The Southern tribune. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1851, November 30, 1850, Image 4
Charleston Advertisements, j l-A VIC TO 1.1 A iIOiCL, i ki.yg street, ca.iULEiros,s.c. iiy DANILL COOK, i July 6 26—ly C. & E. L. KC!JKISO> A CO. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF FOr£I«.V D!£ I* GOODS, CHARLESTON, S. C. 't'\7'oULD respectfully inform their friend* V T and those who purchase Dry Goods in their city, that they ate now prepared to offer, * large, ctioioe and well assorted Stock rOREIGX, r.I.YCY A.YD STAPLE 2>s» As they receive the Hulk rff their Guild* da rci i flora European Ports, thev fo< I assured of being : able to compete successfully with any other . Mtrkot in the L’n ted Stale*. C. & E L. KF.RRISON & CO. \ No 20J King, Noriji West Comer of King and Market Street* j aug 21 33—3 in PEA2:¥3, 3LA.MK.fMS, KEKSLYS AMf> FELWELh. fTVIE Subscribers, Dirrct Importers, of nil' -L WOOLLEN GOODS, have ju*t received, per ships “Gulnara,” “Orion” and “Sanioaet," J ironi Liverpool, their Full supply ofPLAINS. KERSEYS, White and colored BLANKETS. White, II ed, Blue and G. ceil Flannel Blanket ins Guernsey Shiris, Kilmarnock Cap*, Scoich Bonnots, Arc., expressly suited to‘our Sou hern Piatitars’ Trade, and loan inspection of th iy confidently invite all who visit the Gliarlw too Market. C. & E. L. KERRISON & CO , 23J King, North -Viral Corner of King and Market Street*. an g 24 33—3 m WILLIATf HOWLAND, At his JYsto Si-ire, .Yo. 214, Bend of King Street CHARLESTON, S. C. HAH on hand and will constantly keep sup plied with the largest Variety of Rich and Seasonable DRY GOODS, ever exposed in Charleston, to which the attention of Planters and Country Merchants is invited. juiy 20 23—ly WELCH’S STOKE, CORSES OS MKKTING ASD MARKET STREETS, JVear tha Charleston Ilotsl, Charleston , S. C. TRAVELLERS are invited to call at WELCH'S Fashionable Furnishing Store for Gentlemen, where can be had SHIRTS made in the latest Fashion, and of the best nia t trials, superior workmanship, and Dauskin's celebrated pattern. N A DAUSKIN i* the original inventor of cutting Shirt* by measure ment. Dtuskin'* Pattern lin* received the un qualified commendation of Gentlemen in all parts of the United States, and has been pro nounced perfect. Also, for sale, a variety of GOODS, suitable for Gentlemen. july 2d 23—ly E. IS. CREWS, AUCTION ANtJ COMMISSION MERCHANT, JVu. Id Vendue, Range, Charleston, S. C. HAS constantly on hand every description of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, ivj* Vendue Sales ol'Dry Goods Twice a V\ eek. july 3d #• 23—ly J. H. TAILOR, QENRRtL COMMISSION MERCHANT, •»Yo. 17 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C. HAS always on hand, a full supply of 4-4 and 7-8 Brown Shirtings, Print*, Bleached and Colored GOODS, which will he sold on favorable terms. f|~7* Agent for Charleston Steam Cotton Factory, july 20 23—ly E. VV. COOPER, JWr. 90 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. DE ALER in Farina ; Vv beaten Grits ; M te caroni ; Vermicelli ; Pickle* ofall kinds; Tap ioca ; Chocolate and Cocoa, of every des cription ; Sweet Oil ; Mustard ; Spices; Lemon Sugar ; Lemon Syrup ; Essence of Coffee, Ac Imported Sugars, Champaigne*, Clarets, dec and Fancy Groceries in general. o*Agßnt for the Congress Steam Mills, New York. july 20 23—ly JUillar’s Biscuit Bakery, ,Y o. 131 Meeting Street , opposite the Market CH ARLESTON, S. C. THE Subscriber has constantly on hand Pilot and Navy Bread, Soda, Butter, Le mon,Water, Sugar and Dyspep; ic CRACKERS, Ginger Nuts, A_e., ill barrels, kegs, boxes and bulk, all warrated of the best quality, and at tile lowest prices. it. S, MILLAR, july 6 2G--ly Depository of the Southern Baptist Publication Society, JYo. 41 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C. THE present Agents of the Society have the pleasure of announcing to the Baptists ol Georgia,that they have recently fully replenish ed theii Stock of 800 KS . Thev have now 8t their Depository in Charleston, its complete an assortment of Denominational and Theolo gical Books, as can he found in any Southern City- Their entire Stock having been pnrehas ed for Cash, they hope to be aide to sell on the most reasonable terms. In addition to the usual discount, o per cent, will lie allowed on every bill cashed within thirty days from date A Catalogue of the Books kept at the Depository has been recently published, and will be for warded by mail to those who desire it. GEORGE PARKS & CO. Agents S. B. P S, july 5 25 ly Works Issued, BY The Sou'hern Baptist Publication Society The Way of Salvu ion —By Dr. Howell, 12;no pp. 336 Price 87. J cents. Taylor on Restricted Communion—lßmo. pp. 95 Price 10 cents. Advantage* of Sabbath School Instruction— By Rev. C. D. .Mallory. 14mo. pp. 46. Price 6| cent*. A Decisive Argument against Infant Baptism —By Rev. J. L Dugg. 13inu pp. 52. PriceCj cents. Also, for sale, Fuller on Baptism and Communion—l2mo pp. 204. Price 50 cents Williams’ Miscellanies—Smo pp. 400. <Csl 5(. Kitto’s Daily Bible Illustrations— 2 vols. 2 00 Alexander on Psalma. : : 1 25 Mothers of the Wise and Good. : 75 july 6 26—it WII. S. LAWTON 4k CO. Factors and Commission Merchants , Macon, Ga Ur ILL make advances on shipments to their Houses, LAWTON ,Y DOWELL, Sa vannah, Ga. ; and LAW ION, DOW 1.1. L3L 00., Charleston, S. C. sept 31 21—ts Jv ■ xfm Xw. Joy to tl»« Bcd-ISidden. A VALUABLE Discovery for the instant I\. cure of pain.— Radicay's Ready Relief cures the worst in niittu e* and hours, and stops the U!"*t erttel pangs of pain in second* ! So quick and efficient i» Radicay's Ready Relief in stopping pain and curing diseases, that it has frequently raised the diseased and helpless inva lid from a bed of sickness in a few hours. It ha* cured the worst pain* of Rheumatism, In four hour*, JYturalgia, In twenty minutes, Tic Doloreuz, • In ten minutes, Tooth-Ache, lu three seconds. Sick Head. Ache, In fifteen minutes, JYereous Head Ache, In fifteen minutes, Sour Stomach, In five minutes, Heart Burn, In live minutes. Bowel Complaints, In thirty five minutes, Crumps and Sp ains, In twenty five minutes, Dinrrhtca , lit one hour, Inflammation of Bowels,ln thirty minutes, J.oraL Inflammations, In ten minute*, influenza, . In twelve hours, Hoarseness, In ten hours, ! Spinal complaints, swellings, bruise*, sores, [ wounds, Ac , it will relieve ten time* quicker | than any other remedy now in mm. Let those who suffer pain try i‘ ! ft will prove itee fin a few minute*. As soon a* it is taken interna iy, or applied externally, it* beneficial effects are Seen. It. is hitter thnn all other Rented es / fi re is the Proof —There is no other remedy that eliiitn* o subdue the cruel pangs of pain in seconds, minutes or even In-uri. They require the patient to use dme after dose before a favor able change is promised. Not so with Kadway * Ready Relief its effects are instantaneous, tin first external application commences it* great work of relief. Sick Head-Ache Cured. Radway's Ready Relief has cured over 90,000 ease* of Sick and JYereous Head A>'ht this past j season. In the West, w here litis distressing | complaint prevails, to such a great extent that j every other person you meet is troubled with it, j Railway’s Ready Relief lias cured, when all i other modes of ti eatment had failed. It gene. I rally stops the pain in fifteen or twenty min ute*. Bed Side Companion. In many district* of tha Western country, where sickness abounds in every form ofdisease, tile Ladies will not go to bed without a bottle of' Railway’s Ready Relief within their reach—and j the Men never think of going to the, field with out a bottle in their pocket*. It instantly stops evety kind of pain and ache, whether it be back ache, «hnulder ai he, tooth ache, pain in the feet, limbs, joint* or muscles. Married Ladies should bathe themselves with Railway's Ready Relief—it gives elasticity, suppleness ands ryngtli to the joints and limbs, and tn ikes the skin smooth, soft and healthy. A Bad Cough cured in ten minutes ! Mr. R igdon of Brooklyn, the celebrated church singer and organ player, on the night of the 10th of December, was attacked with a severe fit of coughing—so that he coughed from 9 o'clock until 12, P. M without three minute* intermis sion. One of the clerks of Rad way At Cos., who sleeps in ttie next room, got up and gave him a teaspoonful of the Relief internally, and. bathed his throat, neck and chest , lie also saturated a piece offiunnei with the Relief, and laid it over his chest. In a few seconds the coughing ceas. ed, he could expectorate freely, and raised with perfect ease a great quantity of phlegm. The Relief instantly soothed the irritation of the throat,and removed the inflammation from the lungs, and gave free action to them, produced a free and copious perspiration of the throat and chest ; and in ten minutes he was entirely free S from pain, and sank into a sound and pleasant sleep. In the morning he was free from hoarse ness and cm/gli, and has not been troubled since. Let every individual who is troubled with a cough, sore throat, influenza or hoarseness, pur sue the same plan, and we will warrant them a speedy cure. Lameness. if you have a stiff*joint, a wrenched limb, a i swelled leg, a bruise, or any thing short ofa bro ken Innie, Railway’s Ready Relief will curs you. The lame have been restored to the free use of their Bmhs by a few applications of the Relief. The cripple, who lias limped from spot to spot upon ins crutch, has been relieved of his pain ful afflictions, and enabled to stand erect, as God designed that Matt should stand, by a few tunes using the Relief. The Rheumatic, VVho has been bed ridden for years, shut out Iroiu ihe busy world, nod lingered with pain upon a couch iff sickness, deprived of the socie ty of friends, and of the pleasures of life, has been raised from a tingering death hy the south ing, heaiiug and pain relieving influence of Kad. ivH) 's Ready Relief In all eases of Rheumatism, ••yen the worst cases, one trial of Rad way s Ready Relief will prove its superiority over all other remedies in u*o. . Power of Beauty. First of the train that tempts the longing eye For heau'y’* self, majestic queen we spy ; Whether in man or maiden's form adored, Still mightier 'ban the sceptre or the sword, This ravished hint who wak'd the. world's alarm. Subdued his heart, and nerveless made Ins arm ; Thus Alexander knelt at beauty * shrine, And Anthony felt Cleopatra’s cluirmsdivine ; Gcles ial beauty— daughter of the skies, Fair skinned, rose cheeked and lily necked,a rise! Tell each poor mortal Who far thee would hope, Try Rod ways Chinese Medicated Soap! This, this alone, each form will purify. And make the uglipsl handsome to the eye I This for pimples, tellers, blotches, rheum, Will banish all hi fore it* rich perfume ; No ringworm, scurf, mosquito bite nor tan ('an stav its linee on face of maid or man. But ull who test it will at Railway's shrine. Confess hi* Soap giv es hcatitv s glow di\ ino ! Yes,dear reader. Railway’s Soup is truly a friend to those who wish for beauty'* plow di vine It imparts Inal h, sweet ness and ela* ici ly to the shriveled skin, and beauty to the dark sallow complexion—rernoves pimples, blotches, pustules, tetters, rash, sunburns, chops, chafes, and rough skin. The most delirious Soap in the world is Rad way's Medicated B<>ap It instantly removes all redness and other annoying spot* from the skin For shaving, toilet nnd the nursery, it is the lie plus ultra of its kind. Look for (he Steel Engraving. Each cake to he genuine, must he enveloped in a label of steel engraving—and each label must bear the signature of K. G. RADWAY . Had wav's Soap is 25 rents for large cakes. Beautiful Locks of glossy Hair. Rahway's Circassia* Bai m —Ti is is truly a capital article for the hair. It keeps it moist, fine, smooth and glossy—it gives nourishment to the scalp, invigorates the roots, nnd forces the hair t<> grow. It is a perfect antidote for bald ness, stops the hair from falling out, and makes it strong and beautiful. A supply of the above article* just received and for sale hv JACKBON BARNES, Macon; Chapman, Hill & Cos. and Johnson &: Tutt, Griffin ; aud Ranlin iV. Nissen, Atlanta, Gn. nov 16 Faheustock’s Vermifuge. THE safest and most effective remeity for Worms that has ertr keen discovered This preparation has been before the public f>r nearly twen y year*. It bus been used in ulmo*l every climate, and in every condition ot patient* needing a Vermifuge, and the experi ence of those who had occasion to use it in their families, fully corroborate* wiiat its proprietor claims for it. It is mild in it* operation, con tains no calomel, nor dangerous ingredient, and ran be given with perfect safety to the most del imits infant. The Mayor of Lancaster city, writing to Messrs. Fahenstock A: Cos., says. ; Gentlemen —Several of the younger branches oftny family laboring undersy injitmus indicating w orms induced the application of various reme | dies, and 1 am happy to say that your Vermifuge ' .had the desired effect of, in one instance, remov ing the almost incredible number of 151 of the I irge worms from one patient, in addition To us other tested qualities in my family, estab lished the efficacy us your Vermifuge a* a sure cure. M. CARPENTER, Mayor, Lancaster city. Forsnleby Dr. F. L- STROHECKER, aug 17 Agent for i’roprie or. A»■ \v I’urt th e Water. \N Y one having cold water, < an at once pro dine Soda Water, sweet and fluvoiedas. w ith the finest v l op, i fierv escii g pleasant and healthy ns any at the fountains. For the sick or travellers to rectify had water, this is a couvetii. int and pleasant beverage. .'or sale in boxes low by J. 11. «fc W 8. i.LI.1.8, Cotton A venue, near Client stieet, june 29 Macon, Ga. Tl»e fci«mlirr»» Chert) I’rrtoral, I'NOR Conuhs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, Ac —A pleasant and concentrated prepara tion of the Primus Virginia, or Wild Cherry . The medical properties of this Southern 'reeare here chemically prepared in combination with kindred principles so us to constitute an agreea ble and effectual remedy formil complaintsoftlio lung* and breast, coughs, ast Inn a, croup, w hoop, ing cough, hrnm hitis and all curable eases of consumption The price is half less than usual for such medicine*. For sale hv june 29 J H.&W M. ELLIS, Macon. rpHE GRI'.AT~OU I HERN REMEDY— X For Cholera, Diarrlupa, Cholera Infantum or Summer complaint of Children, Dysentery , Cholera Morbus, Vomiting, Pain in the Breast, A e Reeoui mended by the most eminent Physi cians, for family and plantation use—a never failing remedy for the above complaints. For .ale by ' J. H AW. 8. ELLIS, june 29 Sole Agent*, Macon. COM POUND TOMATO PI I.LS-TInT v - getnhle remedy for diseases arising from impurities of tile blood, dyspepsia, scrofula and all chronic di-ease*—also a substitute tor calo mel, as a cathartic in fevers and all bilious affec tions. For sale bv Hpjune 29 * J. 11. & W. S. EI.LIS, EG V PTIAN iTa I R ’fON!IC AN I)' RESTO I RATIVE—For preserving, restoring and beautifying the Hair. When the hair is falling out a beautiful head of hair may he produced |l also beautifies the hair ol any, and is richly DR rfumed. For sale hv v june 29 J. H. & VV. S. ELLIS. IE MON* SUGAR-A n article for Lemonade j J superior to Lemon Syrup, fi r sale hv pine 29 J 11. & \V. S ELI 13.I 3 . Ct OI.OGN EVV \TER—Of various perfumes, J bv the bottle or gnllon, for sale hv june'22 J. H At VV S. ELLIS REP A RED BARLEY, 'FA BI OCA, BAG<’ > —Splendid Articles for making Puddings nad diet for sick persons. Afresh supply just received at W. FREEMAN'S aug 17 32 Choice Tobacco. JUST received a small lot of superior Chew ing Tobacco, considered by those who have ujpd it, to he the best in Town. Also on hand a supply of delightful Smoking Tobacco, tnild, richly flavored nnd cheap For snio by E. L. STROHECKER, may 25 Druggist. IVTAPOLEON CAPES—A new and superb article. Parisian ditto, of every style and price. Just received hv april 6 LOGAN & ATKINSON. LOTUS, CASSIMERES7~DR VP DE ETES, and summer stuffs of every quality, just received by april 6 LOGAN & ATKINSON. Candles. C( PERM, Adamantine and Tallow,of all sizes. Just received and for sale by juried GEO. T ROGERS. STTW "ii ROC EHILS; GTX HE Subscriber hasjust received, direct from JL New York, a fresh supply of new Groceries, such as fresh Dates, dried Currants, Preserves, Figs, Sardines, Cutstip, Pepper Sauce, Citron, Caper Sauce, Cocoa, New Chocolate, Raisins, \nis of all kinds, Roe, Java Coffee, Mjci iroui, Fine Table Salt in boxes or bags, Nutmegs, I Cloves, Pepper, Spice and (linger, Sperm aud Adamantine Candles, and a great variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Also, a fine lot of Fresh Tens, for sale hy THOMAS J MOULTON. Agent, Opposite Mr. G. M. Logan's new Brick Building, aug ol On (’liPrrv Street. 1 Flour, Itl«>sil. < oii». 1> A CON Hams Sides and Shoulders: I, ard, j J Irish and Sweet Potatoes—in store and for j sale by J. S. RICHARD-ON, Cotton Avenue, march 24 17 Scgili'S. f Ti\VO Hundred B • Xu* n frre nt vnri»'*y t I- of brands from common to verv For! sale cheap by GEO, T ROGERS, i june 8 31 -IHI*. Rtitici'. SyiH|t, Ac. CIINCJNNATI Sugar cured HAMS / GOSIIEN BUTTER New Orleans Sugar House SYRUP A few Jars of very white Leaf LAND. All of choice qualm , just received and for sale by . * GF.O. T ROGERS, doc 1 Cherrv Street. rigars, Clshik. IJMFTEEN Thousand Cigars various brands— among them are some genuine and mos't ele gant Cigars. Lovers of a good art ole will be certain to get it at VV FREEMAN’S, inarch 30 Congress Wntcr, IBY the Box or single bottle, direct from the P Spring*. Just received and for sale hy june 8 GEO T ROGERS. 7" TTjBB'S PENAL ('('DP . This Work, au- V 5 thorized by the last Legislature, and just published, is now for sale hv JOS. M. BOAFDMAN. aug 24 33—tn3m Port<*r. TEN Cask* of Byass’ celebrated Porter for sale hy W FREEMAN, march 30 Railway’s Ready Relief. \ FRESH Supply of this Article, just rec iv ed and for sale bv JACKSON BARNES, nov 9 Mulberry street, Macon “1 Tread uo Step Backward?’’ SfIBLIC ST'xTL.TJr.YT or M. S. TIIO9ISOV.IH. 2>., MACO.Y, GA. a period of over thirteen years, it has _L been the province of the. undersigned, to present to the people ofGeorgia, and the sur rounding States, the result* of the use ot intin cent Vegetable Medicines, in the treatment and cure of di-ease, a-- contradistinguished from poi sonous substances, to which front childhood they have been accustomed, and to whose pernicious effects upon the constitution, many of them are living witnesses. Piie success w hich during this long series of years, lias attended liisadministrations, ! as, in many instances, been eiu-h, as to overcome the most inveterate prejudices in favor of the old order of tilings, and in produce instead thereof, a conviction that even in medicine, as in oilier branches of the physical sciences, new ideas may be advanced, and results achieved, that our ancestors would have deemed impossible, blit which our posterity, thanks to the i-nliglitr ument of a coming age, may find ea.-y of accomplish ment. This success in curing disease* of the most hopeless character, alter ail o her means had failed, ami that too, in many insiiinres, without seeing the patient, has long been the subject ol general n-mark, exhibiting as it does, in hold re lief, the diff'ci'cin e hi tw ecu res.firing a ease that has been oLso'utr'y abandoned, and simply rats ing am.tlu-r, that hundreds of other- could cure. Such eases can be pointed out in almost every eoiilitv in Geoigia, w h- re some poor, deerepiil, helpless being, after tes ing every loial un ana without avail, have sent off', as a dernier resort, a description of their diseases to a distance, in many instances hundreds ot miles,and received hack those health restoi mg remedies that have restored tin nt again to health and to society, to tin ir ow n astonishment and their neighbors’ wonder, putting a. nought ti e sneers of anliigo. nisiie interests, and adding new linger posts at every pest office and cross road, pointing the. Wiiv to the city ot refuge. W itliont subjecting himself to the charge of presumption, he would yel boldly say, that he firmly believes that nine.tenths of the so railed incurable cases in Georgia, are yet within tiie reach of medicine, and can he cured by pursuing a proper course of medicine, with the 'exercise of necessary care and perseverance, on the part of the patient, which in all eases of a lit genng character, art- ol the last importance. The great facilities for this kind of treatment presented in the cheap postage system, lias been taken advantage of by thousands who happily can indirectly attribute their present good health to that noble specimen of liberal government ; and thefeare thousands more w ho may reap the same advantages, bv simply pursuing a similar ■ nurse. Let the afflicted, if lie cannot write himself, get his neighbor to do it for him, give a history of his ease, age, habits, and symptoms, the same as if talkiug to a physician. If aide, and it is convenient, enclose the fee ; if not con venient just then, a due hill for the amount will answer, (this ohriolts the iueonrenitnee ts ma king accounts at great distance*.) and if not able, pre-pnv and mail the letter to Ins address, w hen medicines suitable to the ease will he compound, ed and sent with till directions The charge for treatment is only (s■”) five dol lars, monthly, a sum sufficiently small to obviate the fear of risk to any one, and yet sufficient to preserve him from logs in his extensive admin istrations. This done, call tit the post office in a reasona ble time, and rec«ive your with as much precision as yon would a letter; prepare and use them as directed, and persevere ; report progress monthly, or oftener, as may tie necessa ry, and closely watch the progress of the cure. Having been long and extensively engaged in the treatment ofdiseases peculiar to females, he would say that they may atfai! themselves of his knowledge, with the utmost confidence, in his prudence and integrity, so that in writing out their symptoms, they may express themselves with the necessary freedom. In some of the dis eases of the renal and procreative *vstem, the medicine* being more costly, the charge will be increased. Such cases as require personal attention, wili he treated on liberal terms in the city, where the necessary accommodations can always he had. T hose wishing fuiilier information in regard to results, will address a post-paid letter to the undersigned, who will immediately mail to the applicant such documents as must disarm doubt. M S. THOMSON, M. D. Macon, June 29, 1850. 25—ts )I4( ON IIKIG STOKE. I HAVE received in addition to my Oirmer extensive Stock, by late arrivals, a large and well selected Stock (CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY & FANCY ARTICLES, which will he sold at a small advance un previous cost. Tile proprietor now offers one of the most com. ! plcte Storks of French, English and American \ Drags, Chemicals, Valuable Family Medicines, Perfumery, \ c ; Soaps, Brushes, Cos libs, and other Fancy and Miscellaneous Articles, in this country. Also, All the various Patent Medicines, Pi I Is, Sarsaparillas. Liniments, Ointments,Syrups,&,c. for sale or advertised by any other Drug Estab lishment in this city. E. L. STKOIIECKER, M. D , Druggist, Corner of Third and M itlherry streets, june 22 opposite the Floyd House. ' spring urnirnr. CYRUP OF SARSAPARILLA Person* FT desiring to escape the Fevers ofthe Summer Months would do well to make a free use of this Si rup as a beverage, being a pleasant puri. fier of the blood. For sale low hy the gallon or bottle, by J H. & W. S. ELLIS, may I 17 • o l’liy*tei!!its. r pIIF. tinder grrd have prepared for the con* J. vetiietiee of those who do not wish to have recourse to t atent or Quack Medieii es, the fid lowing. according to the “ Formula ofthe I ’tilted Slates Dispensatory," being the base of popular Remedies, v 1 a S\rup of Sarsaparilla, Sv rllp of Wild (’hern . S\ rup of Seneca, Syrup off perne, Svrup of Stillingia, or Queen's Delight ; Extract of Buehn, Saturated Cherry Pectoral, hy the gallon or quart, sold low hy J. H. >V VV. S. ELLIS, Dniggi«t», Near the Corner of Colton Avenue, may 4 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. TO DENTISTS. nAVTNG been appointed Agent for the sale of Messrs, diaries Abhev Sr Son's eele tirateil Gold nnd Tin Foil, nnd for Messrs Jones, White iV Co.'s TEETH, I will keeps constant supply of these articles, and all Dentists’ In struments. lam now opening the first lot of Impression Cups, Scrapers, Burnishers, Emory Wheels No 2 to 7, Files of all kinds, Scotch Stone, Teeth Holders, Slabs. 800 Molar and Rieiisped Teeth ; 1200 Pivot do.; 2300 Plate do.; 1180 Gum do. Ail of which will be sold at Manufacturer*' prices, by jane I F. L* STROIIECKER. Rrynn’s Cbolern Iledirine' FOR the cure of Dinrrha'a. Colic, Camp, Pains in the Stomach, Sir , is a most vnlna. Ide remedy and no Family should be without it. Persons loavingthe city and subject to change of diet and water, will find this an excellent Vade Mr.cum. For sale hv june 22 F 1 BTROHECKFR. Druggist. FBOSP ECU or “The Southern Press.** \N Association of nxty.three Member* of Congress, Senators and Representative*, liav p constituted the undersigned a Committee to superintend the estrhlishment of a Southern Press «t‘ U ushington City, to be devoted to the cxpo»iiion and defence of Southern Rights and institutions—the dissemination of correct infor mation a* to Northern Policy, and the course of Political Affairs generally, w ithout reference to the old party lines of Whig and Democrat. Ar ratigcmeiiis are now in progress, promptly to in sure the issue of such a paper under tiie title of “ THE SOUTHERN PRESS," for the conduct of vv liieh, suitable Editors have been engaged, who will also receive the aid of a number of eminent and able contributors There will he both a Tri II telly and a lleekly lssui —the latter to contain substantially tlm same matter as she former, and intended to reach those points of the country whose mail facilities are limited. A Doily issue will be added hereafter, should it he deemed advisable or necessary hy the press and people ofthe Southern Slates. Tiie paper v\ ill not be erclusircly political— I hi will embrace on its broad sheet the General News of the day, Domestic and For> ign,l>_l mail and teleg’iiiph ; (’oiniui rrial and Agi ictilt oral IntcllitM in c, Literary Criticisms, Original Us ual*,! .Horary and Mtseeilanei tis ; and, in short, ail those items of general interest, the collected aggregate iT whir l! emisliltile* the interesting amt vaitiihic Newspaper. Great rare will he taken to give full and eorr et Report* of the Pl< .reed logs and D hates i u hot h House* of Con gress, as well as the action of'he local Legisla Hires on tiie Son hern question. * A limited number only of Advertisements will he received—the main object hen g to furnish a large amount of reading matter. The paper will he printed on s sheet equal in size to those of the other Washington papers, and the wili be procu ed especially for the purpose It i- eotifidentlv hoped that every tine friend to the South will aid in procuring subscribers, and forward the iiauies, with the amount sub scribed, to some Southern Representative at VV ashingtnn, forthwith. Postmasters are authorized by law to remit subscriptions free of postage. TKR M S ; For 7W- ll'nkly during she Session of Congress, and Semi- Weekly during the recess, the price will be, per annum, ; ; $5 00 IVerl.hj paper, per annum, ; : 2 50 The p ir e of subscription must he paid invn. riably in advance, and the cash accompany the name sent All persons proem ing ten names shall he enti tied to receive a copy gratis for one y ear. A P BUTLER, JA< K-ON MORTON, R TOOMBS, J THOMPSON. . \Vv mwTny, May 25, 1850 Beniity au«l Economy Combined. Ihe Old Virginia D'ji - House. (F haniz-lil.e) has from its ashes arisen, irith alf its various virtues, its original colors to bestow. TITHE Subscriber most respectfully inform* J. his customers and the public generally, tin t his establishment has been re.huitt, and can now he found on [EP COTTON AV ENUE, Best oj the Washington Hull, XU where he is fully pre pared to execute in the best manner, all the various branches of Dyeing,Renovating and Re pairing all kinds of Ready-Made Clothing, and Ladies Dresses. Ssliaw ls. Bonnets, and all sorts of Fancy Goods damaged hy use. Ladies nnd gentletneii wi 11 please iabel all articles sent to this establishment. Goods from all parts of the State sent ns be fore, shall receive prompt attention, and be for warded back with care. Factories and others having warp fiijing to co. lor. will find it to their Interest to test the virtue* of this estahlishement. Person* wishing Home spundyed, will please observe, for black the warp niuft be purple or blue ; for brown a cop peras color, and for green the warp must, be white - Cash must be paid on the delivery/ of Goods. JOHN C. LOGAN. O’ Ladies, by calling at his establishment, will always find specimens of his workmanship on hand. april 20 15—ts I’resli Fongicss Water. HAVING made arrangements with the Pro prietors ofthe celebrated Saratoga Springs, I shall he prepared tn furnish the Water during the season, fresh and in good condition. A lot just received and for sale hv april 27 E. L STROH ECKER, Druggist. i’tire Cod Liv«‘f «»it. 4 NOTHF.R Lot of Rushton * Genuine Cod JA Liver Oil just rereived. The increased demand for this pure preparation, arid the flatter ing accounts from Physicians and others, of its eflieary in releiviug f’ultnonic and Scrofulous affections, fully sustains the high reputation ac quired et t he Nort It vv here it. has been fully tasted, april 27 E L STROIIECKER. M. D. Fine Chewing Tobacco. C~l H A- 8. LILIENTHAL’S well known ' • superior fine Cut ('hewing TOBACCO, in paper* and cans. Also, various brands of Chewing Tobacco—some ofwhich the knowing ones say cannot he beat. Also, various brands of CIGARS, which ate just good enough. For eale at VV. FREEMAN'S Cheap Store, Cherry Street. dec Ii rha ttouiguc Cidrr. lT) I \ BBI.S. New ark Champaigne Cider, ju*t F received and for saie bv * march 9 GEO. T. ROGERS. t.CHion Sugar. 1 OUPEUIOR to Lemon nt p,art! near! v eq"* FA to the fresh Lemon, for making l.emonado Directions: Add one large taiilespoonfiil ofthe Sugar to a half pint of water. Stir it well, and a beverage is produced, inferior only to that made from the fresh Lemon. Physicians in the country will find this preparation a valuable substitute when the fresh I.emon cannot be pro. cured. Prepared and sold by april 27 E L. STROH ECKER. M oltlsM's. IT IIIIDS. New Crop Cardenas Molasses, es. just received and for stile hv march!) GEO. T. ROGERS. IIGIIT 1 LIGHT!! Anothereusk of that X good Lamp OIL at $1 per gnllon, hasjust arrived. A (ways on hand CAMPHINE, and the best quality of Burning Fluid of my ow n manufacture. june 22 E. L. STROHECKER, Druggist. D‘ rr HO WARD'S TKICWHEKOL'S- I’re vpnts baldness, invigorate* the roots and fibre of the Hair, and imparts to it a soft aid glossy appearance. Price 25 rents a bottle For sale hy E. L STROHECKER, M D (A ANDERS' Roach, Rat nnd Mouse ENTER kA MIN A TOR.— Families pestered with these destructive little animals, ran he rid of the an noyntve by using a box ofthe ‘Exterminator.” Price 25 cunt*. For sale hy april 27 E. L. STROHECKER. WHITE WAX—At MOULTON’S, »ept 7 Cherry Street CACTION EXTRA A limn by the nku.e .if IA..IPP h« esi[ W d *, lh .nun* man of the mime of 8. P. Townsend. ru,d h * name to V'H up n Ssr-apnnlta. which they call Dr. Tow ! send > Sarsaparilla, denoiniaatui* it QKJfUtffF., o r w, etc. This Townsend is no doctor, and never wa. • b(Uw * ’ formerly a worker on rairroaj*. canals, and the like Vet h! na .uine. the title of Hr., for the purpose of gain, credit f ! what he is nou This is tn caution the public not to k. deceived and nnrch»-e none hut the OKXUUfR OUIGi o/.n la. Jacob Town-end’s Sarsaparilla, havmr 0 It the (lid Ur's, likeness, his family coat of arms, and ,! signature across the cant of arms. ’ * Principal Ufice, 102 .Versa* *f„ JVeu Trr* City. J tiu)TmTlTcjn imslLvii. tup. 'minis \t. t> 8t >vbhpk opthf ! Omcfne Tttw.t'OKl Sar>a;»:irilla -0.1 hr. l uvuiMMid kMiw b tul 70 )en r « ot ;i C » - nnil liti long mmi k «.vMi in h.H AUTHOR nntl IjlSCuvfhf** ..f 1.. h OK.VUt.Vr UHIQLY.iL ‘ TOWYs fjJV/i BIR ’• i*Hi n poor. li« was coin pell “<l to limit ih hi < iiul <•;■:**, hy which m*- n* it »ih« beet, out ot map | fc«*t. hi;U ihe Bnie* circumo ! i!)e*l to those odl\ who h*d pr-.veti ,ts north, and known iu value. It had ranched I the ear** of many, n- v**rtheless. as those fH*rs<Kis wh,» I tw. n healed of »ore disetses, and saved Iroiu de tth nr,*.l clßQi.ed itsefc-enr.ire .nd ’ 1 I HLALING POWER* Knowing many yrart go Ii- hud hv hi' nk ft j silence »t»d e\fteri'-tiCtf. and vttv»d »h iiriifle wh ch wtjuld of me itciiUhle ad nu>Ht>e to lumkmd when lb** iiic tual wm ld laj furnisiied to tiring it into tiaivertt; notice, m hen I it« iiicetim* h*» virtues would be known end eppreciaied.j This t ine has * .me. the means are supplied ; this ORAJfU AJY/J UJYyyUA le l.y.U PHF.F.iHJTtO.Y is manufactured on the largest scale, hiiU is called for throiichioif the !< ngth and hre olth of the land, especially as >i is round inert jut Die of d**genera UOn or detenorAton. Unlike youngS. I* Tow nsend's. it improves with nge tqd never changes, hut for tiie t>citer : bec.ause it iff prepared on ncirnttjie principle# t») a scientific man. 'l’h# hiuheM miuv\i edge ~i I 'heini trv. and the latent discoveries of the trt, have >tli lieen brought into reijuiMtion m the nianuftctun of the i >ld l»r'.4 Snr'tptnlla. 'Hie SaroipHrillit rout, t \i weli known ui mcdicrtl men. contains many wedir.irH |»r<» pe-ttev, nid some p .;«erti( i w hich are inert or Ustiesn tr,<| other', v\ hich if retained in preparing it for use, pmduri fertarnl itiun and tjetd, w tuch is injurious to the ny'iem Some of tl»e projterties of Saran|»arnia are '<* volatile th* they entirely evaoorale and are lo t m .he prenar <tiun. i they are fi"t preserved hy a scientific process. Known ouij) to those enperieciced in its maniifactu e Moreover, thew volatile principles winch fly od m wp..r, *>r ha an exh a lion, under heat, are the verv essential medical pr .per ,u .»f the root, which give to it a!! it' vame. Any |M»r«on ran boil or stew ilie root till toei >»••• s .lari Colored liquid, w hich is in-*re from ifie col. ' >•:' nciier ,i the root tfirtii iroio m \ thing ei'e. thev o »- ihiN Insipid or v.-ipid tlqiiid. sweeten »• ur mir ni.ii ,"r snd then cull it “SAU>Ai* AU i Ls. A KXTK.fci 1 'V Hrr.” Riitsjch is not the article krot* n :r > GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB luW.NS \f ■ SAKUAPABiLLA. I - * bo prepared, that ’-!! the men pr« ■< ’ A ii becoming acid or of fermentation, is extracted i, then every particle of inedicai virtue i secured u and concentrated form; and thnn it is rendered t,c < (ts ■ losing any of its valuable and Ie« ing properties l n in this Way, it is nihde the most |«\verlui agent in tt-.e H Curt- of innumerable diseases. I Hence the reason why we hear commendations on pveH side in lu favor hv men. women, and children* Wt n. ■ doing wonders in ihe cure of M COJYSUJHR 770 JV, i)YSPFPSM, and r ■ P/.AJJYT. and in RHEUMATISM. PILES, COS Tri FEMES S. all < l TAM KOI S ‘ ■ TU MS, PJMVLES, BLQCTHEXi and all ok,. M arising from I IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. I It im«f)e«s6> HViiVAltou* * rtii-;tc> >n nil compiaintf «* from Indigestion, Iroiu Audity /*/ the Stomach Horn 'u circulation. deternnriHtion of Liood to the head, j»r ol the hIAI H over the body. It hatt not it» equal in Cohls and Cv and promotes etiy expectoration uod penile j«-f . H relaxing strictart) of the lungs, throat, »nd every ol*. - H But in nothing is its excellent’* more manilestiy set" acknowledged limn in all kinds «nd stage** »f M FEMALE COMPLAINTS. I It works wonders in cases of Huor Albvt or Whites figof Me IVomb, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Pam tv *; Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and the r H i» as ertecmal in curing .vli tiie forms ol kidney I By removing obstructions, and regulating ti.e ;> •ysiem it g.xes tone ai.d xirengtlt to tiie whole thus cures aii forms of 9 Nervous diseases and debility H aud thiiji prevents \>t rehevea n grt*ni variety of oihti flies, as Spinal irritation. Miuralgia, St. Vit'is' * Swooning Epileptic Fits. Convulsions, 9tc. S It denies live blood, excites tiie l*ver to healthy tones tha stoiiiHch, and eives good digestion boweis of torpor aiid cmisiipaiioo. ftit«i.;s l/j purifies the skin, equalises lire Gircui.u:-n « i * -t / producing gen lie waimtu Cij«r.l!y a!! rue l , | the insensible perspiration ; relaxes all *uku «•«■(. removes all obstructions, #*ui in vigor* ?’ -I nervous system. Is not this (hen 9 Tiie medicine you pre-emiaeiii!) W Hot can any of these things *»:..! »>f S. f. S tiller or article] Tubs voiinif ui.ii)’* I ifjit *(» v ' COMPARED WITH THE OLD IT ■ because of e GKA.Nf> fV« i*, i> it the «o.e » g BLfcsof UE i EiHUKA and 9 NLVEH SPOILS, ] while the other Dt)KS : souring, fermenting. M »» ! % the bottles containing u into fragments ; the 'ou ■ exploding and damaging other goods ! .Mast na* bie compound lay poisonous to the systemW » • M i icid into a system already diseased with acid ■ U)Kjaipsia but acid T Do we not ai! know that who ■ •ours in our stomachs what mischief it pr<"iu ( •' ■ lence. heartburn pnjpitanon of the he.iri. hver o ■ diarrhflßn. dy>ent«r>, colic, ami corruption <•( i:,r ’ W lint is t?cr jtula in", an acid humor in the H produces all the humors which bring on; ip gfc n. vscaid Head. sait Rheum, IIIy sijn’in--, ’• H Ingx, Fever Sores, and nil ulcerations iiiiernal hhh B it is nothing under heaven, but hii ceni >ulmi "H sours, and thus .ill Urn fluids of tiie i> ■ H .esfc. What causes iUieuiuaiism but a »’*ur <>r 9 wh'th insinuates ;t-e;f tietwcen thejmius ;or<l S Irrit ling and liiHainmg tiie delicate t 'aie> up l ; •' H acts 1 j?o of nervous disomies, ol iiupuni) «•* ine " B deranged ciiculhlions. ml iieaiiy ah the mho*"- ■ fcftl ict human nature. J ow is u nut hornbie u» is.iHa aud *«nl. , ‘ ui ■ marss U* UHt lias j i r.! iVlh. > » I v L'ND" UK 3. I*, low mp ■ ! <» ui ite wou «i fiin h vc t ufid*T>rood in ■ .H • >w'nsemt's (Jr-nutne ih'iginnl Snrstipenße * H ’ \ of uis ;• !“i t,o prefwrs' 1 Heaven tofhid that we «hotdd rlcd in nn u s ■ aou Id boor the moat <lj>toit re'euijdaiice t' ' 1 .■ •“ini’s article s and which should tiring 'low ni 1,,M Hr. Mich a mountain load o( complaints ‘ Tom Agents who h ive 'old. hi:d purch«'e r, ‘* ' V P.'lown end’* FKR.IKM’INU ' ■ V\> wish it understood, bemuse it 1 ' a ' H ■ •end’s Unr-apnriH.a are heoven-widc apart, and o- | tunuar ; that they unlike in ever) po«>- ioi one single thing in common. « . H. |». Tim n*end »n no docinf. »»« rf ' ~l hcuii't. no pli irm (« emi'i know - no n»"' p ” ;i 41 'Base than anv other coiihii<> . urr*' e'ot “ Sh ui«n. w hot guarantee * '.'in tfic pun n *''' r ‘*p . ceivlng a genuine «ciemih<‘ rnodicoie. vrrtiiHN of th« articles omm! m pr* |"<' 1 < ll ‘9S capable of change* v» |. ch m.ght lender t" pl ms of lireease instead of rienilti. But whit «l'«j sooUid i<a exp* ‘ ,r " m nothing comp iratlveh ot medfeme »»r «l e * r H i person of some cxperie >ce tu cook i' l * . coiiiuion decent me <1 How much irt"^ ll ''' , the persons who fimniifacture medicine,' WJCAK STOMACHS AND shoaifl know well tbo medical prof»cr , r ■ west manner of secnrmg and concenir ’ ‘ , , i-■ v iriues. also an extensive knowledge of ll uW . .V which nffbcl ihe human system, auu now ■ hi the-e disease* : i'P I ’® It u to -ire i fraud' upon tbm n nron*' |tir into wounded liumanitv. to kindle ye. r H iMisoin, to restore health and bloom. -*■ ;•. and l.r k.-n Ki.ilwb.itti»hii>( ,r " y,i >"■ i u '(.lt TOVVNSit.NU ha. t-OUGH 1 I MirillllllV all'! 11l- all* tn limit til" '■ Gruuil llniv**i>al 1 Htiiifdy within the reach, an-i l" me Knnwtet ue ■ ■ Ul u they may itarn ami ki'“‘- 111 J'** ~, 1 Traiisct'iideiit f’o" 1 9 For anle wholewlo «nd retail W ■ THOMPSON,SKILLMAA 1 ■ Nawaii■ A ’ ihT A Macof'B rm mty 4 j