The Southern tribune. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1851, January 04, 1851, Image 1

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the ©3MiaiTOi £ hpuulnlmd every SATURDAY In die I wo Story Wooden Building, ai the Corner of Walnut and fifth Street, I* TllK Cirr OF MACON, OA. «y w »i. a. TERMS: For tho Paper, in advance, per annum, $2 if not paid in advanee, f3 UO, per annum t~y Advertisements will be inserted at theusual rites—and when the number of insertions de sired is not specified, they will be continued un til forbid and charged accordingly, OT Vdsertisers by the Year will be contracted with upon the most favorable terms. .7 > a|esol Land by Administrators,Executors or Guardians, are required by Law, to be held on tha irst l nes lay in the month, between the hours of ten o clock in the Forenoon and three in the A'ternoon, at the Court House of the county in which the Property is situate. Notice of these diles must be given in a public gazette Sixty Days previous to the day of sale. T 1 liesot Negroes by Administators, Execu lors or tiuardians, must be at Public Auction, on thiii’st 1 ues lav in the month, between the legal h »urs of sale,before the Court 11 ouse of the county w tere the Letters Testa nentarv.or Administration us ' larlia rnav h ive been granted, first giv ing untie** thereof for Sixty Dans, in one of the pu ili s gazettes of this stale,and at the door of the Court House where such sales are to be held. l3*.\ T otice for the sale of Personal Property must > • g veil in like manner forty Days pi., vious to the day of sale. f >1 >ti ;e to tl»» Debtors and Creditorsolan es jate. must be published for Forty Days. itice that application will be tnade loth* Ciu t if drlinirv for leave to sell Land or Nr gross must le p iblished in a public gazette in tb* Vit* for Four M mths, before any order absolut an be gi rm by the Court. jf* Juuiotii for Letters of Administration o m .*l*!ire,gra ited by the Court of Ordinary, mus bi pj olisiied Thirty Days - for Letters of Disims si i.i iVom th? 41 ninistrationofan Estate,monthly so- Six M >nths— for Uis.nission from Guardian ship Forty Days. f'X tlos for the foreclosure of a Mortgage, most he puolished monthly for four Months — fir ,*si iblisbing lost Papers, for the full spare of 'tree f o»* A■» ”»r con Titles from Ex -'•Hors, V I ni i:stra ors or others, where a Bond in ini gi/* i >y the deceased, the full space of Three Months. V. It VII ti niness of this kind shall receive pm nut a'tentionat the SOUTHERJV TRIBL.VE •«, an is rict care will he taken thai all legal Advertisements are published according to Law. r 7*\ll Letters directed to this Officeor the Editor on business, must be post-paih, to in eir • if'eit im. iT. w & »jwir« ir.y R Elio USE a- CUMMISSIONME liCHANTS it TILL eoiitinue Business at tlieir •* Fif**" ■ T Proof IMililiitgs,” on Colton Avenue, Macos, fit. I'banktiil for past favors,they b-g leave to say thev will be constantly at tlieir post, end that no iiffirt* sh ill he spared to advance the interest of t ieir patrons. They respectfully ask nil who have COTTOJs .. r other PRODUCE to Store, to call mid exam ine ihe safety of tlieir Buildings, before placing il qlsewliere I pCustom irv Anvisrr* on Cotton in Store nr ail't Hi UU»IHI»|* n«u>oia* u * usual rat*'». . jmir - - - CONN Lift «V T A Yls' *i* W rih'itttte rrid Cvmmns' n Merchants, Af the 010 si»mi or nissnii martin, *i A CON. <1 A . IN presenting «ur Card lu the public, wewil | slat-, that best e«.w-n" t "’ e '"‘" ini, experi. n.•**.«• ■ h | l '* *" 11 L ICC in all l.u-nn ss which nun In- confided In . ~,1 linpr for a « ' r ''j- f, -11 l patrnii- "I Cnnrer A Martin I ii'd. "-s'for Aonds fill'd free of charge . , s made on Cotton in More, and ship usual rates Z .T.CONNI 11, 1,1 VV. W. TAYI.t R. mg 31 34—6 m W 1 LLIA »I SIU.UPiIIftE A S’ £ olish ami American DRUG IVA I. EIIOUSE SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Eng lish, French. American and German DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PEII EUM F.RY , he. Particular attention paid to replenishing Eng. lis li and American Ships’ Medicine Chests, ac cording to the Laws of England Agent tor Messrs. Louden .** Cos , Philadelphia; Dr liici.b Townsend, New \orl ; Messis. Hi* iland, llisley & Cos., Augiiitn ; Daniel Tihliitt, Providence. ang 84 33—ly 1> A III) KEII), Justice oj tht Peace and Jiotary Public. M A C O N , G A . COMMISSIONER OE DEEDS, &c.,forth* States of Alabama, Louisiana, Mis-iasippi, Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky. Virginia, North Carolina, Souih Carolina, Fiorina, Missouri •New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Penn ylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Arkansas, New Jersey, Maine, <&e. Depositions taken, Accounts probated, Deeds and Mortgages drawn, and all docun.enis and instruments of writing prepared and authentica ted for use and record, in any ofthe above States. Residence on Walnut Street, near the African Church. i 0 s Public Office adjoining Dr.M.S.’i homson s Botanic Store, opposite the Floyd House. L jurte 20 25—Iy noon x low, CEXER.IL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW ORLEANS, LA. may 25 20 ly POOLE Ac BItOTIIFIC, Forwarding and Comm *sion Merchants, No. 90 MAGVZtNR BTRKKT, NEW ORLEANS, LA E. R. Pooli,. J M Pool*. \ hub 31 04—ly VISIIFK, IIOOIIS AND BLIRDS. OAn LIGHTS ofSASII.wfiiH Ki/Pf ■L' '(l *' '* * *roni 8 bv 10 tn 12 f>y 20 150 pair BLINDS, for Window* of nil sizes. 50 do PANEL DOORS, different size* and thicknesses. For sa’e by VAN HORN, No. 153 Bay Street, and No. 6 West Broad St., Savannah, Ga jnly 6 26—6 m JOB PKINVINV, (IF every description , nonily and promptly . 'nxccottid at tlie Office of h ; .SOL 11l Lit. ihIBUNE, as noat and eAaw|> as at any otkii “ft* fit <bt &<&* THE SOUTHERN TRIBUNE. AL'W S£HIES— VULIJJIE 111. GODFIfI Y A NCLOMONS, FACTORS .DVD COMM IS SI O.V MF. R CHANTS SAVANNAH, GA. rpHE undersigned have entered into a co -L partnership under the name of GODFREY 1 *V SOLOMONS, fsir the transaction of a General Commission and Factorage Easiness, and lender their services to tlieir friends and Planters generally. iJTrTliey wi I also make liberal advances on Produce consigned to them for sale. J. E GODFREY, E. W. SOLOMONS, oct 2 42—if l< F M <» V A 1.. PAY NE <& NISBET would most respectfully inform tlieir frien sand lus'oiners, that ihey have inoxed tlieir stm k of DRI GS and ■MEDICINES lo ili« corner of the new Brick Building Opposite the Washington Hall, where they will he happy to see all their old customers and others that may favor iheui with a rail ; and where ihey will keep a gen ml sleek ol fresh DRUGS and M E D 1 C l N E S , LEECHES, PERFUMERY, Ac., and pul up Prescriptions with care and neatness, and always give satisfaction. oct 12 40 HISSOLIJ'hI . f IMIE cop trtneiship lien t«fore existing hi L tween the underngnei ,is dis-nlved bv inn toal consent —to lake efl’eii on the Ist dav of -ep inber next. Z. T. CONNER. A, W. MARTI \ Macon, An ;nst 24, 1850 HE WARE HOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS w ill he ■■ontiiiti*d in the I am*' tnd style of CONNER & TAYLOR, andhe old stand where they will lie ready to exert themselves to serve all patrons and friends. Z T. CONNER, W. VV. TAYLOR. Macon, Aug. 24, 1850. 33—6 m lIAFL A BRANTLEY, HAVE just received a well se lee ted assort ment of DRY GOODS and G ROC Ell IE '* which embraces almost every nrtirle in llieit line of business. These Goods make tlieir stoak extensive, which has been selected ncently by one of the firm, and they are determined lo sell their Goods upon reasonable terms, anil at the lowest prices. Whilst they are thankful for past favors, tliev respectfully invite tlieir friends and the public to cn'l al tlieir Blore on Cherry Street, and examine tlieir Goods and prices, before pur chasing clsew here. inarch 23 11 Nortliet n Billin'. nn FIRKINS PRIME BUTTER, of th p * F well known quality received every Fal fresh from some of the best dairies al the North. Just received by \V. FREEMAN. dec 8 Hew Rice. 17*1 VE Tierces of prime quality, just received and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS, dec 1 : *LiTI'TI »»*»«»**' CJ.A «<*•-• V EN‘ and BOV'S SI * MF.R C .OTIIIM ’ of a nos* *vi rv gr.iih' Felling at l ost, a IFvson s o and Maud, bv JOHN S RICIIA D ON julv 20 -'f Ftmiily ami Goods. IOtiAN vV ATKINSON an> now ope* ing a J very large assortment of Staple and Domestic Goods, suitable for plantation or family uses which w ill he sold low for cash, or to approved customers. april 6 13 B»’>l«*mlrcl Bi'iriu Dresses. A FEW magnificent BRIDAL DRESSES, with trimmings tosnit—verv fine and fash ionable Ladies would do well lo call and cx inline them, at april « LOGAN X ATKINSON’S. L tdies* Ilress Go oil s. \ SPLENDID iissortinent of Gin. hams. Bar . ges and Muslins. f>r morning and evening dresses Also, an endless variety of rich and brilliant summer SILKS,etc Just received at LOGAN & ATKINSON'S, april 6 13 LOGAN A ATKINSON, H AVI. I lie pleasure of announcing that they have received and are now opening at ilieir new sland, corner ol Clierrx and Third Streets, a verv large and entirely new stock of FANCY DRESS AND STAPLE GOODS These Goods have been carefully selected in jJie largest and most fashionable houses in New Y ork, are war ranted of superior style end quality , and w ill be sold on very moderate terms april 6 13 NEW GOOD'. IOGAN & ATKINf.ON have jtisl receiv ed A and are now opening at their New Store, corner of Second and Cherry Streets, a laage and choice lock of seasonable Foreign and Amen can DRY GOODS They invite tlieir friends and the public to come and examine the Goods, confident that nothing to equal in style their pesent stock has ever before been offered in 1M a "on. Purchasers are invited to call a rid examine so themselves, oci 19 LOGAN A ATKINSON, RESPECTFULLY inform the public that , tiicv are now disposing of their Stoe|< of Roods at New York Cost, at their new store, corner of Third and Cherry Streets, formerly occupied by Messrs Graves & Wood. m*Lndies are particularly requested to call and examine the Goods and price*. inarch 2 B—ts Brandy and segars—a fine article of i ilil Cognac Brands, in hollies or by the ■rallon—Also a choice article of Segars, at sept 7 MOULTON’S. London Porto I*. \FF.W Casks best London Porter, in Quart and Pint Bottles, just received and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS. jttne 8 LD PORT WINE —And Maderia ditto, a fine article in Bottle, for sale at MOULTON’S, Agent. Opposite the burnt square on Clierrv street, jo ne 1 Mercer Potatoes, 1 A BBLS. Mereer Potatoes, very superior, 1 \ f in fine order, just received and for sale very cheap by Gl O. T. ROGERS. »\v York Steam Refined Candies A STILL Larger assortment of CANDIES just received and for sale as low s< any Candies in Town, at W. FREEMANS jnttti 9 MACON, (GA..) SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4, ISSI. BASIL A. WISE, TIN MANUFAC TURER, Cherry St , Mucrn. REH’EC'I FI ELY’ informs the public, that he is prepared tu execute all orders iu the above line with despatch and upon favorable terms. He constantly keeps on hand the fol lowing articles, w hich purchasers are invited lo call and examine, \ iz : Cooking, Hall, Office, Bedroom and Church! STOV of difierent patients and qualities A large and general assortment of HOLLOW | and 'I IN W ARE, Furnaces, Brass,Copper and Iron Preserve and Ten Kettles; Egg Boilers ; Smoothing and Muffle Irons; Glass Laniers Hat and Molise Traps, Bird Cages Cocoa Nut Dippers, Cliafm Dishes Painted Pails. Cedar and painted Tubs Brass and Iron bound Water Buckets Oval and round Trays; Brooms, lifters Chopping Knives ; Rullii g Pins Roasters and Basting Spoons Britannia Ten tuts and a general assortment of Japanned Ware, consisting of Sugar Camus ters and Boxes ; Ten Cannislers ; Com nun and Nursery Lamps, Candlesticks,&c. O*ROOFING, and all kindsofJOß WORK, done at the shortest notice. N. B. Orders from the country for BTOVE> or TIN \V A RE, will be attended to w ith des patch and upon the most fuvoruble terms, no*9 44 APOLEON CAPES—A new and superb -Lv article. Parisian ditto, us every style anil price Just received by april 6 LOGAN A ATKINSON. CLOTHS, CASSI MERES, DRAP DE ETES, and summer siufis of every quality, just received by april(i LOGAN X ATKINSON. (:>»itl!cs. O PERM , Adamantine and Tallow,of all sizes, J ust received anil for sale by june 8 GEO. T ROGERS. NEW GROCERIES. ’’I'MIE Subscriber liasjnst received, direct from * New York,a fresh slipplv of new Groceries •ich as fresh Dates, titled Currants, Preservi* i igs, Sardines. Ciitsup. Peppei Sauce, Ci'ron. aper San* **, ( m oh, Ni w ( In * ulai# . Raisins, ms id all k i inis. Rice, Java Coffee, Mncearotii, Fine Table Salt in boxes or bags, Nutmegs, Cloves, Pepper, Spiee and Ginger, Sperm and \dainaniine Candles, nod a great varielv of dher articles too numerous to mention. Also, a fine lot of Fresh Tens, for sale hy THOMAS J MOULTON, Ag. nt', ’ppnsite Mr. G. M. Logan's new Brick Building, •mg I On Cherry Sltnpt Sfl'ncCs Fine Cur Tobacco. SOMETHING very superior, just received and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS, sept 29 Flour, lUcitl. Coin. J 7? ACON' Hams. Sides hi and Shoulders; Lard. O Irish and Sweet Poiatoe—in store and fm ale by J. S. RICH ARD-'ON, Cotton A Vet: ne. march 24 I 7 Scpai*. 'P WO Hundred B- xes Segars, a great variety I us brands from common to verv fine. Fm t. noouKS. iune 8 llnins, Uniter. Syrup. Ac. CINCINNAT I Sugar cured HAMS GOSHEN BUTTER New Orleans Sugar House SYRUP A few Jars of very white Leaf LARD. All ofclmice quality, jus? received and for sale by GEO. T ROGERS, dee 1 Cherrv Street. Fiuars, rjgn>s. Thousand Cigars various brands among them an* sum** gcmim** and most "In gaol Cigars. Lovers of a good art rln will be enrtain togi't it at W FREEMAN’S, mnri'li 30 Conarrss v, :*ici. |>Y tie Box or single bollle, • ireet from 11 e jnne 8 OEO T port t’S Port«»r. 11EN Casks of Byass’ celebrated P rter so J - W FREEMAN march 30 Canal ami Baltimore Flour. 1 1 || BBLS. Extra Superfine FLOUR J. _L' "25 Mils Extra Family Flour, verj clmiee, jifst received anil for sale low hv oct 19 GEO. T. ROGERS. MACKEREL —19 half and 10 qr I>l>lb. No -1 Mackerel, just recai* ed and for sale hy -I 22 \V. FREEMAN. PICKLED CODFISH—A nine article, just received and for sale hv jnne 22 VV. FREEMAN. Itiittor and Chec«p. [T KEGS Goshen Bolter; 50 boxes Goshen “J Cheese, of superior quality, just received and for sale bj GEO. T. ROGERS, oct 19 Fresh Oysters and Fish, OF the finest kind, may be had every day fiont Savannah, at VV. FREEMAN'S, nnv 2 ATUTMF.GS, CLOVES and CINNAMON— IN sept 7 At MOULTON S. Y U HITE WAX—At MOULTON’S, Y V sept 7 Cherrv Street Pfiainpaiurne Cider. BBES. Newark Champaigns Cider,just l * received and for sale by mairl.O GEO. T. ROGERS. !7loln**«io«s. OfT HMDS. New Crop Cardenas Molasses, just received and for sale bv • march!* GEO T ROGERS. Wnrlterol mid Herring. •)f\ Bf’l.S. No. 3 Mackerel ; 20 Boxes New— ' ' Herring, in line order, just received and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS, tan 19 COCOA, Ac.—-Cocoa, Chocolate and Mac earoni, at MOULTON’S, sept 7 RndtViiy'* Kendy Relief. Supply of thi» Article, just receiv «and and for sale bv JACKSON RARNF.S, nov 9 Mutberrv streat, Macon. Baron Siden anti Ham*. HDDS. Prime Bacon Sides, 3000 Bnlli r more and Cincinnati (lams, just received and for ants cheap, bv «** 10 GFO T ROGERS .11 ILLS N E R Y . IPj-j MRS. DAMOUR informs the I.adie* of Macon and vicinity, that her Stock in the above line is complete lor Fall Fashion, with the most desirable Goods. As these Goods have been mostly purchased in Pari* for this place, they will be sold cheaper than ordinary. Ladies would do well to take a good look at them and compare them with other Goods before pliri'liaoiiig elsewhere. The Stock ot SILK and STRAW BONNETS. RIBBONS, FLOW ERS, FEATHERS, EMBROIDERIES, MANTILLES and DRESS SILK,is worth any one's trouble to exuniine thoroughly. net 12 40 .4 Baiguin in Lund mid Mills. Consisting of a fine body of Laud ol Fire Hundred, and b' sty Acres. with an excellent Saw and Grist Mill thereon, within three miles "f Atlanta; Four Hundred Acres in the woods and abound tig with superb Umber. This Properly will lie -old low if applied for L fore the first us January, and terms made easy. For information apply to REES H. LINN, Atlanta, sept 14 36 Superior i eas. A splendid lot of TEAS, both :ffnr"jjl ■ Green arid Black, warranted fine, !|t li ' just received not from the Canton ilLm'li! i iv Tea Company of New Y'ork, at W. FREEMAN S Cheap Store, Cherry Street, dec 1 J WASHINGTON I3ALL. MACON, GA. A*r,»X E S. ROGERS respectfully informs falilU the public that lie has now tlm sole cssfiUL' liarge o| this old < siahlished and well known HOTEL, w liioh bus recently undergone thorough repair, and that lie will spare no pains fur the accommodation of those who may give him a call. Every department ofthe Hall will be under his personal supervision, and every ex. ertiou will lie tnade to keep up the Establishment to the extreme point of neatness, comfort and good cheer. K. S. ROGERS. jnne 1 21—ts LAN)LIC lIOYSL, MACON, GA. n a The Proprietors are pleased to an psitVM nounre to tlieir old FrirndsnndfhePnh- JJI JLlic gcnernllv. that this NEW HOTEL is n»w open for the reception ofcoinpanv. Having had it erected and fifed up at great expense, on the most liberal, elegant and exten sive scale, they confidently expect a generous patronage. ST. LANILR X SON jnne 8 22—ts MARIETTA HOTEL. a a The subscribers take this method of Jssecß informing the Travelling Public, that tlieir llutise is now ready for the recep tion ofall who may favor them with their patron age. Tlieir House has now more than forty Rooms, large and conveniently arranged, and well ventilated. They are alt prepared nttheir Livery Stables, with good Riding Horses, Buggies and Carriages, so that those who wish pleasure, and those on business, can be accommodated at a moment's warning. I'hanleful for past patronage, they hope lo merit and s/inre a good portion of that which is yi t to come ; and particular attention shall be given lo see that “none go away dissatisfied." JOHN F. ARNOI I), ) - GEORGE S OGLESBY, 5 Fro r rtet ° r *- Marietta, Ga., May 25, 1850. 20—ly* I>!6. CARY COX, ■ a Informs the Public that he is prepared for the- reception of persons suffering ■LLJLjI with chronic diseases, al his Rater Cure or Electro Hydropathic Establishment, near Marietia, Cobb county, Ga His Baths nre sit uated near the principal Buildings. The scene iri the immediate vicinity is picturesque, being near Kenuesaw Mountain The scenery, pure w-liter, i lie great c|p \ nl ion above the level ofthe ocean, (being 450 feet above even the Tennessee line on the M * stern and Allnntie Railroad.) the convenience of access by Railroad, the refined and intellectual society, and pure atmosphere, 1 av,e all most admirably conspired to render the location suitable for an establishment of th? kind. The Proprietor depms it neediest to say any thing relative to the curative powers of either Water or Electricity, as the general mass of the people in this country have attained a know Ipdge of iheir great value ir. removing disease. He flatters himself that he is'able with pure Water and Electricity, to remove any charurfer or des cription of disease that eould, under other treat ment or circumstances, possibly he removed— together with a numerous host, that all other remedies must necessarily fail to remove The expenses per day, for a Patient at his Establishment, will he for Board, use of Electric Shocks and Baths, with Water Baths. Medical advice and attention, w ith ordinary attention of Servants,sl 50: w hich includes all necessary expenses,except washing an outfit for the sweat ing process, bandaging, &c.—payable weekly in advance. For further particulars, post paid communion tions will meet with prompt attention if address ed to Dr CARY COX, Marietta, Cobh co., Ga jnly 20 28—ts Molasses and Syrup. -| / t HDDS Prime Cuba Molasses; 12 bhl* JL* " New Orleans Syrup, just received and for sale low by GEO. T. ROGERS. CAANDLES, Ac.—Sperm and Adamantine J Candlca ; Ohio Starch, and Irish Moss, at sept 7 MOULTONS. TNDIGO arid MADDER—At MOULTON’S. X sept 7 DIUeTTf RUIT—At nTTlimes, at june 1 MOULTON’S, Agent. MAY BUTTER—Fresh supply ofnew May Butter, just received and for sale by june I Til OS J. MOULTON. Agent. Raisins, currants, citron and . PRUNES.—A fine supplv, at june 20 MOULTON’S COFFEE —Best kind Rio and Java Coffee, at sept 7 MOULTON’S. QAKDINES, Tomato Catsup, Pepper Sauce and Caper Sauce at MOULTON’S. Sept 7 NOTICE. TT711.1. be lot to the lowest bidder nt 11 o’- YV clock, A M ,on the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1851, at Ham's Bridge, across Ecbitcnnnce Creek, the Keeping in good Repair the Fn’hinkment across Eebaront ee Swamp, at Ham s Bridge, for the v< ar 1 851. Bv order of the Inferior Court Terms on the day. T. P. STUBBS, Attorney for Bibb, dart 21 “ 50-lt 43 o e t r 2 . [Von THE SOUTHERN TRIBUNE ] REFLECTIONS ON A DREAM. BY D. POST ELL. Last night, how quiet was my mind ; And howr devoid ofev'ry grief; 'Twns tranquil at the Southern wind, Which scarcely agitates a leaf : 'Twas milder than the clear blue sky Without a sing'e cloud ; and then, So calm, that il forgot to sigh, Or think, that oh ! ’twnuld bleed again ! A form arose before my mind ; Oh ! how it ninde my bosom thrill ! The Spirit never can he blind, 'Mid the world’s deepest, darkest ill ! What caus'd this vision,—this sweet dream, Which was so heav'nly bright and fair ; Causing my bosom then to seem, -As if there was no sorrow there f 'Tie not so now ; 'tis gone, ’tis fled ; I fear'd it was ton sweet to Inst : It was a light which round me shed, A brilliant ray ; but now tis pest. Oh ! I was never form’d for Ibis ; Why was it ever sent to me ? Was it to yield a transient bliss, Then drown in deeper misery f The cause, alas ! I know it well f I felt it then—l feel it yet: It was not that I hid farewell, Or cherish'd aught of deep regret! Thera is a form, a lovely one, That I do worship fearfully ; For thus to love this form alone, Is loss of heav’n eternally ! And there were eyes that seem’d to shine, Far brighter than they shone before ; And cheeks on which there did recline, A blushing smile, I did adore. Methouglit those eyes did rest on me, And tell me what the tongue would not ; That smile too, oh how thrillingly It waken’d thoughts, I've not forgot ! But now, those eyes are dim again ; Those cheeks arc colorless—and strange, I mark the sigh, which speaks of pain, Instead of joy ;—why is this change ? And if per chance those eyes now meet Mine, with tlieir eager searchingnoss, They do not gaze as brightly sweet, As once they did—with spriglitliness. Why is this change in cheek and eye ; In ev’ry index ofthe heart ? Oh ! thought, be still ; to this I’ll fly, Thou wilt not say that wa must part * I've known, have felt of Earth's deceit ; Hare purchas'd hope with deadly cost ; And now 'liescatter'd at my feet; I almost feci that I am lost. jFHfgfrltang. Tailing the Starch out of'em! BY THE YOUNG ’ UN. A knot of idlers stood upon the end of a pier which ran out into the Hudson Ri. ver. in one of the small towns near Alha r>\. il few days ago, amusing themselves with hurling stones into the broad stream, each vieing with his neighbor in the en (leaver to pitch a missle at the farthest dis tance from the shore, when a tall, rugged lmilt, Vermonter, direct from the Green Hills, suddenly made his appearance in theii midst, and for a while remained n quiet observer of their movements. He was a brawny, strong-looking Yan kee ami very decently clad. The effirts of the little party had been exibited ovet and over again, when the stranger quietly picked up half a brick which lay nearhim, and giving it a jerk, it fell in the water u long way beyotmd the line which bad as yet been reached by the foremost of the crowd. At the conclusion of this feat, a loud “ bravo!” went up from half a do zen voices around him. It was a cold, clear day in October, and the men, determined not to be outdone renewed their attempts; but the Vermon ter, without saying a syllable to any one* entinued to pitch the pebbles far out into the stream, which seemed to annoy one of them in a green jacket the apparent leader of the gang, who declared he wouldn’t be a "feller right stiait out o’ the woods, no how and sidling up to the stranger, he determined to make his acquaintance. “Where do you come from,neighbor !’’ inquirer! the other. “Mel Wal, 1 hails from Varmount, jes’ naow, friend.” “ Haint been in these parts long, I reck’n." ** Wal—no. Not edzakly, yere—but up and daown, sorter.’* “ Yis—so 1 ’sposed.” “ Yaas,” continued the green ’nn, care lessly, and seizing a big billet of wood, he twirled it over his head, and it landed sev eral rods from the shore, in the water. “ You’ve a little strength in your arms neighbor.” “ Some * pum’kius’—is them flippera_ T7p in amir tsO-VTt, rtjore'n a BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Will be executed in lie neatest style, and upon the most favorable terms, at the Office of (he SCTJTZEPsIT TZIBIITZ, -BY WM. B. HARRISON. NUMBER 1. rnuntli ago, I <lriv tlie.n are knuckles rif® strut thru a buatd, more’n a ninch'naff thick !” i “ Haw—haw !" shouted his hearer*, the man in the green jacket laughing k>ud est. " May be you don't b’lieve it." ‘Not much,' answered the crowd. “We aint r try green, down here in York— tee aint,” Raid the fellow in th* green jacket ; “ we’ve been about, you see." "Wal.jes yeu look yete, friend,” con tinued the Vermonter, in the most plausi ble manner ; “up in aour canunty, we’re a putty big river, considerin'—lnyun Riv er, it'a called, and may he you’ve beam on it. Wal, I hove a man clean across that river t'other day, and he came down fair and square on t’other side I" * Ha, ha, ha /" j elled his nnditors. " Wal, mow, yeu may lass, but 1 kin deu it agin.” . "Do w hat ?” said tho green-jaket, quick* iy- "I kin take and heave yeu across that rivrry yender, jest like open andshet!” "Bet you ten dollats of it.” “ Done!” said the Yankee ; and draw ing forth an X (upon a broken Down-East bank !) be covered the shinplaster. " Kin yeu swim, feller?” “ Like a duck," said green jacket—-am! without futther parley tho Vermonter seiz ed the knowing Yorker stoutly by th® nape of the neck and tiie seat of his pants, jerked him from his foothold, an almost superhuman eff .rt, dashed him heels over ftom the end of the dock—some ten yards out into the Hudson River. A terrific shout rang though the crowd, ns ho floundered into the water, and amidst thejeors and screamsnf his companions, the ducked loafer put buck to the shore am! scrambled up the hank, half frozen hy this sudden and involuntary cold hath. " I'll take that ten-spot, if you please.” said he, shivering, advancing rapidly to the stakeholder. "You took trs for green horns, eh?— We’ll show you how tee do things down here in York”—and the fel low claimed the twenty dollars. “ Wall, I reck’n you wont take no ten spots jes’ yit, cap’n.” " Why ? You’ve lost the bet.” " Not edzactly. I didn’t calkilate on deunin’ it thefust time —hut I tell yeu, I kin deu it,” —and again in spite of the loafer’s utmost efforts to escape him, he seized him hy the neck and tho seat of his over-alls, and pitched him three yards far ther into the river than upon the first trial! Again green-jacket returned, amid the shouts of his mates, who enjoyed the sport immensely. “ Third time never fails,” said the Yan kee, stlipping off his coat; 1 kin deu it, I tell ye.” “ Mold on!” said the almost petrified victim— “ And 1 will deu h—efltry till tomorrer momin’." “ I give it up !” shouted the sufferer, be. tween his teeth, which now chattered like a mad badger’s—“take the money.” The Vermonter ver coolly poketed the stakes, and rs he turned away, remarked : “ We aint much acquainted with yeu smart folks daourn here’n York, but we sometimes‘take the starch aout of’em up our way—and p’raps yeu’ll put it on tu strangers agin. I rtch'n you wont,” he con tinued, and puttingon a broad grin of good humor, he left the company to their reflec tions ! Spontaneous Combustion or Cotton. —We clip the following from a communi cation in the N. Y. Journal of Commerce s The destruction of property in this city, by fire orginating in cotton stores, has be come so great as to demand attention.— The loss from this cause, in eleven firea occuring here and in Brooklyn thirteen months, has been estimated at about » million and a quarter of dollars. Hence, there is a disposition Bmong insurance companies to increase the rate on cotton risks. Experienced underwitersentertain the opinion that fire arises spontaneously in cotton stores and strong circumstantial evidence can be produced in support of their opinion. A chemical investigation would readily test the truth of this opinion and tho hoard of underwriters will pro bably submit the question to that test.— Meantime, however, would it not be ad visable for public authorities here and else where, to devote some at ontion to an in vest:gatipn of the ***'£’’•* and arvse of fire*!