The Southern tribune. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1851, December 21, 1850, Image 1

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THE sotspsiibibh’ I* published every SATURDAY MORMIMG In the Two Btury Wooden Building, at the Corner of If’alnut and Fifth Street, IM THI CITY or MACON, GA. By W.II. B. IIAUUISON. TERMS: For tbo Paper, in advance, per annum, §2 if* not paid in advance, $3 00, per annum* will be inserted at theusual rates—and when the number of insertions de sired is not specified, they will be continued un til forbid and charged accordingly. O'Advertisers by the Year will be contracted with upon the most favorable terms. o*Salesof Land by Administrators,Executors or Guardian?., are. required by Law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten o’clock in the Forenoon and three in the Afternoon, at the Court House of the count) in wnich the Property is situate. Notice of these Sales must be given in a public gazette Sixty Days previous to the day of sale. UP sales of Negroes by Administators, Execu tors or Guardians, must be at Public Auction, on the first Tuesday in the month, between the legal hours of sale, before the Court House of the county where the Letters Testamentary, or Administration or Guardianship may have been granted, first giv ing notice thereoffor Sixty Days, in one of'tbe public gazettes of this Btate,and at the door of the Court House where 9uch sales are to be held. (D*Notice for the sale of Personal Property must ue given in like manner Forty Days pre vious to the day of sale. j* V itice to the Debtors and Creditorsofan es tate must be published for Forty Days. Notice that application will be made loth. Court ot Ordinirv for leave to sell Land or Ne groes must be published in a public gazette in tin State fir Four M mths, before any order absolute catflbe given by the Court. J* butions for Letters of Administration oi ,’n Estate, gra it; Ibv the Court of Ordinary, n,us ha pj tlis.ied Thirty Days (or Letters of Dismis sion from th; 1 1 ni mst ration of an E state, month 1 1 so- Sit M mths —fir Dismission from Guardian ship Forty Days. 7* tiles fir the foreclosure of a Mortgage, must be puolished monthly for Fovr Months— for establishing lost Papers, for the full space ol 'three Mmths— -for co npelling Title? from Ex ecutors, Administra ors or others, where a Bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of Three Months. N. II VII Business of this kind shall receiv, prompt attention at i he SOL THERM TRIBLAE O.fite, ands nctcare will be taken thatall lega l Advertisement? are published according to Law qy\|| Letters directed to this Office or the Editor on business, must be post-pajd, to in sure at'ention. SOIT, WAREHOUSE &•' OMM ISSIOM MERf'HAMTs ■tn MLL continue Business at tlo'ir " I’il'C* |*r<,of UtiililtibV «« Cos I Inn • Irrntte, Macon, Ga. Thankful for past favors, they brg leave to say thnv will be constantly at their post, ant! ll »tno efforts shall be spared to advance the interest of their patrons. ri,i-V V ?»11 w hfl' ** (Oil u*\ or other PRODUCE to Store, to call and exam ine the safety of their Buildings, before placing it elsewhere . pj*Customary Ativancps on Cotton in . tore or Shipped,and all Business transacted at the usual rates. "> jone !» 2i-ly COIVKEK A TAVLOK, Warehouse and Conitnissun .1 1etch tints, at the old stand or CONNKR & martin, M A C O N , G A . IN preventing our Curd to the public, we will state, that our best exertions will be given to promote the inti rest? of our Patrons ; and trom past experience, we hope to be. able to do till justice to all business which may be confided to our charge ; and also hope for a continuance of favors from the old patrons o( Conner & Martin. Orders for Goods filled free of charge. Advances made on Cotton in Store, and ship ped utthe usual rates. Z. TANARUS, CONN! R, p W W, TAYI.OR. nng 31 : t4 ~ 6m WILLIAM HUMPH KEYS* E glish and American f)RLG HAREIIOLSE SAVANNAH, GA. -VTTHOLESALE and Retail Dealer 111 VV lish, French, American and German DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, P E R F U M E R Y , U c . Particular attention paid to replenishing Eng lish and American Ships’ Medicine Chests, ac cording to the Laws ol England for Messr#. Louden v Cos , PliiliidF*lphia; Dr t 'lac< b Townsend, New York ; Messis. Havilund, Rislev A Cos., Augusta ; Darnel Tihbilt, Providence. uua 24 ~ D AVID IIEID, Justice oj the Peace anil Motory Public. M ACON, G A . COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, &c.,forthe States of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Missouri New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, lenn ylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Arkansas, New Jersey, Maine, &c. Depositions taken, Accounts probated, Deeds and Mortgages drawn, and all document* and instruments of writing prepared and autlientiea- ; ted for use and record, in any oft lie above Slates. Residence on Whliiul Street, near the African Church. ~ |j* Public Office adjonv. op Ff M.S I homson s Botanic Store, opposite tlm Floyd House. jone 21) aa -'y . WILLIAN WILSON, HOUSE CARP EMI ER AMD COMTRACTOR Cherry Street near Third, Macon, Ga. MAKES and keeps on hand Doors, Blinds and Sashes for sale. Thankful for past favors be hopes for further patronage may 25 20—6 in WOOD & LOW, GEMLRAL COMMISSIOM MERCHAMTS, NEW ORLEANS, LA. may 95 90 —ly POOLE A BROTHER* Forwarding, and Commission Merchants, no. 90 magazine street, NEW ORLEANS, LA E. R- Poole. J. M. Poole. aug —ly JOB PIUATLAG, OF every description,neatly and promptly executed alllie Officeoftiie SOUT HERN TRIBUNE, as neat andcAiwp *5 at ansj other in Ike 9ftt* NEW SBtIIES— VOLUME 11. GODFREY A SOLOMONS, I FACT ORS AMD COMMISSIOM MERCHAMTS SAVANNAH, GA. undersigned have entered into a co- A partnership under the name of GODFREY <V SOLOMONS, for the transaction of a General Commission and Factorage Business, and tender their services to their friends and Planters generally. o"They wi I also make liberal advances on Produce consigned to them for sale. J. K GODFREY, E. VV. SOLOMONS oct 2 42—ts REMOVAL. PA 5 NE & NISBET Would most respectfully inform their t'ricn l * and customers, that tbev have moved their stock of DRUGS and MEDICINES to the corner of the new Brick Building opposite the Washington Hall, where they will be happy to see all their old customers and others that may favor them witli a r ail ; and where they will keep a general stock of fresh DRUGS and M EDICINES, LEECHES, PERFUMERY, &c., and put np Prescriptions with care and neatness, and alwavs give satisfaction. oct 12 40 DISSOLUTION. r I I HE copartnership heretofore existing be- A tween the undt-rsigi <d, is dis-oln ti t, \ mu tual consent—to take effect o- the Ist dm oi Sep tember next. Z. T. CONNER, A. VV. MARTIN Macon, August 24, 1850. ja|| E WARE-HOUSE and COM MISSION ! BUSINESS will lie continued in the i.mnn and style of CON N E R & T A V LO R , andlie old stand—where they w ill tie ready in exert themselves to serve all p- trons and friends. Z T CONNER, VV . VV. TAYLOR Macon, Ang. 24, 1850. 33 6m HALL A isltA.VI I.LI, HAVE just received a well selected assort ment of DR Y GOODS and GROCERIES which embraces almost every article in tlieii line us business. These Goods make their stock extensive, which has been selected recently by one of the firm, and they are determined to sell their Goods upon reasonable terms, and at the low est prices. Whilst lliev are thankful for past favors, tiie\ respectfully invite their friend- and the public to call at their More on Cherry Street, and examine their Goods and prices, before pur chasing elseivhere. march 23 11 Noillumii Butter. i FIRKINB PRIME BUTTER, of the * I well known quality received even Fall •r« sli front some of the best and irii sat the North. Jus’ received by U . FREEMAN, dee 8 T7MVE T rre« of prime quaUty. in-* •ccive'l and 'or sale h> GEl*. T'. ROGER!? dec I r.M lull fi.oTiux; iTtuut’- II F.N h ami BtiY’B Si MMi’.R CLOTHING f * ofalmnsi every grade, selling at cost, at Dyson’s old Stand, liv JOHN S. RICHARDFON jii I v *2O _ 28—if Family it ts <3 Mitjilc Goods. IOGAN -V ATKINSON are now opei ing a J vcr% large assortment of Staple and Domestic Goods. suitable for plantation or family uses, which will he sold low for cash, or to approved customers. april 6 13 Splendid Bridal Dresses. 4 FEW magnificent BRIDAL DRESSES, il with trimmings to suit—very fine and fash ionable. Ladies would do well to call and ex amine them, at april 6 LOGAN & ATKINSON’S. Ladies’ l)i'«ss (iootU. A BPLENDID assortment of Gin:, hams, Bar ./jl gus and Muslins, f>r morning and evening; dresses. Also, an endless variety of rich and : brilliant summer SILKS,etc. Just received at LOGAN &. ATKINSON’S, aprtl 6 13 I,OGA.\ A ATKINSON. HAVE the pleasure of announcing that they have received mid ate now opening at their new stand, corner of Cherry and Third Streets, a very large and entirely new stock of FANCY DRESS AND STAPLE GOODS. These Goods have been carefully selected in the largest and most fashionable houses in New York, are war ranted of superior style and quality , and will be sold on very moderate terms april 6 13 NEW GOODS. IOGAN & ATKIN? ON have just received J and are now opening at their New Store, corner of Second and Cherry Streets, a laageand choice lock of seasonable Foreign and Ameri can DRY' GOODS. They invite their friends and the public to come and examine the Goods, confident that nothing to equal in style their pesent stock lias ever before been offered in Macon. Purchasers are invited to call and exa mine so themselves, oct U) LOGAN & ATKINSON, r) E'PF.CTFULI.Y inform the public that L they are now disposing of tlteir Stock of Goods nt J Yew York Coat, at their new store, ; corner of Third and Cherry Streets, formerly occupied by Messrs Graves A: Wood. O’ Ladies are particularly requested to call and examine the Goods and price*. march 2 B—ts BRANDY AND SEGARS—A fine article of till Cognac Brandy, in bottles or hy the gallon—Also a choice article of Seg trs, at «.pt 7 MOULTON’S. honitp!i Porter. \FF\V Casks bekl London Porter, in Quart and Pint Bottles, just received and for sale by GEO T. ROGERS, june 8 LD POR I' WINE—And Maderia dim.,• fine article in Route, for sale at MOULTON’S, Agent. Opposite the burnt square on Cherry street, june I Mercer Potatoes. 1 A RBLS. Mercer Potatoes, vet superior, I * * in fine order, just received and fersale very chenp hv GKO. T. ROGERS. New York steam Befitted fit tidies A STILL Larger assortment of CANDIES J\_ just received and for sale as low as any Candies io Town, st W. FREEMAN’S. Cjutse 8 MACON*. (GaS) SATURDAY WORNIXO. DECEMBER ... 1850 basil a. wise, TIM MAMUFACTURER, Cherry St., Macon. II ESPECTFULLY inform* the public, that U lie is prepared to execute uil orders in Ihe above line with despatch and upon favorable terms. He constantly keeps on hand the fol lowing articles, which purchasers are invited to call and examine, viz : Cooking, Hall, Office, Bedroom and Church STOVES, of different patterns and qualities. A large and general assortment of HOLLOW and TIN WARE, Furnaces, Brass, Copper and Iron Preserve and Tea Kettle*; Egg Boilers ; Smoothing and Waffle Irons ; Glass Laniers Rat and Mouse Traps, Bird Cages Cocoa Nut Dippers, Chafiii Dishes Painted Pails, Cedar and painted Tnb3 Brass and Iron bound W atcr Buckets Oval and round Trays; Brooms, Sifters Chopping Knives ; Rolling Tins Roasters anil Basting Spoons Britannia T i Uots and a general assortment of Japanned Ware, consisting of Sugar Can it is ters and Boxes ; Tea Canmsters ; Common and Nursery Lamps, Candlesticks,&c. ; OTROo’fING, and nil kindsofJOß WORK, done at the shortest notice. N. B. Orders from the country- for STOVES or TIN WARE, will he attended to with des patch and upon the most fuvorable terms, nov i) 44 Choire Tobacco. JUST received a small loi of -operior Chew ing Tobacco, considered by those who have used it, to be tbe best in Town. Also on band a supply of delightful Smoking Tobacco, mild, richly flavored and cheap For sale by E. L. STROHECKER, may 2-5 Druggist. N APOLEON CAPES — A new and superb article. Parisian ditto, of every style and price Just received by april 6 LOGAN & ATKINSON. i t 1 LOT iTs, CASSIM IRES, DR AP ICE t ETES, and summer stuffs of every quality, just received by april6 LOGAN & ATKINSON. Cass tiles. SPERM , Adamantinp and Tallow,of all sizes, Just received and for sale bv juried GEO. T ROGERS. NEW GROCERIES.’ GTI H E Subscriber lias just received, direct from I New York, a fresh supply of new Groceries, such as fresh Dates, dried Currants, Preserves, Figs, Sardines, Uutsun, Pepper Sauce, Citron, Caper Sauce, Cocoa, New Chocolate, Raisins, Nuts of all kinds, Rice, Java Coffee, Maccaroni, Fine Table Salt in boxes or bags, Nutmegs, Cloves, Pepper, Spice and Ginger, Sperm and Adamantine Canities, and a great variety of other ar'ieles too numerous to mention. Also, a fine lot ofFrpsh Tens, for sale by THOMAS J MOULTON. Agent, Opposite Mr. G. M. Lojmn’snew Brick Building, •mg I On Cherry Sirept. Sa' - cp's Fine Cnf Tobarco. SOMETHING very sunerior. just received lA and for sal. by GEO. T. ROGERS. sept ‘2O F’tmr, IB ml. Com, BACON Hunis. Sides and Shoulders; l.ard, Dish and Sweet Potatoes—in store andfur saie by J. 8. RICH VRDSON, Cotton Avenue march 24 Segais. TWO Hundred B xe- Segars, a great variety of brand* from common to verv fine. For sale cheap by GEO. T. ROGERS, junc H lU’ius. Butter. Nvi’lli». Ac. Cincinnati suearcured hams GOSHEN BUTTER New Orleans Sugar House SYRI’P A few Jars of very white Leaf LARD. All of choice quality, just received and for sale by GEO. T ROGERS, dee 1 Cherry Street. rigars. Cigar*. Thousand Cigars varioushrands— among them are some genuine and most ele gant Cigars. Lovers of a good article will be certain to get it at W. FREEMAN’S, march 30 Coiigrcx* Water. I>Y the Box or single bottle, direct from the IS Springs. Just received and for sale by june 8 GEO T. ROGERS Porter. rpEN Casks of Byass’ celebrated Pvrter so 1 sale hy VV FREEMAN, march 30 , Canal siinl Baltimore Flour. -| “J / t BBLS. Extra Superfine FLOUR _LJLvr 25 bbls. Extra Family Flour, very choice, just received and for sale low by oct 19 GEO. T- ROGERS. MACKEREL— 10 half and 10 qr. hbl*. No 1 Mackerel, just received and for sale by oct 22 W. FREEMAN. I TICKLED CODFISH—A nice article, just received and for sale by jone 22 W. FREEMAN. Butter and Cheese. KEGS Goshen Butter ; 50 boxes Goshen S.J Cheese, of superior, quality, just received nndforsaleh) GEO T. BOCjEKS oet 10 raech rtvste>« •in«t Fish. OF the finest kind, may he had every day i Savannah, at VV. FREEMAN’S, nov 2 TVTUTMEG9, CLOVES and CINNAMON— 1\ sept 7 At MOULTON’S. TT7IIITE WAX—At MOULTON’S, VV sept 7 Cherry Street Chiimpnitrne Cider. BBLS. Ne.wark Champaigns Cider,just * received and for sale bv march 9 GEO. T. ROGERS. IflolatiM*. HHDS. PUw Crop Cardenas Moliooes, just received aid G»r safe bv march 9 GEO. T. ROGERS. ILielterel ami Herrins:. BBLS. No 3 Mackerel ; 20 Boxes New ’ Herring, ill fine order, just received nod for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS. 130 19 Bacon and linin'. HHDS. Prime Bacon Sides, 3000 Bnlti * more and Cincinnati Hams, just received end for sale eheap, by ocVip GEO T EOGTR3 bilks Caxli'iiierps, Drl.nitirs, &c. LOC./.V -V .l/’Af.VAO.P, HAVE Received for the Fall Trade, n . beautiful assortment of SILKS, CASH-i MERES, DeLAINES, POPLINS, to which they invite the attention of their country and city friends- The following comprise a part: Real French Printed Cashmeres and DeLaines Plain Black Gro de Rhine and Turc Satin Dress SILKS Plain and figured Chameleon SILKS Rich Brocade do do Saiin du Chine do do White and colored French SATIN’S Rich colored POPLINS Plain White and Embroidered Crapo SHAWLS Rich Cashmere Shawl* Real Welch FLANNELS 10-4, 11 —4 and J 2-4 Silk bound Bath and Whitney BLANKETS Bales of Heavy Mackinaw ; do. for Servants 4-4 new style Printed French CAMBRICS 500 pieces nea and liahdsome CALICOES, from 61 to I'2£ cents per yard Cases and Bales Brown Shirtings, Long Cloths and Sheetings Black and colored Broadcloths and Cassimercs Finest 8-4 and 10—4 Table Damask Damask Napkins and Doylies Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Lambs’ Wool and Merino under Vests. T»g. ihrr with a full assoitment ofbes' made Fnglisli amt French Bombesins, Black Alpncc.n, Mourning and Plum Black M.-usliu de l.aiues, English and French Crapes, Late Veils, Hand kerchiefs, &c. Macon, Oct. 26, 1850. PcasiuH* ami Ununty Latiti, 081 AIN ED for the Officers and dohliers of the Revolution*'y War, or their legal Rep resentatives. Pensions fur l ife for tbe Widows of such | Officers and Soldieis who married previous to let 0. Bounty Land for the surviving, or the widows, or nnii.ii cliililieo of dec eased Officers and Pri vales, who spi ved in the \\ at of ldl‘2 w itb Great Britain, the Mexican W ar,or in any ol the Indian Wars since 17'JO. Attention paid to suspended and rejected Claims. Terms moderate where the claim is established otherwise no charge. Communication!* addressed to the subscriber, Washington, D. C., or to W. 8. LAW '1 IN A t 0., Macon, Ga., post paid, w ill receive prompt attention. M. THOMPSON, Commissioner of Deeds, For North and South Carolina. UTT Refers to the Heads of Departments, and t » Mein lies of Congress generally. Also to WM.S. LAWTON A CO., Macon, Ga., who have all ihe Forms necessary for obtaining Claims on the Government. Washington City, D C-, Oct. 2’2, 1850. oct 26 42 ’2m JIAUO.x IIIGBI SCHOOL. r P HE Subscriber having associate and v itli bini -1 self, tbe Rev GEORGE li. HANCOCK, laic Professor of Languages in tlio W’oslcyan Female College, will open on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1851, in connec tion with the Bibb Coumy Academy, a HIGH SCHOOL, in which will In- taught, a I the i branches of a thorough English and Classical Education. Prof. Hancock will have eharge of the Department of Languages Pr.if J. Ryan, lute of ihe Liverpool Mechanic's Institution, will superintend the Department oi Mathematics Prof. E. Gum ms. will give ins ruction in the Trench and oilier Modern Languages The following will lie the Rates of Tuition : ENGLISH DEPARTMENT. Primary Class, per Scholastic Year, $25 00 • Fouitli “ “ “ 00 Third “ “ “ 32 00 Second “ “ “ 40 00 First “ “ “ 50 00 CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT. Third Class, per Scholasuc Year, $36 00 Second “ ’ “ “ 40 00 First « “ •• 50 00 There will be no extra charges, except for the Modern Languages, and One Dollar from each Pupil during the W inter Term. The instruction ill the Mathematical Depart ment, wiil embrace everything usually taught in a Collegiate course, together with jirnclital Surveying and Engineering, Book-Keeping liy single and double entry ; principles of Archi tecture, etc. Tlie institution will he completely re-orgnniz ed. No Student will he admitted, who c’oes not hear a good character, arid every one guilty • f disorderly or immoral conduct will he suspend ed or expelled. Special care will be paid to the moral, as well as tlie intellectual training of the Pupils. (suitable Lectures and explanations, will accompany each recitation. Monthly Re ports will be made to Parents and Guardian*, of the deportment and progress of each Pupil. N B Payments will he required at the expi ration of one half.if each term. [Ly Arrangements will be made to have Students from a distance, provided with good Board in respectable families, at moderate terms. Circulars containing further information, will be furnished on application to the subscriber. P. A. STROBEL, Rector. Mac*n, Ga., Nov. 9, 1850. There will he hut one Vacation in the year, commencing on the 15th of July, and ending on the 31st of August. The following Gentlemen constitute the Board of Trustees Hon. A H. Chappell, N"a than C. Murirne, E-*q , Major James runtth, Col. R A. L. Atkinson and S. Rose, Esq. The following gentlemen have consented to act as a Bon.d of Visiter s—Hon. E A Nishet, lion. Washington Poe. lion. 3'. G. Holt, Hou G M Logan, Geo J. VV. Arrnstjoiig, Rev VV. H. Ellison, D. D., Thomas Hardeman, Esq, Charles Campbell, Esq., Coil. 8. T. Bailey, Dr C. B Nottingham, Dr E. L Strohooker, S. T. Chapman, Esq., Rev. S. Landrum, Dr. VV. S. Light foot, Dr J 11. Wiley, Rev. R. llooker, Dr T R Lamar. Rev. J. A Shanklin, Joseph M Boardman, Esq., Dr. J. M Green and U. VV. Wise, Esq. ,jyThe Central Georgian, Albany Patriot, Temperance Banner and G iffin Jeffersonian, will insert four times, and send bills to the Reetor. nov 9 44 Guardiun’k hale. BY leave of the honorable the Inferior Court of Bibb County, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will bo sold before the Court House "door in Marnn, Bibb enmity , within tlie legal hours of sale, < n the first Tuesday in January next. Four Aeres ami Thiee Chains of wild LAND, situate at Vineville, with S T Bailey’s Land on the Booth, Mr Freeman’* on the West; Mr. M. M. Mii* n n’s and the Aeadeiny on the North, and Mr. Benson’s on tb« Erst for boun daries. hold ns ilie property of Mortimer I! G. Nixon and Calvin VV . Nixon, and for their benefit JOHN I). WINN, Guardian no a NUMBER 50- MILLIMEKV. MRB. DAMOI'R in form* the I.adias of Macon and vicinity, that her (stock in! NeEv. || ie .hove line is complete for Fall) Fashion, with the most desirable Goods. Asj these Goods have been mostly purchased in Paris | far this place, they will ho sold cheaper than ! ordinary. Ladies would do well to take a good j look at the in and compare them w itli other Goods j before purchasing elsewhare. The Block of dll.K *ud STRAW BONNETS, RIBBONS,! FLOWERS, FEATHERS, EMBROIDERIES,| M A NTII.LES and DR ESS? (?ILK,is worth any one's trouble to examine thoroughly. oet 12 40 A Bargiiin in L:uul nntl Mills. Consisting of a fine body ol Land . f Fire J luted'ed and Ifttj Acres, *’Y?V> with an excellent Saw and Grim Mill thereon, wit tun three miles of A' '.-nts; Four Hundred Acres in the woods and abound ing with superb timber. This Property will he sold low if applied for before the first ol January, i and terms made e<>*v. For information apply to REES H. LINN, Atlanta, sept 14 36 SuiM’rioi' Tens. a A splendid lot of TEAS, both Green and Black, warranted fine, just received not from the Canton Tea Company of New York, at \V. FREEMAN'S Cheap (store, Cherry Street, dec 1 ] WASHINGTON HALL. MACON, GA. ME. S. ROGERB respectfully inform* the public that he has now llt.i sole charge of this old established and well known HOTEL, which has recently undergone thorough repair, and that he w ill spare no pains for the accommodation of those who may give him a call. Every department of the Hall will he under his personal supervision, and every ex. ertion will he made to keep up the Establishment to the extreme point of neainess, comfort and good cheer. E. S. ROGERS, june I 21—ts LANIFIC HOUSE' MACOM, GA. a The Proprietors are pleased to an nounce to their old Friends and the Pob- ,lic generally, that this NEW HOTEL is now open for the reception of company. Having had it erected and fitted up at great expense, on the most liberal, elegant and exten sive scale, they confidently expect a generous patronage. ST. Lamer & bon june a 22—ts MARIETTA HOTEL. a a The subscribers take this method of Ja.ip.TcW informing the Travelling Public, that —jj-jt-JLiiirir House is now ready for the recep tion of all who mnv favor them with their pstron tige. Tlielr House lias now more titan for tv Rooms, large and conveniently arranged, and well ventilated. They are also prepared at tlieir Livcrv Stables, with good Riding Horses, Buggies and Carriages,, so that those who wish pleasure, and those on business, can be accommodated at a moment's warning. Thankful for past patronage, they hope to merit mid share a good portion of that which is vet to come; and particular attention shall lie giren to sec that “none go away dissatisfied.” JOHN F. ARNOLD, * ) „ GEORGE S OGLESBY, ] Pro r rictors - Marietta, Ga., May 25, 1850. 20—ly* I>K. CARY COX, ja_ a Informs the Public that lie is prepared piaisß for the reception of persons sfinerirg c-UJL with chronic diseases, at his ll liter t vre or Electro llydrnjiathic Establishment, near Marietta, Cobb county, Ga His Baths are sit uated near the principal Buildings. ’] he scene in the immediate vicinity is picturesque, being near Kennesavv Mountain The scenery, pure water, I lie great elevation above the level of the ocean, (being 450 feet above even the Tennessee line on the \\ • stern and Atlantic Railroad.) the convenience of aeeess hy Railroad, the refined and intellectual society, and pure atmosphere, • live all most admirably conspired to render the location suitable for an establishment of the kind. The Proprietor deems it needless to say any thing relative to the curative powers of either Water or Electricity, as the general mass of the people in this country have attained a know ledge of their great value ir. removing disease. He Halters himself that lie is able with pure Water and Electricity, to remove any character or des cription of disease that could, under other treat ment or circumstances, possibly be removed together with a numerous host, that all otiier remedies must necessarily fail to remove The expenses per day, for a Patient at his Establishment, "ill he for Board, use of Electric r-liocks and Baths, with Water Baths, Medical advice and attention, with ordinary attention of Servants, $1 50 ’. which includes all necessary expenses,except washing an outfit for the sweat ing process, bandaging, &c.—payable weekly in advance. For further particulars, post paid communica tions will meet with prompt attention if address ed to Dr CARY COX, Marietta, Cobh co., Ga joly 20 28—ts Molusm*s ai‘«J Syrup. -| A HHDS Prime Cuba Molasses; 12 bbls X* ' New Orleans Syrup, just received and lor sale low by GEO. T. ROGERS. Wanted liumcxlitucly, rjnVO OR THREE JOURNEYMEN CABI 1 NET-MAKERS. None except good work men, and such as are willing to make themselves useful, need apply. WOOD & BRADLEY, oct 20 47—ts t lANPI.ES, &c. —Sperm and Adamantine 2 Candles; Ohio Starch, and Irish Moss, at sept 7 MOULTON’S. INDIGO and MADDER—At MOULTON’S, sept 7 Dried fruit—a» an times. « jone 1 MOULTON’S, Agent. MAY BUTTER.—Fresh supply ofnew May Batter, just received and for sale hy jnna I THOS J MOI’LTON, Agent. SASHES, BOOKS AND BLINDS. It\ LIGHTS of SASH, ofall sizes l I,UIM ’ from 8 hy 10 to 12 hy 20. 150 pair BLINDS, for Windows of all sizes. 50 do PANEL DOORS, different sizes and thicknesses. For sate hv CHARLES VAN HORN, No. 153 Bay Street, and No. 6 West Broad St., Savannah,Ga I jnly S 26—6 tn BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Will be erettt'rd. in (he mutest style, and uj;on the most Jut: or aide ter. s, a the of th.' SCTTEERIT -BY- WM. T 5. HARRISON’. A.v E LoQtriEKT Soa^-Seller.—Pa**wng the Custnm House, a day or two ago," xve observed a crowd on the pavement, and n man on the steps who was earnestly har anguing the assembly. He wan a thin man wftli a sharp Down East cast of iures, and he spoko with somewhat a na sal twang—otherwise his delivery wasr quite Deni'istbenian. He was dressed in a suit of pepper and salt mixture, and had a small patcel in the hand which he flour' ishetl in oratorical action. A large basket, full of similar parcel*, sat by hi* aide.—- W e caught a few passage* of his disci urge, which we will endeavor to transmit unal loyed to the public. “The magnetic telegraph was a splen did invention, and an was dajrgertyping ; so was Paine’s light, if it hadn’t been a humbug; so was Jayne's Wermifuge, anti Fettchtwanger’a Bedbug Destroyer; but, ladtes and gentlemen—the aublimest and most sublime discovery of this age, (as ev, et v man of science is ready to ttwar,) are Winkleton’s Patent Granulated Detexsive Compound Washing Mixture. There’s no dispute about that. There was a cake of it sent to Professor Silliman—the greatest scientific man in the living world—he saw it tried—six shit ts washed out with it, as clean as the day they war first wove, all in one water; and when he saw it, he jump ed up and cracked his heels together three times before he came down, and sworethat although he war eighty years old next ato tuntn, he never saw any thing that could begin to come nigh it. Yes, gentlemen, that nro a fact, and I saw it myself. To think how lovely women, the light of the yeartli, and the ornament of creation, used to have to tub the skin off her ditine knuckles against tlie wash-boards, and to stick her heavenly hand in sich nasty truck as soft soap ! —now nothing more need be done than to put a cake like this here in a tub of milk warm water—soak your clothes there two hours, and I dunt care what they have on them—they’re as clean as anew whistle I When I heard that, though I war making lifty dollars eighty-seven and a half cents every week in another busi ness— 1 just guv up all, out of pure kiud ness to the fair sex, and went to selling Winkleton’s Wash Mixture. Ladies, I’ll Mvnr that’s a fact, if 1 liavn’t told another one to-day. Who takes the next cake V’ Twelve or fifteen lady customers an swered this appeal, and we calculated that two or three more speeches of the s»me kind would wotk off the baluucu of the stock. Wha* a Pkuue.nt Wife Diu.—A cor respondent of the National Eta relates tho following ; A fact which 1 came in possession of a couple of years ago mnv illustrate the diatac t r of the New Englanders, and reveal the origin of some of ihe I ranchesof their most profitable business. S. W. was the son of a country clergyman, and was accustomed to laboring on a farm in sum mer, and keeping school in the winter.— He was moral, industrious and frugal, and took a wife possessing the same qualities, together with a shrewd propensity to cal culate the cost of articles of living. One day tier husband brought home the ch th and trimmings for anew coat. The wife inquired tlie price of buttons, which she noticed was made ofeloth called “last ing,” or more fully “everlasting,” covered on to wooden button moulds. Site thought she could afford as good a button for le? 8 money. The next day like the true daughter of a Yankee, she “tried llietblng out.” She bought the chtth by the and the moulds by the gross; and in a week she had better buttons at a less puce, in the marke'. Tlie thing vv< nld pay.— S. W. soon left farming and school keep ing, bought tbe button moulds and tie doth, which his wife cut into button C9»- eis, hired the women and git Is of the neighboring towns to make them up,and sold them at profits. Soon another ctifered into partnership with Idm and invented machinery ;-tn do the work. The plain lasting was then changed into figured velvet, satin and twist. Improvement on improvement in machinery was made, till they equalled the best English, or French, or Gentian buttons. S. W. now owns one of the sweetest villages tn the Connecticut valley and almost supplies the United Slate* with buttons for coats and overcoats. He has endowed an academy munificently; has contributed a like price to the funds of a highly distinguished and useful female seminary, and has rescued a tiobie college from embarrassment. So much for the carefulness of a prudent wife -and sn much for the disposition to earn nn honest living in some way rather than thrive in idleness on the hard and too often unrequited labor i-f others.