The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, February 11, 1779, Image 1
f n * Roy al G qor giaGazette Puhlidicd by Authority. v # SAVANNAH: THURSDAY FEBRUARY 11,1771. % AvjAriN PtivoiT, Efo M’tgaJur Cine*at, end cct * m ■wdrgr ikttfy *ll His Ma jfty'i I *nd Farces tn the South r* itffnX, Cel Commandant of the Fourth Ban .ton, Sixtieth JUgmemty &e. fcfr. A Proclamation: WHF REAS* Number of disorderly Frifticea are flatly carried on bv Per- wbo hare had Protections gritted uiuii, and who, under filriv Msm and Protection, fc rttfc t& P of Prrioni ffctt have Bed this Province/ atari dfyoTe Os the larot to their own private Benefit; end whereas hit h Meaforca mu ft Aaortly tend to the Deft/ uauon of the Stock of Cattle, Hogt, and other Ar_ kl*s *f Provfiona, and encou rage Lie nei*. lhelc ere therefore to give Notice to all the Inhabitants of th*i Province, who (hall, under forli Ptetcnce, and not being properly authorized thereto, take in their Name, end under pavour of the Protection print ed them, any Part of dclerttd Property, or claim it is their •art without a lawful Title to the (at*, that they (hall lot* Che Benefit of their own Protec cioi, forfeit the Property so em beiilrd, and be brought to con dim Put (foment. At every Mcafurt (hall be 4opted for the Security of the Inhabitants, it is recommended to them to attend to the railing •f ProviGess, and to iocresfc their Stock of Cattle and Hogs*. All Ptrfons who, through Idle nriior otherwise, (hall appear t# have no other Means ot Smp- P®rt hut that of deserted Pro— parrry, IbaU he cxemplsrily pu/ All Perfoni hairing Protect tion* who (hall have any Part of their lawful Property taken from them, are ordered to give Information of the fame at the Head Quarters of the army, ar to the Commanding Officer in Savannah, that an Example may be made of the guilty, and such PradVices previn ted in future. No Pertbna to carry to Market or to fell upon any Account, any Articles of Provifiona, but what it lawfully thtir own, if found out hereaf ter, they (hall be severely pu tt ilhed. * ‘ ■*•• •. 4 g Given under my Hand at Iliad 1 Quarters, the \th Day if February, 1779. AUG. PRFVOST. John Wallace, At his Store, formerly occupied by Mr^^^^g*Tavern-keep- XJL Goad* j Ltqucn’i, S*msSnfuc. Sic as ra*. ton able Change, ar Couatry Product. Saraanah. Jaw. 2d. ■■i. y .'■■■*•. ■ ggjgl Sugar; Wine*, Coffee, &c. to be fold by Robinson Sc Evans. ■ M tit Stirt latt L 0 IP Vs WHO bar*lately ia>porta4 a ff tcral Afertaaant of Surapean Goudi, which tkey will fell oa rcafaa able Tama forCafe, Itili, arCwaataf Product. Saviicah, Jae. z£, 1779. WANTED, for a twelvt month, fi ibla Said Ncfroea, oat half of which at lead to b mo ; for thh t f>d kiry~wtil h* *ba*. ftnqubric/ iki Printer< ‘ GEORGIA. BY ORDER Os Lieut. Cel. CAMPBELL; THE Planters and others; who hive riefc in draw, are defir d to threlh it out as soon as pd fiblc, and deliver the draw at the forage magazines of the netreft military poll, for which a. proper receipt krill be given by the assistant Commiftary, They srealfo required to make • trtie return at theComipUlary General** Office* of the quanti* ty of rice already in Jjarrela* and of what other proviSon and fbr ~iH%e they cat! conveniently fptre for the use of Hij Majefty* troops,espreffing their refpedbve diftancea from Savanriah, Aber corn, Ebenezer, and the Two- Siftcrs.. GILL. BUTLER, D Ctmmjftry Gmurtl. Ct*miJ/iuj GtotrsTs OJkti 14 thjAnuarj, 1779. TO BE SOLD By Daniel Silffiy, /* tit Start latt tVillism Ltutt's , A Geral Aflbrtmaat of Beglltk /a Good* } ktr* Plaattn. *sf . ( btr, maybe lup^iltd^ at a rtarossb # *t.-i.CouDtr7 Pro duct will bv rttxivsd ia PayKacat. Saranaak, jsa. ad./ fTbeMd~ AT PUBLIC VENDUE, on Friday the 12 th lull, at the Houfe near the Ex change. E*ST Mifcorada Bagar la Bativla, \ Bed Grecs Coffira fa do. A few Hilda MoiaiTa., TOG ST HI K, With a quaaihy of dry gMNIa, eoa- Stiagaf Oaacbrjft, ttadia liaes. Cottaa aad Wool Qaxda, H*Hiraie dee. it*, dec. M HOhlAf TAhUMAGK v faraaaak, to Fab. tfffc tm 4 ! 1