Sarsaparilla, Syrup of
Wild Cherry , Svrup of Seneca, Syrup of Ipecac,
Syrup ofStillingia, or Queen’s Delight ; Extract
of Bucliu, Saturated Cherry Pectoral, by the
gallon or quart, sold low bv
J. H. .V W.S. ELLIS, Druggists,
Near the Corner of Cotton Avenue,
may 4 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga.
HAVING been appointed Agent for the sale
of Messrs. Charles Abbey & Son’s ride
brated Gold and Tin Foil, and for Messrs Jones,
White & Co.'s TEETH, I will keep a constant
supply of these articles, and all Dentists’ In
struments. lam now opening the first lot of
Impression Cups, Scrapers, Burnishers, Emory
Wheels No 2 to 7. Files of ail kinds, Scotch
Stone-, Teetli Holders, Slabs. 800 Molar anil
Bii-usped Teeth ; 12 ’0 Pivot do ; 2100 IM ieilo ;
1180 Gum do. All of which will he sold at
Manufacturers’ prices, hv
juno I 1 !. BTROHF.CKER.
Bry fin’s Clto!*'f" llpdieitie,
the cure of I'innlam. Cclii Chico.
Pains in the Stomach, A c.. is a iocs' value,
ble remedy and no Family should he without >t
Persons leavingthe city and subject toehnngnof
diet and water, will find this an excellent Fade
Mcrvm . For sale bv
junc 22 E L STROHECKEF, Dniggirt
“Tlte Southern Press.”
4 N Association of sixly.lhree Members of
Sm Congress, Senators and Representatives,
! have constituted the undersigned a Committee
10 superintend the establishment of a Southern
Press at H ashington City, to he devoted to the
exposition anil defence ol Southern Rights and
institutions—the dissemination es correct iufor
matlon us to Northern P»diry, and the course of
Politieai Affairs generally, w ittiout reference to
the old parly lines of Whig and Democrat. Ar
rangenientsare now in progress, promptly to in
sure the issue of such a paper under the title of
for the conduct of which, suitable Editors have
been engaged, who will also receive the aid of
a number of eminent and able contributors.
There will be both a Jrt anil a Weekly
issue—the latter lo contain substantially the
same matter as the former, and intended to reach
those points of the country whose mail facilities
are limited.
A Daily issue will be added hereafter, should
it be deemed advisable or necessary by the press
and people of the Southern States.
The paper vv ill not be exclusirely political—
but will embrace on its broad sheet the General I
News of 1 in* day, Domestie and l or* ign,l>\ mail i
and telegiapli ; ('niiiiiieiciul and Agricultural |
intelligence, Literary Criticisms, Original Es-I
say s, lot* rary and Misrclhineoii* ; ami, in short,
all those items of general interest, the collected
ilggligilti of W I ii-ll enlistilules the interesting
amt valuable Newspaper. Great care will lie
taken to give lull and correct Reports of the I
Proceedings and D hates in both Houses ol Con
gress, as well as the action of Hie local Legisla- I
ture.- on tin* Sou.hern question.
A limited number only of Advertisements will
he received Hie main object being to furnish a j
large amount of reading matter.
The paper will be printed on a shooi equal in j
size to those of the other Washington papers,!
and the material will be procured especially for !
the purpose
ll i- confidently hoped that every true friend ,
to the South will aid in procuring subscribers, I
and forward the names, with the amount sub
scribed, to some Southern Reprcsentative at
\\ ashington, forthwith.
Postmasters are authorized by law to remit
subscriptions free of postage.
F< r Tri- Wtikly during the Session of C**«grcss,
and Semi. Weekly during the recess, the price I
w ill be, per annum. ; : $5 <lOl
Weekly paper, per annum, ; : 250 J
The p ice of subscription musi be paid inv:i-|
riablv in advance, and the cash accompany the |
name sent I
All pci -oils procuring ten name* shall be enti ’
1 ed 0* reeeivf a copy gratis fn 1 no year.
- ‘ A 1* BUT I r.R.
\V y ttINOToN, May 25, Icstl.
Beauty anil £,4 ossoizvy t ooslnsi « «I.
7 /if Old I 'irtzinia Dye-House.
( Fhanix-likc ) has from its ashes arism, iritli all
its various virtues, its original colors to lies tele.
fltllL Subscriber most respectfully informs
J his customers and the public generally, that
his establishment lias been re.limit,'and can now
be found on j " Gt)’l TON AV LNU L, II rst tj
the Washington Hall, i~Ti where lie is fully pre
pared in execute in the best manner, all the
various branches of Dy eing.Reriiiv at ing and Re
pairing all kinds of Ready-Made (Holhing, and
Ladies Dresses. Shawls, Bonnets, and all sorts
of Fancy Goods damaged by use. Ladies and
gentlemen will please label all articles sent to
tliij estalilisbmei t.
Goods from all parts of the State sent ns be
fore, stint! receiv 1 proni| t atteiitinn, and be for
wardid lael* will care.
Factories and n hers having warp filling to ro.
lor.v HI find it to their interns to test the v trines
1.1 *: blislieinent. Persons wishing Honie
-puudy Id, yy ill pk-ase 1 Isi rye, lor black the
vy . rp must be purple nr blue ; for brow 11 a cop
p. las cob , oid f-.r green the warp must lo
ve hii 1 •
and.) Cash must he paid on the del item of Goods.
|Jj* Ladies, by calling at bis nstablisliment,
will alyvava find specitiiens ol Ins workmaiisbip
on band s
april 21 15—ts
Fresh I'oiigrrss 4% :tt«vi\
RAVING made arr. ugcnieuts with the Pro.
prietors oftlie celchrati and Saraloga Springs,
I si all he prepared to furnish the \\ ater during
the season, flesh and in good condition. A lot
just received atul for saie by
upril 27 E. L STROMECK ER. Druggist.
Pure Cod Liver Oil.
4 NOTHER Lot of Kushton’s Genuine Cod
1 V Liver Oil just received. The increased
demand for thi.s pure preparation, and the Halter
ing accounts from Physicians and others, of its
efficacy in releiving Pulmonic and Scrofulous
affections, fully sustains the high reputation ac
quired at the Nor 1 li w lie re it lias been fully tested,
aprii 27 E. L. STRODE! KEK. M. I).
Fine theuiiig S’tibacco.
C 1 11. vV S LH.IENTHAL’S well known
> • superior fine Cut Chewing TOBACCO,
in papers and cans. Also, various brands of
Chewing Tobacco—some ofwhieh the knowing
ones say cannot he heat. Also, various brands
of CIGARS, which aiejnst good enough. For
saleat W. FREEMAN’S
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
dec 1 . 1
Clmmpaisrnc f
Url R 81,3. Newark Chanipaignc Cider, iust
- ' received and for sale hv .
•• eh 9 GEO. T. ROGERS.
U «s:i
IIHDS. New Crpp Cardenas Molasses,
jusi receivf.J fend for sale bv
- reh 9 GEO. T. ROGERS.
Lemon Sugar.
SUPERIOR to Lemon Syrup,and nearly equal
to the fresh Lemon, for making Lemonade.
Directions- Add one large talilespoonful ofthe
Sugar to a half pint of water. Stir it well, and
a beverage is produced, inferior only to that
made from t lie fresh Lemon. Physicians in the
country will find this preparation a valuable
substitute when the fresh Lemon cannot he pro
cured Prepared arid sold by
aprii Q 7 E L. HTROII ECKF.R.
I IGIIT! LlGHT!!—Another rusk of that
I 1 good Lamp OIL at $1 per gallon, has just
arrived. Always on hand CAMPIIINE, and
the best quality of Burning Fluid of my own
jllne 22 E. E. STROIIECKER, Druggist
vents baldness, invigorates the roots and
fibre of the Hair, and imparts to it a soft and
appearance Price 95 cents a bottle
F rs.'e' v F I, STROMF(’KE'’, M I)
Q ' Vnrt>s• p n-.» and Mouse"FXTFR
M’N VTHR -Families eester- and wiM, these
and “frot've li't'e mil mil’s, ran he rid of lie an
• , an'-e I y ns-1 -a li v 1 fthe ‘Exterminator ”
Price ‘». r cents Fm -a'e hv
aprii 27 F L.'STROIirrKF.R
4' *
O PER M, \ difmantine and Tallow,of nil sizes,
kX Just received and for sale hv
v ' * tn-.y i..\ * i,.,
y ■ hv the leant- nf CS..ITP ha. e„g, t , d
"*'"* ,f ln '- " *«* I' T„.n«*,4 , nd *
asm, t*. (*U! ~,, n .'sr-ajoinlln, « h.rh e »ll Dr.TowjZ
.«no - r*rssp...ri!la. iteoniinnating it fi E-Vl'/A"E, Orifi-a
nt. This -r.*w a send is ro doctor, and never ...but
fertile riy n worker on mirro:td». canals, and the like. Yet),
M-umes the title of !Ir.. f..r the ( .ur,« ,e of gaining credo
what he i. not. This it Ui eastern the public not t„ be
deceived nnd purchase none but the Of.'JVT/.W: ORlqi
Sr.ll. O/.n lit. J cob Tovvn«end-r Sarsaparilla, havinc „*>
It the Old Dr'*, lik.-ne.s, hi* family coal of arm*, and hit
•if HA ill n hcrovs the ci>.<t of arni^.
prinetpai Ofite, 102 .Yistau at.. York Clip.
01.1. l*a *• . *.|.
TIIK-lltli;i\ VI. ll S. VEttKR OK THE ’
(.rmiiU!* I’ovviim ikl Sarsaparilla.
Oid Ih. Ton n-end is nmv limit 70 year, ot .
long liven ki onn ,» n.c .11:THOU and IHSClH'rnru
nf tic a T.VUI.Vt ORIGI.Y.II. ruH.Ysrvi, sru
SjtV.iKII.I..I ■’ Pei g I*'r. lie was compelled u, limn ft,
k»’t. and the sale* nrrtmi rritied to those «. n |\ w |, ( , ». *
proved iln worth, and known iu value. It timi
the « Hr< of in iny, n<-ventities*, at tii«»e j»rr*on* u ho hitd
hf.iled oi sore diseases. Mini saved from death r,r,s
cla.iiied iU excellence tn*i < ond rftil ’ *
Kii'iwi.iE, yttnry pear* nftt that he had. by hi* skill
science nid cxpcii. iice. dt-viM.-d an artirle which would lie
of iura lr 11 table ad antau'e to iii.iiiknid when the means
would be furnished to tiruiff it into universal notice, when
its iiiestunable virtues would Ik? known and appreciated
This time ha* tome, the mean* are supplied ; this
is manufrtetureil on the largest scale, and is called |i*r
throughout the length and breadth of the land, esjiecialiy
a.» it is lountl inc ipalde of degeneration or deterioration.
t-nlike young S. P Tow it improves with ape. and
never ch tntres. but fir the better tiecause it is prepaied c*
tcirvttfsc principles by a scientific man. The highest Knnwl
edge nt t.'be»ii! irv. and the latent discoveries »»f the tri.
have all !»een bruipht into requisition in the manufacture
Os the Old Dr’s Sarsa|vtr;!! \. The Sarsaparilla n
weil knnU 'i to mt'die tl men. contains many medicinal pfw*
IKirticv, and 'om»- profierties which are inert or useiess. and
ottiers. '' t ich f re: ..ned in preparing it for produce
ferment turn and tietd. a Inch is injurious to the sy>tem
ol lUe pnqieriies <»f Sarsaparilla are so volatile, limi
they cm reU evamirate and are lost in preparttion. if
they are not preserved by a scientific proems. Known only
to tho e • \i*?rien««d in its iirHUifo iii r Moreover, these
vulah e principles, which fly off in vspor. .»r as «n rthata
Hon. under ‘o-al, are the verv eusentiai medical properties
nf the r ■ " ’ » h . '•* u • ,] *’s vitue.
Any fH-rson r n boll or •'* the n tl,**;. •< a aari
Colored liquid, vv liirt: .4 til*ue fmin t ■ r
the r<M»t tha-i from a \ ihui- ehr. th • :nn
this lii'ip.* n vapid hqtj’.d. sweeieo w * •• : ...f*
•nd torn call it "S?A K* Al’\ II l 1.1. \ i:\Tfr\i I sy
Rri’." Hot sirb is i.oi the arnct. k*,c»** no
This is so prepared, that .11 tue u.« rt pr p» t • e
Sarsaptrilla riM»t atr nrst r< iooved. every :n:; “ . .. „t
becoming o-id <*r of ferinental.on. is rxirariu i *n: r-jnie«l
then every particle of uie«i.c tl virtue i s< <. td * pure
•nd conceittruted form ; and thus it i' r* * : r*d n* .Ktincof
losing any of its valuable and headin' propeftio . d
In this way, it :* made tiie most po wiiul age t m u e
Curt' of iiiiiumei-abit* iliscns.-**.
Hence the reason why we he tr cumn nii «n«ins tin eveir
side In it* favor h) men. vv.iim n, md children Wt foal .1
doing wonders in itie cure of
COJYSU.UPTIUA', 1) YUPEPS 1.1. and 1./PKH f ()M
PL..IIJYTe and in H HHUJU. / 77.V.V. siHOll'I.A
PI/.US, COS , J'iy*:.YH.'>S. «ll ( UT.iXKOI’S l Kl'p
Tl< firs. VIMI'LKS. H/.OCr///:\ and all ailecmras
arising from
It ptwsessesn t flittry mao complaints arising
from Indigestion, from .•Uitlity of thz stomach tonn tuna} »«l
Circulation, dult-rmiuaiion • f U* a»*.i it*, the he and. im!,» ;u,*hi
of the heart, cold feet ami hands, cold ciuils < «t h*-t M si.o
over the body, it ha* not its equal in (. ol is a tl ( o wi,,
and promotes easy exp. ctoratio i ntnl nil** per pid
relaxine siririare oV the lungs, throat, and every »tti r
lint in nothing ih ib» excellence more m tniie
nek *• vv*|i*d“ed than in ail kind' >»tal ts
It works wonder> in ca-es ol h'uor.l «..■* <> It /
ing of :.e IVonb, Obstructed. Snj.prc.'St and. r I't
Irregularity ol the meti-tritu peii*»<i.s, <1 i y< ; ...»
is ns edectual in t ruic ill tin* i in t A .
llv removing oU*itticiioiis. nnd rogu a> o
system it gives time nd .strength t-> m ..
thus cure- ail forms of
Nervous sntd tlylttliiH.
and thus prevents or relieves a gre tvarety *l
dies, as Spi.iiU irriti .ri . fifeu •. st. /* * •'
Swooning, t.pihptic Fits . ('mi mi sums, in .
(idealises tlie blond excites lb i **r to healthy act <
tones the 'lomach, and gives iiojesin u re .v t
bowels of tor| or and i oust
.ntrities the skm, equah'**s the cr< iifati.* . .and t.
producing gentle waruith equally ni. ovr-r
the insensible perspiration ; rel .g**-* a - 1« i* ti* •
nets, removes all obstrucii ii', nail iii\ woruie tb *
nervous sysum. Is not this then
The medicine you pre-ciniarniij ut-.JI
Hut can any of these tilings be said of S. I*. I w a-eiaf*
iiiUror art cu.* ? This \«*ti>.«• man's liqiiiu o . <-i ; .<t
because ot' one (IK \.\l> f \(, I', that tue ••*.« *s V5'A
liM's of OKI MI.OK A IT and
while the other DdKft : souring, fermenting, anil Umroij
the bullies C'-titn:niiig it into fragments : t!ie •.oiir, acin h;|U»*l
expiod rg am: damaging other goods ! .Must not this h«»nu
bie comjMjund be ptusonous to the system/ If/iui! pet
ccid into a system already d.seated with ucid H'liW cause*
Uys|»ep.sici but ac.d l I>«> we not hi: know that when Io«mI
fours In our siom .chs w hat mischiefs it yiroduccs ! !» ‘tu
lence, heartburn palpitation of thr heart, liva r cniuua nt,
diarrhtca. dy»enivry. co.ic. ami corruption of tn»* .. o**<l
What is Hc.rolula but an acid humor in tt«c to*•!•. ? N\ ’■
produces an the hum*»r> when bring on hrupuoa ~f l ’ r
Bkm. i»t'’!d Head. s*.tli Klieuiu. Irysipt n- V\ :• t*’
lmr«, l-'ever 6«» res. and all ulcerations internal and uc 1
it is under heaven. liiu an and -ul. t *! <.•
sour>. and thus spoils all the fluid* of Up* bo.: m- o *i:
.ess. What causes Kheum in-m but a r.« ur t.r **cid
which insinuates it'oil brtween the joints ami el ewMte.
irnt ling rind lutlHining the delicate up>»n wnan and
acts 1 of nervous disease*, of impurity of the W'R'il. '*•
derange.i circulations, nearly ail the aiiiuents which
afliict human nature.
Now* is it nut horrible to make and sell, and mfudetf
i torsi to use Ihif*
• 1 ELAIi-.-VIiNG. .-vldl.) ■C' l
;at e l ae „ ”ii >1 I'-in h ve a iinti'-r-iaoit thin < ilri '* -j "' 1
11 \\ it si.* .1 in (irnutne Orttrin,u S'lrgajmrtUti. i> :,n ‘ 1
’l‘ '.\ 'I it*' interior prrjuiffiitoii !!
loro ti ihnt vve shiHiUtd#»nl in nn
'Oliul lis-if tilH llli-t ill »t i 111 uc»* !’• .**. I •
nrtic/e! Mini w hich shot.ld Bring UD«*n !* r
i>r. v:ict» i tiioUnt:iiit load of complaint* -mi
nun Xl'cmc* w ho h *v r* -mil. jiml piifcti “
*’. Town-’end’s KKRiIKM IMJ M»
We wnl) it undcr>liMtd. lipcmiisc it "* ll,r a b*oiuy ‘
h t S. f. Tawnsemt’s nrtidt- sad Old llr.Jsr")' " "
p'tr-ap tiill.i Hie heurrn wide apart, and intim y ■
•i mi far ; tint they arc unlike in every |»HrUCUi*r 1
not on*? flnirle limit; in cuniiii'Hi. .
As H. P.’i'o\\n««‘iid is no doctor, mid never
shemitt, no pharmaceutist—knows no more <»l
diM’Hsn than nn\ other common, unscientlrtc, an|»('"i e ' , '" ffi
man. w hat guarantee can the public have that lh‘*>
a genuine scientific im dicm#. rontaining '
value-* I»i the article* used its prupari"}! it and whir J 1
capable of change* which might render them the At* •
nl Ilisease instead »»l’ health. . vllWt
Hut wh«t «!-e should he experred from one w" 1
uolliing cmiiparatively of imalicino or ili>ease I
a person ofs<iiiie experience m cook and serve up *'
common decent meal How much more imiMirtaot •«
the persons who iiiaimf;vctiire medicine, designed 1 1
should know well the medical properties of H‘ nn 4
best in muer of securing and concentrating thed
viriuei, aim, »n sMensivt* kimwledge of ill» v»ri"ii“
« nich «lt, cl ,ths tuiinan sy.-.twu. and h„vv to adayi"
tu the>e dlsensus 1
It is to am I Iramis u|kir llie tinforutnaU! s'
into wixutded liiiiiiamt,. tn kindle ho|ie in th" 11 'L
In >5,,|11. ut rsxinre health and td<»mi. snd vl,J " r j! (lld*
ms lied aid hr-ken and tu b ..n»h uiliruiil) 1 1 . ’ef
J U'llll TOVV.NSKM) has SOFtJHT and Ft" ‘'V
(•"ruuiity and mean- t" hriui* i . (l| |
4. in ltd litivtisiil Conccn" 1,
K**im**ly *
within the reaeh. and i > me kniia h-dre ufnll "
that they II \le rn ,1k • > In jav’til . ( l i
'lHilt c- i><!‘ i" <*«»w t !<
Fur side wliulesale and retsil by
Nassa" s'-, f' l 1
And by J If . & VV. 8 ELLP s '" r ' 1
J. A. & S. S. VIRGIN *”•
IT- 1 - ?
•riT,' 4