The Southern tribune. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1851, February 01, 1851, Image 1

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the 33 v —' * —* jj J, uv m i SATUhU.I i MOR. „ic iii .lie l*u -Slury VVooilen banning, m Urn i,jrner o/ it ■Haul aud t ijth Sit til, * * rut cirv oy nai'u.\, gi. iiy IV >l. ti. ilAliaiilDOA. T E ll M S . It * ur ta ’ in advance, per unnuui, it njt paid in *3 vinca, (id, per annum J" V lvrrtisa nsntx will be inserted at tlieusual r il:a —Jill wneii the number ol iiipefiitiits ifc gir i.l m >iot sp juiie,i, they will br cniitinued un til firiiid auJ charged accordingly, ij* V lv;ni<er» by tha Year wilt be contracted wita upon tbo most favorable terms. fjpialesof Lan t by Administrators,Executors or (Juar Bans, are required by Law, to be held on the arst Tuesday in tne month, between the hours ot ten o cloew in the Forenoon and three m the Afternoon, at the Court House ot the county in w licit the Property is situate. Notice ot these must be given in a public gazette Sixty Days previous to the day of sale. j* Liles ot Negroes by Admiuistators. Execu tors or WnarJians, inust be at Public Auction, on via irit Tajstay in t!u» month, between tile li>al lours ot sa .e, net .ire t!te Court 11 ouse of ihe county .v ler j taa Latter * Testa nentarv.or Administration >r »i ir tia übip mi* h ivo b en granted, fust _i\ nruiticu thereof for Sixty Dus, in one ot thi 'i t >1 i 3 tizottes ot this StaiH.und at the door of thi C urt House where such sales are to be held. rj* Votice for the sale of Person I Propert -n ut ii f V3 \ Id like manner I'urty Duyg pre vious to tU- day of sale. JT.V dice to tha Debtors an I Creditors ot an es tate. must be published lor Forty Days. iy it itice that application will be made to the Cniit >! Or tiniry lor leave t" seil Land or Ne gr.) is aJ u ne p ihlished in a puli lie gazette in tin- Scite for Four M intis, before any order absolute can be given by the Court. j* littbon for Letters of Administration on in E<ite, gra ita i by tile Court of Ordinary, musl bjpiilishol Thirty D ijs for Letters of Dismis si in fro tx ti» 11 (ii ustr ilion ofaa Estate, monthly fi~ Six, M > itis —f ir Dismission from Guardian ship Forty Days }*lrie.s for the foreclosure of a Mortgage m ist be puulishad monthly for Four Months — for eit iblishing lost Papers, for the fill I space ot three it ntii fir co npelling Ti ties from Ex ecutors, A 1 ninistr.i ors or others, where a B>nd htsb *en given by the deceased, the full space ol Three Months. IV. II All llniness of this kind shall receive prompt attentionat the SOUTHERN TRIBUNE <) ti 'e, an Is r'Ct care will he taken ilia’ all legal A Ivertiseinents are published according to Law. Editor on business, must hr. post-paid, to in s uri» at’ention. IT. O*J2Ha2IY & SCir, IT. IR EHO USE a- COMM ISSIONME R < H.iNTS r » 1/lhL continue Business at iheir • fc FitP-' V Proof 11 til it o.‘* Coltfif! .Irnnie, Viacos. 'it T'l-iii b I'u I for past tavors, they to g I i'll * e to sn \ they wilt be conslatillv at their post, and that no charts shall be spared to advance the interest ol their patrons. They respectfully ask all who have COTTOA or other PRODUCE to Store, to call mid exam ine the safety of their Buildings, before placing it elsewhere \\y Custom env Advances on Cotton in Store or shipped,and all Business transacted at the usual rates. june 2 .27 —ly COrV\2;2£ & TA1LO!!, Warehouse and Crmm,ssirn I\hr chants, AT THE OLD STAND OP CONNER & MARTIN, M A C UN. G A . t\ presenting our Card to the public, we wiM slate, that our best exertions vv il I bo given to promote tbe inti re-Ts i.t our Patrons 1 anil trom past experience, w; hope in be able to do full justice To all business which mav he confided to our charge ; and also hope for a i oiitiiiuancc id favors fion* i(ie old patrons ol ( oncer A* Martin. Orders for Goods filled free of charge. Advances made nil Cotton in More, ami ship ped alilie usual rates. Z. T. CONN! I\. VV. VV. TAYI.t 11. mig 31 6m vv i I LS i m ii ul9 pm v?i: vs’ E f/f.<A and American DFI 0 IVA REHOUSE, SAV V NNAII, GA. •TIT THOLES ALE and Retail Dealer in Ena >\, French, American and Ceiinan DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, P E R F U M E R V , V c . Particular attention paid to replenishing Eng lish and American Ships’ .Medicine diesis, ac cording to the Laws of England Agent for Messrs. Louden V Cos .Philadelphia; Dr laci.b Townsend, New Yorl ; Messis. llaviland, ltisley & Cos., Augusta ; Daniel Tibbitt, Providence. aug 24 33-ly i> a v i i> ti i: i t> , Justice oj the Pence and Notary Pullic. iM AGON, G A . Cl OM.MISSION Ell OE DEEDS, Ac , for the / States of Alabama, Louisiana, Mtsissipp., Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky. Virginia, N"it!i Carolina, rfoutli Carolina, Finn a, Missouri New Y irk, M ass ie||uset!s, Conuectii ill. Pi nil v I van in, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Arkansas, New j Jersey, VI ante, tVe. Depositions taken, Accounts probated. Deeds , and Mortgages drawn, and all docnu.erns and j iiistruiiieuts of writing prepared and anthciilica- ! ted for use and record, in any nflhe above States j Residence on YVulnul Sstreet, near the African | Cburih. cj*Public Office adjoining Dr. Thomson s ■ Botanic Stale, opposite the Floyd House. june 21) 25 iy j WOOD A LOW, GENER.iI. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW ORLEANS, LA. may 23 » . 20—ly POOiTeTA' FtItOTIIF.iI, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, NO. 90 MAG AZIN PI STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA E. R. Poole. • J. M. Poole. aug 31 34 ly SASHES, 1)00 ItS A !> I> It I.t ADS. 1 l\ lUWI LIGHTS of SASH, ofa II sizes Ml from 8 hy 10 to 12 by 20. 100 pair BLINDS, for Windows of all sizes. oO do PANEL DOORS, different sizes and thicknesses. For side by CHARLES VAN HORN, No. 153 Bay Street, and No. 6VV st Broad St., Savannah. (ia j ti ly 6 26 1 y JOIJ PHIMIACi, OF every description , neatly arid promptly executed at t he Office oft he SOUT II ERN TRIBUNE, as neat and cheap as at any other QJher in th* Stott .\v; u sjin;s— you v, i; i; i w. S. VTILLirOKD. AUCTION .AD (CJU./v,;( .V XL I.t 11. A TANARUS, M i UN.*< A . A EL Kinds i t IV., i, lai oire and Produce, J\. (nr. p 1 iqu. If,) Im,nu . n toneignin, lit oi PurchaM and to Ord,-r. 4 1— 1 v tiODFIH V A SOLOMONS, FACIUUS.dNU ( OMNI SSI ON MI. lit HAA Ts SAVANNAH, GA. MMIE undersigned have entered into a co -l part 111 rsl ip under the name of GODFUL Y A SOLOMONS, t.»r the transaeiiou of a C uteri. I Coni mission and Factorage Business, and tender their services to then* friends ami Plautets generally. [TT I hey’ vvi I also make liberal advances on Produce •'unsigned to them for sale. J E GODFREY, E. VV. tOLOA.ONS. 0,1 2 42-t f D3SSOLITIO.V. PHE eop.irliierslnp heretofore exi'ling br- A tween the uiiders'gni d,isdissolve<i to „. u . mill I-Oiiselit —to taki 1 fiei I o ||. ( | “’tuber nut. Z V. ( ONN'ER A VV. M.Vli'l IN Macon, August 24, 1850. PHE .WAREHOUSE and COM MI «S ;f;N A BL .-IN L>S will he • outilint din 111, •; me ‘"•I style ..I C O N N E R A 'l' A V I. (i R , ""the old stand whole they will I.cicada to exert lllemselves to serve all pa trims and ti lends. Z T CONNER, VV. VV. TAYI.OR. Macon, Aug 24, 1850. 33-6 m ii E 41 O V A L. PAV NE & Nit WET would most respectfully "'form their fnen sand eus’nmers, that they hit\ ti moved their stoi k of DRI (i? arid •MEDICINEB to the corner of the in m Brick Building opposite ilie VVasliingtou Hnli. where they will he happy In see all their old customers and others titai may favor them with a rail ; and here they trill keep a gen rai sleek nt iicsh DREGS and M 1. D 1 C 1 N E S , t.EEt IIE>, PLI.I’ L.tIEKV , &L 1 ., and put up Pieseripimus vviili eare and neatness, and always give satisfaetion. oel 12 40 HALL A UliA.Yi LLY, HAV I. just rcil ived a well selected assort incut of DRY GOODS and (iROCERIIN, which embraces almost every article in tiicii line ol business. These Gnods make I heir slnjk extensive, w hich lias been selected iieenlly by one Ilf the linn, and they are determined to si ll their Gnods upon reasi uahle terms, and at the *ov, es! prices VVliils they arc tlianklul for past tavors, I'm respccilully invite their triends and t'■ e piilo ir ura I a' t hei r N tore on ti herr v > I reef mil ex mu i ne tlie/r Goods and prices, before pur chasing elsew here. in art Ii 23 t ] L tdk’s’ (iio»«is. \SPI,ENDID assortment of Ginghams, Bar ages ami V as I ms, t. * r morning nor! cvi ni eg dre-ses. A.v, in endless vari* ly of rich and brilliant silniim , ; M.KtLric Just received it LOGAN' & ATLINcON 8. apri! 6 13 l 'i>leilti *! Bi tdir 6«”,o,*'S>s. VC 11 vv magnificent BRIDAL DR EBBES, with trimmings tosiiil— very fine and fash ionable. Ladies would do well to cull and ex amine them, at april fi LOGAN A ATKI NEON’S. Kcw Z«t< e. IT'IVE T ierrp« n| prinif C| ii;i!iY y , just rrrfivF*l 1 and for salt* hy (iEo. r i dec 1 I -J K ii at ( | * | EN> an I BOY’S SI MMER CLO'l IMNG ! [ -TA id aimosi evtry grade, selling at cost, at j i Dyson's old Stand, hy JOHN S. RICH ARDr ON | j"b r :f j Faffiily und htplc Gooils. T OGAN Ai ATIvL. j/')N are now opei i r ga ! A A very large assortment of Staple mill Domestic I Hoods, suitahle for plantation or family uses, | which will lie sold low for cash, or to approved i cu.siMir.Hi s. •’ipril 6 J3 1 LOG V V * VTklYsoM IA E-.PECTFI'LI.V inform the pulilic that ! I Y they are now disposing of their Slock of Goods at A Vie York Cost, at their new store, corner ofThird and Cherry Streets, formerly occupied hy Messrs Graves vY Wood. 'Lr’Ladies are particularly requested to call and examine tho Goods and prices. march 2 8 ts Brandy and segars—a fine anuie of i Id Cognac. Brandy, in Imltles or In the gallon— A Iso a choice article of Sr gn s, at sep- 7 MOULTON’S. London Porin’, t. 1‘ AV t’asl-s lies' Loinhii I’ortei, in (jnart A and Pint Bottles, just rm eneo -nil for sale hy C, LO T IIOG LK S june 8 / jl.l) POR I IA E - \7d .V!,„h ria i i’, a ' ' fine article in Boll!, , (hr sale a! MOULTON ,-’, A i’onf. Opposite the burnt square on Cheirv stun t, i june I illeri’t’i’ Potalot’S. I / \ BBLS. M ereer Potatoes, very superior, Lv’ in fine order, just rcceiv erl and for sale very cheap liy GEO. T. ROGERS. 1 ‘ It amp tigtte < . iA/i BBLS. Newark Champaigne Cider,just | \ ’ received anil for sale liy match!) GEO. T. ROGERS. 71 olasst's, a) fllinS. Nfnv Crop Cardonas Molasses, • / just received and for sale hv march !) GEO. T ROGERS. Mackrn‘l and Herrins’. Ol j BHLS. No 3 Mac Uriel ; 20 Pi xi s New " Herring, in fine order, just received and for sale hy GEO. T. ROGERS, net I!) (AorOA, ir.—Cocoa, Chocolate and Vac- J caroni, nt MOULTON’S, sept 7 Karon Sid«s and Hants. | IIHDS Prime Bacon Sides, 3<!f!o Haiti <» ' ' more and Cincinnati Hants, just received and for sale cheap, hy on id GEO. T. ROGERS. Flour, lYlrul, Horn, BACON Hams. Sides and Shoulders: I.n*-d, Irisi. and SvviTH Potatoes—in store nnd for .sale by J. 8. RICH A KDSON, Cotton Avenue. I march 24 17 MACON. (GA..) SATURDAY MORNING, i’EiiuuAßY 1, ISSI. basil a. vtise. TIN MANI F.ICTFILR , ( lurry St , Mcecn. 1 ) i l ELY ll.forms the | nl.lic, that AC to i,. pr< part uin execute nil or-it is m the above one wnh despatch and upon latoralde terms iln constantly Keeps on hand the fol low mg artn i, s, whu ll j arc inv ntu to call and i X.lllillie, v iz : _.f'"okiiig, Hnll, Office, Hcilrontn and ('lmrch Si t. VE. ,ot and i tier cm pal itms and qn.ililo s. A Imgcand geiieial ii-sorlnii Ml ot HOLLOW and 'I IN V\ ARE, Fnrbaco, Brass, Copp, r and Iron Piescrve and TcaKettUs; Boilers ; Smoothing and V\ affle Irons ; Glass Lantern Rat and Molise Traps, Hint Cagi s ( ’llllll Niii Dippers, Cltalin Dishes Painted Pails, Cedar and painted Tubs Ifiass and Iron In.ui and VV alcr Buckets Oval and round ’1 lavs ; Brooms, lifters Cln-jiping Knives ; Kotin g Pius Roasteis amt Lasting Bpm,us Lritsuina tis ■n s aid a general assortment ol Japanned VV are, consisting us Sugai C iniiis l’is and Boxes; lea ( an nisi r> ; Cnmtiioii •<"•• Nlirseiy Lumps, CaiidieMM Ks, Ac. EOIiFING, and all kindso( JOB WORK, di lie a I tin st i.olo e | N. 11. tlnh is I’ri in the i . untrv for BTOVEB ' . I IN V\ Ait E, will lie aueudeil to vviih des |mu h and upon ttie must lav orabiu ierius. nov !) 44 MW CK(irERIE§. r j' H E Buliseril cr luisjusi received, direct from A New Y'nrk,n fresh supply of new Grneeins, sin b as fresh Dates, dried Currants,' Preserves, , ljgs, .-ardiiu s, Ciilsnp, Pepper Fanec, Ci rou, . Caper Filin e. Col on, New Cbm plill. , Raisins, I Nuts of all Kinds, Hire, Java Coffee, .Vlacenrom, l ine Table Salt in boxes or bags, Nutmegs, Cloves, Pepper, Spice anil Ginger, Sperm and Adamantine Candles, and a great variety of oilier articles too numerous to mention. Also, a fine lot of Fresh Teas, for sale by THOMAS J. MOLL! ON, Agent, Opposite Mr. G. M. Logan's new Brick Building, ''ttg I On Cherry Mieet Av A I OLEON ( A I I..” —A new and superb -LN article. Parisian ditto, of every style and priee. Just received hv ( 1 LO’l CASH ME 11 ES, DICAP DE —V 1.1’1.5, and suinnicr stuffs of everv quality, just rcceiv eti liy april 6 LOG AN & ATKINSON. Htfgiira. UJA VV O Hundred Boxes'Segars, a great variety i -I of brands from common to very fine. For | sale cheap by GEO. T. ROGERS. jtin« H iLtms Riitfcr, kvt I'i . ( 1 INCIN’r ATI Surrat cured HAMS I GOSHEN BU I TER New Orleans Sugar House SYRUP A few Jars of very white Leaf LARD, j All of choice quality, just received and for I sat” hy GEO. T. ROGERS, j ’l pf ’ 1 Chorrv Street. Cnngrcws W’Sitci. ! !} V the Box or single bottle, direct fron le it Springs. Just lereivml andfirsa. |.\ jnne S GEO. T. RUGEIvS. I >’ I I A t Oi.S—hi) bids Mr tcc-and Planting 1 A Potatoes, in fit e order ; 10 Hampers Eng j lish PiCatoes. For sale hv j j n23 GI.O. T. ROGERS. ALE AND CIDER —l3 bhls. Cream Ale ; -e A 20 hhls Champaign Cider- Just received and for sale hy GEO. T. ROGERS. j i>i 23 Dlolawet. at <i b;citp. | st HMDS Prime Cuba Molasses; 12 hhls I! ' ’ New Orleans > up, ju<t received and lor sale low by GEO. T. ROGERS, jiin • Ctsii’iJ iiiid Ba’lidtorc Fioiu*. ! 1 } BBLS. Exit.. Superfine FLOUR * -I V ' 25 Mils. Extra Family Flour, very j choice, just received and for sale low by oct 1!) GEO. T. ROGERS » lANDLES, Ste. —Sperm and Adampnt ue vy Candles; Ohio Starch, and I •.): Moss, at sept 7 MOULTON’S. 1 N 1)1 GO and .1 ADDER—At MOL L’iON’S. I J sept 7 Dried fruit-aFmi times, Ft june 1 MOULTON’S, Agent. MAV BUTTER.—Fresh supply of new Mav Butter, just received and (i r sale by june I THOS. J. MOULTON, Agent. Raisins, currants, citron and i PRUNES.—A fine supply, at ji"i« 2!) MOULTON’S. Cl OF FEE—Best kind Kin and Java Coffee, at Z s-pi 7 MOULTON S. >E-, Tomato (Catsup, Pepper Sauce >_ and Caper Sauce at MOULTON’S. l»i_ 7 Y'UT.MEGS CLOVES and CINNAMON— i 7 At .MOULTON’S. TO KITE WAX—At .MOULTON’S, * Y sept 7 Cherry Street Jp*. O PERM , Adam inline ami TalloWjUl'all sizes, LA Just received and for sale hv juneS GEO. T ROGERS St»lac«*’s Fine Cul Tobacco. SOMETHING very superior, jitsr received and for sale hy GEO. T. ROGERS, sept 2!) ISiiftrr and Cheese. pi KEfiS Goshen Butter ; 5!) boxes Goshen •/ Chi ese, of superior quality, just received and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS. MAI KERl.l—lo half and 10 qr bbls. No. . 1 Mackerel, just recoiled arid for sale by oct 22 VV. FREIMAN. PICKLED CODFISH—A nice article, just rce-'vid -nd for sale by june 22 VV. FREEMAN. 4 Cigars. IAITTEEN T oiisanri Cigars various brands— among then, are some genuine and most ele gaol Cigars. Lovers of n good artirle will be certain to gel it at VV. FREEMAN’S, march 3 ATiitiici’ti Blitter. # )/V FIRKINS PRIME BUTTER, of tl. r ’ 7 well known quality reeeiv«d everv Fall fresh from some of the best dairies at the fvorlli. Just received by YV. FREEMAN. dcrß Fir el) Oysins tuxl Fislt, OF the finest kind, may be had every day from Bavannalt, at VV FFFFMAN’S oft r and . Sl>T£il, sixes I ;.lI£T TUE& L ist'. tv MBS. IIKM.V.NS. Sister ! since i met thee last, O er thy brow a change bath past. In the soilness 6f thine eves. Deep and still a shadow lies ; From thy Voice there thrills a tone, Never to thy childhood know n ; Through tiiy soul a sioriu hath moved, Gentle, llmu hast loved ! Yes! thy varying cheek hath caught lines too brigb’ front troubled '.bought Far 'thing the wandering stream, Thou art followed hy a dream : In the woods and valleys lone . Music haunts thee, not thine own : VV heret’ore fall thy tears like rain t —Sisler, thou hast loved in vain ! Tell inc not the tale my flower ! On my bosom pour that shower ! Tell me not of kind thoughts wasted ; Tell me not of young hopes blasted ; Wring not f.nth one burning word, Let thy heart no more he stirred ! Home alnne can give thee rest, Weep, sweet sister, on my breast! Culling a Fellow otit. THU ADVRNTIBBB OF A VICTIM. 1 mice attempted to cul a fol ow out, that is, poke my note into his Business, nu’ildling with the affections of his gal. oiul got kicked for my pains. She is a nice gal; a fine gal is Maty Haims. Levi Smith had been tier ucktiovvletloed admirer for several years. He attended to all her little affairs of amiability, audit was said that they were, and for along lime hurl been engaged to he married— that I Believe is the explanation. 1 would not say a wort! against Levi for the world, but somehow, it had become iinjues.-vd upon my mind, that he was a spooney ; besides he kicked tne; i can’t forget that; I wouid foiget it ii 1 could. ’ 1 Was the happiest moment of my life ; i felt proud, Gcwlei . ..i mink IM been kicked liy a Smith. Hi icked me with a heartiness that cjtiv ,mi me he was in earnest, and tit • night he was solving me right. True, I felt mollified at the same time, not that 1 was .kicked. Oh ! Smith! Levi Smith! yon kicked me in the p escnce of Maty Haines —and tin what I £niiih courted Mary alii'Ut five years before 1 ever thnuoiil of u setting his up plecart. 1 veryb"<ly, because it is custo mary to meddle wit the business if eve ryb'idy else, wondered why they did not get in a tried; old folks said it was scanda lous; young folks said they would not stand it ; ami the girls ccasionally said they would suck him off; I considered the matter and conclude., to cut him out aim iaku iict myself, u he whole figure, besiege the fortress and carry off the prize. 1 lung had cherished a sneaking notion, a: I now 1 Je t (mined to let my feelings have full sway. Accordingly 1 opened a talk with Mary on the subject— i appealed to my admiration for her. I convinced her that Smith was trilling with her feelings ; that fixed bet flint, and she launched into my aims with a rush —it was all over ; I loved her and she loved me. Rut how t > get rid of Smith ! For three weeks we held a two hour’s conver sation each day; and every day we grew fonder of each other—hut how to get rid of Smith ? It was tlie fiist thing thought of when we patted. At last we settled upon a plan w hich we deemed honorable* and just the tiling for our comfort. To tell the truth, 1 did not feel altogether tranquil when I reflected upon the fact of my going the whole length into Mary's af fecti .ns, knowing that she was engaged to him, and that she was deceiving Smith or myself, possibly myself, more probably Smith. One day Smith came to our house on a business enatid. 1 drummed up suf ficient courage to invite him on a walk wth me down the brook, a goodly dis tance from the house, where we could not be interrupted. Once there, I seated myself on a lock, and invited him to help himself totjnoihor, and the following con versation took place : “1 should like to know why you have trotted me away down here ?” “Smith,” said I emphatically, and at the same time putting on a look of awfu' portent, “Srrit", 1 will tell you.” “Well, out with it ; what do you look so confounded silly fur ?” “Silly, Smith! L' t you love Mary Haines 1” "None of vour business.” ‘‘Business, Smith ? Do you intend to marry Mary ?" “Why, you infernal Donkey !” “Donkey, Smith l Are you fioling Mary Haines 1" "Fo ling the deuce! What’s the mat ter with you 1” "Mattel. Smith 1 1 love Mary Ha nes, I intend to marry Iter.” ‘ I have a good intention of giving you a thrashing !” • Thrashing, Smith 1 I would not fool Mary!” “No, I don’t think you would ; you’re j too big a fool for that.” “Ant I Smi li 1 Lo.,k here, Smith, I’m i going to cut you out." “It you go there, I’ll kick you out.” “Noiv, Smith, keep cot 1, and listen.— You have courted Maty Haines for live years.” “That's none of your Business." “And everybody says that you are fool ing her. Now, if you are courting iter for the spoil of it, then, I calculate dial 1 have a perfect right to go in for the sport, too; Hut i( you intend to marry her, 1 | won’t interfere. Now,—” “Well, what next 1” “Do you intend to marry her ?” “As I said before, that is uone of your busines-—and it 1 catch you poking your ugly rmse round the house, I’ll punch your head lor you. Now, don’t open your j dps again, hut just think over how you ; tan best profit hy my advice to you. lie cureiul of your stupid pate, tlia.’s all.” Levi Smith travelled. 1 siuck to the rock. At first I was stunned with his display of stupidity in not appreciating my disin terested intentions ; then indignant that he treated me so cavalierly ; by-and-bye, futtons to think that 1 nad condescended to inform him f tlie laudable motives ilia 1 had induced roe to cut him out. Finally, a pull off my boots and wading after pollv vvogs, in sltal’ow water, thinking that it might cool me off, and thinking of Marv Hanes, I got out of my depth and put tnv foot into a hale, and down I went all over into the creek, which, instead of cooling rny ardor, aroused a fierce desire to flog Levi Smith; not forgetting tliar he was cortsidetable of a man, and 1 considerable of a bay six or seven years his junior, and in size 1 bore the same relation to him that a pile of chips does to a cord of wood For all that, 1 fell that my pluck was equd to his big body, and if opportunity had "fibred just then, I should have taken efficient measures to secure to myself a most comfortable thrashing—l have not tiie least doubt of it. Night came. I was boiling over with indignation, and as anappish ns a hyena after a brisk stirring up, and in that very pie; sant si ate of mind, made Marv Haincs a visit. Walking into the front door in I my usual way vvi hour announcing my ap ! P’oacli by a setiesofrapa on the door ca ; s’ug, 1 made direct for the parlor, and as 1 stepped over the threshhold was strtt k hard enough to fell an ox, hy the discovery "1 Levi and .Mary snugly stowed awnv in one cornet engaged in the animating and gratifying pastime, sometimes denomina tod hugging and kissing! I made a sou of a stop, sudden. “Good evening," said Mary, in no wise disconcerted. I dropped into tbe nearest chair and Drought my left leg to horizontal, testing over my tigl t knee, and then hung mv hat over my hoot and stumped Levi to knock it off. “Stump me, do you ]” “I stump you—dare ye." No sooner said than done. Smith step ping promptly up, gave my hat a kick that sent it flying out of the parlor into the entry, then applied the toe of his boot to me in a manner that sent me out of the front door. 1 thought I had neverencoun’ tered a fe low more powerful in his legs. He did not follow me out—if he had, hang me if 1 don’t think he would have met with some hing that would probably have in duced him to renew the operation. Mary smilingly passed me out my hat, and ad vised me to tun home. The advice I con sidered particularly good, and availed my self of it Itnmediate'y. But the way I pitched tlits rocks into Levi Smith's chick en-coop, as I passed his father’s house, wasn’t lazy, ha ! Well, the very next Sunday, the tu .vn clerk, the forenoon service was over, rose up in tho gallery behind the pul, it, and read from a slip of paper, “The pm posed marriage of Levi Smith to Mary Haines.” BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. Will be executed in the nratist style, and upon the most far or aide terint, at the Cb/ice of the SCTJTEM&ir TSLIBtfITZ, -BY WM. P. HARRISON* NUMBER o About a month after, I danced at iheir wedding. I have ever siuce comforted myself with the reflection that if I did not succeed in cutting him out, I stirred biro up to his duty. Maty wiil never foiget ill She named Iter first hoy after me ; a smart little fellow about seven years eld now.—r She has five besides, all younger. A dar ling wife, a treasure of a wife is Mary Haines that was—hut Levi Smith will ne ver forgive me for hurrying up his cakes of matrimony. Quaker Courts hi i*. — “Martha, does thee love me TANARUS” asked a Quaker youth of one at whose sltiine his heait’s fondest af fections had been offered up. “ Why, Seth,” answered she, “we are commanded to love one ani.thcr, ate we not 1” “Ah, Mariha! hut dost thou regard me with that feeling which the world cal's love ?” “1 hardly krKW what to tell thee, Seth, 1 have tried To bestow my love on all ; but I may have sometimes thought, perhaps, that thee was gening more than thy share.” The Reverend Rowland Hill, in a • conversation on ihe powers of the letter H, where it was ton ended that it was no letter, but a simple aspiiation or breathing, !o.k the opposite side of the question iind insisted on its being to all intents and purposes u letter, and concluded hy ohsetv •lug that if it were not, it was a very se rious affair’to him, as it would occasion-his being il, all the days of his life. IC7* A performer, having made his first appearance on any stage as the ghost in Ham’et, hut little to the satisfaction of the audience, advanced to the front of the stage, ami aderessed them "Ladies and gentlemen, I am very sor ry to perceive that my exertions are dis pleasing to you, I shall, therefore, with your leave, gire up the ghost." IQ” A hoy who was troubled with the tooth ache, determined to have an old of fender extracted ; bu. there being no den tist living near, lie resolved to do the job himself; whereupon he filled the excava tion with powder but being afraid to touch i o!l‘, lie put a slow match to it, set it on foe and then run. IJFT m losing flesh," as the Butcher said when he discovered the thief tunning away with his meat. 04r • Y ou’vc a very striking counte nance,” as the monkey said to the ele phant when he Hit him over his hack with his trunk. Fundi ornithology furnishes the following : No perfection exists among the feathered tribe, and it is only among tlie human race that we find the perfect bird. Bitds have invariably a beak or a biii beiore them, but the Perfect Bird has often a beak with a hill after him. I. £7* A gentleman, once observing that a peison, famous in the musical line, led a very abandoned ii.'e. “Ay,” replied a w-ag, “the whole tenor of his life has been bass." SQ” In a German advertisement, fur the sale of the machinery of a theatre, is an N. 13. : “To be sold at the same time, thirty two good substantial old ghosts, vvi li a very fine new devil, a striking likeness of Buonaparte.” Soon after the battle of Lobau. a wit observed that Buonapaite must now he in funds, for he had lately received a check on the bank of the Danube. A Hard Hit. —A plain spoken woman recently visited a married woman, and said to her, “How do you contrive to a muse yourself?” “Amuse !” said the other stating ; “do you nut know that l have my housework to do]” *. "Yes,” said the other, “I see you 1 ave it to do, but as it is never done, 1 conclu ded you must have some other way of passing your time.” Fact, not Fiction. —I passed by the store of the advertiser, and looked with in. By his counter stood many customers, and his clerks appeared lively and happy. Turning away, I said, the advertiser hath wisdom. Then I turned round and looked upon the store of the man 100 foolish to adver- I iso : His counter was empty and dusty, and the spiders were building webs over i bis drawers. Then 1 turned away and i said nothing.