The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, August 19, 1779, Image 1
fH i ■ Georgia All ADDRESS to tnjr People that bate been attacked, and may be attacked* that they may confider* (Voacladed from oar lafi.) IT M piitk, my fi •!, you mty b attached •(•tn. 1 Miter acui (• iteMtto nor to gifff T* u tnislligvnce. I iAk you pncr, and not war j nor do X with you pc< w*if term* than thvfc the whole con lineal claimed before the war. fa m s opinion no other can make America happy* Theie Itrte t eerily believe ire not fit oat of your reach j all others you mull poifue at every rifle* and he left happy even if you could attain thraa. If you prefer war, yau may have your choice* War to thofc again ft whom you aie in arms becomee necelfi ty, and it ie pot at all impvffible hot you may got ymir ill iff it at last. ll.d you coaae to termr, you could not have been, aa you complain, plundered; hnd, if there it any ground at all in your complaint*, there must be people that rather with you braid bo plundered than that you fit ould make your peace. It i* act their fault if you huve no regard far your int rest cr ffety. The cruel imprifwoawnt of tbvfe •ten you could not protffl, the savage outrages up- ■ on Ogechce, Caoouchie, dad the Ceded Land>, will jaftify meafu.ea which oth;rwil Would 1m condemn *d } and, *hije men arc deaf to thaoffers of ptacr, and the cries of their ruined, oppressed fellow citi s:ns, what prolongs the war mull be cruelty* and what hiing* it to * just and speedy i ins a Use icy in the end. I art by no mesas inclined to fay any thing of the fa t# that may be biought agtraft you j it jrir m.x iD with you to think it small and defpi ctble j nor do I mran to speak diminutively of your farce: We were told, probably by perfms that wifhsd ir, that your army amounts to; that Gene rals Scott, Cafwsll, Jkc. and fuccoura from France and the North, are continually coming in | that the lahabitanjt are in ike highest fpiiiis; that if themo- P*y depreciutse, tha inctcafing prices of your pro duce overbalance the incommodity , that your pub* lick spirit can bear up again ft tbe weight of ia nail tioas, or taxes ) that many that would not fight Sybils they bad property, now mull light because they liar* non* j that Gen. MTntwlh, Cola. Bker, Twigge, Dooley, Fjw, Stz. be:. and Governor H. are determined to hare S<rao%h ; ail the Eng lift will be driven into tbe foa j that the tlUiet of all that took protection will be corticated) that you lure Hup- loads of pufoner* of your fallow cn r nt; that French fleets and aimies are a coming; that the Spaniards hare acceded to American independency) tbit jihn Mi Hedge jun. or fume other petfon, it chosen Governor of Georgia) and that, in (hurt, the King, and all his friends, are in a woeful fixa tion, rOLe\lefi and fiiendlclt ; ar.4 that it it the very rererfe in America. Such reuom are publick ly spread here in your favour. lIS Jl not lay a word in cor.traJiSion of ill this, but I cannot kelp AifpyA ing you may be attacked again. You be# know the ftiengih of your coalt and freutteit j y au bo attacked agun, the roads are better known, the dif tiote flunei j God koowr wlut may be the confe rence,. but you mud feel it. I have freeral times heard that Providence will uoi fuff r America to befuhdurd 5 I lireerely wilh, fully hope, and earneflly pray, thit America may be as . .hippy as (h; wiftied to be*i the hour of darger and Cool deliberation. I trull this Unhappy contcft will at letg h happily terg§4aie for both parties, but I Ih u!d be glad to kjaow where the man got his in tell'gence ihtjKfirft advanced providence would not fuff r B itifti tlmi to ptsva 1 in favour of peace tad ilr B itifh conflituiion again# perpetual war and the Frcnrh alliance. Men of all parties are apt to make frte with Providence hi their petty quarrels, yet ne thiagcemeshv ar.d in tbs late expedition, )u which ths King’* (toopi advanced to the very guts of the capita), tock and ksrp poff.flbn .f tke bed harbour in this part of Amenca, and returned fafe to Georgia, feme circuir.ftances may have orcurrod vey untxpefted, and which may b* truly locked • a* p.evidential. I submit it to Ibe judgment •f every thinking man whether, :f Providence meana #o cltablifh Amsitcsn Indtpendcucy in. South Car*- lir.a, aeir'hii such like expedition iflikely to be the means. When the ten ttib, revol ed fiom the Hcule nf Darid, G. and n Thu tiling it of me.** it wa a providential forerunr-cr es their ruin Men rha: sever believe a Provide***, may make it a cant to impWv upon thole that do j but tbeis cannot be a mate absurd charaArr than the mao that pleads tbe Oecial favour! of Providence in support of villainy, fullv, ard crying it juftics. Wets I sure t|iat ‘bis would bo read by any at pt*. fern in autbotity, I would presume upon their pro & feffsd caadut., geaereftty, and fub.ick fyirjr, to . .. ~ r . ‘ ’ Vhidr? t* .. * ‘>• * j t>-> • JHiuSnajß SAVANNAH: THURSDAY, tjfa offer a rema k or tsfs, uoto which, in ms opinion, It would bo no difgraco to oaf authority to pay foam attention. In a fret iate If is ast dermoi importi. aaat to offer adviart tbs* advsao May bo. or thought la bo, Importiooai, aess ton bo the wurfis foe goud wiftteo, and she wuvft I w4ff On agy to atthority it, that they may fb ssadpiltetfilM that they may have the approbation of their God, sbr thacks of their cmsntvy, and the tofttmooy of their own con ference, io too end. Whoever aAs upon views ia * coafifteot with theCe it caUbd high only that hi! fall may bo tbe more I kail propose no thing incOnfiftcot with tkofh good Wilhes, tod pnb- . lick and private f.fsty* a All pepolar men in hairy hga hate afually coa ptainod that popularity is a vory noccrtain thing. Only weak minds trust laths favour nf a giddy nib tiiude, and yonng conjurors have fonutiXtca ratfed a devil which afterwards they knot amt been ibis to iay„ Tbe gtest little oaet; and little great oaei, lay Oioro fttofs upon success and appiaufe than principle, this will prove very’ fallacious io tbe cod. AppUafc and fucoefs depend oot on cnrfclves, our principles do. Tbe naeft upright intootiens frequently art mifeon* ftrued> the wot ft of xAions mny be applauded, and the belt mset with cenfurtj but the upright man ha* nothing to fear from h.mfeif, and thia * a capital coafideratiun. W i may fly from or overcome'ear* enemies, hut there is oo flying from coofcicace, and any teas >orary Ttftory over it only (harpens its fatore flings. These stats truths will recover their impor tance when men that despised them flisll bo funk be la# c<mtempt. The true patriot iitqualty unmoved by tyranny and popularity, and the f:lfe on* uJutWy proves a greater tyraot than he agaii.ft whom he ex claimed. To observe the laws of wsr and rations procure! rtfpcA with friends and foes. *• When a nation be- Conncs divided into two parties, abfoiutsly iadopon dent, and no longer ackoawlcdgtrg a eimmia fn peiiur, rbe date is diffulved, and the war bstwipt tbe two psrtiesin cvoy refpeA is the fame with that of a publick war between two different nations,” Vattel’s Law of Nation*, voh s, p. its. if To, all tkofh who have been executed, or killed in prifom fliipe, merely for tkrir adherence to their King, have been murdered, and the coofequeoce mty recoil. At the end of this war, whatever it he, France will be France, and ffiitara will be Britain fti'l. It is not the fame in a civil war) though it mutt bo carried on the fame as a publick war, yet if, in tke tod, fab je&s who have takeui up arms tie conquered they will be called by fume other name) foreigners may nut Jook upon any as rebels barely because they could not carry their point, but ths violators of tho law cf options will everywhere, and foraver, be held ia abhorrence; The oath of allegiance which any may have takon to the ffate will htie be mentioned; it may not its improper to snake feme remarks upon its At fi and all America was bouod by an oath of al legiance to the Kir.g, and none caa doubt this oath was jad, obligatory, and legal. In the late uoofufiona another oath was required, which transferred allegiance from the King to the State. Tbit oath was *(they fay) not forced upon any, only whoever wcu and not take it siulbe baa til ed the country, with liberty, where ths treatment Wat molt favourable, to exchange his property for paper, of which he probably entertained Hack an o pinion aa has fiacc been juttified by tbs event, viz. that it tsuft ruin those that issued, and those that wert obiired to take it. At that time there was not X iaadow left of the )*i authority, nor any ap pearance or hops of hie protoAion. Under such cir cumstances many took the oath, no doubt to TiVe their rflates, others from this principle, ** ftrtl and ttectflity, that trrtfifltkU law, frta frtm a Jir/I t*gagement. If a p top It atujf either submit or perijh, fill ca * doitbl that | may, and that it *vtn tag it to cbmft the fi'fl. The modern cmfiom it conformable to this Jeeijion ; A city fubmitt to tho entttty uuben it can not txpta faftiyfrtrr. a vigorous rrffjnce ; it tabes am oath of fidelity to him, And its Sovereign euctifts no mi but fortune.” Vattsi’a Law of Natiooe, vol. , p. IS. Int when the original Sovereign retake* tho piece the case is altered. Jmramenta in fi tie* pro ] dnenni mmoun et peenlidrem obltgationem, nee per fub fetjurnpjnramentum aaltgrbffa •valtda obitgAtio tUditur , ° out jut fandom nuab um alteri tolhtur. Indtfruf lret ynijjuramfrtt fe/e alteri debt mm non Joint urudi--ntc qui tnjuflf metu -me ad jurmstdkm adigit , ex eo jura "ifnlojgtfibi adquirit out alifntd reßf a me pofinlmn dwmgmgUoeUou qmefut babebit vires juramentum fiuplr firmfidtida re al.qua illitita\ P> ff ndciffds Homire lib. i ; cap. n, \6. i. t. “ Oaths are not •’ produA ve ©fa hew and peculiar otHfgktioo, nor V*’ can a just obligxtioa be mada void by a noftarior !’ oa:h r ox a third perfoa deprived of hia right | it ho V At . \ \ ‘• , ‘ .: • \ ft. . . . V S* * c y ’ ad- \ ■■■[ ’■ ... ■ * V-r’ •• ..7’ • . “ would hi U Hih U lay mg tu taka at uath tU^ he would nst pay his debts, am cap bqthat oWi* “ get me to take aa uath frum fttev acquirt xxy right •* by it to dbmaad any thiag us me---smr aa nay <• aathbc binding ia hay mltmmhmSH i*H. “ ~ It appaars from this, midi the tstmoft aaldance, that ia a cooqoarad coaatry na oath May Imafdtlyba taka* to dte co*dsror, but that tha mxl IteMta retaking the Arne, immbdiaUly (}•& fgfilMtfi} re-ante is iato all.,hia rigbya, tad that tha oath fuff aecatsoned caaUobas a# To agar ia fovea thaa the air comfUnces uador which It waa takaU. This is tho opiaiaa of ill writtrs, aad aaaa the law of lauth* Carolina exprtfly inquires allegiance ao laagw thaa it graats proteffioo. If ths fata wjll paaMh tha vi olation of a poffarioa oath, assuredly tha Kiag must ha fa the fame right ta ponifll tha violation of a priors Bat an maahai yt beau triad ar fofferad for tranfou againt the King dariag thia ttahappy war; perkape a time may coma whsa rulers, judgaa, aad jurors, may wiftrtbey hod followed thit example, aad aat baoo ia ftleh vialant hurry. . ~v i .Ye Afftaifters of tbe Gafpal, of all dcaamiaaUoas 9 . whatever relates-to ths confcienco oJt seen cames withia your proviacs. Sava naoe of yau parted with year garmstnt and bougkt i sword ? Hava all yoiir pulpits praffed reconciliation with God saoro thaa war with i W >uld non* prefer communion with koam to a renewed connexion, cc ciefiaffscal and civil, svith f Great-ffritaia l How elofely do yoa with to be all>Od with France, how far feparatmi from *>• HW. lihagty. *d raligioo, of Groat-Britain t It beboovea you above all men fa to aft that tha morals; the libartiaa, the religion, of thfc over whom you pretde, may receive adne bat the best impressions from ynur conduA | there ie not rerbupe a heavier curse than when it ie (aid, Tke leadert of tbit people to err , and they tkas are ted by them are dejtroyed.” Tho depreciation of moaay is now the univerCaT complaint) this was long forefeso, but forahght and precaution were (perhaps too anjudly ) always cooi dared os Toryifm. That this evil it beyond any re medy let tbe Assembly of Maffachofatte witeefe; Ia an nddrefs of theirs to their people, printed by their order nt Befton, January t* 77* ‘*7 exprefflf fay: Tbe quantity bf circulating paper medium bat long finct tncttaftd vafily beyond all frotem/ions of ufofni ne fs, and mauiftfily to tbe enhancing tbe demand ofalt commodities to an entbavagant price.” This is a ra dical oi ror which becomes every day mors incurable j you look'd upon ovary man al an caefty that tolsf you so t Well, Experience ketos a dear febool, but fame per font will learn ia aa atksr, aad are very dull even in tbit., * Let ms eonclnds with felting before yon tie terms you have bean offered a twclvcaMath ago, which tho Coagrcfs rejeßed with contempt, and AffemMitd durff not lotek at. Keep this papas by yoa till tho war is over, that you may b the battel able to judgo what baa beta gained or loft by the rcfnfal. Than hie Majcfty'i Comm><fiaaers in theirdetter to Can grefi: Moru effeAually todemoaffxdtuoir good ia te a tioas, we think proper to declare, even in thia oar irft commaaication, that we are dispos ed to coacar ia,every fatisfsAory aad just ar rangement towards tha following, among la ther parpofes: To coafeat to ff ceflation of hoftiiitiea both bp sea and land. To raftore frae intercourse, to reaiveMataal flffeAioa, aad renew the common benefits es aaturaUtstioh, through the fevcral parts of thia empire, v To extead freedom of trade that uur rtfpeflive iaterefts can require. Is agrse that ao Military forcts (hall bd kept apla the different ftatM of North-Ameri ca fvitftodt the coafeat of the Gederal Coagrefs, or particular Affetabliei. To coacar ia atafares calculated to diicharre the debts es America, and to r*ife tha crcsut -and value of the paper circatation. To perpetuate eiur union bp a reciprocal de paudoa of aa agent or agents from tke diffe rent states, who (hall hiee the privilege of a feat and voice in the Parliament of Great- Bri tain, or if feat from Britain, In that cate, tu have a (aat aad ?oice la the Affeablies of tha different ftatea to which they May be (eat ia or der to attend tu tbe federal iaterefts of ihofip by whom they are deputed. . Ia (bort, so eftablifli the power of tho rtfpecX tire legiflature* in each particilar state, to fttq (N # ‘ 3*4